


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  assemble a MinE ring, is more rigid than WT MinE.
2 amples collected at a prospective rare earth mine.
3 to trigger this conformational transition in MinE.
4 5) associations were confirmed by literature mining.
5 d the skills to efficiently perform database mining.
6 geosciences, paleoecology, astrobiology, and mining.
7 ication of new protease inhibitors by genome mining.
8 ression (Human Protein Atlas) and literature mining.
9 ition (NER) is a key task in biomedical text mining.
10 cientific literature by using automated text mining.
11 re a marine resource considered for deep sea mining.
12  (TCGA) RNA-Seq analysis and PubMed abstract mining.
13                                              Mining 16 years of archival data, we find no evidence fo
14 nt and intuitive web-interface for easy data mining, a comprehensive RESTful API and client libraries
15                  We applied frequent itemset mining, a technique traditionally used for market basket
16 issions reduction, environmental protection, mining accident prevention, chemical and process industr
17 solated from the Rock Creek underground coal mine acid drainage site.
18 integrated approach was taken involving data mining across multiple information resources including d
19               The results lead to models for MinE activation and MinE ring formation.
20 de (principally pyrite)-containing rock from mining activities and from natural environments is expos
21 nt of the changes and temporal linkages with mining activities are difficult to establish given restr
22 l effects of elevated metals and reduced pH, mining activities influence aquatic organisms indirectly
23 rce of REE to humans in areas unperturbed by mining activities.
24 hat may experience major impacts from future mining activities.
25  incorporate single-cell tracking and a data-mining algorithm into our approach to obtain RNA element
26 weighted interest measure and an association mining algorithm to find the strength of association bet
27 to visualize data and to apply advanced data mining analysis methods to explore the data and draw bio
28 ctrostatic patterns of active compounds were mined and mapped to virtually screen potential analogs.
29 watershed approach consisting of two sets of mined and unmined watersheds in West Virginia.
30 d from five bogs in the vicinity of open pit mines and upgraders of the Athabasca Bituminous Sands, t
31 work and trade opportunities offered by gold mining and agricultural companies but continue to depend
32 the social and environmental impacts of gold mining and agricultural concessions in Myanmar's Hukaung
33                                However, gold mining and agricultural concessions reduce tree cover, p
34 ecies from biological samples, enabling data mining and automating lipid identification and external
35                                       Genome mining and biochemical studies have shown that oomycetes
36 ue to Brazil; to mitigate adverse impacts of mining and conserve tropical forests globally, environme
37 nd GTEx, creating new opportunities for data mining and deeper understanding of gene functions.
38  steady state and applied an integrated data-mining and functional genomics approach to identify a rh
39 the major organs of the mouse, allowing data mining and generating knowledge to elucidate the roles o
40 th century due to emissions from gold/silver mining and Hg production.
41 of analysis and visualization tools for data mining and hypothesis generation, personal workbench spa
42                 Part of the solution lies in mining and integrating information from various discipli
43 cal issues regarding consent for future data mining and intellectual property.
44 ated disorders by performing literature data mining and manual curation.
45 structed an AAgAtlas database 1.0 using text-mining and manual curation.
46  with results from logistic regression, text-mining and molecular-level measures for comorbidities su
47                                         Data mining and multivariate statistics were employed to eval
48 nium (U) contamination occurs as a result of mining and ore processing; often in alluvial aquifers th
49   Uranium groundwater contamination due to U mining and processing affects numerous sites globally.
50 Assphage, was discovered by metagenomic data mining and reported to be abundant in and closely associ
51 e predicted by serum pharmacochemistry, text mining and similarity match.
52                                              Mining and summarizing NSD-ncRNA association data can he
53 to quantify dust emissions from the open-pit mining and upgrading of Athabasca bituminous sands (ABS)
54 nual literature curation, computational text mining, and genome analysis.
55 s from January 2010 to March 2016, reference mining, and pharmaceutical manufacturers.
