


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ges in terms of normalization and background minimization.
2 otropic framework contraction and pore space minimization.
3 multiple genes, paving the way toward genome minimization.
4  - a process mainly driven by elastic energy minimization.
5  liver transplantation (OLT) with tacrolimus minimization.
6  allotransplantation after immunosuppression minimization.
7 optimization targeting either cost or energy minimization.
8 ansplant CKD3, despite calcineurin-inhibitor minimization.
9 hasis on energy efficiency or greenhouse gas minimization.
10 maximize reward, but had no effect on effort minimization.
11 distance restraints to guide the AIDA energy minimization.
12 either an external force or capillary-energy minimization.
13 ount for both reward maximization and effort minimization.
14 nd age group (<66 v 66-75 v >75 years) using minimization.
15 ork conductance, and (4) overall wire-length minimization.
16 l study where they were determined by energy minimization.
17  Drug regimens should be evaluated daily for minimization.
18 eir shape is determined by Gibbs free energy minimization.
19 iximab, cyclosporine, sirolimus, and steroid minimization.
20 ces based on a two-step, atomic-level energy minimization.
21 ructural templates, followed by local energy minimization.
22  be further ranked and filtered using energy minimization.
23 havior toward reward maximization and effort minimization.
24  formal model comparison and structural risk minimization.
25 s, and findings related to immunosuppression minimization.
26 nergy density minimization and pseudo-energy minimization.
27 ehavior toward reward maximization or effort minimization.
28 s, such as signal amplification or overshoot minimization.
29 g pharmacophores, molecular shape and energy minimization.
30                           We also observed a minimization (60%) of the error during the interviews.
31 s of the sensitivity gains and sample-volume minimization afforded by CRDS when compared with flash p
32 e the secondary structures using free energy minimization algorithm in terms of RNAfold tool from Vie
33  fitting the chosen models using an advanced minimization algorithm to yield the reaction orders and
34 s, RNAstructure-Fold (based on a free energy minimization algorithm) and SeqFold (based on a sampling
35       These inferences do not require energy minimization algorithms and can be made by either direct
36 suggests a similar mechanism of current flux minimization along myelinated axons.
37 ction coordinate analyses followed by energy minimization along the antisymmetric pathways led to ena
38 nd on the evaluation of a free energy, whose minimization along the path gives direction to the searc
39 inclusion, including 1 cost analysis, 4 cost-minimization analyses, 4 cost-effectiveness analyses, an
40 l human gastric antrum using a least-squares minimization analysis applied to amino acid compositions
41                                       A cost-minimization analysis using cataract surgery volume and
42                   A number of corticosteroid minimization and avoidance protocols for post-solid orga
43  in lessened concern (frequently ascribed to minimization and denial) about behavioral outcomes that
44 mely, 3D reconstruction through local stress minimization and detection of spatial inconsistencies.
45 sions in patients receiving tacrolimus (TAC) minimization and elimination immunosuppressive regimens.
46 en the capsid subunits to ensure free energy minimization and error-free assembly.
47 d to high accuracy by iteratively performing minimization and experiment selection.
48 fying framework for the simultaneous network minimization and information flow analysis across variou
49  transmembrane helices followed by an energy minimization and ligand redocking in each sampled confor
50  avenues for systematic thermal conductivity minimization and potentially accelerating the engineerin
51 phase separated aerosols through free energy minimization and predict that the contact angle between
52  evaluate accessibility: free energy density minimization and pseudo-energy minimization.
53 logous domains into density maps with energy minimization and refinement protocols.
54 which aims to address the problem of network minimization and regulatory information flow in gene reg
55              Our approach, using free energy minimization and topological theory, leads to the stabil
56 onization criteria rather than static energy minimization, and of designing new field-driven microsca
57  functional roles in brain evolution, wiring minimization, and the emergence of functional specializa
58 g a link between Gaussian mixture models, l1 minimization, and the expectation-maximization algorithm
59 al differences in gain maximization and loss minimization are linked to individual differences in rap
60 this chemical series, and efforts toward its minimization are reported.
61 ese two principles (space-filling and energy minimization) are (i) general principles underlying the
62 ation and function are driven by free-energy minimization, are inherently self-healing and provide op
63                 However, the inherent energy-minimization aspect of self-assembly yields a very limit
64 noclusters using grand-canonical free-energy minimization based on total energies and vibrational fre
65                         Lookdowns occupy the minimization basin of our polarization-contrast space, w
66 etermined intervals during immunosuppression minimization before and at clinically indicated liver bi
67 ing protocol combined with immunosuppression minimization, BK-positive recipients had a greater risk
68 hubs, which are not explained by wiring-cost minimization but instead reflect competitive selection p
69                Quantum mechanical DFT energy minimization calculations, as well as experimental obser
70                                Pseudo-energy minimization (called AccessFold) minimizes the sum of fr
71 nder zero bias because of interfacial energy minimization, closely resembling synaptic influx and ext
72 be more accurately accounted for by surprise minimization compared to reward or utility maximization
73 ision-making is better explained by surprise minimization compared to utility maximization.
