


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  under conditions where photon absorption is minimal.
2 in the brain, when systemic inflammation was minimal.
3  surrounding matter so the stopping power is minimal.
4 e regeneration after injury is thought to be minimal.
5 mall to none, and the harms of screening are minimal.
6                  Results In areas with no or minimal abnormalities on CT images, small areas of incre
7                          For instance, three minimal absent words of the human genome were found in E
8 irst external-memory algorithm for computing minimal absent words.
9 demonstrated a favorable safety profile with minimal acute or procedural adverse events.
10 undance in response to changes in diets with minimal additional imposed constraints on the model.
11 H2 O2 -NO cooperative anticancer effect with minimal adverse effect.
12 ntaining aza-glycine and we demonstrate that minimal alteration to the peptide backbone conformation
13            The presented design consisted of minimal alterations to the front-end of the instrument a
14 l requirement that TFP motors need to have a minimal amount of effective angular rigidity in order fo
15 proportion of patients may be treated with a minimal amount of intervention requiring 1 or 2 anti-vas
16        NMR spectra of isolated MOS indicated minimal amounts of branched saccharides.
17                         Placebo effects were minimal and associated with the number of postbaseline a
18                                Patients with minimal and stable ventilator settings may be suitable c
19 mpared between studies with low BPE (mild or minimal) and those with high BPE (moderate or marked) by
20    However, the degree of LV enlargement was minimal, and few participants developed a dilated LV.
21  number of neurons, viral gene expression is minimal, and infectious virus is not released.
22 es to be directly compared and determine the minimal antibody titers required to halt transmission in
23 mechanism can be created through engineering minimal antisense RNAs.
24 , on these trials the initial grip force was minimal, appropriate for the midline movement, and not t
25  of ligands specifically for Ni has received minimal attention.
26  aglycones were evaluated to determine their minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC) against the sp
27 termolecular interactions on adsorption were minimal based on SEC analysis.
28                                              Minimal biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) was det
29 M and was more prevalent in cases with no or minimal/borderline SHM.
30 attractive tool for labeling proteins with a minimal, bright tag in quantitative high-resolution imag
31                 Volumetric bone changes were minimal but statistically significant, with more bone lo
32 cted interval cancers were more likely to be minimal cancers.
33      The structures provided insights into a minimal Cas9 scaffold and revealed the remarkable mechan
34 ) (uniform CD50 and variable CD58 for NLPHL; minimal CD50, bright CD58 expression for CHL).
35 that the pH switch sequence insertion caused minimal change at pH 8 but a ca. 50 degrees C drop in th
36 g event in primary glomerulopathies, such as minimal change disease and primary FSGS, and glucocortic
37 corticoid responsiveness in 35 patients with minimal change disease or primary FSGS.
38 in children with histopathologic findings of minimal change glomerulopathy and FSGS, respectively.
39                       In controls, there was minimal change in J-ST point elevation, conduction delay
40     CMIP5 models indicate that there will be minimal change in storm-surge heights from 2010 to 2100
41 e THz polarization state, and which exhibits minimal change in the electric field amplitude and polar
42 nb2 mRNA and Cyclin B2 protein level undergo minimal changes during meiotic reentry.
43  is also compatible with life and results in minimal changes in gene expression.
44                                        These minimal changes in the MCCB could not be responsible for
45 ene expression, 3.5 months' diabetes induced minimal changes.
46  landscape model for chromatin organization [Minimal Chromatin Model (MiChroM)] to generate an ensemb
47 nd free of major functional disability, with minimal clinical symptoms.
48 quantitative evaluation of cartilage volume (minimal clinically important difference not yet defined)
49 nge of change in letters read, -121 to +101; minimal clinically important difference, 7 letters), ana
50 ale range, 0 [no pain] to 20 [extreme pain]; minimal clinically important improvement, 3.94).
51  using this integrated two-stage device with minimal cluster dissociation, 99% recovery of large clus
52                   In many cases they require minimal coding, just a mathematical description of the d
53 dded at 0.1 wt % provided the most effective minimal combination of carbon substrate and inoculum to
54 ng regions between two proteins by searching minimal common sequence fragments of the interacting pro
55 alysis looks at the subgroup of 157 men with minimal comorbidities or no comorbidity (median follow-u
56  peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and had minimal complement-dependent cytotoxicity activity simil
57 d visual recovery, good visual outcomes, and minimal complications in most patients.
