


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 pression of a transcriptional reporter via a minimal promoter.
2 transactivator and the tetracycline operator minimal promoter.
3 t, Kcnq1ot1, and we define the extent of the minimal promoter.
4 ing that this sequence contains at least the minimal promoter.
5 ed by fusing DNA binding sites in front of a minimal promoter.
6 egion is identified as containing the rasGAP minimal promoter.
7  of DNA can be transferred to a heterologous minimal promoter.
8 o confer BRCA1 inducibility in a non-related minimal promoter.
9 -dependent transcriptional activation upon a minimal promoter.
10  CRE, with the sequence TGAGGTCA in the SP-B minimal promoter.
11 inducibility to a heterologous (osteocalcin) minimal promoter.
12 n on the active allele, including the entire minimal promoter.
13 ere preferred for positions -15 to +5 of the minimal promoter.
14 as found to inhibit the activity of the CD28 minimal promoter.
15 ve cis motifs that enhance the activity of a minimal promoter.
16 ement which can enhance transcription from a minimal promoter.
17  LexA operator fused upstream of the -46 35S minimal promoter.
18 a GAL4 reporter linked to a thymidine kinase minimal promoter.
19 nd confer cAMP sensitivity on a heterologous minimal promoter.
20 motifs, site alpha and beta, within the CD28 minimal promoter.
21 -specific enhancer when placed upstream of a minimal promoter.
22 n used in conjunction with an epsilon-globin minimal promoter.
23 ition-independent fashion, on a heterologous minimal promoter.
24 ing activities within a 67-bp segment of the minimal promoter.
25 g activity, located 250 base pairs 5' of the minimal promoter.
26 tro translated PAX 8 protein or activate the minimal promoter.
27 ferred striking TGF beta responsiveness to a minimal promoter.
28 nsists of lac operators cloned upstream of a minimal promoter.
29 tage- and/or tissue-specific expression on a minimal promoter.
30 ng site recognized by GAL4 (UASG) fused to a minimal promoter.
31 ranscriptional start site comprises the Xist minimal promoter.
32  by binding to a specific CACCC-box onto its minimal promoter.
33 tes upstream of the previously characterized minimal promoter.
34 ucleotides, or wild-type XRE1, upstream of a minimal promoter.
35 ts as a nitrate enhancer when fused to a 35S minimal promoter.
36 rp by binding to a specific CACCC-box in its minimal promoter.
37 f GAL4 reporter linked to a thymidine kniase minimal promoter.
38 -1998 and therefore was referred to as VSNL1 minimal promoter.
39 iated CFTR transcriptional repression to the minimal promoter.
40 s2') transcriptional activating element plus minimal promoter.
41 /EBPalpha cis-element located in the -70/+52 minimal promoter.
42 were used in conjunction with a heterologous minimal promoter.
43 lago gamma-globin gene were localized to the minimal promoter.
44 ion of GUS when fused to a - 64/ + 6CaMV 35S minimal promoter.
45 al activity from the FTO as well as RPGRIP1L minimal promoters.
46 and enables injury-dependent expression from minimal promoters.
47 was driven by either a 150-bp ferrochelatase minimal promoter (-0.15 TG) or by a 4.0 kb extended 5' u
48                   Transactivation of the oPL minimal promoter (-124 bp to +16 bp) by AP-2 was confirm
49  showed that the activity of the rabbit SP-B minimal promoter (-236/+39 bp) is dependent on the bindi
50      We previously characterized the CBS -1b minimal promoter (-3792 to -3667) and found that Sp1/Sp3
51                This region activated an SV40 minimal promoter 4- to 5-fold in an orientation-independ
52  were unable to support transcription of the minimal promoter (-47 to +2) to the same levels as the M
53 vation of pVEGF5, a construct containing the minimal promoter (-66 to +54) that exhibited E2-responsi
54               Deletion analysis identified a minimal promoter (-70/+52) containing a CCAAT/enhancer-b
55     We demonstrate that, in the context of a minimal promoter, a TATA element is both sufficient and
56      Mithramycin, a Sp1 inhibitor, decreased minimal promoter activity and downregulated CD133 levels
57             Previous studies had localized a minimal promoter activity to a 21-bp GC-rich sequence lo
58 ha-PAL as a major player in regulating VSNL1 minimal promoter activity.
