


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hed as the first-line recommendation for the millions of adults with chronic insomnia, there is a pau
2 opment, is characterized by the formation of millions of alveolar septa that constitute the vast gas-
3  aims to expand health insurance coverage to millions of Americans and place an emphasis on quality a
4  commonly referred to as concussion, affects millions of Americans annually.
5                                              Millions of Americans attempt to lose weight each year,
6 ailability of these three approaches for the millions of Americans who would benefit from them.
7 portunity to positively affect the health of millions of Americans.
8 earing loss (NIHL) is a disease that affects millions of Americans.
9                                              Millions of archived formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (
10  The corpus spans 150 years and is formed by millions of articles, representing 14% of all British re
11 low them to demonstrate entanglement between millions of atoms in a solid-state quantum memory prepar
12 is now possible to visualize structures with millions of atoms in a web browser, keep the whole PDB a
13  the potential to simultaneously interrogate millions of atoms with a high spectroscopic quality fact
14  By analysing 48 bird genomes, we identified millions of avian-specific highly conserved elements (AS
15 n (DWH) oil spill resulted in the release of millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, and
16 ke for DNA segments that are strung out over millions of base pairs along the chromatin fiber to find
17 tegrating different types of analysis across millions of base pairs in hundreds or thousands of isola
18 ine 27 (H3K27) monomethylation, we show that millions of base pairs of chromosome 4, including the te
19 rom non-binding peptide fragments, and multi-millions of binding and non-binding peptide fragments fr
20  integrative network encoding knowledge from millions of biomedical studies.
21                                              Millions of birds migrate to and from the Arctic each ye
22 sed the overlap between these diseases, with millions of cancer survivors now at risk of developing C
23  (CHAT) capable of retrieving and organizing millions of cancer-related references from PubMed into t
24 rately selecting these influential SNPs from millions of candidates is in high demand, but poses chal
25 ) is a painful, contagious eye disease, with millions of cases in the last decades.
26 reaks of CHIKV infection are responsible for millions of cases of acute illness and long-term complic
27                    Although CHIKV has caused millions of cases of disease and significant economic bu
28 aining steroid hormone aldosterone and cause millions of cases of severe hypertension worldwide.
29       The influenza virus is responsible for millions of cases of severe illness annually.
30                   The Shigella species cause millions of cases of watery or bloody diarrhea each year
31 s (CHIKV), has reemerged since 2004 to cause millions of cases.
32 ration of milligram-scale protein samples or millions of cells in minutes after binding.
33 to measure protein abundance in thousands to millions of cells using flow cytometry.
34  of a paired immune receptor repertoire from millions of cells with high precision (>97%).
35 s, is still an elaborate procedure requiring millions of cells.
36 l clock are made at the macroscopic level of millions of cells.
37 ristics of complex biological systems across millions of cells.
38                                              Millions of children attend after-school programs in the
39                           This could benefit millions of children currently excluded from supplementa
40         Pediatric health care networks serve millions of children each year.
41                                 In addition, millions of children who present for medical care (inclu
42 o in Africa goes far beyond the tragedies of millions of children with permanent paralysis.
43 has made substantial progress in vaccinating millions of children worldwide, including those living i
44  tOPV doses per year to immunize hundreds of millions of children.
45 persensitivity is a debilitating symptom for millions of chronic pain patients.
46 ) infection is a global health problem, with millions of chronically infected individuals at risk for
47                                              Millions of cis-regulatory elements are predicted to be
48                                              Millions of coastal inhabitants in Southeast Asia have b
49 devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caught millions of coastal residents and the scientific communi
50  viral pathogen responsible for the death of millions of colonies worldwide.
51  High-throughput screening (HTS) has enabled millions of compounds to be assessed for biological acti
52 gorithms to provide interactive screening of millions of compounds.
53 favor bubble nucleation even more: there are millions of conduits with at least some hydrophobic surf
54 have estimated that hundreds of thousands or millions of CVD deaths are attributable to established C
55  taxi, driver, and accident data (comprising millions of data points) from the largest taxi company i
56 ns of insulin provide lifesaving benefits to millions of diabetics.
57 eries of known or unprecedented reactions on millions of different substrates, with no easily observa
58 e modeling algorithm has been tested against millions of diverse dose-response series, and robustly f
59 ic variants for over 1658 markers or tens of millions of documented single nucleotide polymorphisms (
60 sm caused by flu infection costs hundreds of millions of dollars every year.