74 (random assignment of 1:3 respectively) with minimization controlling for baseline general fatigue an
75  are performed for individual pollutant-cost minimization criteria based on the economic cost of each
76                     Yet, the inherent energy minimization criteria of self-assembly give rise to a li
77  profile during supervised immunosuppression minimization diagnosed rejection up to 40 days prior to
78               Here, we developed enzyme cost minimization (ECM), a scalable method for computing enzy
79 ce over molecular conformation due to dipole minimization effects.
80 sing a model based on the Entropy Generation Minimization - EGM - method, without invoking best fit p
81 hile empirical evidence for actual metabolic minimization exists in locomotion, actual metabolic cost
82                                         Risk minimization for dnDSA requires monitoring of adherence,
83                                            A minimization formulation is used to find the parameter v
84 econdary structure inference using an energy minimization framework developed for 2'-OH acylation (SH
85                                 Using a cost-minimization framework, least-cost solutions consisting
86  to synthesize such colloids because surface minimization generally favors the growth of symmetric pa
87 f defining common health protection and risk minimization goals.
88          One acute rejection occurred in the minimization group and none in the sirolimus/CsA group.
89     After withdrawal of CsA at 6 months, the minimization group showed an increase in mean estimated
90 ient, kidney, and pancreas survivals for the minimization group were 100%, 100%, and 91% vs. 100%, 95
91                     The prednisone/CNI-free (minimization) group of 22 patients received thymoglobuli
92 , structural control based on surface energy minimization has not been yet demonstrated.
93 e used to explore a range of maximization or minimization hypotheses, providing new perspectives on t
94  highest-resolution test to date of the wire minimization hypothesis has found that this principle wo
95        Based on prior studies and the energy minimization hypothesis we predicted that people make th
96                             What is the wire minimization hypothesis, and why should anyone care abou
97 and in 61.7% patients in group 3, whereas no minimization in groups 2 and 4.
98 Stem cell transplantation is effective in IS minimization in LDRT resulting in good graft function an
99 ion and DST are useful for immunosuppression minimization in LDRT with sustained generation of pTregs
100 highly immunogenic and (2) immunosuppressive minimization in patients with low epitope mismatch loads
101  potentially related to cell and genome size minimization include tightly packed spirals inferred to
102                   Patients were allocated by minimization into 2 groups.
103 ults strongly suggest that dependency length minimization is a universal quantitative property of hum
104                          However, this error minimization is most likely a by-product of the primordi
105                                         This minimization is performed subject to linear inequality c
106 ionary pathway by considering surface-energy minimization, leading to two main branches of product: f
107  structure prediction, including free energy minimization, maximum expected accuracy structure predic
108                                          TAC minimization may come at a cost of higher rates of dnDSA
109  mobility spectrometry (IMS) and Monte Carlo minimization (MCM) simulations.
110                      Traditional free energy minimization methods of RNA secondary structure predicti
111 hen clustered and refined using energy-based minimization methods.
112                          Free energy density minimization minimizes the folding free energy change pe
113 identification of alpha-chelation and dipole minimization models for diastereoselective methyl ketone
114 ts (maximum entropy [ME], mean-squared-error minimization [MSEM], and global minimum [GM]).
115                  Here, we harness the energy-minimization nature of nanomagnetic systems to solve the
116 approach for matrix recovery is nuclear norm minimization (NNM): solving the convex optimization prob
117 rovided anatomical data used in a joint load minimization numerical model to predict, and jaw-trackin
118                To solve the multiple penalty minimization numerical problems involved with the new TR
119 ear in nature as a result of the free-energy minimization of a generic interaction between their cons
120 otein structure refinement protocol based on minimization of a knowledge-based potential of mean forc
121 nt of vacuum frying as a technology enabling minimization of acrylamide formation in potato crisps an
122                        In this context, dose minimization of adoptively transferred T cells might be
123 lization reaction is interpreted in terms of minimization of allylic strain at the transition state f
124 ers an inherent advantage in sensitivity and minimization of analysis time, demonstrated for the anal
125 , evaporation, or chemical reactions; severe minimization of any material interfaces to prevent therm
126 docking, sequence design, and gradient-based minimization of backbone and side-chain torsion angles t
127 ) of the detection limit in water due to the minimization of background effects, therefore allowing s
128                      This work points to the minimization of behavior leading to phase separation, su
129  Careful selection of younger DCD donors and minimization of CIT may limit the incidence of severe bi
130                                          For minimization of confounding, an inverse probability weig
131 ces of contaminants to agricultural systems, minimization of contaminant inputs, reduction of heavy m
132 g effective AKI preventive strategies beyond minimization of contrast dose.