59 cission zones (AZs) 13-fold over that of the minimal promoter alone.
60 s (TAFs) bind to initiate transcription, but minimal promoters alone have no transcriptional activity
61  to its cognate site in the mouse amelogenin minimal promoter, although Msx2 itself does not bind to
62 icient to confer transcriptional memory on a minimal promoter, although there is a context effect fro
63                   This is separated from the minimal promoter and 5' UTR by a neutral region of rough
64       This 350-bp region includes the entire minimal promoter and all of the multiple transcription i
65 ct with the two Sp1 binding sites within the minimal promoter and are critical for maximal activity o
66  Box I when fused to a heterologous CaMV 35S minimal promoter and introduced to transgenic rice plant
67 apable of directly interacting with the CHS1 minimal promoter and is essential for its light activati
68 es were inserted into a vector upstream of a minimal promoter and lacZ reporter gene.
69  A typical eukaryotic promoter consists of a minimal promoter and other upstream cis elements.
70 Therefore, NRF1 specifically binds the 21-bp minimal promoter and positively contributes to transcrip
71  imparts a degree of cell specificity to the minimal promoter and provides a potential link between a
72  copies of the human HS3D element fused to a minimal promoter and show that these effects were enhanc
73 cells, using the USF/ARE in the context of a minimal promoter and site-directed and truncation mutant
74 mouse line that contains the cytomegalovirus minimal promoter and tetO promoter elements together wit
75             A 207 bp fragment containing the minimal promoter and the 5'UTR appeared to be sufficient
76  for full RA responsiveness of both the CD18 minimal promoter and the full-length promoter.
77 ne expression through the interaction of the minimal promoter and the upstream silencer elements FROG
78 in the pSEAP reporter system to identify the minimal promoter and to locate any cis-acting functional
79 as driven from RRS motifs cloned upstream of minimal promoters and examined in mammalian cells from t
80 e, we used a reporter-based assay to analyze minimal promoters and leveraged in silico modeling to no
81 rgize with IE62 to a similar extent on model minimal promoters and the complex native ORF28/29 regula
82 p region, enhances transcription from the Ii minimal promoter, and also contains elements that are ho
83 induction of the USF/ARE in the context of a minimal promoter, and attenuated cadmium, but not zinc,
84 g combinations of the simple enhancer GMR, a minimal promoter, and different fluorescent reporters at
85 ic HXB2 core promoter or a heterologous SV40 minimal promoter, and full-genome subtype clones.
86 truct contained GAL4 DNA binding elements, a minimal promoter, and the Photinus luciferase gene.
87 all protein-binding sites within the DV101S1 minimal promoter are important for enhancer driven TCRD
88                                              Minimal promoter assays demonstrated that the rapsyn pro
89        Transient expression assays defined a minimal promoter at positions -114 to +43 relative to th
90 a virus Tat, is unable to transactivate from minimal promoter-based reporters and requires additional
91                      This region contained a minimal promoter between -20 and -160bp.
92         Promoter deletion analysis defined a minimal promoter between positions +52 and +93 base pair
93 report here the identification of the X gene minimal promoter-binding activity as nuclear respiratory
94  CRS sites were located upstream of the GAL1 minimal promoter, but failed to do so on mutant CRS site
95 tion of the IL-2 promoter and an NFAT-driven minimal promoter by Tpl-2 was fully blocked by the domin
96 a cAMP response unit that, together with the minimal promoter, can mediate both induction by cAMP and
97  When the -155/-131 fragment was linked to a minimal promoter, co-expression of LBP-1b increased tran
98                                            A minimal promoter construct consisting of a 247-bp 5'-ups
99 vated T-cells)-mediated transcription from a minimal promoter construct containing tandem NFAT consen
100  addition of the Sp1/GC box sequence to this minimal promoter construct inhibited basal transcription
101  and IRF7 activation of transcription from a minimal promoter construct.
102                                          The minimal promoter contained an E box, a Y box, and three
103 ulate viral transcription was dependent on a minimal promoter containing a functional TATA box and an
104 they inhibit transcriptional activation of a minimal promoter containing a single CRE in PC12 cells.
