


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mple production, ability of multiplexing and miniaturization.
2 ition into a pathological state such as hair miniaturization.
3 ks and magnetometers, and also hinders their miniaturization.
4 g parts and opens the possibility of extreme miniaturization.
5  microtubule-based systems, enabling further miniaturization.
6 ork, the sensing film was also optimized for miniaturization.
7 prepare, rapid feedback, and possibility for miniaturization.
8 ditionally present low sensitivity for assay-miniaturization.
9 technique more biocompatible and amenable to miniaturization.
10 cause of their potential for scalability and miniaturization.
11 al switching, wavefront-analysis, and device miniaturization.
12 roteins as reporters; neither is amenable to miniaturization.
13  of hair loss characterized by hair follicle miniaturization.
14 t, electric field optimization, and ion-trap miniaturization.
15 tionally improved and have the advantages of miniaturization.
16  and simulation program in mass spectrometer miniaturization.
17 n the gas phase, which may ultimately permit miniaturization.
18  diverse biosensor assays and is amenable to miniaturization.
19 on of biomolecules with a high potential for miniaturization.
20 s: scope, connectivity, non-invasiveness and miniaturization.
21 ling advantages in each of these areas after miniaturization.
22 fferentiation, thereby causing hair follicle miniaturization.
23 heir inherent fast response time and ease of miniaturization.
24 c levitator, thus readily promoting reaction miniaturization.
25  desirable for system integration and device miniaturization.
26 few seconds and provides great potential for miniaturization.
27 hile retaining the benefit of further device miniaturization.
28 th the loss of macroscopic surface area upon miniaturization.
29 ectly ancestral to birds undergoes sustained miniaturization across 50 million years and at least 12
30 ordiidae appears to have evolved by stepwise miniaturization adapting from coarser to finer sediments
31 re, it is necessary to better understand how miniaturization affects cell behavior.
32             The distinct, prolonged phase of miniaturization along the bird stem would have facilitat
33 led morphology and structure that also favor miniaturization, an interesting advantage when the sampl
34                      Here we report dramatic miniaturization and 2 orders of magnitude reduction in o
35 rmances: rapidity, selectivity, sensitivity, miniaturization and affordability.
36                              Progress in the miniaturization and automation of complex analytical pro
37                                          The miniaturization and automation of this technology has le
38  The method is amenable to massive scale-up, miniaturization and automation.
39  applications because of their potential for miniaturization and automation.
40 ages of the method are discussed in light of miniaturization and automation.
41 ar layers are at the quantum limit of device miniaturization and can show enhanced electronic effects
42                    This assay is amenable to miniaturization and easily adapted to a format suitable
43 chip-based devices for improved performance, miniaturization and enhanced functionality.
44 n immense drive in modern microscopy towards miniaturization and fibre-based technology.
45 esent the application of 3D-printing for the miniaturization and functionalization of an ion source f
46 perform, versatile in design and amenable to miniaturization and high throughput automation.
47 es to provide new assay methods adaptable to miniaturization and high-throughput screening.
48 , but visible wavelengths would allow system miniaturization and higher energy confinement.
49 w pressures and/or low temperatures prevents miniaturization and hinders practical applications.
50    However, current CGM devices need further miniaturization and improved functional performance.
51 ernal power supplies as well as from further miniaturization and increased detection rate.
52      Microfluidic-based devices have allowed miniaturization and increased parallelism of many common
53                       One concern with assay miniaturization and increases in throughput is a potenti
54  thus, TGF is inherently much more suited to miniaturization and integration into lab-on-a-chip-devic
55                                          For miniaturization and integration of chemical synthesis an
56                   Microfluidic systems allow miniaturization and integration of complex functions, wh
57                                          The miniaturization and integration of frequency-agile micro
58  development is an important step toward the miniaturization and integration of multidimensional and
59                   Microfluidic systems allow miniaturization and integration of multiple biochemical
60 ystals offer unprecedented opportunities for miniaturization and integration of optical devices.
