


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or the slow sigmoidal activation produced by minK.
2 the etiological agent of Aleutian disease of mink.
3 , including humans, pigs, horses, seals, and mink.
4 the etiological agent of Aleutian disease of mink.
5 ates in CrFK cells but does not replicate in mink.
6 nsmembrane segment of the non-P-loop protein minK.
7 n combination with both wild-type KvLQT1 and minK.
8 ubunits, the method is applied here to human MinK.
9  endangered black-footed ferret and European mink.
10 d wild strains of mice and from hamsters and minks.
11 he second proposes that Cd(2+) binds between MinK-55C and a cysteine in KCNQ1 that is posited to lie
12 ave supported a pore-associated location for MinK-55C because Cd(2+) block is sensitive to voltage, p
13                                      Second, MinK-55C channels are found to remain sensitive to Cd(2+
14                       First, Cd(2+) block of MinK-55C channels formed with wild-type KCNQ1 is shown t
15                                  Conversely, MinK-55C channels with K318I, V319Y KCNQ1 are found to d
16                Two recent reports argue that MinK-55C is distant from the pore: one finds TEA does no
17 hen MinK position 55 is mutated to cysteine (MinK-55C), I(Ks) channels can be blocked by external cad
18 t Cd(2+) enters and leaves the pore to reach MinK-55C, placing that residue in or near the pore.
19 teine binds Cd(2+) and can serve to localize MinK-55C.
20  of the interactions, MiRP2-72/KCNQ1-338 and MinK-58/KCNQ1-340, are required for the contrasting gati
21  interaction of MiRP2-72 with KCNQ1-338; and MinK-59,58 with KCNQ1-339, 340.
22 ative regulator of thymocyte apoptosis while MINK, a MEKK kinase, is required for negative selection.
23 contain four pore-forming KCNQ1 subunits and MinK accessory subunits in a number that has been contro
24 compare the cellular phenotypes of wild-type minK and four LQT5 mutants co-expressed with KvLQT1 in X
25 -15 kidney cell line (PERV-PK) infected pig, mink and human kidney 293 cell lines and co-cultivation
26 ed with periodic paralysis; the analogs K69H-MinK and K75H-MiRP1 were also studied.
27 sing site-directed mutations that substitute minK and KCNE3 residues, we determined that a hydroxylat
28 t channel activation characteristics of both minK and KCNE3.
29                                        Human MinK and KCNQ1 subunits assemble to form I(Ks) channels.
30 sed by cells co-transfected with independent MinK and KvLQT1 cDNA.
31                             Co expression of minK and KvLQT1 channel subunits induces a slow delayed
32  current, I(Ks), in heart is composed of the minK and KvLQT1 proteins.
33 ne-localized 'activation triplet' regions of MinK and MiRP2 to identify pairs of residues that intera
34  by MinK or MiRP2, dissimilar positioning of MinK and MiRP2 within the channel complex, or both.
35 by coassembling with KCNE ancillary subunits MinK and MiRP2.
36 quired for the contrasting gating effects of MinK and MiRP2.
37                          Here we report that MINK and TNIK are postsynaptically enriched proteins who
38                          Thus, although both MINK and TNIK bind GTP-bound Rap2, these kinases employ
39                                Expression of MINK and TNIK in neurons is required for normal dendriti
40 central amino acid of the triplet (Thr-58 of minK and Val-72 of KCNE3) is essential for the specific
41 Ks (Nck-interacting kinases)-related kinase (MINK) and closely related TRAF2/Nck-interacting kinase (
42                    The specificity of KCNE1 (minK) and KCNE3 control of activation of the potassium c
43 in 3 potassium channel genes, KVLQT1, KCNE1 (minK), and HERG, and the cardiac sodium channel gene SCN
44 NQ1 gating processes and their modulation by MinK, and present a unique system for further mechanisti
45 ut not to X-MLVs, whereas those from humans, minks, and several wild mice (Mus dunni, SC-1 cells, and
46  I(Kr) in an atrial tumour line subjected to minK antisense suppression.
47                                              MINK appears to antagonize Rap2 signal transduction by b
48     Two adjacent residues in this segment of minK are exposed in the pore on either side of a short b
49 ier currents (IKr and IKs), and mutations in minK are now recognized as one cause of the congenital l
50                                              MinK assembles with KvLQT1 to produce the slow delayed r
51 hat PAstV3 has the closest relationship with mink AstV and the human AstV strains VA1, VA2, and SG, i
52 tward shift in the activation curve of KCNQ1+minK, but affected none of these parameters for KCNQ1 al
53                   Also, XE991 block of KCNQ1+minK, but not of KCNQ1, was time- and voltage-dependent.
54 nes is entirely abrogated by coexpression of MINK, but not TNIK.