105 TSA responsive element was mapped to a 70-bp minimal promoter containing an essential GC box that bin
106    Transcription of this mRNA is driven by a minimal promoter containing four copies of the Gal4 upst
107 ed expression of a reporter gene driven by a minimal promoter containing four NF-kappaB elements, ind
108 ansfection assays, thrombin stimulation of a minimal promoter containing multimerized VCAM-1 NF-kappa
109                                            A minimal promoter containing sequences from -34 to +79 wa
110 n by the promoter of the hMMP-1 gene or by a minimal promoter containing tandem repeats of the consen
111 rast, thrombin-mediated transactivation of a minimal promoter containing tandem VCAM-1 GATA motifs wa
112                                            A minimal promoter containing the Sp1 and ets elements was
113 ent co-transfection assays trans-activates a minimal promoter containing two copies of the -145-bp bi
114 ells, to activate the alphaCA promoter and a minimal promoter, containing only multimerized Nkx-2.5 D
115                                          The minimal promoter contains a reversed CCAAT box (-58/-54)
116 tegy to demonstrate functional activity in a minimal promoter context, three novel cis-acting element
117  dependent and is modulated by the change in minimal promoter context.
118 in good agreement with the boundaries of the minimal promoter defined by deletion analyses (-33 to +6
119 certain GC boxes cloned upstream of the E2F1 minimal promoter displayed E2F site-dependent regulation
120 , the 21-bp sequence identified as an X gene minimal promoter does not contain any previously identif
121 Overexpression of Sp1 or Myc increased CD133 minimal promoter-driven luciferase activity and CD133 le
122 hances the transactivation of the C/EBPalpha minimal promoter during the early phase of the different
123 and the binding site for USF, constitute the minimal promoter element and that interactions between m
124 cription factor family members to an ERalpha minimal promoter element containing GC/CA-rich boxes.
125 t reporter gene activity and constitutes the minimal promoter element for BACE.
126 is-acting regulatory elements as well as the minimal promoter element for optimal expression in each
127                          In the context of a minimal promoter element, the enhancer 1/X gene promoter
128 lysis we map a major start site and define a minimal promoter element.
129  utilized constructs that contained only the minimal promoter elements of the U1 and U6 genes in an a
130                                            A minimal promoter, encompassed within 70 bp upstream of t
131 nsisted of two principle components: (1) the minimal promoter-equipped gal4 gene placed adjacent to t
132                                          The minimal promoter for GABRA4 spans the region between -44
133 ter has been characterized that can act as a minimal promoter for the expression of neutrophil elasta
134               These results suggest that the minimal promoter for transcription and replication could
135 h reporter gene constructs revealed that the minimal promoters for COL4A5 and COL4A6 are within 100 b
136  have different levels of recognition of the minimal promoters for plus- and minus-strand RNA synthes
137 e a set of non-homologous, purely synthetic, minimal promoters for yeast.
138 all cell lung cancer (SCLC), and a 65-bp AVP minimal promoter fragment is sufficient to restrict acti
139  The WRKY protein TTG2 binds to W-boxes in a minimal promoter fragment of TRY, and these W-boxes are
140                                      A 63-bp minimal promoter fragment possessing the KCS-like and IS
141  the control of tet operator sequences and a minimal promoter from human cytomegalovirus (tetO-P(hCMV
142  -15 (consensus T) are important to maintain minimal promoter function.
143 zing the binary vector pD991 that contains a minimal promoter fused to the uidA reporter gene.
144 E21 element upstream of the thymidine kinase minimal promoter generated an OM response analogous to t
145                                      The Sp1 minimal promoter has been identified and it has two Sp1/
146             This 'HilA box' is intact in the minimal promoter identified through deletion analysis, a
147 ic enhancer of MMTV on its own can enhance a minimal promoter in a mammary-specific fashion.
148  as an enhancer significantly activating the minimal promoter in a position- and orientation-independ
149        This sequence directs expression of a minimal promoter in both embryonic and adult cartilage i
150 p1-dependent transcriptional activation on a minimal promoter in cells.
151 -fold increase in the activity of the apo(a) minimal promoter in cultured hepatocyte cells.
152 interacting CArG motif to trans-activate the minimal promoter in fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells.
153  the luciferase reporter gene driven by Mdm2-minimal promoter in p53 null cells, we demonstrate that
154 rin-dependent transcriptional induction on a minimal promoter in response to Ca2+ and was named CDRE
155 s correlates with DNA demethylation within a minimal promoter in skin/inflammation-seeking effector m
156 in to PRE II is required for activation of a minimal promoter in stable erythroid cell lines.