58 urization, in the presence of H2S gas with a minimal concentration in ppm range.
59            Release from this ground state in minimal conditions offers a system for delineating devel
60 witching motility emerges from these initial minimal conditions.
61                 Both implementations require minimal configuration while remaining flexible to experi
62 suggested that B. subtilis sigma1.1 requires minimal conformational changes for accommodating RNAP in
63 discuss a set of experimental strategies and minimal consensus criteria for the validation of SUMOyla
64 tatory amino acid receptors is well studied, minimal consideration has been given to targeting mitoch
65                      However, achieving even minimal control over the growth of two-dimensional later
66 of external inputs (constituting a so-called minimal control topology, or MCT).
67  can selectively remove pharmaceuticals with minimal coremoval of nutrients to enhance nutrient recov
68                                    There was minimal correlation between contrast use and patients' A
69                              We engineered a minimal CPC comprised of the dimerized last third of the
70 on the engineering and characterization of a minimal CPC, we suggest that spindle association is impo
71                          Overall, no or only minimal crestal bone changes were observed with a mean D
72 e brains of mice deficient for a gene in the minimal critical deletion region for PWS (Snord116p-/m+)
73 Cortisol in human sweat was established with minimal cross-talk for 0-48 hours post-antibody sensor f
74  IP-derived reaction deletion sets represent minimal cut sets (MCSs).
75                                    There are minimal data on serial FGF23 measurements in CKD.
76 ucture determination to high resolution with minimal data.A number of parameters influence the resolu
77 dmission risk to approach plateau periods of minimal day-to-day change, and (3) extent to which adjus
78 sociation, as well as for those that require minimal deactivation of the (3)MLCT state through low-ly
79  internal elastic lamina macromolecules with minimal deformation of the sensitive endothelial cell.
80  important variables (forest-averaged lowest minimal depth, 1.2 and 1.5, respectively), followed by t
81                                  Retreat was minimal despite oceanic and climatic conditions during t
82 e to SMO inhibitors than sporadic BCCs, with minimal development of resistance.
83                                    There was minimal difference between methods when statistical sign
84 rovskite-based n-i-p planar solar cells show minimal discrepancies between stabilized efficiency (19.
85  intraperitoneal (90)Y-mAbs for treatment of minimal disease and shown that such treatments are unlik
86 e a deficiency in T, B, and NK cells, showed minimal disease at cutaneous sites but developed persist
87 lished role for treating micrometastatic and minimal disease.
88 = 5% tumor involvement will be classified as minimal disease.
89 to generate targeted barcoded libraries with minimal DNA input, flexible target selection and a very
90                                          The minimal domain within the Int3 protein required to activ
91                            We found that the minimal domains required for efficient Ede1 localization
92 g microscopy and spectroscopy, we prepared a minimal DQD in a wide band-gap semiconductor matrix.
93                 Body-composition changes are minimal during lactation.
94 l, -.217 to .016; P = .02) during year 1 but minimal effect in subsequent years or on other neurocogn
95 RNA-seq analysis reveals that PHF5A-Y36C has minimal effect on basal splicing but inhibits the global
96 the extraction and settling procedure have a minimal effect on driving transformation processes.
97 r UPF1 significantly induced p53beta but had minimal effect on p53gamma.
98 epair as infants; however, patients reported minimal effect on QOL or day-to-day activities.
99 larger species of missing mammals, but has a minimal effect on small species, which take longer to be
100  RPE and retinal damage at doses that caused minimal effects in wild-type mice, and adoptive transfer
101  roles between MYPT1 and MBS85, resulting in minimal effects of MYPT1 knockout on contraction.
102  (CTF) content in secreted exosomes, but had minimal effects on APP lysosomal degradation.
