


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  biomarker assays have an advantage in being minimally invasive.
2 recurrent pilonidal sinus were randomized to minimally invasive (76 patients) or conventional (69 pat
3                                  Advances in minimally invasive ablative surgical approaches have led
4 progression to adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS), minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA) and fully invasi
5 noma (LPA), and adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS)/minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA).
6 asive disease with prominent lepidic growth (minimally invasive adenocarcinoma, MIA), then to fully i
7 he clinical potential of this technology for minimally invasive administration of CNS-targeted therap
8 vena cava time-activity curve is therefore a minimally invasive alternative for the measurement of th
9 ss hostile transplantation site that is both minimally invasive and able to support a large transplan
10                         Their measurement is minimally invasive and cost effective using established
11 medication adherence assessment) since it is minimally invasive and easy to perform, potentially allo
12                          POEM and STER offer minimally invasive and effective treatment alternatives
13                         Here, we demonstrate minimally invasive and remote neural excitation through
14 atic investigation of photoillumination as a minimally invasive and remotely applied means to trigger
15 a cellular substrate to develop and optimize minimally invasive and safe cellular transplantation par
16 uggest that HAS angioplasty and stenting are minimally invasive and safe endovascular procedures that
17 s on readmission rates was observed for both minimally invasive and thoracotomy approaches.
18 nce endomicroscopy imaging is a powerful new minimally invasive and translatable tool that can be use
19                             Acupuncture is a minimally-invasive and conservative therapeutic option,
20 oronary artery bypass surgery (most commonly minimally invasive) and percutaneous coronary interventi
21  than 66 years with a breast biopsy (open or minimally invasive) and subsequent breast cancer diagnos
22                With this advancement, rapid, minimally invasive, and easily executed in vivo SPME is
23                            The VPE is a new, minimally invasive, and efficient technique to prepare t
24                 These soft, thin devices are minimally invasive, and histological tests suggest they
25 reby enabling a broad range of non-invasive, minimally invasive, and implantable systems to address c
26                Laser ablation is a rapid and minimally invasive approach for the treatment of superfi
27 more recently, robotic approach have allowed minimally invasive approach in selected patients undergo
28  when very little sample is available, and a minimally invasive approach is required.
29        However, the oncological impacts of a minimally invasive approach to rectal cancer have yet to
30                                         This minimally invasive approach yielded outcomes similar to
31 nty-seven cases (88.5%) were completed via a minimally invasive approach.
32 bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, often using minimally invasive approaches (laparoscopic or robotic).
33             In this nationwide comparison of minimally invasive approaches for colon resection, LC de
34 gel systems addresses the growing demand for minimally invasive approaches for local and sustained de
35  carbohydrate drinks 2 hours before surgery, minimally invasive approaches instead of large incisions
36 ssue responses, necessitating development of minimally invasive approaches that avoid brain trauma.
37                                              Minimally invasive approaches to kidney transplantation
38          Large comparative studies comparing minimally invasive approaches to open technique are lack
39                        In experienced hands, minimally invasive approaches to ureteral reconstruction
40                                  Alternative minimally invasive approaches using bronchoscopic techni
41 are a valuable source for the development of minimally invasive assays.
42 st that the MYOM3 fragments hold promise for minimally invasive assessment of experimental therapies
43 easy transportation, cost-effectiveness, and minimally invasive biological sampling.
44 sa-miR-483-5p thus appears to be a promising minimally invasive biomarker in the preoperative diagnos
45                       Our goal is to develop minimally invasive biomarkers for predicting radiation-i
46  Sequencing (NGS) offer themselves as future minimally invasive biomarkers for various human diseases
47 as spiked interest in their potential use as minimally-invasive biomarkers.
48 itive for the CT diagnosis were obtained via minimally invasive biopsy, but the results were negative
49                                      Today's minimally invasive biosensors are often based on chemica
50 ly stage is a challenge because an accurate, minimally invasive blood test is lacking.