55  a histidine allowed replication of ADV-G in mink, but the ability to replicate was not sufficient to
56 odegenerative disorders occurring in humans, mink, cats, and ruminant herbivores.
57                      The two parvoviruses of mink cause very different diseases.
58 solate ADV-Utah replicates to high levels in mink, causing severe Aleutian disease that results in de
59                     H534D also replicated in mink, causing transient viremia at 30 days postinfection
60                            The human and cat minK cDNA have been cloned, but their regulation by prot
61 ermed Rh-MLV) that is derived from the ampho-mink cell focus-forming (AMP/MCF) retrovirus in the seru
62 ion of apoptosis in mink epithelial cells by mink cell focus-forming (MCF) MLV infection results in t
63                                              Mink cell focus-forming (MCF) murine leukemia viruses (M
64              To examine the possible role of mink cell focus-forming (MCF) recombinant virus in raisi
65 e for the classic toxicity of the polytropic mink cell focus-forming (MCF) retrovirus in mink cells.
66 ro resistance to infection by the polytropic mink cell focus-forming (MCF) virus subgroup of murine l
67     Given the sequence similarity of XMRV to mink cell focus-forming (MCF) viruses and the enhanced l
68 y the emergence of recombinant polytropic or mink cell focus-forming (MCF) viruses.
69  that infection of thymic lymphocytes by the mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus (MCF MLV)
70              Upon inoculation into AKR mice, mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus (MCF MLV)
71         Infection of thymic lymphocytes by a mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus induces ap
72 cer (DEN) of the long terminal repeat of the mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus is importa
73 xpressed ecotropic MuLVs, and most expressed mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) MuLVs.
74                                              Mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) proviral DNA was readily
75  is resistant to infection by the polytropic mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) subgroup of murine leukem
76 urine leukemia virus MCF 247, a leukemogenic mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) virus, the U3 enhancer se
77                                              Mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) viruses induce T-cell lym
78                               The ability of mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) viruses to induce thymoma
79                                   The murine mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) viruses with this propert
80 appearance of env gene recombinants known as mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) viruses.
81 mbinants were able to generate and replicate mink cell focus-inducing viruses.
82 eptors and expressed these constructs in the mink cell line Mv-1-lu.
83 m of unintegrated viral DNA, particularly in mink cells after MCF13 MLV infection.
84                       MCF13 MLV infection of mink cells also resulted in a significant upregulation o
85 d MCF-like cytopathic activities in cultured mink cells but found none.
86 GRP78/BiP, which was not observed for either mink cells infected with NZB-9 MLV or M. dunni fibroblas
87                       MCF13 MLV infection of mink cells produced low cell surface expression of envel
88              We previously demonstrated that mink cells undergo apoptosis after MCF13 murine leukemia
89                    In contrast, infection of mink cells with the 4070A amphotropic MLV did not produc
90                                 Infection of mink cells with the noncytopathic NZB-9 MLV did not resu
91 ated mice were plated on Mus dunni cells and mink cells, since these cells do not support the replica
92  mink cell focus-forming (MCF) retrovirus in mink cells.
93 d nonecotropic virus that was infectious for mink cells.
94 icated that MCF13 MLV is able to superinfect mink cells.
95 fect of lymphomagenic MLVs was restricted to mink cells.
96                  Strikingly, ferret (but not mink) cells engineered to express human HIV-1 entry rece
97 In cardiac myocytes, the KCNQ1-KCNE1 (IsK or minK) channel is thought to underlie the I(Ks) current,
98                              HERG and KvLQT1+minK channels were heterologously expressed in human emb
99 that cocaine suppresses HERG, but not KvLQT1+minK, channels by preferentially blocking activated chan
100 ting and reduced amplitudes compared with WT-minK, co-expression with L51H produced KvLQT1 current ra
101 erial lacZ gene has been substituted for the minK coding region such that beta-galactosidase expressi
102 f a 500-ms step, XE991 blockade of the KCNQ1+minK current had a K(D) value of 11.1 +/- 1.8 microM, ap