103    We conclude that general anesthetics have minimal effects on bilayer properties at clinically rele
104                                Knockdown had minimal effects on cell proliferation but blocked tumor
105 to enhance cofilactin filament severing with minimal effects on cofilin occupancy, whereas filament t
106                             Elevated CO2 had minimal effects on plant and soil N metrics and their re
107 oimaging data suggest the gut microbiome has minimal effects on regional brain volumes at 1 and 2 yea
108 arieties in less than a year with relatively minimal effort and investment.
109 ansient and steady-state kinetics to model a minimal eight-state ATPase cycle.
110  results illustrate how sequences outside of minimal enhancer regions can evolve functionally through
111 can-intermediate group reveals insights into minimal enzymatic requirements for building a peptidogly
112 ng, or tenderness (days 8-10); and more than minimal erythema, swelling, or tenderness (days 14-21).
113 patrick skin types V to VI and I to IV, with minimal erythemal doses to monochromatic UV-B, UV-A, and
114  paper also quantifies the availability of a minimal essential set of information in large armed conf
115 n the standardized group, all patients had a minimal evaluation regardless of the type of uveitis (co
116 ss was primarily due to cell depletion, with minimal evidence of Treg conversion to a non-Foxp3-expre
117 ty onset, no evidence of estrous cycles, and minimal fecundity.
118 s and an optical fibre-based readout ensures minimal field perturbations compared to conductive probe
119 cing assays are biased toward mutations with minimal fitness impacts and fluctuation tests typically
120                   CDRs predicted to bind the minimal FLAG peptide (Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp) were grafted onto
121 mily have diverged in a radial manner from a minimal flavin-binding scaffold.
122 er is initially quenched by water, producing minimal fluorescence and no measurable singlet oxygen ge
123 e function and overall the effect sizes were minimal (fold change <1.1).
124                                              Minimal follow-up was 3 years with a rate of 97%.
125 lipodial motility, we systematically explore minimal free-boundary models of actin-myosin contractili
126 equences evolving following the principle of minimal frustration, which allows proteins to rapidly fo
127 s, even if the switch to aflibercept shows a minimal functional benefit over that to ranibizumab, vis
128            It is characterized by photopsia, minimal funduscopic changes, and electroretinographic ab
129 hologs reveals key amino acid residues and a minimal fusogenic peptide motif that is necessary for pr
130                        PknG mutant displayed minimal growth in nutrient-limited conditions, suggestin
131 gnostic data within a short time frame, with minimal hands-on time, and can therefore potentially be
132 t cause obvious disorientation or asterixis (minimal HE [MHE]/grade 1 HE) is important.
133 unction test and histological study revealed minimal hepatocyte, biliary epithelium and vascular endo
134 uman H3N2 IAVs, suggesting that there may be minimal herd immunity in humans.
135 s feasible over this time interval even with minimal hominin introgression.
136 (WD/DD) liposarcomas has been reported to be minimal, however traditional response criteria may not a
137  and exploit their own internal models, with minimal human hand engineering.
138 otosynthetic temperature acclimation provide minimal (if any) improvement in model performance over s
139 is of the data indicates that there was only minimal impact due to the treatment in the rumen.
140 biting BET bromodomains, which resulted in a minimal impact on MYC transcription, but did not result
141  localized to the bulge site, thereby having minimal impact on the cleavage site.
142 g-DNMT3A methylates regions of interest with minimal impact on the global DNA methylome and transcrip
143 These His-tags are generally assumed to have minimal impact on the properties of the fusion protein,
144             By contrast, E2F3 repression has minimal impact on tissue proliferation or homeostasis in
145  the hospital characteristics examined had a minimal impact or no impact on the payment differential.
146 elief compared with radiotherapy alone, with minimal improvement in dysphagia progression-free surviv
147 kened basal lamina, whereas GC migration was minimal in DBP-FW animals.
148 ertebrates, but typically unidirectional and minimal in full-grown animals.
149  accumbens core and dorsal striatum, is also minimal in the shell in part due to elevated acetylcholi
150 herapy first increases costs while providing minimal incremental benefit.
151           Compound 1f was most potent with a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 12.5 mug/mL an
152 L) at concentrations 100-fold lower than the minimal inhibitory concentration against bacteria.
153 ce piperacillin underdosing when facing high minimal inhibitory concentration pathogens.