56 action network prediction, coexpression data mining, and phylogenetic profiling all produced incomple
57  to protein markers derived from public data mining, and whether mass spectrometry can be utilized to
58 ntegration with FDA drug labels enables text mining applications for drug adverse events and clinical
59 eir subsequent annotation together with text mining applications for linking chemistry with biologica
60 as can be utilised to develop efficient text mining applications on cell types and cell lines.
61 aB in the kidney cortex, and a targeted data mining approach identified components of the noncanonica
62  In this study, we present an automated text mining approach using Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) for
63        We combined the group theory and data mining approach within the Organic Materials Database th
64      Using a computational sequence database mining approach, we identify two class 2 CRISPR-Cas syst
65    Recent advances in metabolomic and genome mining approaches have uncovered a poorly understood met
66 ealizing the predictive capabilities of data mining approaches is a curated, open-access, up-to-date
67 ata sets can be archived and retrospectively mined as new environmental contaminants are identified.
68 tainty being acknowledged in biomedical text mining as an attribute of text mined interactions (event
69 ombustion and artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in Asian countries determine recent atmosp
70                                              Mining available gene expression data sets allowed to ob
71 forest based retention time prediction, text-mining based false positive removal/true positive rankin
72                                              Mining breast cancer TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) data
73 also provide a basis for more extensive data mining by providing a comprehensive list of miRNAs capab
74  rate was "agriculture" (by occupation) and "mining" (by industry).
75 trative and managerial" (by occupation) and "mining" (by industry).
76 ncode a variety of sortases, natural sortase mining can be a viable complementary approach akin to en
77 or data analysis is that the process of data mining can become uncoupled from the scientific process
78  that a state-of-the-art physics-guided data mining can provide an efficient pathway for knowledge di
79                   Applying this approach, we mined Caucasian genome-wide association studies (GWAS) d
80 riginally isolated from an abandoned uranium mine, ceased to grow, and concomitantly exhibited height
81 This domain is buried in the 6-beta-stranded MinE "closed" structure, but is liberated for interactio
82 ssessing nodule abundance is of interest for mining companies and to monitor potential environmental
83 on and degradation compared with logging and mining concessions, and the unprotected landscape.
84 vernance regimes when matched to logging and mining concessions.
85                 Land-cover changes driven by mining, dam and road construction, agriculture and cattl
86  finance calls for effective strategies that mine data to reveal underlying dynamics.
87                                           We mined data from Instagram, and used generalized linear m
88                                           By mining data for >1,500 disease-causing mutants, we found
89                                           By mining data from hundreds of experimental phase diagrams
90 between proteins and diseases, based on text mining data processed from scientific literature.
91 he "metabolic in-silico expansion" database (MINE DB) to obtain possible molecular structures that ar
92 t) exposed within the Fairbanks and Klondike mining districts of Alaska, USA, and the Yukon Territory
93                                      We then mined DNase-seq data to identify putative active CRMs an
94 r for arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb) in acid mine drainage (AMD) and acid sulfate soil (ASS) environm
95 dentifying causal relationships between acid mine drainage (AMD) and ecological responses in the fiel
96 ur on Earth and is the primary cause of acid mine drainage (AMD).
97 ents in water and sediments affected by acid mine drainage and acid sulfate soils.
98  rise, likely reflecting the onset of acidic mine drainage from coal operations.
99 metal-rich particles collected from two acid mine drainage impacted rivers.
100 er contaminated by natural leachate and acid mine drainage remediation.
101 MgO2 and Fe2O3 particles recovered from acid mine drainage treatment) can enhance LNAPL (light nonaqu
102 nd, or sorbed Zn, was bioavailable from acid mine drainage wastes.
103 as those that could result from acid rain or mine drainage.
