


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 available or accessible in the host cellular milieu.
2 s, hyperoxic with respect to the physiologic milieu.
3  substrate-binding site to the extracellular milieu.
4 be based on altering the intracellular lipid milieu.
5 ation before escaping into the extracellular milieu.
6 e to DNA repair in the more complex cellular milieu.
7 ood, saliva, urine, as well as extracellular milieu.
8 ffecting neurons within an altered metabolic milieu.
9 3, and not native C3, from the extracellular milieu.
10 a small percentage of cells within different milieu.
11 elective release of morphine in the inflamed milieu.
12 ing similar activity in the crowded cellular milieu.
13 pecific accumulation of BYL719 in the tumour milieu.
14 regulation and Th2 polarization in the tumor milieu.
15 pt their functions to the local inflammatory milieu.
16  TAS2R14 in the absence of the heterodimeric milieu.
17 ges release succinate into the extracellular milieu.
18 ter iTreg differentiation in an inflammatory milieu.
19 ity, and sensing ability within a biological milieu.
20 livered to the proteins in the intracellular milieu.
21  the multicellular and neurochemical in vivo milieu.
22 DNA damage despite the adverse hyperglycemic milieu.
23 ntegrated cellular response to the metabolic milieu.
24 a13 can relieve autoinhibition in a cellular milieu.
25 surface-catalyzed synthesis in the prebiotic milieu.
26 ctivation within this circumscribed cytokine milieu.
27 nd the importance of the local immunological milieu.
28 thelial responses to RV in a type 2 cytokine milieu.
29 rring to acquire them from the extracellular milieu.
30 ental signals and influence the inflammatory milieu.
31 ferentially expressed lncRNA in the diabetic milieu.
32 l bioenergetics in podocytes in the diabetic milieu.
33 on and infection dynamics within this target milieu.
34 d cell population in the ischemic myocardial milieu.
35 failure phenotype in an adult-like lipogenic milieu.
36 ple cellular constituents in the injured CNS milieu.
37 les released by cells into the extracellular milieu.
38 age influx, and affecting the local cytokine milieu.
39 ft from an inflammatory to a recovery/repair milieu.
40 ite continued exposure to an "aged" systemic milieu.
41 -1 signaling could modulate the inflammatory milieu.
42 o the liver and exacerbated pro-inflammatory milieu.
43 sA proteins to the surface and extracellular milieu.
44 ntributing to a cancer cell growth-promoting milieu.
45 ecruitment or adaptation to the inflammatory milieu.
46 complexes of Mn(3+) and Mn(2+) in biological milieu.
47 le in determining whether axons enter the SC milieu.
48 idative effects in podocytes in the diabetic milieu.
49 context of a promoting inflammatory cytokine milieu.
50 M2 rate correlated with the cardiac cytokine milieu.
51 nocytes/macrophages populating the infarcted milieu.
52 alyx thickness in the presence of a diabetic milieu.
53 iferating cells from their normal epithelial milieu.
54 repeats 13) accounts for this procoagulatory milieu.
55 h the skeletal muscle niche and the systemic milieu.
56 l and systemic environment, and the cultural milieu.
57 of bioactive contents into the extracellular milieu.
58 elevated to produce a transiently supportive milieu.
59 ually could optimally up regulate VDR in HIV milieu.
60 mportant component of this immunosuppressive milieu.
61 e effects on blood pressure and inflammatory milieu.
62 cific inflammatory elements within the tumor milieu.
63 number of its effectors to the extracellular milieu.
64 crophage phenotype is imprinted by the local milieu.
65 onents of the available transcription factor milieu.
66 ration method can tag a protein in a complex milieu.
67 xylic acid cycle in a normal glucose-replete milieu.
68 igens even in the context of an inflammatory milieu.
69 n signaling through the endogenous G protein milieu.
70 ks lie at the heart of our cities and social milieu.
71 lous due high macromolecular crowding of the milieu.
72 electrophile reactions within the cell lipid milieu.