157 g element specific for DPC4, in front of the minimal promoter in the plasmid.
158 and by the use of a heterologous virus-based minimal promoter in the responder line.
159 rol of 5x GAL4 response elements and -46 35S minimal promoter in tobacco, corn and soybean protoplast
160 ovide strong pisatin-induced expression to a minimal promoter in vivo and was required for pisatin re
161 frbeta transcripts and a plasmid driven by a minimal promoter, including one missing the CCAAT elemen
162 a putative ZF5 motif located within the Tesc minimal promoter indicated that this motif was critical
163                                          The minimal promoter is essentially a TATA box region where
164 clude that the TATA sequence in the bcl-2 P2 minimal promoter is the target for repression by p53, an
165 the cpr-1 -147 GATA motif placed upstream of minimal promoter/lac Z reporter gene constructs results
166               However, in cells expressing a minimal promoter lacking negative regulatory element 1 s
167                                          The minimal promoter lacks typical TATA motif and contains t
168 able to direct very specific expression of a minimal promoter/LacZ reporter in proximal limb joints.
169 iferase reporter gene under the control of a minimal promoter linked to a glucocorticoid response ele
170 c genes, we have studied the expression of a minimal promoter linked to six copies of a PAX3 DNA bind
171 upstream inducible enhancer in addition to a minimal promoter located between positions -131 and +12.
172 inhibited all NSCLC VEGF secretion, and VEGF minimal promoter-luciferase reporter constructs were con
173 aining four tandem copies of HS3D fused to a minimal promoter; neither transcription factor stimulate
174                       When introduced into a minimal promoter, NF-kappaB binding sites supported near
175  we report the identification of a TATA-less minimal promoter of 296 bp for the human GABA(A)R beta1
176 ription initiation of dsrA requires only the minimal promoter of 36 bp.
177 he gene encoding Cas9 under the control of a minimal promoter of HIV-1 that is activated by the HIV-1
178 nhibits the activation of the PTH-responsive minimal promoter of MMP-13.
179 ysis reveals that C/EBP beta is bound to the minimal promoter of the C/ebp alpha gene in association
180              In reporter gene bioassays, the minimal promoter of the CD28 gene was mapped to the prox
181 t of CtBP1/2, directed by C/EBPalpha, to the minimal promoter of the corresponding genes in response
182                     Here, we report that the minimal promoter of the human alpha4 subunit gene (GABRA
183 imal promoter activity with the constitutive minimal promoter of the human beta-globin promoter allow
184 says revealed that the -67/+53 region is the minimal promoter of the mouse PNRC2 gene in HeLa cells.
185  5' and 3' SrEnod2 regions, we delimited the minimal promoter of the SrEnod2 gene, and it appears tha
186 which covers the entire approximately 270-bp minimal promoter of VLCAD.
187 esent study we compared the E-Box-containing minimal promoters of vasopressin and cyclin B1, two gene
188  cytomegalovirus (CMV) major immediate-early minimal promoter or other cis-acting elements (AAV termi
189  of the c-fos induction mechanism beyond the minimal promoter, our study should help in understanding
190  a single copy of the wild-type SRE-1 in the minimal promoter plasmid, pTE2, is sufficient to induce
191 3(-/-)) or replaced with the simian virus 40 minimal promoter plus five copies of Gal4 DNA sequences
192 sence of control elements, and we describe a minimal promoter (position -83 to +82) required to drive
193 romoter and more than 1.1 kb upstream of its minimal promoter region (located at -958 to -821).
194 s-activated EHV-1 promoters harboring only a minimal promoter region (TATA box and cap site), suggest
195 eveloping zebrafish embryos, thus defining a minimal promoter region able to accurately mimic the nat
196                          Also located in the minimal promoter region are three T-rich direct repeats
197 ed a TACAAA sequence at position -31 and the minimal promoter region between nucleotides -93 and -38.
198                   We previously identified a minimal promoter region containing -236/+39 base pairs (
199 lysis of the Viaat promoter indicates that a minimal promoter region containing a CG rich sequence is
200     c-Jun did not directly interact with the minimal promoter region containing the TGF-beta response
201 nsus sites of methylation correlate with the minimal promoter region critical for AR transcription.