61 d value-based purchasing; hospitals may have millions of dollars of reimbursement at risk.
62 transportation and may save lives as well as millions of dollars.
63 ynthesis of functional materials composed of millions of droplets or particles.
64 inuous droplet screening, passively handling millions of droplets with complete uniformity, especiall
65                                   Worldwide, millions of ECGs are recorded annually, with the majorit
66 r fish despite over 100 years of use and the millions of fish currently held in thousands of laborato
67  Tn5 transposase assays require thousands to millions of fresh cells for comprehensive chromatin mapp
68 GEO) is a rich community resource containing millions of gene expression experiments from human, mous
69 tudies involve detecting association between millions of genetic variants and a trait, which typicall
70 cessity to statistically correct for testing millions of genetic variants.
71 ytes grow via clonal propagation and produce millions of genetically identical gametes throughout a p
72                                Consequently, millions of genomes represented as variants are stored i
73 ency and reduces biological diversity across millions of hectares in western North America.
74 he abyss has a highly complex landscape with millions of hills and mountains.
75 ssues, yielding measurements for hundreds of millions of histologic objects.
76                                              Millions of HIV-infected people worldwide receive antire
77 f the century, necessitating the building of millions of homes.
78 obases to the first human genome, and now to millions of human and a myriad of other genomes.
79 pproaching the point where we have sequenced millions of human genomes.
80  single-stranded RNA viruses responsible for millions of human infections annually.
81 ses cause one million deaths and hundreds of millions of human infections yearly.
82 single-celled eukaryotic parasite afflicting millions of humans worldwide, with current therapies lim
83 rticularly severe for benthic surveys, where millions of images are obtained each year.
84 sponsible for the morbidity and mortality of millions of immunocompromised individuals worldwide, yet
85 ing from itinerant medicine sellers, through millions of independent practitioners-both unlicensed an
86 oring the vast amounts of information in the millions of individual immune receptors comprising a rep
87 ing to decode combinatorial modifications on millions of individual nucleosomes from pluripotent stem
88 satellite sensors that can routinely observe millions of individual smallholder farms raises possibil
89                                              Millions of individuals are infected with and die from t
90  Because glutinous rice flour is consumed by millions of individuals around the world, its analysis i
91                                              Millions of individuals have access to raw genomic data
92                                              Millions of individuals have used illicit anabolic-andro
93 s to adult and pediatric palliative care for millions of individuals in need in low- and middle-incom
94                        In the United States, millions of individuals need treatment for substance use
95  In comparison, in the industrialized world, millions of individuals suffer from dysregulated type 2
96                  Sickle-cell disease affects millions of individuals worldwide, but the global incide
97 c mycoses are neglected diseases that affect millions of individuals worldwide, especially in low-inc
98                                              Millions of individuals worldwide, particularly those li
99  (DED) is a common ocular disorder affecting millions of individuals worldwide.
100 enotyped humans is currently on the order of millions of individuals, and existing methods do not sca
101  syndrome is a common condition that affects millions of individuals.
102  syndrome is a common condition that affects millions of individuals.
103  creating big data repositories of data from millions of individuals.
104 utes a major global public health burden for millions of infants, despite hypothermia therapy.
105 nce reemerged to cause several epidemics and millions of infections throughout the world.
106                   A single well can generate millions of liters of wastewater, representing a mixture
107  isolated capsular polysaccharide (CPS) save millions of lives annually by preventing invasive pneumo
108  and tissues on demand could save or improve millions of lives each year globally and create public h
109                    Infectious diseases claim millions of lives every year, but with the advent of dru
110 nterventions that have the potential to save millions of lives through cancer prevention.
111                       Antibiotics have saved millions of lives.
112 e Care Act expanded Medicaid eligibility for millions of low-income adults.
113 ociation studies (GWAS), which often analyze millions of markers.
114 new features, have been previously tested on millions of mass spectra.
115 s persons of all ages and is associated with millions of medical visits, hundreds of thousands of hos
116 ayer and cytoskeleton as modeled by multiple millions of mesoscopic particles-using a single shared m
117 utational expense of performing thousands to millions of model simulations required for statistical a
118 here justified analytically and supported by millions of Monte Carlo simulations.