73 g) cells to create a TH2-polarizing cytokine milieu.
74 red self-assembly of small molecules in cell milieu.
75 ing place in a complex RNA- and protein-rich milieu.
76 fferentiation, depending on the inflammatory milieu.
77  of newly synthesized albumin into the basal milieu.
78  I (IFN-I) chronically present in aged brain milieu.
79 tion through the release of aspirin in tumor milieu.
80  between the cytoplasm and the extracellular milieu.
81 r tumors that develop in different endocrine milieus.
82 ic secretome that remodels the extracellular milieu accelerating ErbB2-driven mammary tumor progressi
83 wever, because enzymes degrade in biological milieus, achieving long-term enzymatic activities can be
84 he infiltrating inflammatory/immune cellular milieu after injury toward a proregenerative population
85                             The inflammatory milieu also stimulates protein catabolism.
86  a sensitive biomarker of the fetal hormonal milieu and a measure of reproductive toxicity in animal
87 et also disturbed the hormone and metabolite milieu and altered expression of growth and metabolic si
88 r Spy in the extracellular and intracellular milieu and as a scaffold for engineering other functiona
89 ir endogenous level in their native cellular milieu and can capture transient or weak interactions.
90 on is that C5a altered the alveolar cytokine milieu and caused significant release of CC-chemokines.
91 was actively released into the extracellular milieu and cleaved hERG at the S5-pore linker.
92 ne erosion, thrives within a highly inflamed milieu and disseminates to distant sites, such as athero
93 he offending agent from the patients' ocular milieu and environment.
94               The anergy-promoting molecular milieu and function induced by miR-150 deficiency were r
95 t sapropels developed an analogous elemental milieu and harbored prokaryotes affiliated with fifty-ni
96 Each of these factors alters the nutritional milieu and has the potential to create an environment th
97 between the mevalonate pathway, the hormonal milieu and Hippo in MBC.
98 n Basin, Romania) in relation to geochemical milieu and pore water chemistry, while inferring their r
99 active matriptase is shed into extracellular milieu and returns to the cell surface to accelerate pla
100 il survival is regulated by the inflammatory milieu and that neutrophils demonstrate plasticity, medi
101 nesis, establishment of the correct cellular milieu and trophoblast invasion, all of which involve th
102 alance depending on the predominant cytokine milieu and, additionally, in vivo using a DC-driven muri
103 gens secrete proteins into the extracellular milieu and/or host organisms.
104 ces, which are commonly embedded in cultural milieus and reflect community beliefs, experiences, reli
105  NOS3(+/-) (KOP: mother with normal in utero milieu) and NOS3(+/+) (WT) litters.
106 acrophages, maintenance of a noninflammatory milieu, and attraction-expansion of thymocyte progenitor
107 ve of an iron-restricted macrophage internal milieu, and Cgvps34Delta cells display better survival i
108 for TLRs in regulation of the internal brain milieu, and identify a kinase-regulated mechanism of CSF
109 ) regulatory T cells, increased Th2 cytokine milieu, and induced alternatively activated macrophages
110 T cells, promoted a proinflammatory cytokine milieu, and reduced parasite load within the myocardium
111 brane makes direct contact with the external milieu, and the proteins present within this membrane ar
112 Stress-induced perturbations of the maternal milieu are conveyed to the embryo via the placenta, the
113 cardiometabolic risk factors of the diabetic milieu are increasingly implicated in the biological mem
114 mmation and address the aberrant immunologic milieu arising in a mouse model of filaggrin deficiency.
115  as aging, the source of leukocytes, and the milieu around the leukocytes.
116 phage adaptation to the surrounding cytokine milieu, as exemplified by the distinct glucose catabolis
117 ontaneously disassembled over time in acidic milieu, as investigated by dynamic light scattering.
118 ntinuous exposure to an acidic extracellular milieu, assisting with the closing of the pore during ch
119 ion, invasive migration, and an inflammatory milieu associated with KISS1-dependent metastasis.