154 4 T cell proliferation requires an invariant minimal intensity of TCR signaling that is not modulated
155 al networks allow for selective binding with minimal interfaces, suggesting that binding specificity
156                                              Minimal intermittent stimulation led to body weight gain
157 ized clinical trials on the effectiveness of minimal interventional treatments for participants with
158 s metallized polyethylene textile achieves a minimal IR emissivity (10.1%) on the outer surface that
159                             Development of a minimal keto-deoxyoctulosonate (Kdo)-lipid A domain in E
160 s stable incorporation into biomolecules and minimal kinetic isotope effect.
161 riggers exocytosis with high probability and minimal latency.
162 ing of this class of steel alloy is based on minimal lattice misfit to achieve maximal precipitate di
163 lloys by high-density nanoprecipitation with minimal lattice misfit.
164 rtation of Rubidium ((87)Rb) cold atoms with minimal loss and heating with as few as three conveyor b
165 f risk status, the proposed tests incur only minimal loss of power in relation to existing dispersion
166 chondrial-depleted cells for up to 30 d with minimal loss of viability, for longitudinal studies.
167 cells constantly recycle nutrients to ensure minimal loss of vital substrates into the urine.
168 rts directional EET to reaction centers with minimal losses due to thermal dissipation.
169 "generally recognized as safe" material with minimal, low-energy bioprocessing, two independent aquac
170 ome severity was defined by CIWA-Ar score as minimal (&lt; 10), moderate (10-20), and severe (> 20).
171 18)F]-FDG uptake by day 4 postinfection with minimal lymph node enlargement, indicating that elevated
172 stitute, in a nonnative heterologous host, a minimal machinery capable of building Tfp.
173 otein receptor (SNARE) proteins comprise the minimal machinery that triggers fusion of transport vesi
174 table remission, pharmacologic remission, or minimal manifestations based on the Myasthenia Gravis Fo
175                            DPH exhibits very minimal matrix-induced background signals for the analys
176 th an ERRAGG ratio less than 1, and received minimal mean (SD) readmission penalties (0.08% [0.12%];
177                                  There was a minimal mean change in central subfield thickness from b
178 te secretome of A. nosocomialis strain M2 in minimal medium and demonstrate that pathogenic Acinetoba
179 es measured in two media are necessary: in a minimal medium containing only derivatized metabolites a
180 growth and fast swimming, while evolution in minimal medium results in fast growth and slow swimming.
181      As a model system we used the lipidated minimal membrane anchor of the GTPase, N-Ras (tN-Ras).
182 ure maximal absolute coronary blood flow and minimal microcirculatory resistance.
183 raphic and MR images with the ordinal scale: minimal, mild, moderate, or marked.
184 ive drinking water conditions to determine a minimal model (3 reactions, 8 constants) applicable for
185                                      Using a minimal model of ill-fitting, sticky particles, we demon
186               Here, we introduce a family of minimal model systems that exhibits solid-solid phase tr
187 he principle of maximum entropy-and builds a minimal model using only three constraints: 1) protein s
188 tabolism were analyzed according to the oral minimal model.
189 n of evolvable life and what constitutes the minimal molecular basis of life remains far from complet
190  the most important correlate of success was minimal monocyte activation, as predicted by previous in
191 nd-see strategy, non-mutilating surgery, and minimal-morbidity chemotherapy (in the case of tumour pr
192 ed motif could be a necessary and sufficient minimal motif for translocation.
193 fy and amplify DNA from complex samples in a minimal number of steps.
194 between muaq and 1/(Ld - Lc) where Lc is the minimal obtainable droplet length and approximately equa
195 ge distribution of NO3(-) is anisotropic and minimal on nitrogen.
196                              We formulated a minimal one-dimensional partial differential equation mo
197                   The large dilution ensured minimal optical interference from the nanomaterial when
198       Conclusion Relative to MR studies with minimal or mild BPE, those with moderate or marked BPE w
199 ation after a breakthrough event is based on minimal or no clinical trial evidence.
200 ection at the point-of-care and at home with minimal or no instrumentation, it is necessary to stream
201 atinine, <25% increase from baseline) or had minimal or no transplant glomerulopathy (Banff cg0-1).