104                          In Brazil's Amazon, mining drives deforestation far beyond operational lease
105                                 By industry; mining, electricity and gas, fisheries, and agriculture
106                      A phenotyping algorithm mining electronic medical records was developed and vali
107 ate) traits at the gene- or pathway-level by mining existing single GWAS or meta-analyzed GWAS data.
108 ic compounds (VOCs) for each of four surface mining facilities, determined with a top-down approach u
109 l filtering of GWAS results followed by text-mining filtering revealed relationships between ADGRV1 a
110 tistical filtering of GWAS results, and text-mining filtering using Gene Relationships Across Implica
111 thy survivors, who experienced the same coal mining flood disaster.
112 sing the ability of plants to extract water, mine for nutrients and anchor above-ground shoot systems
113 E) are two major studies that can be used to mine for therapeutic biomarkers for cancers of a large v
114 mplex traits, and this knowledge can then be mined for its relevance for improved therapeutics and it
115 n vivo assay descriptions can be effectively mined for relevant information, including experimental f
116 ersity, a Petuniaaxillaris transcriptome was mined for trichome preferentially expressed BAHDs.
117 RTS allows for specific and efficient genome mining for antibiotics with interesting and novel target
118 s process can be dramatically accelerated by mining for new ligands in a typical pharmaceutical compo
119 will further facilitate computational genome mining for the discovery of novel bioactive molecules.
120 nts) may be inaccurate 'canaries in the coal mine' for CC without pertinent demographic analyses and
121 In this study, we present a novel literature-mining framework for enhancing the predictions of DDIs a
122  integrated compendium of annotated diseases mined from 68 data sources.
123              Finally, we combine information mined from text with curated annotations stored in ChEMB
124  97.4% of the variants in the pools could be mined from the analysis of the 44 complete Str.
125 vy rare earth elements (HREE) are dominantly mined from the weathering crusts of granites in South Ch
126                                Based on data mining from AERS-DM, PPI use appears to be associated wi
127 overexpressing mice in conjunction with data mining from the Cancer Genome Atlas showed that the neut
128  direct sequencing, KIR genotyping, and data mining from the Great Ape Genome Project, we characteriz
129                                              Mining fungal and plant genomes along with evolutionary
130                                           We mined gene expression data to uncover genes that are dif
131                                              Mining generated reads it was possible to identify diffe
132 ed pseudopods that we call "alpha-motility." Mining genomic data reveals a clear trend: only organism
133                                    Oil sands mining has been linked to increasing atmospheric deposit
134 l linkage disequilibrium analysis and allele mining identified possible candidate genes which may mod
135  identified by using a combination of genome mining, imaging, and expression studies in the natural p
136 mith Ranch-Highland in situ recovery (ISR) U mine in eastern Wyoming, USA, where economic U deposits
137 lected from the abandoned Woodsreef Asbestos Mine in New South Wales, Australia as a strategy to sequ
138 ering techniques, very few were designed for mining in growth phenotype data.
139 icking through GEPIA greatly facilitate data mining in wide research areas, scientific discussion and
140 e validated a few top predicted DTIs through mining independent drug databases and literatures.
141                             Here we quantify mining-induced deforestation and investigate the aspects
142                                              Mining-induced deforestation is not unique to Brazil; to
143                          In Escherichia coli MinE induces MinC/MinD to oscillate between the ends of
144                     The rapid development of mining industries drives income-based GHG emissions of r
145     Pathways leading to such impacts include mining infrastructure establishment, urban expansion to
146 omedical text mining as an attribute of text mined interactions (events), it is significantly underst
147  We therefore propose an updated model where MinE is brought to the membrane through interactions wit
148 g of valleys has lowered the median slope of mined landscapes in the region by nearly 10 degrees whil
149                                              Mining large datasets using machine learning approaches
150 reased Amazon forest loss up to 70 km beyond mining lease boundaries, causing 11,670 km(2) of defores
151 imes more deforestation than occurred within mining leases alone.