103              Cocaine had no effect on KvLQT1+minK current in concentrations up to 200 microM.
104 ore originates from the observation that two minK cysteine mutants (G55C and F54C) render I(Ks) Cd2+-
105                            We have generated minK-deficient mice in which the bacterial lacZ gene has
106                                     Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV) causes a persistent infect
107                                     Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV) is the etiological agent o
108                            However, Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV) is the first example of a
109       Other parvoviruses, including Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV), canine parvovirus (CPV),
110 ion of the transcription profile of Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (AMDV)-infected CRFK cells at ei
111  by the single left-end promoter of Aleutian mink disease parvovirus is tricistronic; it not only exp
112                                     Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) is currently the only known me
113 ed structural similarity to that of Aleutian mink disease virus and human parvovirus B19, autonomous
114 fication (PMCA)-generated hypertransmissible mink encephalopathy (HY TME) PrP(Sc) is highly infectiou
115 ng of the hyper (HY) strain of transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) (hamster) prions to a silty cl
116 ith the long-incubation-period transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) agent DY TME prior to superinf
117 oculated with the HY strain of transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) agent had an incubation period
118  the drowsy (DY) strain of the transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) agent prior to superinfection
119 and drowsy (DY) strains of the transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) agent was investigated using t
120 h the HY and DY strains of the transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) agent.
121 ) or drowsy (DY) strain of the transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) agent.
122 lation of the HY strain of the transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) agent.
123 h the HY and DY strains of the transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) agent.
124 passaged a biological clone of transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) into Syrian golden hamsters an
125 eport that the transmission of transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) is 100,000-fold more efficient
126  transport of the HY strain of transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME), a prion disease of mink, in t
127 on-period hyper (HY) strain of transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME).
128 lation of the HY strain of the transmissible mink encephalopathy agent.
129 using the HY and DY strains of transmissible mink encephalopathy resulted in minor differences in pri
130 on diseases (scrapie of sheep, transmissible mink encephalopathy, chronic wasting disease of cervids,
131 n of a noise-variance strategy suggests that MinK enhances blockade by increasing the dwell time of T
132                                              Mink enteritis virus (MEV) is associated with rapid, hig
133 ction of apoptosis was observed for cultured mink epithelial cells after MCF13 MLV infection.
134 We showed that the induction of apoptosis in mink epithelial cells by mink cell focus-forming (MCF) M
135   Immunoblot analysis for MCF13 MLV-infected mink epithelial cells did not show a significant change
136  this study, we observed that virus-infected mink epithelial cells had significantly larger amounts o
137         Moreover, a time course analysis for mink epithelial cells infected with MCF13 MLV did not re
138                     Western blot analysis of mink epithelial cells infected with MCF13 MLV showed an
139                       MCF13 MLV infection of mink epithelial cells resulted in the production of cyto
140  preleukemic thymic lymphocytes and cultured mink epithelial cells, results in the accumulation of th
141 ed thymic lymphomas and chronically infected mink epithelial cells.
142 culum stress, which may mediate apoptosis in mink epithelial cells.
143 o the conducting system, thereby implicating minK expression as an early event in conduction system d
144     More generally, the restricted nature of minK expression in the mouse heart suggests species-spec
145 ve method of Minimally Invasive Karyotyping (MINK) for the diagnosis of the fetal genetic disease.
146                   Here we show that HERG and minK form a stable complex, and that this heteromultimer
147                                          The minK gene encodes a 129-amino acid peptide the expressio
148                             Mutations in the minK gene KCNE1 have been linked to the LQT5 variant of
149         Mutations that map to the KvLQT1 and minK genes account for more than 50% of an inherited car
150     beta-Galactosidase staining in postnatal minK (-/-) hearts is highly restricted, to the sinus-nod
151 s across the single transmembrane segment of MinK identifies positions that alter TEA blockade of I(K
152 ed; these results further support a role for minK in modulating both IKs and IKr.