120 abolism and reducing emphasis on the complex milieu associated with obesity.
121               The differences in the vaginal milieu between NHP and humans might be the factor associ
122 eloped virion release into the extracellular milieu but may not inhibit cell-to-cell virus transmissi
123 by the presence of a baseline Th17-promoting milieu, but also by the higher expression of steadily re
124 In conclusion, the post-exercise biochemical milieu, but not recombinant GH, enhances collagen conten
125 y accessible to the intra- and extracellular milieu by conformational transitions that confer marked
126 in modifies the intra-allograft inflammatory milieu by enhancing levels of the inflammatory cytokine
127 -12 in shaping the anti-inflammatory biofilm milieu by promoting MDSC recruitment.
128 entromere size is determined by the cellular milieu, centromere positions are heritable and defined b
129 with age, the composition of the circulatory milieu changes in ways that broadly inhibit tissue regen
130 tal circulation has a distinct immunological milieu characterised by a pathological neutrophil phenot
131 ilation and dysfunction form a prothrombotic milieu characterized by blood stasis and endothelial dys
132         Stimulation intensifies the hormonal milieu characterizing SWS (mainly by further reducing co
133    SWS is associated with a unique endocrine milieu comprising minimum cortisol and high aldosterone,
134  visible in their local extracellular matrix milieu (comprising collagen and mineral) and embedded in
135 izing effect on the rim, producing therein a milieu conducive for growth.
136                          Tissues are complex milieus consisting of numerous cell types.
137 E led to a surprising alteration of the lung milieu, converting an effective stimulatory influenza-re
138   Despite of a paucity of IL-7 in the immune milieu, CTX preconditioning allowed adoptively transferr
139 eficient muscles, an altered SR phospholipid milieu decreased sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) ATPa
140                                Moreover, the milieu-dependent loading of EVs with microRNA and calcif
141                       Similarly, in a buffer milieu, DNA initiated the contact pathway and amplified
142 rmore, we demonstrate that age-related IFN-I milieu downregulates microglial myocyte-specific enhance
143  modifying the hepatic cellular and cytokine milieu drive both hepatoprotective and hepatotoxic proce
144 ting in vitro findings that the inflammatory milieu during IDD does not interfere with TonEBP osmoreg
145  as resolving uncertainty about its external milieu, either by changing its internal states or its re
146 cause it can reproduce in varied nutritional milieus, encountered in diverse host cell types of essen
147 ite of proteins present in the extracellular milieu (exo-proteome) and eliminated pili observable by
148 sport proteins to scavenge the extracellular milieu for amino acids and other metabolites, likely rel
149 inflammatory cytokines favoring a permissive milieu for cancer cell growth and invasive behavior.
150    In the absence of an appropriate cytokine milieu for M2 differentiation, Pneumocystis induced an M
151 e mechanism by which Msd proofreads the base milieu for mutagens.
152                       Maintaining an optimal milieu for neuronal function rests with supportive cells
153 ded to optimize the growth factor or hormone milieu for organ culture.
154 d in blister fluids also creates a favorable milieu for the recruitment of the CXCR2(+) stem cells, a
155 derived immune cells to provide a supportive milieu for tissue repair.
156 ranslational modification enzymes in complex milieus for native substrates is critical to better defi
157  these results suggest that the inflammatory milieu found in Crohn's disease could lead to or result
158                     Within the intracellular milieu, gangliosides are constituents of the autophagoso
159 y to be stable in the reducing intracellular milieu, glutathione persulfide could serve as a persulfi
160 rom bystanders activated by the inflammatory milieu has been difficult.
161                         Whereas the cytokine milieu has long been known to regulate effector function
162 ronal NaV isoforms and their ultrastructural milieu have important implications for the roles of thes
163                     Within the tumor stromal milieu, heterogeneous populations of fibroblast-like cel
164 chanisms, including proinflammatory cytokine milieu, hormonal imbalance, and anabolic/catabolic imbal
165  To precisely respond to a changing external milieu, human cells efficiently translate upstream signa
166 nd the assemblies of small molecules in cell milieu, illustrating the functions of the assemblies of
167 dhesion sites and adapt to the extracellular milieu in a process called mechanotransduction.