119                                    Given the millions of mortgages still in default, further research
120 acrificial silicon layer through hundreds of millions of nanoscale vent holes on each chip by gas-pha
121                 Chlamydia is responsible for millions of new infections annually, and current efforts
122                                          For millions of new survivors comes de novo suffering and di
123 , caused by Phytophthora ramorum, has killed millions of oak and tanoak in California since its first
124 ely 1,100 odorant receptor (OR) genes across millions of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the main
125 information, thereby connecting neurons into millions of overlapping and interdigitated neural circui
126  a single-stranded DNA template and generate millions of pair-wise combinations.
127 rving, topographic organization, establishes millions of parallel channels for incremental visual fie
128 -flow, high throughput size based sorting of millions of particles and cells in a minute without any
129 ode-scale inhomogeneous reactions containing millions of particles, leading to intensive debate over
130 herein can provide guidance for managing the millions of patients affected by these lesions.
131              Secondary visual loss occurs in millions of patients due to a wound-healing response, kn
132 herapeutic approaches to depression fail for millions of patients due to lag in clinical response and
133                                              Millions of patients suffer from major depressive disord
134  lithium has improved the quality of life of millions of patients with bipolar disorder for >60 years
135  to provide effective preventive measures in millions of patients with nonobstructive coronary heart
136 ted >150 000 allied health professionals and millions of patients with peripheral artery disease at t
137 ent of tuberculosis over the past 2 decades, millions of patients with tuberculosis go unreported eve
138 antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) is prescribed to millions of patients worldwide following coronary stenti
139  common cytotoxics used for the treatment of millions of patients worldwide.
140 hat can potentially affect the well-being of millions of patients.
141 e anonymized logs of web search queries from millions of people across the United States.
142 d have become a life-threatening problem for millions of people and growing menace to society.
143  a major global infectious disease affecting millions of people annually.
144  and lymphatic filariasis affect hundreds of millions of people annually.
145                                              Millions of people are affected by respiratory diseases,
146                             Although tens of millions of people are estimated to be exposed to or inf
147                                  Hundreds of millions of people around the world benefit from low-cos
148 mon beans are the primary protein source for millions of people around the world who subsist on low-i
149 ovide multiple ecosystem services upon which millions of people depend.
150                                              Millions of people die every year from diseases caused b
151                                              Millions of people die of infectious diseases each year,
152 ection of the respiratory tract that affects millions of people during seasonal outbreaks every year.
153                Food borne infections affects millions of people each year and among pathogens, Salmon
154                            Infections affect millions of people each year and yet methods to ascertai
155             Dengue virus affects hundreds of millions of people each year around the world, causing a
156        Toxoplasma and Cryptosporidium infect millions of people each year with lethal consequences in
157                               Sepsis affects millions of people every year, many of whom will die.
158 alaria is a mosquito-borne disease affecting millions of people every year.
159  is a deadly infectious disease, which kills millions of people every year.
160                                              Millions of people globally are at high risk for neurode
161  of the biggest medical challenges affecting millions of people globally.
162       In light of the current epidemic, with millions of people in North and South America at risk, e
163 rican trypanosomiasis (HAT), which threatens millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa.
164 ma mansoni is a parasitic fluke that infects millions of people in the developing world.
165 icantly in the near future, which may affect millions of people in this region.
166 uito-transmitted dengue virus (DENV) infects millions of people in tropical and subtropical regions.
167 avivirus that now causes epidemics affecting millions of people on multiple continents.
168                 Dengue viruses, which infect millions of people per year worldwide, cause large epide
169 e-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects millions of people throughout the world.
170                                              Millions of people want to donate their organs after the
171 ould weaken the food security of hundreds of millions of people who depend on diverse and largely unr
172 d Chlamydiales cause diseases in hundreds of millions of people worldwide and in many animal species.
173          Alzheimer's disease affects tens of millions of people worldwide and its prevalence continue
174 intestinal geohelminths, affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide and thus poses a major risk
175 ing elevated CD8 T cell responses.IMPORTANCE Millions of people worldwide are infected with herpes si
176                                              Millions of people worldwide develop invasive infections
177 lity fractures caused by osteoporosis affect millions of people worldwide every year with significant
178                                              Millions of people worldwide suffer from diseases that l
179                    Parasitic diseases affect millions of people worldwide, causing debilitating illne
180 MPORTANCE Herpes simplex virus (HSV) affects millions of people worldwide, causing painful oral and g
181 atening haematological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide.
