


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 th carbohydrate amendment in Cedars-specific minimal media.
2  B. pseudomallei DeltagspD grown in rich and minimal media.
3 a but grow less well than wild-type cells in minimal media.
4  measuring bacterial growth rates on lactose minimal media.
5  to erect aerial hyphae and differentiate on minimal media.
6 xual reproduction when grown on glucose (1%) minimal media.
7 itive to oxidative stress and grew poorly on minimal media.
8 of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 to growth in minimal media.
9 vels of ptsG mRNA and grow poorly in glucose-minimal media.
10 Delta trpF E. coli strain from starvation on minimal media.
11 ary phase, carbon starvation, or rich versus minimal media.
12 ly robust biofilm cultures) in both rich and minimal media.
13 cell growth at most temperatures in rich and minimal media.
14 e dispensable for E. coli growth in rich and minimal media.
15  wild type for chemotaxis, grown in rich and minimal media.
16 48 cells were highly motile in both rich and minimal media.
17 tly functional to permit growth on succinate minimal media.
18 of gene expression during growth in rich and minimal media.
19 revisiae grown in either 14N or 15N-enriched minimal media.
20 lection in Luria-Bertani (LB) and in glucose minimal media.
21 cold-shock in either defined rich or defined minimal media.
22 -chain poly P and are defective in growth in minimal media.
23 as performed on cells grown in both rich and minimal media.
24 res thiamin and nicotinic acid for growth in minimal media.
25 re produced in both rich complex and defined minimal media.
26  alter the growth rate of E. coli in rich or minimal media.
27 s were defective for growth on nitrogen-rich minimal media.
28 ve been measured for cells grown in rich and minimal media.
29  to be nonessential in both rich and glucose-minimal media.
30 eas E. coli is a saprophyte that can grow on minimal media.
31 ing from 0 to 1 mM in both nutrient-rich and minimal media.
32 essential and synthetic lethal reactions and minimal media.
33               Tumor-isolated cells placed in minimal media also contained rare ER(-)PR(-)CK5(+) cells
34 ly coupled during growth in both complex and minimal media, although they exhibit different patterns
35 S. meliloti bluB mutant is unable to grow in minimal media and fails to establish a symbiosis with al
36 ssion of avrRpt2, hrpZ, and hrpL in vitro in minimal media and in vivo when infiltrated into Arabidop
37 l growths of S. cerevisiae grown in rich and minimal media and independent MudPIT analyses of each we
38 otein kinase was expressed to high levels on minimal media and uniformly isotopically enriched with 1
39  at 37 degrees C in defined rich and defined minimal media, and after a shift to 15 degrees C for eit
40  antibiotics on rich media, fails to grow on minimal media, and identifies a gene whose predicted pro
41  controls some genes differently in rich and minimal media, and that Snf/Swi control is exerted at th
42       This is true of cells grown in rich or minimal media, and the principal regulation of mug is at
43 ants were analyzed in both nutrient-rich and minimal media, and the results confirmed the presence of
44  chvD-lacZ fusion, occurred in both rich and minimal media as well as under conditions that induce vi
45 ligosaccharides, and peptides in complex and minimal media at 98 and 72 degrees C to the same extent
46 quired for the growth of vegetative cells in minimal media at very low inoculum densities, as well as
47 X expression is enhanced 3-fold by growth on minimal media but not induced by N-methyl-L-tryptophan,
48 ent RapiGest from cells grown under rich and minimal media conditions using 14N and 15N ammonium sulf
49  Cells of Bacillus species grown in rich and minimal media contained low levels of GB, but GB levels
50 , five bacterial species were cultured in M9 minimal media containing a range of glucose concentratio
51              Fungal growth in rich media and minimal media containing select amino acids/peptides was
52 imately 2400 cytosolic proteins expressed in minimal media depend absolutely on the GroEL/GroES chape
53 n contrast, many of the genes upregulated in minimal media encoded enzymes for synthesis of amino aci
54 g growth on nonfermentable carbon sources in minimal media for the mis1 deletion strain but not for t
55 sing the enzyme in Escherichia coli grown on minimal media in the presence of a number of divalent me
56 he presence of toluidine blue or on glycerol minimal media in the presence of zinc, suggesting that a
57                                           In minimal media incubated under high CO2, the canB mutant
58 th aerobically and anaerobically in rich and minimal media, indicating that it is not specifically as
59 ma factor, sigma(S), when cells are grown in minimal media, it shows only a modest dependence on sigm
60 oth PCR and failure of the mutant to grow on minimal media lacking aromatic amino acids.
61 g a disruption in argE was unable to grow on minimal media lacking supplemental arginine and formed f
62 DGC genes stimulated growth in both rich and minimal media of a Shigella flexneri mutant that produce
63  cerevisiae strain S288C grown in either 14N minimal media or 15N-enriched minimal media were mixed a
64  Much of the ability to grow on GABA-amended minimal media or in Arabidopsis pop2-1 leaves could be r
65 , including Luria-Bertani (LB) medium, or in minimal media or under heat shock or ethanol stress cond
66  measurements of >2,500 proteins in rich and minimal media provide a detailed view of the cellular re
67 l eradication with subsequent adventitia but minimal media repopulation.
68  PII and GlnK have a severe growth defect on minimal media, resulting from elevated expression of the
69 2 MG1655 grown on either lactate or glycerol minimal media showed that (1) growth phenotypes at the e
70 how that the glucose concentration in the M9 minimal media strongly affects the concentration of sulf
71 by slowing the growth rate of each strain in minimal media, suggesting that certain gene products are
72                                  In complete minimal media supplemented with GABA, the mutant grew le
73 rate but also become sensitive to alanine in minimal media supplemented with glucose and ammonium.
74 titer exceeding 350 mg.L(-1) was obtained in minimal media supplemented with glucose.
75 -requiring strain grew strongly on synthetic minimal media supplemented with methionine, aspartate or
76 ts was achieved by growing cells in modified minimal media that contained geneticin (G418).
77                                           In minimal media, the Fis deficiency only reduced the DNA a
78 ency via fitness profiling in rich (YPD) and minimal media to identify all genes that confer a haploi
79                                Using defined minimal media to simulate the intracellular pH and Mg2+
80 d-type and Deltafnr strains grown in glucose minimal media under aerobic or anaerobic conditions.
81 tations were grown in both nutrient-rich and minimal media under steady-state conditions known to alt
82 ae proteome resulting from cultures grown in minimal media using galactose, glucose, or raffinose as
83 Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultured in rich or minimal media was analyzed by oligonucleotide arrays and
84 f the acid-resistance phenotype in acidified minimal media was dependent upon the supplementation of
85  in either 14N minimal media or 15N-enriched minimal media were mixed and digested into a complex pep
86 nds and sulfonates as sole sulfur sources in minimal media when Met30 was present.
87 ts under anaerobic, mesophilic conditions in minimal media with acetate as the sole source of energy
88    Growth of P. gingivalis strain A7436 in a minimal media with normal human serum as a source of hem
89  genes is induced via CreBC during growth in minimal media, with the exception of malE, which is more
90  induce autophagy upon switch from a rich to minimal media without nitrogen starvation.

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