51                                              Minimally invasive breast biopsy (MIBB) rates remain wel
52      Flexible porous graphene array offers a minimally invasive but high efficiency neuromodulation s
53 filing of individual lung cancer CTCs toward minimally invasive cancer therapy prediction and disease
54 ical procedures and functional decline after minimally invasive cardiac surgery.
55 s aged 60 years or older undergoing major or minimally invasive cardiac surgical procedures.
56 excellent, with a safety profile expected of minimally invasive cataract procedures performed in ASCs
57                                      Whether minimally invasive catheter evacuation followed by throm
58 o determine whether a novel approach using a minimally invasive cell sampling device, the Cytosponge,
59 escribe the concept and in vivo results of a minimally invasive, chip-based near infrared (NIR) senso
60 latform has potential applications in rapid, minimally invasive clinical diagnostic assays.
61  continues to emphasize the need for non- or minimally invasive clinical tools capable of establishin
62 idal volume with lower respiratory rates and minimally invasive CO2 removal.
63                                              Minimally invasive colectomies are increasingly popular
64                                              Minimally invasive colectomy (MIC) is an increasingly co
65 TERS as an additional spectroscopic tool for minimally invasive compositional characterization of art
66                        Common noninvasive to minimally invasive cosmetic dermatologic procedures are
67                               Noninvasive to minimally invasive cosmetic dermatologic procedures, inc
68 iprocedural safety and long-term efficacy of minimally invasive Cox maze procedures should be noted.
69          Overall, MNs-CIT represents a novel minimally invasive cutaneous immunotherapy to prevent th
70 eal are increasingly utilized as they afford minimally invasive delivery and conformal application.
71  Microneedle devices have been proposed as a minimally invasive delivery system for the intradermal a
72 croneedles (MNs) have been investigated as a minimally-invasive delivery technology for a range of ac
73                                              Minimally invasive detection of cell death could prove a
74 plant (XEN gel stent, Aquesys, Inc) is a new minimally invasive device approved for the treatment of
75                                            A minimally invasive device has been developed to assess e
76                             This is a novel, minimally invasive, device-based therapy, specifically t
77 ducting polymer microwires will be useful as minimally invasive devices to control the electrical pro
78 urate, but at the same time, inexpensive and minimally invasive, diagnostic test is urgently required
79 tensively studied for their promising use as minimally invasive disease biomarkers.
80 itu disease (adenocarcinoma in situ, AIS) to minimally invasive disease with prominent lepidic growth
81 urrent nationwide case selection factors for minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy (MIDP) and iden
82                                  Interest in minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy (MIDP) has grow
83 ll of the patients with IDH-1 mutation had a minimally invasive DT imaging phenotype.
84                CT guided RA therapy of OO is minimally invasive, effective and secure procedure.
85 skin-worn microneedle sensing device for the minimally invasive electrochemical monitoring of subcuta
86 e (transrectal), and ovaries (transvaginal); minimally invasive endoscopic imaging of gastrointestina
87                 In the past several decades, minimally invasive endovascular interventions have been
88                                              Minimally invasive endovascular methods provide safe and
89 ed that resection of the pericardium using a minimally invasive epicardial approach would mitigate th
90                                  Research on minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE) has shown faster
91  this trial was to assess the feasibility of minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE) in a multi-instit
92  was to compare open esophagectomy (OE) with minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE) in a population-b
93 emonstrate any significant benefit of hybrid minimally invasive esophagectomy on POM, potentially due
94 y of the TIME-trial (traditional invasive vs minimally invasive esophagectomy, a multicenter, randomi
95  The strategy of lower respiratory rate plus minimally invasive extracorporeal CO2 removal was feasib
96 nly 10% of distal pancreatectomies were in a minimally invasive fashion and 85% of surgeons welcomed
97 pass the skin's stratum corneum barrier in a minimally-invasive fashion and achieve enhanced transder
98  the clinical outcomes of open-flap (OF) and minimally invasive flapless (FL) esthetic crown lengthen
99  the plasma membrane of living cells using a minimally invasive, fluorescent dye labelled lipid analo
100 sine 5'-triphosphate turnover as a potential minimally invasive functional malignant hyperthermia ass
101         To compare postoperative outcomes of minimally invasive gastrectomy (MIG) to open gastrectomy
102 t, Allergan plc, Irvine, California, USA), a minimally invasive glaucoma surgery device, in refractor
103                                              Minimally invasive glaucoma surgical (MIGS) devices are
104 an overall reduction in sensor size to allow minimally invasive glucose monitoring in the interstitia
105 n the open group versus 50.5% (SD 8%) in the minimally invasive group (P = 0.207).