152 iosis, and an exciting coalescence of genome mining, lipid profiling, and tracer studies collectively
153 xtensive and intensive agriculture, resource mining, livestock grazing and urban settlement.
154 stems can be accurately predicted using data-mining, machine-learning techniques.
155 om fugitive emissions of dusts from open-pit mining, may have long-term ecological ramifications.
156            However, MinE mutants lacking the MinE membrane-targeting sequence stimulated higher ATP h
157                            Here we show that MinE-membrane interactions induce a structural change in
158                      In recent years, genome mining methodologies have been widely adopted to identif
159 Cancer taxonomy and developed automatic text mining methodology and a tool (CHAT) capable of retrievi
160 Vitro in biomedical literature by using text mining methods and present our results.
161 iomedical networks and models, aided by text mining methods that provide evidence from literature.
162       ARTS integrates target directed genome mining methods, antibiotic gene cluster predictions and
163 derlying structure in the genomic data, data mining might identify this and thus improve downstream a
164             This results in Canadian uranium mining-milling contributing only 1.1 g CO2e/kWh to total
165 ns of the Min-system proteins MinC, MinD and MinE (MinCDE) are strongly dependent on the geometry of
166    We examined interactions between the leaf-mining moth Cameraria ohridella, the bacterial causal ag
167                     Mountaintop removal coal mining (MTM) is a form of surface mining where ridges an
168 ge will contribute to sustaining supply, but mining must continue and grow for the foreseeable future
169          Furthermore, HDX-MS revealed that a MinE mutant (D45A/V49A), previously shown to produce an
170                                     However, MinE mutants lacking the MinE membrane-targeting sequenc
171       Various methods have been developed to mine "next-generation" sequencing (NGS) data to detect d
172 and constitutes a promising resource for the mining of agriculturally important genes.
173 y NMR combined with virtual screening and re-mining of biochemical high-throughput screening (HTS) hi
174 ese fungi through the release and subsequent mining of genome sequences.
175                    We show how archiving and mining of intraoperative hemodynamic data in orthotopic
176                                              Mining of leaf- and trichome-specific transcriptomes rev
177             It also demonstrates that a deep mining of natural functionalities of living systems is a
178 or research effort linked to possible future mining of polymetallic nodules.
179 ncludes 2767 fusion genes obtained from text mining of PubMed abstracts.
180 greater resilience is achievable through the mining of resistance alleles from compatible wild sunflo
181                                         Data mining of RNA-Seq experiments with mouse models of intes
182 rediction errors of GRNs hinder optimal data mining of RNA-Seq transcriptome profiles.
183 rtunities for possible expansion and further mining of the data from this ingenious design.
184                        To facilitate further mining of the disease methylome, three new web tools wer
185                                              Mining of the golden larch root transcriptome revealed a
186 nd, where the dominant contributions are the mining of the rare earth oxide ceria, the manufacturing
187 signals across genomes, (iii) automated text-mining of the scientific literature and (iv) computation
188     Very recently, a novel approach for data mining of the vast compilations of tumour NGS data succe
189                                      Through mining of V ores (130 x 10(9) g V/y) and extraction and
190 m the upstream oil and gas sector (excluding mined oil sands) are likely at least 25-50% greater than
191 deforestation and investigate the aspects of mining operations, which most likely contribute.
192 g of people who worked in South African gold mines or lived in associated labor-sending communities.
193 ,807 Chinese workers who had worked in metal mines or pottery factories for at least 1 year from Janu
194 strength aqueous media that often occur in U mining or contaminated sites, which makes U(VI) very mob
195 n sludge were similar to those in profitable mining ores, with total flux values of up to 6.8 USD per
196                              To this end, we mined our previously published pseudopodium-enriched (PD
197                                           We mined our RNA-sequencing data for differentially up-regu
198 Mining Synthetic Lethals), an algorithm that mines pan-cancer human primary tumour data to identify m
199 tion in the thousands of existing and future mine pit lakes worldwide requires new numerical tools th
200 s study demonstrates a holistic approach for mining plant collections to accelerate crop improvement.
