


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ite chevron morphology and hypaxial myoblast migration.
2 been well studied within the context of cell migration.
3  impaired endothelial cell proliferation and migration.
4 euronal-branching regulation during neuronal migration.
5 thway, which can promote their expansion and migration.
6 ut CX3CR1-mediated sampling and intraluminal migration.
7 mechanism to coordinate cell motility during migration.
8 llular protrusions and to stimulate invasive migration.
9 ave created a powerful push factor for human migration.
10 al epithelial cells, 24,25(OH)2D3 stimulated migration.
11 GCK-dependent glycolysis regulates Treg cell migration.
12  CAF-cancer cell association and directional migration.
13  is upregulated, promoting cancer growth and migration.
14 ules to regulate stem cell behaviors such as migration.
15 s kinase as a modulator of cell adhesion and migration.
16 y genes crucial for neuronal development and migration.
17 ophages, whereas CXCL6 also induced dNK cell migration.
18 stinct roles in the regulation of macrophage migration.
19 e its energy barrier through four-way branch migration.
20 ot required for matrix alignment before cell migration.
21 ences of HIs for the mechanics of pronuclear migration.
22 owth rate constrains the evolution of faster migration.
23 a constitutively active form of PI3K rescued migration.
24 g epithelial integrity through spreading and migration.
25 xit via a process distinct from S1P-mediated migration.
26 f which caused severe defects in endothelial migration.
27 at regulate contractility, proliferation and migration.
28 model system to quantify the collective cell migration.
29 movement and presumably, energy gains during migration.
30 well as the switch from tangential to radial migration.
31  also within-country flow of funds and labor migration.
32 tibodies blocked 15(S)-HETE-induced monocyte migration.
33 on of NSCLC cell proliferation, invasion and migration.
34 nate (50 muM) significantly accelerates hMSC migration.
35 ntering grounds would advance pelican spring migration.
36 olymerization, pseudopod formation, and cell migration.
37  epithelial atrophy and intraretinal pigment migration.
38 luding phagocytosis, granule exocytosis, and migration.
39 wits Limosa limosa limosa on their northward migration.
40 corneal epithelial cell (HCEC) viability and migration.
41 axis and suppress PKC-2-dependent cryophilic migration.
42 u) that represses breast cancer invasion and migration.
43 estries, compatible with maritime Bronze-Age migrations.
44 driven vectorial migration, while CD8 T cell migration across LEC was not.
45  subgroup is functionally important for cell migration.Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) regulates the
46 d in pre-B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling and migration/adhesion, which could contribute to the prolif
47 DNA sample reservoir induces spontaneous DNA migration against the direction of flow.
48 d understanding of the mechanisms underlying migrations allows for improved management of species and
49 s is required to ensure efficient neuroblast migration along the RMS.
50  and weak tailwinds at intermediate and high migration altitudes east of the Caribbean.
51 es, strong headwinds at low and intermediate migration altitudes within the Caribbean that increase i
52  journey at intermediate and especially high migration altitudes, strong headwinds at low and interme
53 converts J113863 from an antagonist for cell migration and a partial agonist in other assays to a ful
54 matory activity by preventing the adherence, migration and activation of neutrophils.
55 16V-dependent key regulator of vascular cell migration and angiogenesis in SM.
56 rily responsible for defects in B lymphocyte migration and antibody responses that accompany acute vi
57     Pharmacological MAPK inhibition restores migration and apoptosis potential in a mouse LCH model,
58 se functions ranging from cellular growth to migration and apoptosis.
59 s to trigger phenotypic changes that enhance migration and are hypothesized to be the initiators of m
60 nes involved in cellular adhesion, leukocyte migration and atherosclerosis (PECAM1, rs1867624), coagu
61 animals with implications for maintenance of migration and body size in the face of environmental cha
62     When seeded as individual cells, lateral migration and cell-cell junction formation precede matri
63                IL-5 increased proliferation, migration and colony tube formation in HUVECs associated
64 uced by elasticity may thus facilitate sperm migration and contribute to successful fertilization.