153 way suggested that the essential function of MINK in the elimination of self-reactive thymocytes may
154             We conclude that the presence of minK in the I(Ks) channel complex gives rise to differen
155 shable from native cardiac I(Kr), a role for minK in this current is suggested by the diminished I(Kr
156                                Expression of minK in Xenopus oocytes results in a current similar to
157 ink encephalopathy (TME), a prion disease of mink, in the central nervous system following unilateral
158                                              MinK influences surface expression, voltage-dependence o
159                              We suggest that MINK interaction with Rap2 plays a critical role in main
160                             We conclude that minK is a co-factor in the expression of both IKs and IK
161                                              MINK is activated after Ras induction via a mechanism in
162 tic amino acid substituted at position 58 of minK is capable of reproducing KCNE3-like kinetics and v
163                 These findings indicate that MinK is intimately associated with an oocyte protein who
164 artate to asparagine (D --> N) to yield D76N-MinK is linked to cardiac arrhythmia and deafness; the a
165                                              MinK is seen to determine the pharmacology of I(Ks) chan
166                                              MINK is thus a distal target of Ras signaling in the ind
167               Misshapen/NIKs-related kinase (MINK) is a member of the germinal center family of kinas
168                         KCNE1, also known as minK, is a member of the KCNE family of membrane protein
169 pression with the KCNQ1 beta subunit, KCNE1 (minK, IsK).
170              In contrast to HERG, the KvLQT1/minK K+ channel was not a target for block by the fluoro
171 d potassium channel that when complexed with minK (KCNE1) produces the slowly activating delayed rect
172                    Here, we demonstrate that MinK-KCNQ1 (I(Ks)) channels with an S6-domain mutation,
173                                              MinK-KCNQ1 channels generate the slowly activating, volt
174 nnels of monomers and those with a fixed 2:4 MinK:KCNQ1 valence.
175  channels (I(Na)-hH1), and K channels (I(Ks)-minK+KvLQT1) expressed in XENOPUS: oocytes.
176 ited T-type I(Ba) but not I(Na)-hH1 or I(Ks)-minK+KvLQT1.
177 ffect, however, on either I(Na)-hH1 or I(Ks)-minK+KvLQT1.
178 independent PKC phosphorylation sites in the minK-KvLQT1 channel.
179 ur data raise the possibility 1) of multiple MinK/KvLQT1 stoichiometries and 2) indicate that uniquel
180 acing of the hydroxyl group was required for minK-like activation.
181 modimer of KvLQT1); and MKK44 (C terminus of MinK linked to N terminus of KK40).
182 e tested are as follows: MK24 (C terminus of MinK linked to N terminus of KvLQT1); KK40 (a tandem hom
183 tophagy-dependent, LPHA-positive vesicles in mink lung alveolar cells, suggesting that the coarse ves
184              The performance of a mixture of mink lung and A549 cell lines in shell vials (MSVs) for
185 ned by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and mink lung cell culture bioassay.
186          These MuLVs comprised ecotropic and mink lung cell focus-forming (MCF) virus classes and are
187                           We also isolated a mink lung cell line that was transformed with SINrep/Lac
188                     TGF-beta pretreatment of mink lung cells expressing wild-type TbetaR1 caused a ma
189 particles did not permeabilize canine A72 or mink lung cells to alpha-sarcin, but canine adenovirus t
190                                              Mink lung cells were more sensitive than the commonly us
191    HCMV carries out an abortive infection in mink lung cells, but it was able to induce the SINrep/La
192                                           In mink lung cells, homo-oligomerization of a myristoylated
193 sion active in HEp-2 cells, MRC-5 cells, and mink lung cells.
194 e PAI-A promoter and inhibited the growth of mink lung cells.
195           Transient cotransfection assays in mink lung epithelial (CCL64) cells, using a human c-Fos
196 the Man-6-P/IGF-II receptor and in wild-type mink lung epithelial (Mv1Lu cells) metabolically labeled
197 d by sRIII-expressing cells on the growth of mink lung epithelial CCL64 cells in comparison with the
198             Then, using a TGF-beta-sensitive mink lung epithelial cell (luciferase) reporter system,
199 onditioned medium (CM) was measured with the mink lung epithelial cell bioassay.
200  have demonstrated for the first time that a mink lung epithelial cell line (Mv1Lu) supports the repl
201 still was able to inhibit DNA synthesis in a mink lung epithelial cell line in which inhibition by wi
202 ells, and Smad2-dependent transcription in a mink lung epithelial cell line, L17, was enhanced by co-
203                                        Using mink lung epithelial cell lines devoid of TbetaR-I, we e
204 athway, infection levels were studied in the mink lung epithelial cell lines JD1, JM2, and JM3.
205 porcine kidney epithelial line [PK(15)], and mink lung epithelial cells (Mv 1 Lu).
206 ) antagonize growth inhibition by IGFBP-3 in mink lung epithelial cells (Mv1Lu cells) stimulated by s
207 tions of high affinity IGFBPs with TbetaR-V, mink lung epithelial cells (Mv1Lu cells) were incubated
208 inding to cell-surface TGF-beta receptors in mink lung epithelial cells (Mv1Lu cells).