133 sign for high temperature operation, and the minimization of corrosive attack through effective insul
134 the bounds of utility due to misperceptions, minimization of costly errors, a breakdown within our ev
135 ng interests on clustering variables for the minimization of data redundancy and the maximization of
136  approximately 3 orders of magnitude through minimization of detector paralysis.
137 oietin, blood substitutes, iron therapy, and minimization of diagnostic phlebotomy.
138  DNA packing is considered essential for the minimization of DNA damage by mutagens and reactive oxid
139 eneity of peak spreading (H(s)/A(s)) and the minimization of effective analysis space (or compactness
140  model of DNA allostery based on constrained minimization of effective quadratic deformation energy o
141  result in distinct MEN organization and the minimization of electrical energy due to particle bindin
142 ver basin hydrologic dynamics, including the minimization of energy expenditure known to control the
143 ence of other organic electrophiles, and (2) minimization of enone dimerization by ligand steric effe
144 able rigor, standardization, and emphasis on minimization of experimenter bias.
145 perties of natural promoters and suggest the minimization of expression noise as an important factor
146                                              Minimization of external mass transfer resistances using
147         The objective of the optimization is minimization of feedstock costs subject to fuel standard
148  stereoselectivity is proposed to arise from minimization of gauche interactions around the forming C
149 drial genome has evolved under selection for minimization of gene content, yet it is not known why no
150 or spatial fields yield regional error under minimization of global objective functions.
151                                          The minimization of global spatial autocorrelation is used t
152 for the case of a Swiss municipality for the minimization of greenhouse gas emissions and particulate
153                      The results exclude the minimization of hydraulic resistance as evolutionary dri
154 sional accuracy of the 3D reconstruction and minimization of image noise.
155  permit immune self-regulation and may allow minimization of immunosuppression and associated toxicit
156 sly reported excellent 5-year outcomes after minimization of immunosuppression for BK viremia and aft
157                  Ribavirin monotherapy and a minimization of immunosuppression represent the treatmen
158  recipients would benefit from withdrawal or minimization of immunosuppression would be greatly facil
159 gained importance due to their potential for minimization of immunosuppression.
160 on (SCT) where we have successfully achieved minimization of immunosuppression.
161 his setting, more intensive screening and/or minimization of immunosuppressive treatment are probably
162 ed to the large loading of active materials, minimization of inactive materials, and good electrode-e
163 trates, and report on the design process for minimization of inductor series resistance that enables
164        Key to the microfluidic adaptation is minimization of injection dispersion during sample injec
165 have a shape that is typically determined by minimization of interfacial tension (for example, during
166 er from the catalytic histidine is driven by minimization of intramolecular charge repulsion.
167 t care should include ICP control as well as minimization of intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressu
168                                              Minimization of IS was successfully achieved in 82.9% pa
169 models employing neuromuscular objectives of minimization of joint loads (MJL) or muscle effort (MME)
170 istent with numerical modelling based on the minimization of Landau-de Gennes free energy.
171 sorption of scarce ground water(1-5), to the minimization of leaf surface area(6) to enhance water re
172 tion of the sigma and A15 phases arises from minimization of local deviations in surfactant headgroup
173  competing interactions prevent simultaneous minimization of local energies.
174                                Least-squares minimization of log K = LA + LB with the definition LA =
175 atments should be optimized for efficacy and minimization of long-term toxicity, through dosimetry, a
176 ness, and compatibility with automation, the minimization of matrix effects being among the most prob
177       This construction can be linked to the minimization of mechanical work associated with density
178                     This review supports the minimization of medication co-payments in health insuran
179 self-organization in these processes through minimization of membrane curvature energy.
180 nts in fact reach the steady states with the minimization of metabolic adjustment (MOMA) from the cor
181 igher than that using flux balance analysis, minimization of metabolic adjustment or maximization of
182 rolled suppression of Mn-Mn interactions and minimization of Mn-nuclear spin dipolar interactions res
183 henotypes through concurrent maximization or minimization of multiple metabolic markers.