106 o confer an aggressive invasive phenotype on minimally invasive HeLa and MCF-7 cell lines.
107 enzyme specificity and introduces a tool for minimally invasive, highly specific imaging of cellular
108 ysterectomy were compared with those who had minimally invasive hysterectomy (laparoscopic and robot-
109  There was no association between the use of minimally invasive hysterectomy and either overall (HR,
110                                              Minimally invasive hysterectomy does not appear to compr
111            Despite the potential benefits of minimally invasive hysterectomy for uterine cancer, popu
112 imally invasive hysterectomy; performance of minimally invasive hysterectomy increased from 9.3% in 2
113  women who underwent abdominal hysterectomy, minimally invasive hysterectomy was associated with a lo
114 hysterectomy and 2,165 (34.3%) who underwent minimally invasive hysterectomy; performance of minimall
115  a specific flowchart designed to enable the minimally invasive identification of unknown blue (i.e.,
116                     We show how this enables minimally invasive imaging and monitoring of nanotopolog
117               Procedures for noninvasive and minimally invasive imaging of cardiac neurons and neuron
118                  We tested the potential for minimally invasive imaging of hypoxia in pancreatic canc
119                            We also developed minimally invasive imaging techniques for real-time moni
120 ew existing and developing technologies, new minimally invasive imaging techniques, nonendoscopic dev
121        The small size of the cannula enables minimally invasive imaging, while the long length (>2 mm
122 ues, which is still a clinical challenge for minimally-invasive in vivo medical diagnosis.
123 e frequently, even after performing a single minimally invasive incision to harvest the FHL tendon, d
124 lderly women by using the recently developed minimally invasive indicator amino acid oxidation (IAAO)
125                                              Minimally invasive inguinal lymph node dissection (MILND
126                   It is difficult to achieve minimally invasive injectable cell delivery while mainta
127             Conclusion A simple, integrated, minimally invasive interventional probe that provides im
128 nue to benefit from an exponential growth in minimally invasive interventions and technology.
129 ified by intent-to-treat into open (OLAR) or minimally invasive LAR (MI-LAR).
130                                              Minimally invasive LAR for rectal cancer is associated w
131  the feasibility, safety and efficiency of a minimally invasive, lentiviral based approach for the su
132            We demonstrate a new platform for minimally invasive, light delivery probes leveraging the
133 field-test sample) and a clinical trial of a minimally invasive lip treatment in the United Kingdom a
134           Progress toward the development of minimally invasive liquid biopsies of disease is being b
135 agnostics as EV analysis can be performed in minimally invasive liquid biopsies.
136                      The used techniques for minimally invasive live donor nephrectomy are safe and a
137                                              Minimally invasive live donor nephrectomy has become a f
138 es discussing short-term complications after minimally invasive live donor nephrectomy were included.
139 ery, separation surgery, vertebroplasty, and minimally invasive local ablative approaches.
140 ord much longer intracellular access and are minimally invasive, making it possible to achieve stable
141  to provide single cell/axon resolution in a minimally invasive manner by optical interrogation of li
142         These cryogels can be delivered in a minimally invasive manner, bypass the need for genetic m
143 of robotic cases were completed in a totally minimally invasive manner, there were no significant ben
144 unction to be measured repeatedly in a safe, minimally invasive manner.
145 ctures inaccessible by existing methods in a minimally invasive manner.
146  changes in the tumour in an inexpensive and minimally invasive manner.