168 es are a major component of the inflammatory milieu in chronic HCV-induced liver disease, and are gen
169 ontribute differentially to the inflammatory milieu in human asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary
170 impact of IDH mutations on the immunological milieu in LGG.
171 nd can improve the proinflammatory metabolic milieu in patients with moderate to severe CKD through a
172 nd alterations of the cytokine and chemokine milieu in peripheral blood.
173 emphasize the importance of the local immune milieu in preventing tissue-specific autoimmunity, yet h
174              Understanding the complex viral milieu in semen is important for HIV transmission but mi
175                We also assessed the cytokine milieu in SIV-infected AGM milk and compared it to that
176 tracellular organelles and the extracellular milieu in some tissues.
177 n part by enabling a pathogenic inflammatory milieu in the bone marrow.
178 ext of necrosis to a suboptimal inflammatory milieu in the case of pyroptosis.
179 atment results in an attenuated inflammatory milieu in the central nervous system, decreased microgli
180 ate their influx by altering the chemotactic milieu in the islets.
181 ion and alters the Th17-related inflammatory milieu in the lungs.
182 gest a new target for reducing the oxidative milieu in the microvasculature of patients with CAD.
183 ty, and reduce the pro-inflammatory cytokine milieu in the tissue.
184 ement for each pathway vary depending on the milieu in which iTreg differentiate.
185 es mediating growth and survival in the soil milieu, including the capacity for biofilm formation, ce
186 f how viruses manipulate their intracellular milieu, including the cytoskeleton.
187          On the other hand, the inflammatory milieu induced by this innate receptor provoked pathogen
188                                  The aqueous milieu inside cells contains as much as 30-40% dissolved
189                                 The systemic milieu is a complex reservoir of tissues, immune cells,
190 ction from proteolysis, as the extracellular milieu is an aggressive environment.
191                               The intestinal milieu is astonishingly complex and home to a constantly
192  and IL-6, suggesting that this inflammatory milieu is key for functional impairment of Tregs.
193    Bile, a critical factor of the intestinal milieu, is required for strain-dependent HuNoV replicati
194 he release of the spore to the extracellular milieu it becomes surrounded by pzX.
195 ellitus alters the systemic and neurohumoral milieu, leading to changes in metabolism and signaling p
196 dian sub-continent's population and cultural milieu "like sugar in milk".
197            The highly localized pericellular milieu limits transport of nanoparticles in a size-depen
198  metabolic/epigenetic switch in the diabetic milieu linking the metabolic state to chromatin remodell
199 ominates the infiltrating renal inflammatory milieu, localizing to the glomeruli.
200                      The associated hormonal milieu (lower insulin-to-glucagon ratio) favors glucose
201      Our data suggest that this inflammatory milieu may potentiate tumour cell death by supporting im
202 suggest that retinal disease in the diabetic milieu may progress through inflammatory and neuroretina
203 The interaction of MM cells with bone marrow milieu mediates survival of MM cells.
204 and MI, testing the hypothesis that ischemic milieu modifies mitral valve adaptation.
205 ncy-associated shifts in the transcriptional milieu of a cell may impact HML-2 activity.
206 ting that PVs can influence the inflammatory milieu of adjacent airways.
207 metastasis by modulating the local chemokine milieu of cancer cells in the TME.
208  and organellar dynamics within the cellular milieu of cardiomyocytes.
209 ediated liver regenerative response within a milieu of chronic inflammation links partial hepatectomy
210    The brain is composed of a highly complex milieu of different cell types and few methods exist tha
211 nervous system and play complex roles in the milieu of diseases including the primary diseases of mye
212 ould be individualized to address the unique milieu of each implementation setting.
213 utions are obfuscated by the complex in vivo milieu of factor redundancy and indirect effects.
214 transported over a long range in the aqueous milieu of interstitial spaces.