184 e into near-infrared (NIR) range renders the minimization of non-absorption loss of solar photons wit
185 esigned to improve biosampling efficiency by minimization of nonspecific adsorption of abundant prote
186 ntisense gene silencing, suggesting that the minimization of off-targets may be beneficial for antise
187 nt information, preservation of GI function, minimization of organ dysfunction, active pain control,
188 just their choices in a task that required a minimization of outcome variance.
189                                          For minimization of phenotypic heterogeneity, quantitative i
190  may also prove useful in the prediction and minimization of postoperative language deficits.
191 tive solvent management guidelines to ensure minimization of potential technical and environmental ri
192 anic matter (NOM) in surface water rise, the minimization of potentially harmful disinfection by-prod
193 lume) and optimization of efficient flow via minimization of power loss.
194 target candidates can be chosen based on the minimization of predicted off-target effects.
195 nal simulations show how a single mechanism, minimization of prediction error, can drive immediate pe
196  regions have traditionally relied on energy minimization of probe molecules onto static protein conf
197 llylation of cyclopentenones, as well as the minimization of redox manipulations and other functional
198 l pore area, gamma(ipa), are determined by a minimization of residuals between predicted and experime
199       Quantitative analysis was performed by minimization of root-mean-square error of cross-validati
200 sed approach based on the following tenets - minimization of sedative medication, particularly benzod
201  all patients with MDR tuberculosis, such as minimization of sequential ineffective regimens, expande
202 sion, rebound after treatment cessation, and minimization of side effects.
203                                 Instead, the minimization of steric interactions between the side cha
204 -axial chirality imprinting is controlled by minimization of steric repulsion and by intramolecular h
205 or the organization of the structures is the minimization of steric strain on groups attached to the
206                       The nanowires form via minimization of strain energy at the boundary of a chemi
207 recise control over electrode dimension, the minimization of stress because of differential thermal e
208 ty and substrate structure that is rooted in minimization of the competing substrate-crystal and subs
209 cost-utility (low $/QALY) as a result of the minimization of the cost and morbidity associated with t
210  require high-fidelity state preparation and minimization of the decoherence that inevitably arises f
211 retical predictions made on the basis of the minimization of the elastic free energy and satisfy topo
212 thochromic shift of the absorption band, and minimization of the emission quantum yield.
213 imate probable inventory inputs required for minimization of the emissions discrepancy.
214 ntrast, if ff dimers can be formed with good minimization of the exposed hydrophobic surfaces of the
215 le sequence alignments, and among these, the minimization of the overall cost of the alignment on a p
216 oms, initiation of appropriate treatment and minimization of the progressive adverse effects of the d
217 lm at the air/water interface was due to the minimization of the system Helmholtz free energy.
218                                              Minimization of the torsional barrier for phenyl ring fl
219 ate of the Achilles tendon can coincide with minimization of the total metabolic cost of muscle activ
220 nsted acid-type additives correlate with the minimization of the undesired induction period and offer
221 tained by flux variability analysis based on minimization of the uptakes of substrates in the natural
222 e expected DeltaG()rot values resulting in a minimization of their apparent sizes.
223                                   Thus, upon minimization of thermal stress, high-fat feeding reveals
224 zation and simplification for efficiency and minimization of time in culture.
225 proliferation in severe forms as well as the minimization of toxicity in milder PTLDs.
226  dosage to desired effect, with a consequent minimization of toxicity, and could obviate repeated dru
227 showing that uniformity of flows rather than minimization of transport costs may be prioritized by th
228 ortive services, rapid antiviral access, and minimization of unnecessary healthcare contacts particul
229 rface functionalization protocol that allows minimization of unspecific protein adsorption onto canti
230 etric precision over large areas with severe minimization of very small feature sizes to maintain str
231 ng network combined with atomic-level energy minimization on the optimized model using a composite ph
232 crease in strategies aimed at CNI or steroid minimization or avoidance.
233       Clinical tolerance induction to permit minimization or cessation of immunosuppressive drugs is
234                         Strategies aiming at minimization or elimination of systemic immunosuppressio
235 e an ATPase; whether this evolved for genome minimization or for transporter regulation remains unkno
236 CNI-sparing/minimization strategies, steroid minimization or renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blo
237 therapy may be subsequently modified through minimization or via intensification for low- and high-ri
238 t of early steroid withdrawal and tacrolimus minimization or withdrawal.
239 t recipients and may therefore facilitate IS minimization or withdrawal.
240  those who may benefit from CNI-avoidance or minimization, or assist in selecting CNI type.
241 sing a set of multiple molecules as variance minimization over an ensemble.
