


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 urring within the gland during more frequent milking.
2 ize were reduced after 4 weeks of infrequent milking.
3               After 10 weeks of differential milking, a homogeneous secretory morphology, albeit with
4 iduals who had cared for animals, undertaken milking, and who had been exposed to cattle in infancy.
5 bovine mammary gland in response to 4x daily milking beginning at d 4 of lactation (IMF4) relative to
6 ncreased milk yield in response to increased milking frequency may be mediated or complemented by enh
7 ous research has demonstrated that increased milking frequency of dairy cattle during the first few w
8 to identify factors mediating the effects of milking frequency on milk yield.
9 ult in increased milk yield during increased milking frequency, or occur in response to an increased
10 ased heifers about to be introduced into the milking herd.
11 pastoral groups, and includes rare scenes of milking; however, these images can rarely be reliably da
12 lysis confirmed that unilateral cessation of milking initiated involution and cell loss preferentiall
13 ntion by using delayed cord clamping or cord milking is promising, but requires long-term outcome ass
14 geted the prevention of transmission via the milking machine as well as improvement of environmental
15 re detected from cow milk samples (n = 182), milking machine clusters (n = 4), farm personnel (n = 4)
16 solates from various sites (milk, teat skin, milking machine unit liners, hands, and bedding) and cou
17  was also isolated from the rubber liners of milking machine units after milking of infected cows and
18 rubber liners of milking machine units after milking of infected cows and from bedding in the outbrea
19          Differential once- and thrice-daily milking of lactating goats was also associated with unil
20                                              Milking of the unclamped umbilical cord toward the infan
21   Milk samples were collected throughout the milking season and analysed for free oligosaccharides, f
22 ducted with 19 Holstein cows over the entire milking season using liquid chromatography-mass spectrom
23 x classes showed a gradual increase over the milking season with the highest concentration observed i
24  classes remained constant during the entire milking season.
25 hird immunization) from twice- to once-daily milking, the ipsilateral decrease in the rate of milk se
26                               Umbilical cord milking (UCM) is suggested to improve neonatal outcomes.
27                               Umbilical cord milking was associated with some benefits and no adverse
28        Hence, the timing and region in which milking was first practised remain unknown.
29                                              Milking was particularly important in northwestern Anato

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