61 gth devices and opens up new avenues for the miniaturization and integration of THz and optical compo
62       In particular, they lend themselves to miniaturization and integration with cheap electronics.
63 planar acoustic lens is crucial to achieving miniaturization and integration, and should have deep im
64  ion-exchange optodes is described, allowing miniaturization and its concomitant benefits.
65                                 By virtue of miniaturization and its parallel format, the platform en
66                   The remarkable advantages (miniaturization and low-cost) fill the bill of point-car
67 spines in C. praetermissus may indicate that miniaturization and migration to a planktonic lifestyle
68                                              Miniaturization and parallel processing play an importan
69 licon chips have demonstrated high levels of miniaturization and performance.
70 ectrochemical methods are highly amenable to miniaturization and possess the potential to be multiple
71 ic lithotripsy have increased with endoscope miniaturization and powerful, precise endoscopic lithotr
72 ysis at a reduced cost is driving a trend in miniaturization and simplification of procedures.
73                                         Such miniaturization and speed advantages are coupled to subm
74             While providing capabilities for miniaturization and system integration thanks to CMOS co
75                                          The miniaturization and tailorable emission properties of th
76                                              Miniaturization and the ability to pack thousands of cry
77 atures or/and complex setups, preventing the miniaturization and wide use of these devices.
78    The high EO response can be leveraged for miniaturization and/or reduction of the operating voltag
79 the future of analytical device fabrication, miniaturization, and functionalization.
80 ns owing to their high performance, inherent miniaturization, and low cost.
81 ic integrated devices for improved fidelity, miniaturization, and reconfiguration.
82 ptics architecture for improved performance, miniaturization, and scalability.
83 tion of the spatial arrangement, modularity, miniaturization, and sharing of information between labo
84     With its advantages in biocompatibility, miniaturization, and versatility, the acoustic tweezers
85                    The prospects for further miniaturization are discussed.
86 alytical advantages realized from such assay miniaturization are more uniform target-spot coverage an
87 al features and the factors that limit their miniaturization are of considerable theoretical interest
88 usly with focusing, proved most suitable for miniaturization because of high speed, EOF compatibility
89 ical devices lend themselves to considerable miniaturization because of their subwavelength features.
90 chemical synthesis, the ultimate in designed miniaturization can be attained while preparing the most
91 h-efficiency mechanical components that pose miniaturization challenges governed by force-scaling law
92 cted NWM growth patterns, with callitrichine miniaturization coevolving with a series of reproductive
93 g fraction of energy as cell size decreases, miniaturization comes at a considerable energetic cost f
94                 Thus, the demand for further miniaturization comes into conflict with the superparama
95 e format and assess the advantages of screen miniaturization compared with conventional high-throughp
96 re we create a practical geometry for device miniaturization, consisting of highly crystalline microm
97  electronic devices promises the ultimate in miniaturization coupled with the flexibility of organic
98                                  The growing miniaturization demand of magnetic devices is fuelling t
99                          The consequences of miniaturization displayed by different insect taxa inclu
100  and crosstalk, which are critical to system miniaturization, diversity in functionality, and non-inv
101 f potassium optode microspots indicated that miniaturization does not alter response characteristics,
102 says, demonstrating that the near 2,000-fold miniaturization does not influence the cytotoxicity resp
103 ral FFF theory indicates few advantages from miniaturization, EFFF theory indicates clear advantages
104 he advantageous attributes such as low-cost, miniaturization, energy efficient, easy fabrication, onl
105 atory devices and there is interest in their miniaturization, even towards on-chip systems.
106                      The trend towards assay miniaturization for high-throughput and ultra-high-throu
107 up is very robust and, as we demonstrate via miniaturization for microplate format, amenable for scre
108  the limitations of analyzing the effects of miniaturization from profile data of neurons and demonst
109  associated with nucleotide addition enables miniaturization, greater portability of testing apparatu
110                           The need for their miniaturization has fuelled the rapid growth of interest
111   The blossoming of genomic technologies and miniaturization has opened up the field of genomic scale
112                       The pursuit to achieve miniaturization has tantalized researchers across the fi
113                                         This miniaturization has, however, so far been achieved at th
114                     Complementing the magnet miniaturization, here we integrate the NMR spectrometer
115  sensitivity, precision, and feasibility for miniaturization, high-throughput format adaptation, and
116                                     However, miniaturization imposes steep demands on the flight syst
117 photonic integrated devices and circuits for miniaturization, improved performance, and enhanced func
118 y, simplicity, and feasibility for apparatus miniaturization in analytical tests.