202 nterval: 0.65-0.79; p<0.0001), and a second "minimal overlap" analysis also found that ICD use was as
203 ind that Muller glia tile retinal space with minimal overlap.
204 Ps was demonstrated in aqueous solution with minimal oxygen produced at pH7.4, whereas it increased s
205 showed mathematically that there is a unique minimal pathway of unlinking replication links by reconn
206                         We conclude that the minimal pathway of unlinking replication links that was
207 e from Nkx2-1(+) foregut progenitors and the minimal pathways claimed to regulate their distinct line
208 since they permit to characterize cells with minimal perturbation and manipulation, at the benefit of
209 trast, the conserved loop sequence tolerated minimal perturbations.
210  in the methotrexate group achieved clear or minimal PGA (p=0.083).
211  fold and a catalytic site characteristic of minimal PLP catalytic domains.
212                                 Subjects had minimal pre-existing hemagglutination inhibiting (HAI) a
213 ification of new experimental compounds with minimal prior information.
214 conds to microseconds markedly decreases the minimal pulse energy required for AP generation, providi
215 most common neuro-ophthalmologic finding was minimal pupillary reaction to light (25%).
216  wide range of physiological conditions with minimal pyruvate cycling and detects increased hepatic V
217 (II), approximately 23% of FeTOTAL, exhibits minimal reactivity with TcO4(-) and CrO4(2-) and much sl
218 analysis in a massively parallel manner with minimal reagent use.
219 370), while postnatal vaccination produced a minimal reduction, with an incidence of 728 per 100,000
220 ng persisting infection are characterized by minimal replication and genetic changes.
221       Recently, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae minimal replication reaction has been successfully recon
222  be identified initially-MISST begins with a minimal representative set of known structures and searc
223  single-cell whole-genome sequencing, with a minimal requirement for sequencing depth (>0.5X).
224 n of multiple mitogenic inputs may alter the minimal requirement for TCR signaling in CD8 T cells.
225 ration represents a novel CIA pathway with a minimal requirement of the CIA-targeting factors and rep
226                           Here we define the minimal requirements for TCR antigen specificity, throug
227 , the EAACI Specialty Committee proposes the minimal requirements for training and certification of s
228 , the therapeutic mechanism is unclear, with minimal research supporting its use in RP.
229                                      Purpose Minimal residual disease (MRD) and genetic abnormalities
230 determine the role of end-of-induction (EOI) minimal residual disease (MRD) assessment in the identif
231                Our objective was to evaluate minimal residual disease (MRD) at the end of induction t
232 articularly leukemias, the ability to detect minimal residual disease (MRD) is increasingly influenci
233   We determined the clinical significance of minimal residual disease (MRD) levels as measured by flo
234 ng leukemia stem cells (LSCs), which sustain minimal residual disease and are responsible for CML rel
235 ation of baseline genetics and assessment of minimal residual disease are expected to further improve
236          Purpose Immunologic surveillance of minimal residual disease in chronic myelogenous leukemia
237 omposite complete responses, 5 of which were minimal residual disease negative by flow cytometry.
238                                              Minimal residual disease status warrants consideration a
239                              Negative marrow minimal residual disease was attained in 20 (80%) of 25
240 be used to prognose patient outcome, monitor minimal residual disease, assess tumour resistance to th
241 nfirms the clinical significance of a novel, minimal residual disease-based algorithm to predict shor
242                  The overall intent-to-treat minimal residual disease-negative (MRD(-)) remission rat
243 esponse, relapse, and methods of determining minimal residual disease.
244 orly understood population is referred to as minimal residual disease.
245 rement method that is fast, label-free, uses minimal resources and allows direct identification of ge
246                                  At least a "minimal" response occurred in 51% of the antipsychotic g
247 ant decrease in complications for M = 0 (ie, minimal risk cases) was also identified comparing the cu
248 ndoscopies than the original criteria with a minimal risk of missing VNT in most of the main etiologi
249 ies and no clinical events during follow-up (minimal-risk cohort).