182 ons in the beta-globin (HBB) gene and affect millions of people worldwide.
183                Olfactory dysfunction affects millions of people worldwide.
184 er and soils threatens the health of tens of millions of people worldwide.
185 blic health problem that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
186 r the diarrheal disease cholera that infects millions of people worldwide.
187 a major cause of seasonal allergy, affecting millions of people worldwide.
188 ntestinal inflammatory disorders that affect millions of people worldwide.
189 ading globally neglected diseases, affecting millions of people worldwide.
190  Arsenic exposure via drinking water impacts millions of people worldwide.
191  increased rapidly in recent years affecting millions of people worldwide.
192     Chronic pain causes extreme suffering to millions of people, but its mechanisms remain to be unra
193 rove wetlands provide ecosystem services for millions of people, most prominently by providing storm
194  the appearance of recurrent skin lesions in millions of people.
195 x neurodevelopmental disorders, debilitating millions of people.
196 provide important ecosystem services to many millions of people.
197 water towers and provide water resources for millions of people.
198 e ready for widespread rollout for cities of millions of people.
199 nd recently discovered extremely large MR of millions of percents in semimetals can be taken as examp
200         Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) affects millions of persons worldwide, and is associated with im
201       Despite using an underlying dataset of millions of persons, we had little precision in estimati
202  generation of hundreds of thousands or even millions of picoliter droplets that cannot be individual
203  is compartmentalized as single molecules in millions of picoliter droplets.
204  although simulations suggest that there are millions of possible zeolite topologies, only a little o
205             We simulated random exposures to millions of potential mixtures of 86 aromatase inhibitor
206 eriments consist of sequence reads mapped to millions of potential transposon insertion sites and a l
207                                    Each year millions of pregnant woman are exposed to caffeine, whic
208  cellular systems need to be able to measure millions of proteins, isoforms, and complexes simultaneo
209       However, decoding the functions of the millions of putative regulatory elements discovered in t
210  very high speed, allowing it to process the millions of reads from a typical high-throughput DNA seq
211  a genotype imputation method that scales to millions of reference samples.
212  hundreds of thousands of deaths and created millions of refugees.
213                                              Millions of regulatory sequences have been predicted in
214 molecules of modest size already occupy many millions of rotational/vibrational states, yielding high
215 e next 10 years, when GWASs will be based on millions of samples with array data imputed to a large f
216 o provide realistic genome simulation across millions of samples.
217                         This has resulted in millions of scientific articles.
218 ing programs aim to boost the incomes of the millions of self-employed business owners in developing
219                                      Tens of millions of seniors are at risk of herpes zoster (HZ) an
220  technologies have enabled the generation of millions of sequences from microorganisms.
221  hierarchical clustering analysis of tens of millions of sequences.
222  structure chemical probing methods generate millions of sequencing reads to provide structural const
223 eneration sequencing technology and produces millions of short reads that contain errors.
224 can map the projections of thousands or even millions of single neurons by labeling large sets of neu
225 uch data allows cost-efficient genotyping of millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for t
226 e association studies (GWAS), which genotype millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in th
227 000 Genomes Project resulted in a catalog of millions of single nucleotides and insertion/deletion (I
228 omplex phenotype(s) (e.g., height) and up to millions of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
229                          Globally, there are millions of small lakes, but a small number of large lak
230 t wetland complexes in the world, containing millions of small, shallow wetlands.
231 igin, are far more difficult to find because millions of SNPs must currently be compared to thousands
232  to hundreds of thousands of individuals and millions of SNPs.
233                    Sequencing has identified millions of somatic mutations in human cancers, but dist
234 eminiferous tubules of the testes, producing millions of spermatozoa per day in an adult male in rode
235  I sequencing because of the requirement for millions of starting cells.
236                 Our results demonstrate that millions of strontium atoms from the vapour can be captu
237 ynivalenol mycotoxin, potentially benefiting millions of subsistence farmers and livestock.
238 uld likely require averaging and classifying millions of subtomograms potentially containing hundreds
239 consist of thousands of neurons connected by millions of synapses.
240                                Using data on millions of taxi trips in New York City, San Francisco,
241 lapse within a microsecond to the nanoscale, millions of times faster than the base polymer.