65 whole families, whereas the later Bronze Age migration and cultural shift were instead driven by male
66  receptor and thereby block TGF-beta-induced migration and EMT.
67 ins involved in the proliferation, survival, migration and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of ca
68 defines a key mechanism promoting epithelial migration and establishes a different paradigm for plana
69 posure to high glucose, inhibit keratinocyte migration and IGF-1-induced chemotaxis in association wi
70 tinocyte proliferation, differentiation, and migration and in epidermal wound healing and barrier rep
71 cellular annexin A2 and tumor cell adhesion, migration and in vivo grafting.
72 as been implicated in modulating cancer cell migration and independently predicts progression to meta
73 5 and PC3 cells significantly increased cell migration and induced the expression of the mesenchymal
74 es, while mesenchymal genes involved in cell migration and invasion are repressed.
75               SOCS1 silencing inhibited cell migration and invasion as well as in vitro growth by cel
76 dification from pHe7.4 to 6.4 decreases cell migration and invasion but increases single cell detachm
77 h level of expression of genes implicated in migration and invasion compared to commonly used, immort
78 has been recognized as a key element of cell migration and invasion in lung cancer; however, the unde
79 coactivation of ER and IKKbeta promoted cell migration and invasion in vitro and drove experimental m
80 ark of primary and metastatic cancers is the migration and invasion of malignant cells.
81 ated OS development, including angiogenesis, migration and invasion.
82 cesses, including the cell cycle, apoptosis, migration and invasion.
83  exploring the thermodynamics of cancer cell migration and invasion.
84 ificantly promote cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasion.
85      S1P promotes cell growth, survival, and migration and is a key regulator of lymphocyte trafficki
86 for developmental events, cell polarity, and migration and is usually mediated by linker of nucleoske
87 size and arrangement in cell emergence-based migration and local gap closure.
88 high kisspeptin 1 (KISS1) related to reduced migration and low carboxylesterase 1 (CES1), to impaired
89 ve of how endothelial cells (ECs) coordinate migration and proliferation in response to growth factor
90 Knockdown of C3 and CFB expression inhibited migration and proliferation of cSCC cells and resulted i
91 tivation of Akt (S473), resulting in reduced migration and proliferation of retinal endothelial cells
92 lation of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) migration and proliferation.
93 1 upon wounding, which enhances keratinocyte migration and promotes re-epithelialization.
94  strategy for this species to strike between migration and reproduction benefits.
95 kade of C1q and C3a transiently altered hNSC migration and reversed astroglial fate after spinal cord
96  Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) induces cell migration and scattering by mechanisms that are thought
97 he extracellular matrix (ECM) regulates cell migration and sculpts organ shape.
98 hanosensitive signaling molecule during cell migration and shear stress.
99 inase (ROCK) is required for both high-speed migration and straight motion.
100 nd human primary MCL tumors overexpress cell migration and stromal stimulation gene signatures compar
101 ide the cells regulating cell proliferation, migration and survival.
102 ng experiments targeting alpha1D reduced the migration and the basal cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration o
103 sion between two distinct modes: single-cell migration and the multicellular, strand-like invasion re
104 hibitor increased endothelial proliferation, migration and tube formation.
105 RGC32 overexpression promoted proliferation, migration and tumorigenic growth of human CRC cells in v
106                                     All cell migration and wound healing assays are based on the inhe
107 ry smooth muscle cell (PASMC) proliferation, migration, and apoptosis resistance.
108 lter cell behaviors including proliferation, migration, and cell-cell adhesion, which are all requisi
109 les in the regulation of cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation, these data reveal a nove
110 mediates effects such as cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation.
111  in response to processes such as selection, migration, and drift.
112 or, known to be involved in myogenesis, cell migration, and immunoregulation.