209                                              Mink lung epithelial cells (Mv1Lu) and R-Mix, a mixed mo
210 ta1 is the principal mechanism that protects mink lung epithelial cells (Mv1Lu) from etoposide-induce
211                                        Using mink lung epithelial cells (MvlLu), we found that TGF-be
212 r MDM2 to confer TGF-beta resistance in both mink lung epithelial cells and human mammary epithelial
213 nist activity and inhibited DNA synthesis of mink lung epithelial cells and rat thyroid cells.
214 gonize TGF-beta-induced growth inhibition of mink lung epithelial cells and the fusion between gag an
215        Here we report that UV irradiation of mink lung epithelial cells causes near complete inhibiti
216 olonged, constitutive expression of MDM-2 in mink lung epithelial cells could overcome the antiprolif
217 sphorylated CREB and ATF-1, respectively, in mink lung epithelial cells treated with TGF-beta1.
218 addition, SmSmad2 localized in the nuclei of mink lung epithelial cells upon treatment with TGF-beta(
219 inding to cell-surface TGF-beta receptors in mink lung epithelial cells with an IC50 of approximately
220 a receptor was stimulated after treatment of mink lung epithelial cells with TGF-beta.
221           In contrast to atrial myocytes, in mink lung epithelial cells, in which TGFbeta signaling t
222                                           In mink lung epithelial cells, the type V TGF-beta receptor
223 ii significantly impaired growth of cultured mink lung epithelial cells, with effects observed after
224 and TGF-beta(1)-induced growth inhibition in mink lung epithelial cells.
225  DNAs that abrogated TGF-beta sensitivity in mink lung epithelial cells.
226 -beta-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis in mink lung epithelial cells.
227 -cdk2 and cyclin A-cdk2 complexes from Mv1Lu mink lung epithelial cells.
228 wth factor-beta (TGF-beta)/Smad signaling in mink lung epithelial cells.
229 nse in fibroblasts, FBLN-5 overexpression in mink lung Mv1Lu epithelial cells resulted in an antiprol
230 or beta (TGF-beta1) suppresses the growth of mink lung Mv1Lu epithelial cells, whereas testicular hya
231 layer of human lung-derived cells (A549) and mink lung-derived cells (Mv1Lu), are used by diagnostic
232                            Coexpression with minK markedly decreased the sensitivity of KCNQ1 to bloc
233 eads to reduced dendritic branching and this MINK-mediated effect on neuronal morphology is dependent
234 el pore-forming (alpha) and accessory (beta, minK, MiRP) subunits have been cloned from or shown to b
235                                 Furthermore, MinK, MiRP1, and MiRP2 each form channels with Kv3.1-Kv3
236 ster ovary cells, we show that modulation by MinK, MiRP1, and MiRP2 is a general mechanism for slowin
237                       To investigate whether MinK, MiRP1, and MiRP2 operate similarly with their know
238 as R/K --> H changes altered the activity of MinK, MiRP1, and MiRP2 with all three alpha subunits.
239  assembly of two channel proteins KvLQT1 and MinK, modulates the repolarization of cardiac action pot
240 carrying the genomic sequences of KvLQT1 and minK (molecular correlates of I(Ks)) and 41 littermate c
241 resent multiple datasets from phage-cholera, mink-muskrat, and gyrfalcon-rock ptarmigan systems that
242                Overexpression of a truncated MINK mutant unable to interact with Rap2 leads to reduce
243 5 may be complicated by differing effects of minK mutations on KvLQT1 and HERG.
244 Ep-2, and NCI-H292), monkey (Vero, LLC-MK2), mink (Mv1 Lu), and canine (MDCK).
245 1 mRNA and protein levels in human HepG2 and mink Mv1Lu cells.
246                                           In minK (-/-) myocytes, IKs is absent and IKr is significan
247 ol experiments (no DNA, control DNA, or only MinK), no time-dependent K+ current was observed.
248 xpected for other K(+) channels that contain MinK or MinK-related peptides (MiRPs).
249 either with perturbation of the S6 domain by MinK or MiRP2, dissimilar positioning of MinK and MiRP2
250 ubunits, respectively, showing 1.97 +/- 0.07 MinK per I(Ks) channel.
251                                         When MinK position 55 is mutated to cysteine (MinK-55C), I(Ks
252 ting that coassembly of mutant subunits with minK prevented normal channel gating.