250 ailable pretest variables discriminates such minimal-risk patients, for whom deferred testing may be
251 ons or exposure to ischemia alone results in minimal S-nitrosation of protein thiols.
252 ass spectrometer in approximately 20 s, with minimal sample preparation.
253 ke plasma/tissue/blood samples, CSF requires minimal sample preparation: in this protocol, only the a
254  and inorganic components, together with the minimal sample size required, demonstrate the value of t
255                                              Minimal sample treatment was required and the obtained r
256 rate constants and that variants lacking the minimal sequence motif bind competitively with consensus
257 B 402)] optimized for their clonal growth in minimal serum, they produced transformed foci without tr
258 plex nuclear movements seen in vivo, using a minimal set of experimentally determined ingredients.
259  such studies and scaffold technologies, but minimal side-by-side evaluation of platforms for both th
260  to at least 1 antidepressant course meeting minimal standards for treatment dose and duration, parti
261  featured participants speaking under either minimal stress, high stress, or while recovering from st
262 wt % in mono- and biactinide frameworks with minimal structural density.
263             The representations require only minimal structural input allowing straightforward implem
264 rative photostimulation strategy to identify minimal subsets of channelrhodopsin (ChR2)-expressing ne
265 ng to their topology and presented using the minimal surface area method.
266 ophases, where membranes conform to periodic minimal surfaces dividing two nonpenetrating aqueous sub
267 with radiographic evidence of metastases and minimal symptoms, enzalutamide or abiraterone plus predn
268 ection following ischemic injury in vivo The minimal syntaxin 1A-binding sequence of Kv2.1 C terminus
269                        An easily accessible (minimal synthetic steps) and structurally planar selenop
270                   This result holds for both minimal synthetic viral circuits and full-length virus.
271 hing higher molecular weight copolymers with minimal termination.
272 us growth and size oscillations, we create a minimal theoretical framework for the growth and dynamic
273                            We identified the minimal threshold that the participants could detect, an
274      For uniaxial ZnO and LaAlO3, which have minimal THz absorption across the measurement bandwidth,
275  volume [BTV], and time-activity curves with minimal time to peak [TTPmin]) were evaluated and correl
276 o their soft mechanical nature that leads to minimal tissue damages and immune responses.
277 IgG and anti-CD47 treated tumors resulted in minimal to moderate lymphocytic infiltrate, while the or
278 Despite this growth, however, there is still minimal to no identified palliative care development in
279 l/fl);Cre(+) or Smad1(fl/fl);Cre(+) mice had minimal to no iron loading, suggesting a gene dosage eff
280                               Cell-dependent minimal to no toxicity of Inh2-B1, and its abilities to
281  of somatic hypermutation (SHM) ranging from minimal to pronounced.
282 s antiangiogenic and antitumour effects with minimal toxicity and should be investigated further.
283 t two enzalutamide-resistant xenografts with minimal toxicity.
284 chieve the required therapeutic potency with minimal toxicity.
285        The ARC is efficiently assembled with minimal training, and each experiment can be run for up
286 lections of mutant lines were generated with minimal transformation attempts and in a relatively shor
287 of complete extraction of the monacolins and minimal transitions between the monacolins during analys
288 Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether the minimal treatment response to binocular treatment was ow
289                                              Minimal trypsinolysis followed by high resolution mass s
290 uential treatment was antagonistic and had a minimal tumor inhibitory effect compared with individual
291 shows that many Tn7-like transposons contain minimal type I-F CRISPR-Cas systems that consist of fuse
292                   The private cost burden is minimal under standard and tax instruments, and if firms
293                                     Finally, minimal use of intermediary steps as well as direct, lat
294 tion and the surrogacy threshold effect, the minimal value of HR for PFS to predict a non-null effect
295 response statistics toward a given mean with minimal variance.
296 RVT in the LC is anchored in the tissue with minimal variation in glaucomatous eyes.
297 terning of oppositely charged residues shows minimal variation.
298 eral lines of evidence suggest that there is minimal vertical transmission of fungi from seeds to the
299 rochromatin was not a limiting factor in the minimal volume of the nuclei.
300  This shows that epithelial cells respond to minimal wounds in a collective fashion by increased cont

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