113 CAPE) disrupts neural crest gene expression, migration, and melanocytic differentiation by reducing S
114 D3 on corneal epithelial cell proliferation, migration, and on the vitamin D activating enzyme CYP27B
115 l(-/-)) mice possess enhanced proliferation, migration, and permeability of inflammatory cells by act
116   The role of these molecules on attachment, migration, and proinflammatory and prodestructive activa
117  as a key regulator of cell differentiation, migration, and proliferation.
118 l processes involving cell division, growth, migration, and rearrangement, all of which occur within
119 ls to provide a stable scaffold for neuronal migration, and suggest that the transition in mitotic dy
120 nocytes, SIRT1 knockdown inhibited EMT, cell migration, and TGF-beta signaling.
121  is necessary for viral entry, intracellular migration, and virion release.
122 ve growth phenotypes, such as cell invasion, migration, and xenograft tumors, in nude mice.
123           The activation energies for proton migration are calculated to be 50 and 27 meV for the tet
124 previously described the acquisition of cell migration as a feature of NK cell terminal maturation in
125 apical constriction and interkinetic nuclear migration, as well as precise molecular control via the
126 steers the direction of centrosome and somal migration, as well as the switch from tangential to radi
127 marBlue assay) and cell migration (transwell migration assays).
128 ells, as validated by in vitro and in-matrix migration assays.
129  requires the precise regulation of neuronal migration, axon guidance, and dendritic arborization.
130 cies, and could be confirmed by differential migration behavior of protein fragments in gel electroph
131                                    Divergent migration behaviours among individuals or among populati
132                         We compared dates of migration between 'early' (1993-2002) and 'late' (2004-2
133 lations into two sectors, with no detectable migration between sites.
134 /or selective sweeps within a spring and low migration between springs shape these populations.
135        Propionate suppressed T effector cell migration between the intestine and the spleen in EAU Ka
136 epithelial-myofibroblast transition and cell migration but did not prevent fiber cell differentiation
137    Additionally, HA and HC-HA/PTX3 inhibited migration but only HC-HA/PTX3 inhibited collagen gel con
138 and are used by individuals to refuel during migration, but the effect of fuel loads (fat) acquired a
139 te interruption of in vitro transendothelial migration by CD177 ligation.
140 s sufficient to induce cell delamination and migration by inducing a mesoderm-like cell fate.
141 cts in signaling pathways that regulate cell migration, cell adhesion, and proliferation.
142 ation of local material structure to exciton migration character, applicable not only to photovoltaic
143 emonstrated fewer stress fibers and impaired migration compared to wild type podocytes.
144                              In turn, longer migration correlates with lower reproductive success in
145 zation dictates strict adherence to a narrow migration corridor.
146                                              Migration could not be rejected in any population, but r
147 sion of NRGN can ameliorate ZFP804A-mediated migration defect.
148 through an active, oriented, and actin-based migration dependent on Rac1, which contrasts with the pr
149                                         This migration depends on N-cadherin that, when imposed in ec
150  stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha-mediated migration dose-dependently but minimally affected cell v
151 th a level of sex bias that excludes a pulse migration during a single generation.
152 tributes to neuronal morphogenesis, neuronal migration during development and its C. elegans ortholog
153                              Failure of this migration during neuroepithelium formation leads to ecto
154     The contrasting patterns of sex-specific migration during these two migrations suggest a view of
155 osine kinase signaling network controls cell migration, epithelial organization, axon patterning and
156 w the different observed modes of collective migration, especially for small groups of cells, emerge
157  patterns were more pronounced during autumn migration, especially within urban areas.
158 lso to explaining the quintessential exciton migration exhibited in photosynthesis.
159  of strawberry extract and P3G, on leukocyte migration, exudation levels and many inflammatory mediat
160 m Anatolia and the late Neolithic/Bronze Age migration from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, can be investi
161 We find evidence of ongoing, primarily male, migration from the steppe to central Europe over a perio
162 -regulated in hPGCLCs were enriched for cell migration genes, and their promoters were enriched for t
163 eruginosa-induced neutrophil transepithelial migration has not been explored.