119            Concurrently, a drive for further miniaturization in applications such as optics, electron
120 ple demonstrates the feasibility of improved miniaturization in CGM based on microfluidics.
121                                              Miniaturization in electronics through improvements in e
122 torage device could bring about the ultimate miniaturization in energy storage.
123      Most studies dealing with the limits to miniaturization in insect brains have until now relied o
124              With advances in automation and miniaturization in material fabrication, hundreds of bio
125  in the effective wavelength opens a path to miniaturization in the science and technology of negativ
126                                              Miniaturization increases assay throughput while reducin
127  portable prototype, illustrating its facile miniaturization, integration and potential portability.
128                                        Their miniaturization interferes with the multiple functions t
129                                      Through miniaturization into microchips, new techniques have bee
130                                              Miniaturization is accompanied by allometric changes in
131                                        Assay miniaturization is advocated to improve surface-capture
132 ining both steps may address these problems, miniaturization is required to minimize sample consumpti
133                                              Miniaturization leads to considerable reorganization of
134 tial benefits they can offer in integration, miniaturization, multiplexing, and real-time label-free
135            Any attempt at compound screening miniaturization must address the significant scaling ine
136 e they approach the absolute limit of sensor miniaturization, nanopores are amenable to parallelizati
137                                  Advances in miniaturization, nanotechnology, and microfluidics, alon
138                              Finally, as the miniaturization needs of combinatorial chemistry become
139                        Here, we describe the miniaturization of a pair of assays based on the binding
140                           Challenges for the miniaturization of absorbance assays include low signal
141  portable wireless communication systems.The miniaturization of antennas beyond a wavelength is limit
142 han one-tenth of the wavelength, and further miniaturization of antennas has been an open challenge f
143 ng programmable flow, and outlines means for miniaturization of assays based on spectroscopy of volat
144 eker imaging system is a useful new tool for miniaturization of assays for high-throughput screening.
145                                          The miniaturization of bioelectronic intracellular probes wi
146                                              Miniaturization of biosensing systems can further enhanc
147                                              Miniaturization of biosensors is essential for use in th
148                                          The miniaturization of biosensors using microfluidics has po
149          Microfluidic technology permits the miniaturization of chemical analytical methods that are
150                                          The miniaturization of chemical and biological processes in
151                                          The miniaturization of computation and communication technol
152 EUVL) is the leading technology for enabling miniaturization of computational components over the nex
153 high-resolution cross-sectional imaging, and miniaturization of construction systems for making all i
154                                              Miniaturization of conventional macroscale TFFF systems
155                       Metasurfaces allow the miniaturization of conventional refractive optics into p
156  to study neutrino properties and leads to a miniaturization of detector size, with potential technol
157                                    The rapid miniaturization of devices and machines has fuelled the
158 plications, offering new pathways for future miniaturization of dielectric waveguide-based systems wi
159 s introduced here serve as a step toward the miniaturization of DNA sequencing and are amenable to au
160                                          The miniaturization of droplet manipulation methods has led
161                            At the same time, miniaturization of echocardiography has further expanded
162     Recently, the use of venovenous ECLS and miniaturization of ECLS components have shown potential
163 unctions represent the ultimate limit to the miniaturization of electrical circuits.
164                                          The miniaturization of electrochemical sensors allows for th
165  devices, technological advances resulted in miniaturization of electronic circuitry and eventually t
166                          With the continuing miniaturization of electronic components, low dimensiona
167                                          The miniaturization of electronic devices has been the princ
168                                          The miniaturization of electronic devices over the past cent
169                    The article considers the miniaturization of existing technologies for sequencing
170 id incorporation of technologies that enable miniaturization of gene expression experiments.