215 mportance of FRCs in shaping the suppressive milieu of lymphoid organs during homeostasis.
216 r potential to emulate the electromechanical milieu of native tissues or conform well with the curved
217 nd secreted factors promote the inflammatory milieu of obesity, but the transcriptional pathways that
218 an the endocrine, adipokine, or inflammatory milieu of obesity.
219  in illuminating a key element of the immune milieu of pancreatic cancer.
220                                 Yet, how the milieu of pancreatic progenitor cells, including exposur
221 itor, the composition of their intracellular milieu of proteins changes to appropriately guide their
222        Metazoan genes are embedded in a rich milieu of regulatory information that often includes mul
223 hniques is that we can incorporate the whole milieu of soluble factors produced by cells in situ into
224 Chronic HCV infection appears to disrupt the milieu of soluble inflammatory mediators even after vira
225 ctions and is influenced by the inflammatory milieu of the host.
226 ng this we need to consider the multisensory milieu of the newborn infant.
227 nd display an alteration in the inflammatory milieu of the serum and cerebrospinal fluid.
228 ell activation within the highly immunogenic milieu of the transplanted tissue.
229 suppressor mutations can modulate the immune milieu of the tumor microenvironment, and they offer spe
230  and present antigens from the extracellular milieu on MHC-I through a process called cross-presentat
231        The influence of the muscle metabolic milieu on peripheral and central fatigue is currently un
232               To determine the impact of the milieu on the development of the human B cell repertoire
233 oduction and that restoration of the hypoxic milieu or estrogen treatment might reverse interneuron g
234 sible for zinc uptake from the extracellular milieu or intracellular vesicles.
235 an early proinflammatory state in the venous milieu, orchestrated by the HIF-induced NLRP3 inflammaso
236  and adjuvants that induce distinct cytokine milieus: OVA protein in CFA, aluminum salts (Alum), and
237  a molecular component of the "field change" milieu permissive for neoplastic colon growth.
238 circulation that maintains the extracellular milieu permissive for neuronal activity.
239 reased 3,000-fold upon alkalinization of the milieu (pK(a) = 7.1).
240   An important component of the inflammatory milieu, PKA internalizes Slack channels from the DRG mem
241 diovascular disease can alter the biological milieu possibly leading to unique BC identities.
242 the hematopoietic niche where the osteogenic milieu propels the differentiation of MSCs toward an ost
243 viral maternal factors, such as the cytokine milieu, rather than unique characteristics of SIV popula
244 e production within the islets in a diabetic milieu results in beta-cell failure and diabetes progres
245 ween IL-12/IL-23 subunits causing a cytokine milieu rich in IL-23 to favour Th2 polarization.
246 n and Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) in vitro digestion model, respectively.
247       The key factors constructing the tumor milieu should guide the design of disease-responsive mat
248 dings reveal a cross-talk among the external milieu, signal transduction pathways, and transcription
249 ildren from the Barn/Children Allergy/Asthma Milieu Stockholm Epidemiologic birth cohort at 4, 8, and
250 01 children from the BAMSE (Children Allergy Milieu Stockholm Epidemiology) birth cohort recruited fr
251 edish birth cohort BAMSE (Children, Allergy, Milieu, Stockholm, Epidemiological Survey) performed spi
252 mbiente; the Swedish Barn/Children, Allergy, Milieu, Stockholm, Epidemiological survey; and the Dutch
253 E (a Swedish acronym for "children, allergy, milieu, Stockholm, epidemiology") Project, during 1994-2
254 edish birth cohort BAMSE (Children, Allergy, Milieu, Stockholm, Epidemiology).
255 ontrolled ionic flow among the extracellular milieu, storage compartments, and the cytosol, is critic
256 ous expressed enzymes were secreted into the milieu subsequent to their signal sequence cleavage.