242                 Our proposed method, entropy minimization over variable clusters (EMVC), filters the
243 -world relation inherent in prediction error minimization (PEM).
244        Management included immunosuppression minimization plus cidofovir treatment for BK nephropathy
245                                  The current minimization principle has excluded the occurrence of tw
246           When the data is insufficient, the minimization problem often has many local minima that fi
247 fectiveness of treatment can be defined as a minimization problem to decrease the phase-state differe
248 hape by posing and solving an elastic energy minimization problem.
249 -chain prediction (SCP) is an NP-hard energy minimization problem.
250 traints, which, together with an appropriate minimization procedure, gives direct structural informat
251 found that it can be modeled by a stochastic minimization process, which causes the scaled expression
252 gue between optimization problems and energy minimization processes in highly parallel, interconnecte
253 nical implications for cell therapy-assisted minimization protocols.
254                                Pseudo-energy minimization provides a statistically significant improv
255 nce and distance between nearest-neighbor(s) minimization, providing a solution for the analysis of i
256  prolonged-release tacrolimus corticosteroid minimization regimens.
257 gth of the BNTA is enhanced by surface crack minimization, reinforcement of the BNTA-Ti metal interfa
258   The docked complex, refined through energy minimization, reveals an antigen binding site in the sha
259  the conduct of pilot clinical trials for IS minimization safe and hence allow critical improvements
260 tocols including glucocorticoid avoidance or minimization should be considered.
261 fter adjustment for baseline differences and minimization strata.
262                                     Although minimization strategies are possible, safe, and of poten
263               These studies suggest that CNI minimization strategies including ixazomib are effective
264                                Finally, risk-minimization strategies will be suggested and knowledge
265  for HHV-8 diseases not responsive to immuno-minimization strategies, are surgery and chemotherapy.
266    There is little evidence that CNI-sparing/minimization strategies, steroid minimization or renin-a
267 some inhibitor, ixazomib, alone and in a CNI minimization strategy in a rat kidney transplant model o
268           Compared to full dose CsA, the CNI minimization strategy with ixazomib inhibited AMR and al
269                           Docking and energy minimization studies were performed with (E)-norendoxife
270 ay diffraction analyses and gas-phase energy-minimization studies.
271                       We suggest that energy minimization subject to functional constraints may be on
272    The grid sampling is followed by off-grid minimization that uses a more detailed energy expression
273  hole transport is controlled by band offset minimization through the alignment of valence bands betw
274  sites and read out the result of the global minimization through the relative phases.
275        In the randomization process, we used minimization to balance groups for age, sex, FEV1 percen
276  men and women aged >64 y were allocated via minimization to consume either a MedDiet (n = 85) or the
277 ns trade off reward maximization with effort minimization to examine the neural signatures that under
278 ypeptide that mimics a H5 HA stem by protein minimization to focus the antibody response towards the
279  a strategy to permit safe immunosuppression minimization to improve patient outcomes through: (1) im
280         The women were assigned through rank minimization to one of the following 2 diets without cal
281 vides a practical alternative to free energy minimization tools when multiple structures, kinetically
282 ted by following the steepest descent energy minimization trajectories starting from the transition s
283 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled minimization trial comparing tacrolimus placebo (TAC-PLA
284 ession assays may support the safety of drug minimization trials and protocols.
285 limiting membrane to the standard sequential minimization used for calculating the BMO minimum rim ar
286  Decay (ITAMeD), which employs the l(1)-norm minimization, using the Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresho
287 damental challenges, we propose the surprise-minimization-value-maximization (SMVM) approach.
288 effects linear regression model adjusted for minimization variables.
289 aintenance arm (part 2) comparing tacrolimus minimization versus withdrawal.
290                                         Bias minimization was according to Preferred Reporting Items
291                                         Bias minimization was done according to the Preferred Reporti
292                             Conversely, loss minimization was predicted by differences in the P3b amp
293 llective motion is simply dictated by energy minimization, we study the foam's dynamics as it corresp
294 ping data combined with thermodynamic energy minimization were used in secondary structure prediction
295 ess is driven by the interfacial free energy minimization, which gives rise to a breakup limit.
296    Strategies allowing calcineurin inhibitor minimization while maintaining efficacy may improve rena
297 ive code was specifically selected for error minimization, while historic models hypothesize that the
298  patients may benefit from avoidance of drug minimization/withdrawal protocols and more intensive pos
299 rly diagnosis, followed by immunosuppression minimization, would prevent progression to nephropathy a
300 e the DT region and subjected to a gas-phase minimization, yields a CCS of 1247 A(2), which agrees wi

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