201                                              Mining poses significant and potentially underestimated
202 st surface display is a powerful approach to mine potential therapeutics from inter-species protein i
203 annotation tool, L1Xplorer, has been used to mine potentially active L1 retrotransposons from the ref
204 d sites were used to demonstrate that a data mining prediction model using the classification and reg
205 a more economical and environmentally benign mining process, as well as the design of more effective
206  with extracting palladium using present-day mining processes.
207                                         Many mining projects targeting rare earth elements (REE) are
208 ng mass spectrometry, microscopy, and genome mining, provides an effective way for mappings of proteo
209  gene fusions with high accuracy in vivo, we mined public data to discover and subsequently PCR valid
210                           Current options to mine publicly available gene expression data deposited i
211  combined with a machine learning method, to mine publicly available transcriptomic data from melanom
212                                      Through mining publicly accessible PCa gene expression datasets,
213                                      We then mined published RNA sequencing data from 117 hPS cell li
214    During eddy-induced elevated flow periods mining-related plumes, potentially supplemented by natur
215         After stimulation of ATP hydrolysis, MinE remains bound to the membrane in a state that does
216 as well as the design of more effective post-mining restoration strategies and human health-risk asse
217 phi method uses a sliding-window approach to mine results from non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann (NLPB) ca
218 sults lead to models for MinE activation and MinE ring formation.
219 berrant oscillation and unable to assemble a MinE ring, is more rigid than WT MinE.
220  hydrolysis, stimulated by interactions with MinE's anti-MinCD domain.
221 with the beta-sheet is fine-tuned to balance MinE's need to sense MinD on the membrane with its need
222  used in process coming from the nearby salt mine Salies-de-Bearn.
223 known, previous observations of higher-order MinE self-association may explain this inhibition.
224 t here our recently developed web-based text mining services for biomedical concept recognition and n
225 stration Adverse Event Reporting System Data Mining Set (AERS-DM).
226                                      We find mining significantly increased Amazon forest loss up to
227  collected from the Blue Gap/Tachee Claim-28 mine site in Arizona was investigated by integrating flo
228 only found across highly contaminated former mine sites and are considered to have under-gone selecti
229 riation in effect thresholds between the two mine sites.
230 icial sediments exposed to effluent from two mine sites.
231 llenging and costly for operating and legacy mine sites.
232 as found applications in many fields such as mining, solid state chemistry, biochemistry and medical
233 d take up, palladium from both synthetic and mine-sourced tailings.
234 ome sequencing data, it becomes practical to mine STR profiles in silico from genome sequences.
235                               We used a data-mining strategy to identify highly expressed genes in Ch
236 bspace is a powerful strategy in general for mining such big data.
237                       By using advanced data mining, supervised machine learning, and network analysi
238                        Here we develop MiSL (Mining Synthetic Lethals), an algorithm that mines pan-c
239 e biomedical literature using the eGIFT text-mining system.
240  barrier to in situ SCN(-) biodegradation in mine tailing waters and also yield new insights into the
241 eriments conducted with leachates from metal-mine tailings and rare earth deposits, we show that func
242  a contaminant requiring remediation in gold mine tailings and wastewaters globally.
243  was implemented in a sample of serpentinite mine tailings collected from the abandoned Woodsreef Asb
244 cur from unlined or structurally compromised mine tailings storage facilities.
245 in situ carbon sequestration in serpentinite mine tailings via microbial carbonate precipitation reac
246 lli, this consortium differed in its source (mine tailings) and metabolism (autotrophy) from those of
247 totrophic microbial consortium enriched from mine tailings, to arrive at an environmentally realistic
248                                              Mine-targeted vaccination averted an estimated 0.37 TB c
249                         The added benefit of mine-targeted vaccination primarily reflected the dispro
250             We then compared the impact of a mine-targeted vaccination strategy, in which miners were
251 nt genome sequencing, they will allow genome mining technologies to be applied to plant natural produ
252 ns to undertake deep sequencing projects can mine the data available to the public.