242                                              Millions of tons of wastewater containing both inorganic
243 sulted in tremendous losses and the death of millions of trees worldwide.
244 ence of air, is highly selective and affords millions of turnovers.
245  without background checks than in the past, millions of U.S. adults continue to acquire guns without
246 iency and efficacy of the algorithm; tens of millions of units can be blocked using a desktop compute
247 with nonelevated clinic BP-and suggests that millions of US adults may be misclassified as not having
248  variome reference, providing information on millions of variants from 40 additional ethnically homog
249 iques can identify unique functionality from millions of variants.
250 , allowing ultrahigh-throughput screening of millions of variants.
251  and operates through thousands of staff and millions of volunteers in dozens of countries.
252 ctive log analysis of the online activity of millions of web searchers seeking health-related informa
253 xual and reproductive health care could help millions of women avoid unintended pregnancies and ensur
254 emains co-linear in some cicadas diverged by millions of years [6, 7].
255 n duplicate for periods extending to tens of millions of years after whole-genome duplication, but ul
256 the state of global biodiversity for tens of millions of years afterward.
257 have influenced the Earth system hundreds of millions of years ago through vegetation-climate feedbac
258 the enterococci, to their origin hundreds of millions of years ago.
259 ements, and old that moved thousands or even millions of years ago.
260  temperature, geologic CH4 was produced over millions of years and can be released year-round provide
261  affirms the conservation of resistance over millions of years and establishes the longevity of these
262    The strong HRE of ONSEN is conserved over millions of years and has evolved by duplication of a pr
263 d combines both virus-host codivergence over millions of years and host species jumping.
264                               Finally, after millions of years and hundreds of fault offsets, the mou
265 space of thousands of years, rather than the millions of years as previously thought, a finding that
266 ionary precursors lived together for tens of millions of years before dinosaurs ultimately rose to th
267 timately exceeded by extinction rate tens of millions of years before the K-Pg boundary.
268  mucosal immunoglobulins have co-evolved for millions of years in vertebrate animals.
269  of fluctuations in population size over the millions of years it takes to build up high nucleotide d
270 mid- to high-latitude terrestrial ecosystems millions of years later, closer to the Triassic-Jurassic
271 ned structurally similar despite hundreds of millions of years of evolution - an example of remarkabl
272                              However, across millions of years of evolution conserved class-specific
273                                              Millions of years of evolution have produced biological
274                                  Hundreds of millions of years of evolution resulted in hair-based fl
275 ur analyses suggested that these viruses are millions of years old, in agreement with paleovirologica
276 o be very young, and concluded that they are millions of years old.
277 ous sequence divergence spanning hundreds of millions of years predicted the extent of epistasis in o
278  differentiation between islands isolated by millions of years reflects replacement of hemosporidian
279 cellular organisms and societies, which took millions of years to evolve.
280 t and beneficial; yet some have survived for millions of years without sex.
281  has been part of the marine environment for millions of years, and microbes that use its rich source
282 ing a formation timescale of several tens of millions of years, consistent with crater ages.
283 tions that have accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, driven by CG-specific DNA methyl tran
284  and likely codiverged with their hosts over millions of years, other adenoviruses appear to have eme
285  agricultural symbiosis evolved over tens of millions of years, producing complex societies with indu
286 ively', but can arise gradually over tens of millions of years, promoting lineage-specific diversific
287  associated with vertebrates for hundreds of millions of years, they have also been characterized by
288 emonstrate that CO2 may be stored safely for millions of years, uncertainty remains in predicting how
289 entally constant surface regions for several millions of years, with most land ice-covered and much o
290 n of phosphosites conserved over hundreds of millions of years.
291 n the same regulatory networks for dozens of millions of years.
292 genus richness did not trend for hundreds of millions of years.
293 d in their hosts, the New World rodents, for millions of years.
294 ation of polyomaviruses and their hosts over millions of years.
295 imorphism has been adaptively maintained for millions of years.
296  humans have been specialised to exploit for millions of years.
297 cales increasing from nanoseconds to tens of millions of years.
298 tory architecture conserved over hundreds of millions of years.Metazoan genomes contain many clusters
299 ilities change over hundreds of thousands to millions of years?
300 hroughout the Asia-Pacific region, affecting millions of young children, who develop symptoms ranging

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