


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 implants in a large animal model (Goettingen minipigs).
2 anti-B5 immune response in both mice and the minipig.
3 extracted mandibular premolar teeth in three minipigs.
4 ther young domestic pigs or adult Goettingen minipigs.
5 erated in a 28-day safety study in Gottingen minipigs.
6 8 implants were placed into sockets in three minipigs.
7 erior descending coronary artery (LAD) of 41 minipigs.
8 in all plasma samples isolated from four NIH minipigs.
9 h period when dosed intramuscular to dogs or minipigs.
10 created fossa ovalis ASD was attempted in 15 minipigs.
11 ar antigen (PCNA) in livers from ethanol-fed minipigs.
12 ncreas gland and pancreatic duct ligation in minipigs.
13 ogy of the porcine larynx in eight Minnesota Minipigs (12-37 weeks).
14                                      Hanford minipigs (20 to 25 kg), anesthetized with pentobarbital
15      In dose escalations studies in diabetic minipigs, a higher therapeutic index for MK-2640 (threef
16 th at various post-surgical time points in a minipig animal model.
17 rneal graft rejection in the semi-inbred NIH minipig as a model of human rejection.
18 2) derivatives were evaluated in dogs and in minipigs, at a dose of 5mg-eq. nalmefene/kg and plasma n
19 ress this, we studied eight adult Goettingen minipigs before and after an approximately 60% reduction
20                                       In PEI minipigs, CFA values increased from 60.1% +/- 9.3% befor
21 se, was necessary to prevent inflammation in minipigs (effective dexamethasone dose was 100mug delive
22             Thirteen TIPS were created in 13 minipigs: eight with PETP-covered Wallstents, five with
23                           RV free wall-paced minipigs exhibited significantly more LV dyssynchrony th
24                        The carotid artery of minipigs fed an atherogenic diet was injured by repetiti
25 e-level implant after 2 months of healing in minipig mandibles.
26 s, similar to that of 1.2 g pancreatin, in a minipig model of PEI.
27  wall or LV apical pacing, we used a chronic minipig model.
28 pared to positive and negative controls in a minipig model.
29 differences in wound healing in this Yucatan minipig model.
30             D374Y-PCSK9 hypercholesterolemic minipigs (n=5) were instrumented with an intracoronary s
31                                      The NIH minipig offers a robust model of human rejection suitabl
32  was successfully cultured from all four NIH minipig plasmas on the swine cell line ST-IOWA.
33                               Twelve Yucatan minipigs provided four sites per animal.
34  Finally, in a randomized efficacy study, 14 minipigs received allogeneic cardiospheres (1.3 x 10(6))
35                                          NIH minipigs received corneal allografts with MHC and minor
36 ed absorption compared with oral Taxotere in minipigs, resulting in relative bioavailability and Cmax
37 LV apex at 120 bpm for 1 year (7 age-matched minipigs served as controls with spontaneous heart rates
38                                   We used 17 minipigs to study implants under a controlled load, with
39             In arteries of domestic pigs and minipigs treated with paclitaxel-coated balloons with pr
40                                      Yucatan minipigs underwent induction of MI and 2-3 weeks later w
41 fter ingestion of four dairy matrices by six minipigs: unheated or heated skim milk and corresponding
42 ncentrations can be achieved in both dog and minipig using nalmefene prodrugs and that the pharmacoki
43 tion pulmonary artery catheter was placed in minipigs via the internal jugular vein.
44  acute lung injury was studied using Hanford minipigs weighing 18 to 25 kg.
45                                              Minipigs were fed a complete meal with either cubed F&V
46                                    After the minipigs were killed, lung tissue was sampled to measure
47 was observed from day 7 post-implantation in minipigs, whereas in rats this did not occur until day 1
48 , PTCA was performed in hypercholesterolemic minipigs whose left anterior descending (LAD) coronary a
49   Whereas oral administration in mice or the minipig with collard-derived insoluble pB5 did not gener
50  transplantation was performed in 10 Yucatan minipigs with coronary arteries from farm pigs as donors
51 ternal elastic lamina in a carotid artery of minipigs with hypercholesterolemia induced by feeding th

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