253 tebrate species and developed a webserver to mine the dataset.
254  use bioinformatics and synthetic biology to mine the human microbiota for N-acyl amides that interac
255                         To this end, we also mine the open access databases ChEMBL and PDB for fragme
256 perability, data sharing, and the ability to mine the resulting data are of increasing importance, gi
257                                     Here, we mined the human immune response to natural EBOV infectio
258                                              Mining the data for underlying genetic or phenotypic str
259  the data are provided by the submitter, and mining the data in the SRA is complicated by both the am
260                                              Mining the data platform with largest connected componen
261                                              Mining the Organic Materials Database, we present band s
262  but reduced in the receptor mutant, dorn1-3 Mining the transcriptome data revealed that ATP induces
263                        Current approaches to mining these data largely rely on binary classifications
264 and analytic technologies are enabling us to mine this natural heritage.
265                            Holthausen et al. mined this soup of natural products and discovered a pep
266                                              Mining this resource, we find that most chromosomal aber
267 Here we propose a machine learning method to mining through publicly available literature on RNA inte
268 iology community that can be computationally mined to complement ongoing research toward the goal of
269                          These images can be mined to extract quantitative features that describe tis
270 ncer datasets provide a resource that can be mined to identify candidate therapeutic targets for spec
271           The qBrain resource can be further mined to link stereotyped aspects of neuronal distributi
272 in 14 Canadian temperate lakes unaffected by mines to assess the natural ecosystem fate of REE.
273 s datasets of human asthma, followed by text mining to evaluate functional marker relevance of discov
274                   In this study, we use text mining to extract information from the descriptions of o
275  overdue for public release by applying text mining to identify dataset references in published artic
276 cribing our first steps into the use of text mining to identify protein-related entities, the large-s
277  bacterial cell division regulators MinD and MinE together with the division inhibitor MinC localize
278 yzer of Bioresource Citation (ABC) is a data mining tool extracting strain related publications, pate
279 ss this issue we developed OncoScore, a text-mining tool that ranks genes according to their associat
280     With the assistance of the PubTator text-mining tool, we tagged more than 10 000 articles to asse
281                                     Existing mining tools are excellent at detecting BGCs or resistan
282 scripts requires the development of specific mining tools to facilitate the visual exploration of evi
283                                     Here, we mine transcriptome data from individual cell types in th
284                                  To do this, MinE undergoes a remarkable conformational change from a
285               As a result, MTMVFs in a mixed mined/unmined watershed contributed disproportionately t
286                                 Through data mining using our structural and biochemical information,
287 nother series of individuals with DEE and by mining various sequencing datasets.
288 on and analysis tools for comprehensive data mining via intuitive graphical interfaces and APIs.
289 f uranium (U) and vanadium(V) from abandoned mine wastes collected from the Blue Gap/Tachee Claim-28
290                                          The mine wastes were sequentially reacted in flow-through co
291 amic model indicated that MD of 10 different mine wastes yields product water containing no contamina
292                                          The mined watersheds exported 7-11% more water than the refe
293                                          The mined watersheds exported only 1/3 of their streamflow
294                                              Mined watersheds with valley fills appear to store preci
295 moval coal mining (MTM) is a form of surface mining where ridges and mountain tops are removed with e
296  recognition is critical for biomedical text mining, where it is not unusual to find entities labeled
297 rging computational approaches based on text mining which offer a great opportunity to organize and r
298  that the GSC cell surface proteome could be mined with a yeast display antibody library to reveal no
299 are combined with other patient data and are mined with sophisticated bioinformatics tools to develop
300 in which miners were vaccinated while in the mines, with that of a community-targeted strategy, in wh

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