253  deer prions from diseased TgD infected with mink prions.
254       In heart, KCNQ1 associates with KCNE1 (MinK), producing a slowly activating voltage-dependent c
255                            Expression of the minK protein in Xenopus oocytes results in I(Ks)-like cu
256 nt on cells of some other species, including mink, rat, mouse, and dog, suggesting that such species
257 idase expression is controlled by endogenous minK regulatory elements.
258  complexes with transmembrane beta subunits, MinK-related peptide (MiRP) 1 (KCNE2) or MiRP2 (KCNE3).
259 ac subunit HERG and a polymorphic variant of MinK-related peptide 1 (MiRP1) exhibit increased suscept
260    Inherited mutations and a polymorphism in minK-related peptide 1 (MiRP1) have been linked to conge
261    In the present study, we demonstrate that minK-related peptide 1 (MiRP1) is a beta subunit for the
262                             The gene encodes MinK-related peptide 1 (MiRP1), a small integral membran
263                                KCNE2 encodes MinK-related peptide 1 (MiRP1), a subunit of the cardiac
264                                              MinK-related peptide 2 (MiRP2) and Kv3.4 subunits assemb
265 annel of skeletal muscle is shown to contain MinK-related peptide 2 (MiRP2) and the pore-forming subu
266 wer activating channels by coassembling with MinK-related peptide 2 (MiRP2), a single transmembrane d
267 d a family of Xenopus KCNE genes that encode MinK-related peptide K(+) channel beta subunits (xMiRPs)
268                                              MinK-related peptides (MiRPs) are single transmembrane p
269    Here, we investigated a neuronal role for MinK-related peptides (MiRPs), membrane-spanning modulat
270 de single transmembrane-domain subunits, the MinK-related peptides (MiRPs), which assemble with pore-
271 for other K(+) channels that contain MinK or MinK-related peptides (MiRPs).
272                                              MinK-related protein (MiRP1 or KCNE2) interacts with the
273        Mutations in KCNE2, which encodes the minK-related protein 1 (MiRP1), are associated with an i
274              This observation indicates that minK resides in close proximity to S6 in the I(Ks) chann
275 ral axis of the KvLQT1 pore and suggest that minK resides outside of the permeation pathway.
276                     Evidence indicating that minK residues line the I(Ks) pore originates from the ob
277 e we report that the serine-threonine kinase MINK selectively connects the T cell receptor to a signa
278           Expression of MK24 plus additional MinK significantly slows current kinetics.
279   In this study, we examined the role of the minK subunit in determining the response of KCNQ1 channe
280 sembly of the KCNQ1 (KvLQT1) subunit and the minK subunit underlie slowly activating cardiac delayed
281                         We conclude that two MinK subunits are necessary, sufficient, and the norm in
282                                   Additional MinK subunits do not enter channels of monomeric subunit
283                                        Thus, minK subunits eliminate, or greatly slow, the gating ass
284 y are used to directly quantify channels and MinK subunits, respectively, showing 1.97 +/- 0.07 MinK
285 -forming KvLQT1 subunits and pore-associated MinK subunits.
286 ore-forming KCNQ1 subunits and two accessory MinK subunits.
287 ting of pore-forming (KvLQT1) and accessory (minK) subunits belonging to the KCNQ and KCNE gene famil
288 coassembly of KvLQT1 and minimal K+ channel (minK) subunits did not inactivate.
289 e on the human K(+) channels HERG and KvLQT1+minK that encode native rapidly (I(Kr)) and slowly (I(Ks
290 the K(+) channel accessory proteins MiRP1 or minK, the stimulatory effects of cAMP are favored.
291 es during channel gating and which acts with MinK to establish ion conduction pore function.
292            The structure and location of the MinK transmembrane domain (TMD) remains a matter of scru
293 n with cysteine residues engineered into the minK transmembrane domain.
294 1), plus the MAP kinase kinase kinase kinase MINK, which had not previously been implicated in Ras si
295  HERG current but to a lesser extent than WT-minK, while L51H and W87R had no effect and D76N suppres
296 se findings indicate that the association of minK with KvLQT1 interferes with the binding of R-L3 or
297                              Coexpression of minK with R243C or W248R KvLQT1 subunits suppressed curr
298 minary model illustrating the orientation of minK with S6 was validated by successful prediction of a
299 lts indicate the location and orientation of minK within the I(Ks) channel complex and further sugges
300 pression of KvLQT1 and the accessory protein minK yields an IKs-like current.

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