202 3 with the GC-rich motifs located within the minimal promoter region did not abrogate promoter activi
203  analysis using deletion constructs mapped a minimal promoter region driving CeRh1 gene expression.
204 ty of the COL1A1 promoter was contained in a minimal promoter region encompassing -174 bp to -84 bp.
205                         We have examined the minimal promoter region in detail, and in addition to co
206 of reporter constructs demonstrates that the minimal promoter region is active both in embryonic stem
207  the upstream region, we have determined the minimal promoter region necessary for aniA expression.
208                            We identified the minimal promoter region needed to drive expression of th
209 or viral replication, under the control of a minimal promoter region of progression elevated gene-3 (
210       To test this hypothesis we defined the minimal promoter region of the human MC4R and evaluated
211                  We have identified a 104-bp minimal promoter region of the NF-IL6 gene that is suffi
212                    In this work, we used the minimal promoter region required for in vivo activation
213                                          The minimal promoter region required for UCN-01 (from -110 b
214 and the transcription start site (+1) as the minimal promoter region that contains a functional TATA
215                  In this report, we define a minimal promoter region that has strong activity in huma
216 -regulatory DNA elements and have mapped the minimal promoter region to 321 bp upstream of the transl
217 leted promoter constructs indicated that the minimal promoter region was between nucleotides -130 and
218                                 Initially, a minimal promoter region was identified by analyzing the
219 am region of the CD1D1 gene and identified a minimal promoter region within 200 bp from the translati
220  promoter-luciferase constructs identified a minimal promoter region within the most proximal 174 bp
221 responsive to p53 was mapped to the bcl-2 P2 minimal promoter region, and we showed that p53 and the
222  which occurs 216 nt upstream from the 85-nt minimal promoter region, suppressed promoter activity by
223 -3 transcription factor binding sites in the minimal promoter region.
224 he activity of this promoter and to define a minimal promoter region.
225 re critical for basal transcription from the minimal promoter region.
226 pped the NaBu-responsive element to an 81-bp minimal promoter region.
227 ulatory elements immediately upstream of the minimal promoter region.
228  based on chromatin marks extending from the minimal promoter region.
229 the flhDC promoter in order to determine the minimal promoter regions necessary for QseBC transcripti
230 lin-dependent transactivating potential on a minimal promoter reporter.
231            The activity of a SMAD-responsive minimal promoter-reporter construct was enhanced in tran
232                    The data suggest that the minimal promoter required at least two transcription fac
233 l line, suggesting that it might contain the minimal promoter required for expression of the short tr
234 Deletion analyses have identified the 255-bp minimal promoter required for tissue-specific and develo
235 FF2 transcription start site encompasses the minimal promoter required for TMEFF2 expression.
236 the isolated DRR region directly to the hINV minimal promoter restores surface epithelial expression.
237 ation of the enhancer upstream of the alpha3 minimal promoter results in synergistic activation.
238    DNase I footprinting analysis of the CD72 minimal promoter revealed three protected elements: FP I
239 that enhancers located over 50 kb from their minimal promoter(s) are required for appropriate gene ex
240                                     The SP-B minimal promoter sequence as well as the spacing and ori
241  fibrillary acidic protein gene coupled to a minimal promoter sequence from human cytomegalovirus to
242 moter sequences were tested to determine the minimal promoter sequence necessary for bFGF-responsive
243                            We identified the minimal promoter sequence required for basal MIF promote
244 pressed an IGF-I P1 construct retaining only minimal promoter sequence required for cAMP-dependent ge
245     Thus this mutation has not disrupted the minimal promoter sequence required for heat regulation o
246                                          The minimal promoter sequence required for HSF-1 basal expre
247 ed promoter constructs, we observed the same minimal promoter sequence supposed to be needed in vivo
248 d repeat binding site, in combination with a minimal promoter sequence, was sufficient to give enhanc
249  This deletion does not affect the coding or minimal promoter sequences of either the CDKN2A or CDKN2
250 he full structure of the mGRP-R gene and the minimal promoter sequences reported in this study, it wi
251 ement of upstream cis elements followed by a minimal promoter sets the polarity of the promoter.