147 -specific sequence alterations may provide a minimally invasive means to dynamically assess tumour bu
148 ertilization, and can be predicted through a minimally invasive mechanical measurement at the zygote
149 e percutaneous needle biopsies and provide a minimally invasive method for axillary staging of breast
150 NF1-associated MPNSTs, while PTT serves as a minimally invasive method to ablate cancer cells.
151 l-free DNA (cfDNA) has recently emerged as a minimally invasive method to explore tumor characteristi
152         We describe a general, versatile and minimally invasive method to image single molecules near
153 ilation; however, the efficacy and safety of minimally invasive methods have not been reviewed.
154                       However, efficient and minimally invasive methods of MSCs delivery to the brain
155                 Surfactant administration by minimally invasive methods that allow for spontaneous br
156                     In the past few decades, minimally invasive methods that approach aneurysms endov
157                                     However, minimally invasive methods to measure the spatial distri
158             This level of sensitivity, using minimally invasive methods, offers novel opportunities f
159 factant for respiratory distress syndrome by minimally invasive methods.
160                       This study developed a minimally-invasive microneedle (MN) patch for skin vacci
161                                              Minimally-invasive microsurgery has resulted in improved
162 e the impact of race and insurance on use of minimally invasive (MIS) compared with open techniques f
163 s towards the potential for utilisation of a minimally-invasive MN delivery strategy in controlled ta
164  These data highlight the role of ctDNA as a minimally invasive molecular disease monitoring strategy
165 ion with the topical deposition of GNRs, the minimally invasive nature of DS-OCT makes this a promisi
166 portant cancer treatment modality due to its minimally invasive nature.
167 icroscope equipped with a microendoscope for minimally invasive observation of sarcomere lengths and
168                                          The minimally invasive operation of these probes forecasts u
169 ble modes of soft, conformal integration and minimally invasive operation that would be difficult or
170 sisted procedures accounted for 62.3% of the minimally invasive operations.
171 and 27 women, with 25 open operations and 16 minimally invasive operations.
172 e locally invasive, and five of 61 (8%) were minimally invasive (P < .001).
173 e is increasing interest in expanding use of minimally invasive pancreaticoduodenectomy (MIPD).
174 aise and to evaluate the current evidence on minimally invasive pancreatoduodenectomy (MIPD) versus o
175                                              Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy is not routinely re
176          Both focused, image-guided surgery (minimally invasive parathyroidectomy) and bilateral expl
177                                          For minimally invasive parathyroidectomy, intraoperative par
178 strates that pericardial resection through a minimally invasive percutaneous approach mitigates the e
179                           Here we describe a minimally invasive, permanently implantable window for h
180  physiologic recording after percutaneous or minimally invasive placement of vascular, cardiac, ortho
181 o the chip for the potential applications in minimally invasive, portable clinical diagnostic equipme
182  demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of minimally invasive, potentially lifelong TES treatment o
183                   Nanoscale endoscopes allow minimally invasive probing of individual cell interiors.
184                      Sentinel-node biopsy, a minimally invasive procedure for regional melanoma stagi
185                       Radioembolization is a minimally invasive procedure that involves implantation
186        Tumor embolization was proceeded as a minimally invasive procedure.
187                       In patients undergoing minimally invasive procedures (n = 5177; 17 studies), 13
188 as they can be introduced into the body with minimally invasive procedures and are often applied in t
189 s large area and accessibility, which allows minimally invasive procedures for transplantation, graft
190 -bioadhesive to be used as tissue sealant in minimally invasive procedures is reported.
191   Ultrasound is well suited for guiding many minimally invasive procedures, but its use is often prec
192 artery use; intraoperative graft assessment; minimally invasive procedures, including robotic-assiste
193                       Along with a trend for minimally invasive procedures, these forces have challen
194 egarding surgical safety for currently used, minimally invasive procedures.
195                                  The role of minimally invasive proctectomy in rectal cancer is contr
196 .37 (95% confidence interval: 2.95-3.87) for minimally invasive prostatectomy, and HR: 1.84 (95% conf
197 surgery have been refined with evidence, and minimally invasive pyeloplasty is now standard.