257 A receptor subunit selectivity in the native milieu, suggesting that asymmetric occupancy of heterope
258 : +4 +/- 2 fold change) and anabolic hormone milieu (testosterone, Y: 367 +/- 19; O: 274 +/- 19 ng dl
259 les actively released into the extracellular milieu that can harbor genomic, proteomic and lipid carg
260                               Cirrhosis is a milieu that develops hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the
261 gate injury and lead to a local and systemic milieu that does not support normal hepatic regeneration
262 ines is complicated by the changing cytokine milieu that drives the phenotypic changes of CTCLs.
263 t chronic inflammation creates a profibrotic milieu that exacerbates disease progression.
264 ammatory activity as a hallmark of the tumor milieu that goes along with abundant reactive oxygen spe
265 have been made in understanding the cytokine milieu that promotes ILC2 responses, how ILC2 responses
266 ng pathways within the Dysf-deficient muscle milieu that regulate cyto-destructive macrophages will p
267 s a crucial role in shaping the inflammatory milieu that supports host protection during infection by
268                         Only in inflammatory milieus that upregulated CD25 did the provision of Ag en
269 ous CHCHD10 nor its role in the pathological milieu (that is, TDP-43 pathology) of FTD/ALS have been
270  the link between the cortical neurochemical milieu, the tuning of cortical activity, and variability
271 a poor job of recapitulating native cellular milieus, there is currently a knowledge barrier for many
272 3aR activation alters the tumor inflammatory milieu, thereby promoting tumor growth.
273 CCL22 expression thus produces a tolerogenic milieu through the interplay of Tregs, invariant NKT cel
274 ime, the spatiotemporal response of the cell milieu to electrophiles, we have designed a fluorogenic
275  the hypothesis that NAC alters the vascular milieu to improve healing of amputation stumps in diabet
276 or of the rising lactate in the acidic tumor milieu to mediate the reciprocal interaction between can
277 influencing the organization of the membrane milieu to promote efficient and differential signaling f
278 schemic muscles, thus providing a permissive milieu to transplanted LEP-expressing APCs.
279 nd TMD5 face the intramembranous hydrophilic milieu together with TMD1, TMD6, TMD7, and TMD9 of PS1 t
280 ing in enhanced polarization of the cytokine milieu toward an M1-like phenotype.
281 ROS production and HR, shifting the cellular milieu toward illegitimate recombination events such as
282 ntrols inflammatory responses within the CNS milieu under injurious conditions, involving CD200 ligan
283       The 'dimensionality' of the mechanical milieu under which experiments are carried out provide i
284 d thrived in a complex cellular and cytokine milieu until gaining self-sufficiency.
285 plex interplay of tumor cells in the osseous milieu, unveiling potential new targets for drug develop
286 aracteristics of the 'molecular sled' in its milieu (virion, nucleus) have implications for how prote
287 g the regulation of MCU channel by oxidative milieu, we adapted inflammatory and hypoxia models.
288   To characterize GGCX mutants in a cellular milieu, we established a cell-based assay by stably expr
289 osis, and (2) cancer promotes a procoagulant milieu, we hypothesize that Gas6 may be involved in canc
290         However, in the reducing cytoplasmic milieu where the concentration of reduced thiols is sign
291  pass through a series of different cellular milieus where they receive signals that instruct them to
292 -1(+), Ly6C(high) myeloid cells in the tumor milieu, which is further supported by virus-induced incr
293 serum that elevate the brain proinflammatory milieu, which is linked to the pulmonary response and is
294  have higher CMV loads and a proinflammatory milieu, which may be driven partly by maternal HIV virem
295  facilitates an extracellular adenosine-rich milieu, which serves to limit TFH frequency and function
296 -and-survival trade-off in assorted nutrient milieus, which may underlie the promiscuous survival of
297            The intracellular transcriptional milieu wields considerable influence over the induction
298 ased kidney in favor of an anti-inflammatory milieu with a reduction of pathogenic myeloid cell infil
299 ion of assemblies of small molecules in cell milieu with their interactions with multiple cellular pr
300  to be a constituent of the autoinflammatory milieu within the pancreas of patients with T1D.

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