252 n which formation of Z-DNA is studied near a minimal promoter site where it can be stabilized by nega
253 gustducin gene that, in combination with the minimal promoter, specified TRC expression of transgenes
254                                          The minimal promoter sufficient to drive chloramphenicol ace
255 the B-finger, showed wild-type activity in a minimal promoter system and in the HeLa cell NE.
256 ored activity of the inactive mutants in the minimal promoter system, suggesting that TFIIF in HeLa c
257 haracteristics when tested in a heterologous minimal promoter system.
258  (E51R:R66E) did not show activity in either minimal promoter system.
259         Mutant proteins were examined in two minimal promoter systems (containing only RNA polymerase
260  had the greatest effect on activity in both minimal promoter systems, with mutations in residues Glu
261                            A longer CaMV 35S minimal promoter than was used in the original alc gene
262                  Using similar approaches, a minimal promoter that contained a canonical -35/-10 sequ
263 r in a p53-independent manner and utilized a minimal promoter that contained E2A and TATA box sequenc
264 ound that WT p53-mediated repression needs a minimal promoter that contains a single E2F site and sur
265 on in vitro of a chromatinized adenovirus E4 minimal promoter that contains binding sites for the GAL
266                          We have defined the minimal promoter that controls expression of this most a
267 the transgenic mouse line 3445) constitute a minimal promoter that drives appropriate developmental a
268                               Outside of the minimal promoter, the -35 to -29 region contained four p
269  the 5' terminal 50 bp were deleted from the minimal promoter, the activity was dramatically decrease
270                      Together with optimized minimal promoters, these regulators provide 4-hydroxytam
271                          In the context of a minimal promoter, this bcl-2 p2 site 1 increased transcr
272 When targeted to the 5' flanking region of a minimal promoter, this pso-TFO adapter increased the exp
273 is necessary for expression and binds to the minimal promoter, thus providing an essential transcript
274 munoglobulin enhancer (Emu) and Igbeta (B29) minimal promoter to drive B lineage-specific human Btk e
275             The expression of dbpBA from the minimal promoter was abolished when rpoS was inactivated
276                                 A functional minimal promoter was demonstrated by transient transfect
277                          The activity of the minimal promoter was found to be controlled by a combina
278                                     The SP-C minimal promoter was found to contain two potential Ets
279 ene was isolated, and a 370-bp (-190 to 180) minimal promoter was identified that directs visceral sm
280 orter placed under the control of JHRE and a minimal promoter was induced by JH I in a dose- and time
281 mportantly, the 18-bp USF enhancer driving a minimal promoter was sufficient for neuronal specificity
282 ent through the AP-2 element in the oPL gene minimal promoter was variant dependent.
283  CACCC elements between the human and galago minimal promoters we found that whereas each box made a
284                       To delineate the IL-17 minimal promoter, we created a series of 5' truncations
285 andem copies of the H3core to a heterologous minimal promoter, we demonstrated that over-expression o
286 ntrol of a nestin intron II/thymidine kinase minimal promoter were generated.
287 of both the IL-2 promoter and an NFAT-driven minimal promoter were shown to depend on signals transdu
288 eletions in the hRFC-B and -A promoters, the minimal promoters were localized within 46 and 47 base p
289 ing the TBE1 site, when cloned upstream of a minimal promoter, were shown to respond to beta-catenin
290 pha response element, inserted upstream of a minimal promoter, were sufficient to mediate reporter ac
291 ntified a promiscuously active 172-base pair minimal promoter, whereas expression from a construct co
292 er to as "Ag silencing," is mediated via its minimal promoter, whereas the promoter for the restricti
293 te that Sp1 can enhance transcription of the minimal promoter (which contains five classical Sp1 site
294 to RA was mediated by the 96-nucleotide CD18 minimal promoter, which lacks a recognizable RARE.
295 ncer that is able to activate a heterologous minimal promoter with high-level penetrance in the pancr
296 in yeast activates reporter genes carrying a minimal promoter with the CRT/DRE as an upstream regulat
297                             A construct of a minimal promoter with the luciferase reporter containing
298 ained the ability to differentially modulate minimal promoters with various TATA motifs.
299 e hypoxia response element fused to the SV40 minimal promoter, with glucose starvation as an inducer
300 90 fragment fused to the CAT gene acted as a minimal promoter, with higher activity noted for the -51

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