164  at stopover sites on the subsequent pace of migration has not been quantified.
165 ide ate complex, prior to rate-limiting aryl migration, has evolved.
166  auto-phosphorylation also affected neuronal migration, highlighting the importance of tightly regula
167 ting the diapedesis step of transendothelial migration in a alpha4 integrin-dependent manner.
168 ficient M1 macrophages demonstrated improved migration in a three-dimensional fibrin matrix and durin
169 ke significant contributions to the observed migration in a way that cannot be accounted for in the s
170   CIL has been proven to be essential for NC migration in amphibians and zebrafish by controlling cel
171 e report direct visualization of hot-carrier migration in methylammonium lead iodide (CH3NH3PbI3) thi
172 zed cDC subset distribution, maturation, and migration in mucosal tissues (lungs, intestines), associ
173 We find that knockdown of KPNA4 reduces cell migration in multiple PCa cell lines, suggesting a role
174        Nevertheless, Mn oxides may limit BPA migration in near-surface environments and have potentia
175          However the mechanisms driving cell migration in prostate cancer patients are not fully unde
176 induced by okadaic acid, restores lymphocyte migration in response to chemokines, both in vitro and i
177 include predictions of chemotactic bacterial migration in response to multiple localized contaminant
178      We aimed to model pathogenic fibroblast migration in SSc in order to identify enhancing factors,
179 brain malformations due to impaired neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex.
180  proliferation, neuronal differentiation and migration in the embryonic mouse cerebellum.
181 s unable to induce transendothelial monocyte migration in vitro and failed to promote leukocyte recru
182         The Ccl20-Ccr6 pathway mediated Treg migration in vitro and in vivo.
183 ed epithelial MV release promoted macrophage migration in vitro and recruitment into the lung in vivo
184 ing, resulting in impaired cell adhesion and migration in vitro.
185 viously unknown function, regulates monocyte migration in vitro.
186 l, noncompensated role in neuronal saltatory migration in vivo and highlights the importance of MT fl
187  remodelling and inhibited proliferation and migration in VSMCs but not EC.
188 satlantic slave trade was the largest forced migration in world history.
189 M) is a crucial precursor to collective cell migration in wound closure and cancer metastasis, respec
190 ilarly, NA transiently inhibits neural crest migration in Xenopus embryos in a Snail1-dependent manne
191 specific cause for the punctuated history of migrations in Late Antiquity.
192                                              Migration-induced nuclear damage is nonetheless reversib
193  analysis suggested downregulated macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) to be the most pertine
194 s a homolog of the human cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF).
195 al method for an objective assessment of the migration intensity between locations.
196  associated with amplified AMPhi-induced PMN migration into lung alveoli.
197 lear neutrophil (PMNs) after transepithelial migration into the alveolar space.
198 rol of EMT and EMT-associated traits such as migration, invasion and chemoresistance.
199 on is largely responsible for Twist1-induced migration, invasion and metastasis, but less responsible
200       Ectopic delivery of miR-194 stimulated migration, invasion, and epithelial-mesenchymal transiti
201 e 1 (TUG1) induces marked inhibition of cell migration, invasion, and glycolysis through suppression
202 r genetic deletion of MCT1 in vivo inhibited migration, invasion, and spontaneous metastasis.
203                                 Keratinocyte migration is a key aspect of re-epithelialization during
204 the carbonate ions, implying that the proton migration is a synergetic process and the whole carbonat
205 of light during nights with substantial bird migration is a viable strategy for minimizing potentiall
206    Nor is it known precisely how villus cell migration is affected when proliferation is perturbed.
207                            We show that this migration is chemokine-specific; meaning that only cells
208  that the mechanism of action for NA in cell migration is evolutionarily conserved.