171                                          The miniaturization of gene transfer assays to either 384- o
172 e stem cell (HFSC) aging causes the stepwise miniaturization of hair follicles and eventual hair loss
173 ent of such nanoporous structure enables the miniaturization of high-performance electrochemical bios
174 diffractive counterparts, leading to further miniaturization of high-performance optical devices and
175  toward higher maximum pressures and further miniaturization of high-pressure devices, in the process
176                                              Miniaturization of high-throughput screening (HTS) assay
177                                     With the miniaturization of integrated devices, current research
178                                          The miniaturization of integrated optical circuits below the
179                                              Miniaturization of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) is ex
180                                          The miniaturization of lateral flow nucleic acid detection p
181                                 Recently the miniaturization of liquid chromatography (LC) systems an
182  have been dramatic parallel advances in the miniaturization of mechanical and electromechanical devi
183 tructures is of increasing importance in the miniaturization of mechanical or fluidic devices, optica
184                                          The miniaturization of medical devices and the progress in i
185                  With the continued push for miniaturization of medical diagnostics to reduce cost an
186 ese devices could play a pivotal role in the miniaturization of microwave front-end antenna circuits.
187            This confinement both facilitates miniaturization of nanophotonic devices and makes their
188 lets online and represents an advance in the miniaturization of natural products screening.
189                                              Miniaturization of optical cavities has numerous advanta
190 ngth metasurface platform allows for further miniaturization of optical components and offers a scala
191 of semiconductor lasers, and integration and miniaturization of optical components, makes the search
192                                          The miniaturization of optical systems (to the micro and nan
193 th diffractive planar components enables the miniaturization of optical systems.
194                                          The miniaturization of optoelectronic devices is essential f
195 ed strategy to be particularly conducive for miniaturization of pressure-driven separations yielding
196                                              Miniaturization of Raman instruments has created a new g
197 lectronic and energy storage devices, making miniaturization of robots difficult.
198  throughput without sacrificing sensitivity: miniaturization of samples to reduce material cost and p
199                                              Miniaturization of SDS-PAGE has attracted significant at
200 fied all in vitro sample preparation and the miniaturization of sequencing chemistries, enabling mass
201                      Despite advances in the miniaturization of solid-phase extraction, the technique
202 ties for improvement of conductivity and for miniaturization of solid-state ionic devices by the care
203 ent developments in metamaterials enable the miniaturization of such computing elements down to a sub
204 ractical importance in defining the limit to miniaturization of superconducting electronic circuits.
205                               Motivation for miniaturization of TFFF systems was established by exami
206 issue reveals the severe penalty incurred by miniaturization of the antenna.
207          To address this, we report here the miniaturization of the AVEXIS (avidity-based extracellul
208 umber of microfluidic platforms have enabled miniaturization of the conventional microtitre plate ELI
209  presented here is particularly suitable for miniaturization of the CZE method and may be easily inte
210  The simple design of the sensor facilitates miniaturization of the device and its implementation for
211                           Here is reported a miniaturization of the device described above, in which
212                                              Miniaturization of the device, beyond that achievable wi
213 n, EFFF theory indicates clear advantages to miniaturization of the EFFF channel.
214 is degree of sensitivity will facilitate the miniaturization of the entire assay procedure down to ce
215 3D macroscale hydrogels, indicating that the miniaturization of the experimental system did not alter
216 s, application of magnetic-sector-ICPMS, and miniaturization of the extraction/separation methods we
217 as electrochemical sensing platforms for the miniaturization of the lactate biosensor.
218 anent magnet represents a useful step toward miniaturization of the overall NMR spectrometer into a p
219                                              Miniaturization of the platform circumvented the need fo
220 illimeter or less ("microimplants"), but the miniaturization of the power source remains challenging.