198 CNB) sampling is known to be inexpensive and minimally invasive relative to traditional tissue resect
199              The midterm quality outcomes of minimally invasive repair for complex disease are unknow
200                                 Therefore, a minimally invasive, repeatable quantification of VEGF le
201  0.79, P < 0.01) were less likely to receive minimally invasive resections.
202                     All patients, undergoing minimally invasive restorative proctocolectomy in 1, 2,
203 ed for the test is 0.5 muL, which allows for minimally invasive sample collection such as using a fin
204                           The combination of minimally invasive sample collection with a highly speci
205 ential for skin mucus-based metabolomics for minimally invasive sampling of the fathead minnow (FHM;
206 cessful analyte quantification by means of a minimally invasive sensor in vivo, which does not use ch
207 t CD55 mutations changed E. coli to either a minimally invasive (Ser165Ala) or a hypervirulent pathog
208 monstrate here a versatile method based on a minimally invasive single implantation in the rat brain.
209                                   CTCs are a minimally invasive source of clinical information that c
210 nence of safety and success for the on-pump, minimally invasive, stand-alone Cox maze procedure 5 yea
211 evaluated with these animal models, but more minimally invasive strategies for delivery could improve
212                  In this review, we focus on minimally invasive strategies for the delivery of ES and
213  risk should be targeted with preventive and minimally invasive strategies.
214                            Here, we report a minimally invasive strategy for enzyme stabilization tha
215                                              Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has created a shift in
216 e plasminogen activator, in combination with minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in patients with intrac
217   Clinical outcomes from videoscope assisted minimally invasive surgery (VMIS) at 36 to 58 months are
218       With the current healthcare climate of minimally invasive surgery and cost control, FNAB should
219                       We examined the use of minimally invasive surgery and the association between t
220 al applications, particularly as devices for minimally invasive surgery and the delivery of therapeut
221                              The benefits of minimally invasive surgery for common disorders like app
222                                              Minimally invasive surgery has an increasingly prominent
223                                     Although minimally invasive surgery has been extended to neonatal
224                                  Advances in minimally invasive surgery have demonstrated the safety
225                 The combined procedure using minimally invasive surgery is safe, with the additional
226                        Trainees undergoing a minimally invasive surgery rotation were randomized to e
227                              We have applied minimally invasive surgery to perform kidney transplant
228  tasks where classic robots fail, such as in minimally invasive surgery, active prosthetics, and auto
229 ric gastrointestinal surgery have focused on minimally invasive surgery, the accumulation of high-qua
230 ine leiomyoma, is now commonly performed via minimally invasive surgery.
231 ropriate expertise in open esophagectomy and minimally invasive surgery.
232 nition is important to ensure success during minimally invasive surgery.
233  thus the selection of patients suitable for minimally invasive surgery.
234 r (MSD) prevalence among surgeons performing minimally invasive surgery.
235 ectal operations of which 5291 (62.9%) had a minimally invasive surgical (MIS) approach.
236  was to examine regional variation in use of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) operations.
237  was to examine regional variation in use of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) operations.
238                                              Minimally invasive surgical ablation techniques have bee
239 s utilizing both catheter-based ablation and minimally invasive surgical approaches have been develop
240                           The development of minimally invasive surgical approaches to donor nephrect
241                                 We devised a minimally invasive surgical bladder inoculation techniqu
242 id coronary revascularization (HCR) combines minimally invasive surgical coronary artery bypass graft
243 ising unexpected safety concerns, offering a minimally invasive surgical option for refractory glauco
244 c targeting with high spatial resolution but minimally invasive surgical procedures.
245                                              Minimally invasive surgical techniques are also being ev
246 ort-term results, further support the use of minimally invasive surgical techniques in the treatment
247 ey do not account for remarkable advances in minimally invasive surgical techniques or the developmen
248 , surgeons gain access through the mouth via minimally invasive technique and thus have improved visu
249  order to develop this idea in the clinic, a minimally invasive technique for measuring the oxygenati
250                                  This rapid, minimally invasive technique shows potential to replace
251                 Therefore, we suggest that a minimally invasive technique such as the one described i
252 cutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive technique that destroys cancer cells
253 steromedial hindfoot incision using a single minimally invasive technique, and the medial and lateral
254 onclusions regarding comparisons of open and minimally invasive technique.