209                                       Domain migration is observed on the surface of ternary giant un
210                                         When migration is pharmacologically inhibited, the ATP:ADP ra
211 olled dopant-host lattice coupling by dopant migration is still unexplored.
212   Given the importance of orchestrating cell migration, it is vital that chemokine receptor signaling
213 ia electron shuttles, and the consequent ion migration led to high anode salinities and conductivity
214 olved ultrafast approach, we measure a 16-nm migration length in poly(2,5-di(hexyloxy)cyanoterephthal
215                                Some chemical migration limits cannot be enforced because analytical s
216 active role in coordinating the adhesion and migration machinery in cancer progression.
217 at the stiffness optimum of U251 glioma cell migration, morphology and F-actin retrograde flow rate c
218                    During long-distance fall migrations, nocturnally migrating Swainson's Thrushes of
219 tein-coupled receptors are critical for cell migration, not only in many fundamental biological proce
220                                   During the migration of a stationary cell, the cell polarizes, form
221 eficient cell population as well as aberrant migration of both early-born and late-born neuroblasts,
222  the Neolithic transition was driven by mass migration of both males and females in roughly equal num
223 solution of peritoneal inflammation, whereas migration of CD11b(-/-) M1 macrophages was not affected.
224 ting either BCL2L11 or CDH9 will enhance the migration of cell lines, which provides evidence that th
225                                   Collective migration of epithelial cells underlies diverse tissue-r
226 ommunications in the optic nerve head induce migration of fluid into the adjacent retinal tissue.
227                                     However, migration of fs120, but not fs188 cells, in vitro was in
228                                  This inward migration of GJ 436b could have triggered the atmospheri
229 anges in light intensity and preceded by the migration of HmpF-GFPuv to the lagging cell poles.
230 D816V(+) mast cells was found to promote the migration of human endothelial cells in vitro.
231 and Arp2/3 to effect pseudopod extension and migration of melanoblasts in skin.
232  competition between intramolecular hydrogen migration of peroxy radicals and their bimolecular termi
233  we report that Necdin deletion disturbs the migration of serotonin (5-HT) neuronal precursors, leadi
234 rates were used to investigate alignment and migration of skin and lung fibroblasts from SSc patients
235  oxygen species, inhibited proliferation and migration of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and promoted the
236 c chemokine expression in CAF, which limited migration of these cells to tumors.
237 oduction of macrophages and thereby enhanced migration of VEGFR1(+) myeloid cells, which were reverse
238                     Here, we show tangential migration of young GABAergic interneurons into the devel
239 ession and one of the planet's largest daily migrations of biomass.
240 ns were used to determine the association of migration on CVD risk.
241        IL-5 enhances eosinophil adhesion and migration on periostin, an extracellular matrix protein
242 nd biological effects (cytotoxicity and anti-migration) on drug-naive recipient cells (Recipient cell
243 and in 3D sponges but did not affect MM cell migration, organization, or vasculogenesis.
244 ficient to promote cell shape elongation and migration parallel to the ECM, or contact guidance.
245       These factors synergistically enhanced migration persistence through a synergistic induction of
246 , intracellular antioxidation, and leukocyte migration plus genes for proinflammatory cytokines and v
247                       The mean number of pre-migration potentially traumatic events was 2.1 (SD 1.4).
248 d cultural shift were instead driven by male migration, potentially connected to new technology and c
249  experiments we found that N-BLR facilitates migration primarily via crosstalk with E-cadherin and ZE
250 rboxylation happens concertedly with an aryl migration process, producing a eta(1) isonitrile complex
251 es in collective cell behaviors such as cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation.
252 ed amount of this protein alters cell shape, migration, proliferation, and gene expression to the det
253 cose, whereas RUNX1 inhibition reduced HRMEC migration, proliferation, and tube formation.
254 iously identified the cancer-associated cell migration protein Tetraspanin 1 (TSPAN1) as a clinically
255 porary gene flow by the estimation of recent migration rates among populations.