221                                         With miniaturization of the power supplies and controllers, s
222 tself amenable to remote delivery and to the miniaturization of the probe head which could be benefic
223                                 The possible miniaturization of the pump for use as a field-deployabl
224 in), the simplicity, and easy automation and miniaturization of the required instrumentation make the
225 advantages like low-cost, low-power and easy miniaturization of the required instrumentation.
226 eamlined workflow integration, with possible miniaturization of the sample handling process making it
227                                          The miniaturization of the solvent-free MALDI approach allow
228 nd provide the ideal platform for the future miniaturization of the technology.
229 ade predators, or hunt prey; and second, the miniaturization of their body size, which profoundly inf
230  and cooling steps in PCR largely hamper the miniaturization of thermocyclers for on-site detection o
231 e write heads, which is important for future miniaturization of these devices.
232                                          The miniaturization of this concept, however, imposes a rest
233 in microfluidic approach reveals a means for miniaturization of time-resolved emission spectroscopy.
234 ion technology has clearly demonstrated that miniaturization often leads to unprecedented performance
235 t, and low-cost instrument is attractive for miniaturization on a lab-on-a-chip system to deliver poi
236 advantages of the stacked pad assay include: miniaturization, operational simplicity, fast response t
237 titial taxa evolved from larger ancestors by miniaturization, or (3) progenesis [3].
238 length) demonstrates 1-2 orders of magnitude miniaturization over state-of-the-art compact antennas w
239 d handling requirements and enable efficient miniaturization, parallelization, and integration of ass
240 ive analytical performance, and the distinct miniaturization/portability advantages of electrochemica
241  probes and the experimental simplicity, and miniaturization potential provided by the diffraction-ba
242 dependent resonant enhancement features, and miniaturization potential provided by the diffraction-ba
243 coustic wave based biosensors enables device miniaturization, power consumption reduction and integra
244 ed through the strategies of de novo design, miniaturization processes and protein redesign.
245                                       Device miniaturization produces distinct properties and phenome
246 llenges of Moore's Law, predicting ambitious miniaturization rates of integrated circuits, requires t
247 amase assay is well suited to automation and miniaturization required for high-throughput screening.
248                                              Miniaturization requires an assay design that has few st
249                          Both progenesis and miniaturization should be considered when investigating
250 ost, promising response speed, potential for miniaturization, simple instrumentation and easy automat
251   As a critical step toward NMR spectrometer miniaturization, small permanent magnets with high field
252                                     Existing miniaturization strategies involve complex approaches no
253 ng a rationale to understand surface capture miniaturization strategies.
254                           Under the trend of miniaturization, such quantum electrodynamical effects a
255 been accelerated with the advent of emerging miniaturization techniques, advanced materials and sensi
256             But in recent years, advances in miniaturization technology have led to optical systems t
257  of photonic systems towards integration and miniaturization, the need for an on-chip waveguide type
258              The move towards optical system miniaturization therefore motivates the development of m
259 ndidates for clean and renewable power; with miniaturization, they might also serve as integrated pow
260      Thus, in addition to progenesis [3, 4], miniaturization, thought to be too slow for an adaptatio
261  polarization sensing, which is suitable for miniaturization to a point-of-care lactate monitor.
262 ertain advantages advocated for capture spot miniaturization using a rationale to understand surface
263 rtz wafer, is a very attractive approach for miniaturization using Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems(M
264         Considering the potential for system miniaturization using, e.g., dedicated quantum cascade l
265 and phylogenetic position imply that extreme miniaturization was ancestral for Paraves (the clade inc
266 al sensor resulting from the microstructural miniaturization was demonstrated.
267 t electronic length scales are desirable for miniaturization, while strong interactions that mediate
268 ances in electronics, optics, materials, and miniaturization will accelerate development of more soph
269 oved to be highly sensitive and robust after miniaturization with IC(50)s for fenretinide and retinol
270 stem was designed to focus on automation and miniaturization with minimal sample and reagent consumpt
271 profile data of neurons and demonstrate that miniaturization within the nervous system can lie beyond
272                             FCS allows assay miniaturization without compromising sensitivity, making
273 cal analysis, validating the hypothesis that miniaturization yields many practical assay advantages.

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