255 ever, there are no accurate, cost-effective, minimally invasive techniques available to screen for BE
256  not race, is associated with utilization of minimally invasive techniques for oncologic rectal resec
257 Our findings support the ongoing adoption of minimally invasive techniques for rectal adenocarcinoma.
258  a clear trend toward less-aggressive, often minimally invasive techniques has been observed.
259 mesenteric artery (SMA) can be managed using minimally invasive techniques initially developed for ba
260     We have shown the safety and efficacy of minimally invasive techniques such as PN and RFA in a va
261                   Here, we applied two novel minimally invasive techniques to measure kidney function
262                                          All minimally invasive techniques were comparable with regar
263 hort-term benefits and cost-effectiveness of minimally invasive techniques, hospitals may need to imp
264 variants, using smaller samples obtained via minimally invasive techniques, is a huge challenge.
265 utionary approach to aneurysm repair through minimally invasive techniques.
266 he technological advances to manage CLI with minimally invasive technologies, this condition often re
267                              The adoption of minimally invasive technology can improve safety among s
268                                              Minimally invasive therapeutic modalities have become th
269 lized PC can be considered as an alternative minimally invasive therapeutic modality for patients who
270 various complications, requiring alternative minimally invasive therapeutics.
271 cal advancements have made this percutaneous minimally invasive therapy a first-line treatment for ma
272 ized tumors by focused ultrasound (FUS) is a minimally invasive therapy that uses a range of input en
273                                 Seamless and minimally invasive three-dimensional interpenetration of
274                      Over the past 15 years, minimally invasive thrombectomy has been reported in 78
275  of a vast range of substrates, whilst being minimally invasive to the cells or tissues of interest.
276 ogenesis and investigate the Cytosponge as a minimally invasive tool for sampling the oesophageal mic
277                          TaTME is the latest minimally invasive transanal technique pioneered to faci
278 d in the management of these disease states, minimally invasive transcatheter portal venous intervent
279  To define "best possible" outcomes in total minimally invasive transthoracic esophagectomy (ttMIE).
280 ablation of pilonidal sinus (VAAPS) is a new minimally invasive treatment based on the complete remov
281 tion gammaPNAs and SCF treatment may offer a minimally invasive treatment for genetic disorders of th
282 erative time was significantly longer in the minimally invasive treatment group (42.9 [9.8] minutes)
283  of the patients was 25.5 (5.9) years in the minimally invasive treatment group and 25.7 (5.3) in the
284          Similarly, patients enrolled in the minimally invasive treatment group expressed significant
285  were male and 16 (21.1%) were female in the minimally invasive treatment group, and 54 (78.3%) were
286                                       In the minimally invasive treatment group, mean (SD) time off w
287 [1.3%] vs 5 [7.2%]; P = .10) recorded in the minimally invasive treatment group.
288                            In the new era of minimally invasive treatment surgery, pilonidal sinus co
289       Photochemical internalisation, a novel minimally invasive treatment, has shown promising precli
290 the-art technologies for early diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment, which together could reduc
291 d functional information and enable focused, minimally invasive treatments, are key elements in the i
292 yable quarter-inch audio tapes, allowing the minimally invasive triage of tape collections.
293                                 We applied a minimally invasive two-channel fluorescence fiber imagin
294                              We have applied minimally invasive ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspirat
295 r optics for optogenetics, are not ideal for minimally invasive, untethered studies on freely behavin
296  endoscopic injection of a bulking agent and minimally invasive ureteric reimplantation.
297 ) or intra-operative hand reflexology during minimally invasive varicose vein surgery under local ana
298 d from any cell type in the body, offering a minimally invasive window for diagnosing and monitoring
299 wing a randomized controlled trial comparing minimally invasive with open esophagectomy in patients w
300 SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Trials comparing minimally invasive with open transthoracic esophagectomy

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