256 the actual importance of these to collective migration remains circumstantial.
257                            Cell motility and migration requires the reorganization of the cortical cy
258            To improve hCPC proliferation and migration responses that are critical for regeneration b
259 cers that preferentially exploit nerve tract migration routes.
260  did not modulate MCT1-dependent cancer cell migration, silencing or genetic deletion of MCT1 in vivo
261                       Here we present a cell migration simulator that predicts a stiffness optimum th
262 n TNBC cells plays an essential role in cell migration, SMAD7 degradation, EMT, and induction of beta
263 cenarios, allowing population structure with migration, speciation, population size changes, and reco
264  or friends overseas, and loneliness as post-migration stressors.
265 s of sex-specific migration during these two migrations suggest a view of differing cultural historie
266  to the establishment of the body axis, cell migration, synaptic plasticity, and a vast range of othe
267 nt, with the acquisition of complex modes of migration that are associated with terminal maturation.
268 nds showed significantly increased transwell migration that was enhanced by priming with physiologic
269  Upon deviatoric stress-driven orientational migration, the intraparticle coalescence of Au satellite
270 via GPR91, consequently stimulating the hMSC migration through mtROS-induced F-actin formation.
271 APH1, a miR-198 target, enhances directional migration through sequestration of Arpin, a competitive
272                              Effector T cell migration through tissues can enable control of infectio
273 ese unique domains for highly efficient cell migration throughout the composite construct.
274 s the zwitterion and suppresses the fluorine migration, thus providing a convenient and efficient syn
275  of the two glucosides is characterised by a migration time of 54s, which completely separates it fro
276                        Chukchi beluga autumn migration timing occurred significantly later as regiona
277 inter mortality of juveniles or as a cue for migration timing.
278        Changes in the environment because of migration to different geographic locations, modificatio
279       However, the mechanisms mediating Treg migration to neonatal skin are unknown.
280 r EphA4 in facilitating efficient neuroblast migration to the OB.
281 mpened MK granule biogenesis and directional migration toward an SDF1alpha gradient, leading to ectop
282 n-1 Ab, a role for reticulon-1 in macrophage migration toward both CSF-1 and CCL2 was confirmed.
283 ivation potently induces multiple myeloma PC migration toward CCL3 while abrogating the multiple myel
284                 It was found that the dopant migration toward the alloyed interface of core/shell QDs
285 eC proliferation (AlamarBlue assay) and cell migration (transwell migration assays).
286 lkyl) (amino)carbene (cAAC) via 1,2-hydrogen migration triggered by boranes to afford cAAC-borane add
287 ificantly decreased IL-6-mediated tumor cell migration, tumorsphere formation and ALDH-positive cance
288   We then directly study the dynamics of PNC migration under various force-transduction models, inclu
289 the sperm's mitochondria, thereby increasing migration velocity and inhibiting reversals within the h
290 ion of heat transfer, analyte retention, and migration velocity at a range of temperatures.
291 n arising from the inevitable differences in migration velocity between parallel flow paths).
292 logical levels of corticosterone promote HSC migration via the GC receptor Nr3c1-dependent signaling
293 g GC and a weakened basal lamina, whereas GC migration was minimal in DBP-FW animals.
294 terogeneous cell subsets whose phenotype and migration were dependent ( approximately 30%) or indepen
295 -time dynamics of neutrophil transepithelial migration, were applied.
296 erica cross the Atlantic Ocean during autumn migration when travelling to their non-breeding grounds
297 riched at the cell front during dynamic cell migration, which requires the Pumilio-related RNA-bindin
298  showed chemoattractantDeltadriven vectorial migration, while CD8 T cell migration across LEC was not
299  appeared to be a leading indicator of marsh migration, while soil characteristics such as redox pote
300 otate around carbon to facilitate the proton migration, while the movement of carbon is very limited.

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