


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 o which the motor domain binds, KlpA becomes minus end-directed.
2 s KlpA without the tail is nonprocessive and minus end-directed.
3 s-end directed molecular motor, while ncd is minus-end directed.
4                        Myosin VI (Myo6) is a minus end-directed actin-based motor found in neurons th
5 a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified the minus-end-directed actin-based motor, myosin VI, as an S
6 irected activity of cytoplasmic dynein and a minus end-directed activity associated with NuMA during
7 end-directed activity of Eg5 antagonizes the minus end-directed activity of cytoplasmic dynein and a
8  dhc-1 and unc-116, components of the dynein minus-end-directed and kinesin-1 plus-end-directed micro
9 makes the dynamics of Ncd non-processive and minus-end directed as opposed to kinesin-1.
10 s, is specifically altered; net transport is minus-end directed at developmental stages when it is no
11           Nonclaret disjunctional (Ncd) is a minus end-directed, C-terminal motor protein that is req
12  dynein is a molecular motor responsible for minus-end-directed cargo transport along microtubules (M
13  Cytoplasmic dynein is the major microtubule minus-end-directed cellular motor.
14                        Motor proteins of the minus end-directed cytoplasmic dynein and plus end-direc
15                    Live-cell imaging reveals minus end-directed dynein-dynactin motility along microt
16 us ends, suggesting that NUDF may facilitate minus-end-directed dynein movement.
17  pronucleus, while simultaneously generating minus-end directed flows along MTs that are similar to t
18 combination of two aggregate properties, Net Minus-end-directed Force and microtubule Cross-linking O
19                       Kar3Cik1 then uses its minus-end-directed force to depolymerize microtubules fr
20       Kinesin-14 motors generate microtubule minus-end-directed force used in mitosis and meiosis.
21  or inhibitors of autophagy or by modulating minus-end-directed (HDAC6 shRNA) or plus-end-directed (R
22 LIS1) in the interaction of end tracking and minus end-directed human dynein complexes with these sit
23  are the first to localize the activity of a minus end-directed kinesin at the plus ends of microtubu
24 3 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a minus end-directed kinesin family member that is involve
25             This sliding was mediated by the minus end-directed kinesin motor Klp2, which helped micr
26                        We find that Kar3p, a minus end-directed kinesin motor protein, is required, w
27 ns (KCHs) belong to a distinct branch of the minus end-directed kinesin subfamily.
28 uclear positioning via inhibition of Klp2, a minus end-directed kinesin-14.
29 r with a depolymerase (Kip3, class Kin-8) or minus-end-directed kinesin (Kar3, class Kin-14), can sup
30 nteraction between the Kar3 motor protein, a minus-end-directed kinesin from yeast, and its associate
31 tween yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and a minus-end-directed Kinesin-14 (C-terminal family) from A
32 st, merotely is increased by deletion of the minus-end-directed kinesin-14 (Klp2) or overexpression o
33            We found that perturbation of the minus-end-directed Kinesin-14 HSET increased the frequen
34  the role of tetrameric Kif25, a microtubule minus-end-directed kinesin-14 motor, in preventing prema
35  analysed the motility of the six members of minus-end-directed kinesin-14 motors in the moss Physcom
36 Kar3, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae microtubule minus-end-directed kinesin-14, dimerizes with either Vik
37  catalytic core, a signature neck peptide of minus end-directed kinesins, and a unique calponin homol
38 a C-terminal motor domain contains all known minus end-directed kinesins.
39               Myosin VI, an actin-dependent, minus-end directed mechanoenzyme, has been implicated in
40 y, indicating that dynein is the predominant minus end-directed membrane motor in Xenopus egg extract
41 related well with the eightfold reduction in minus end-directed membrane transport observed in metaph
42                                          The minus end-directed microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein
43                                          The minus end-directed microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein
44              Cytoplasmic dynein is the major minus end-directed microtubule motor in eukaryotes.
45               Genetic studies imply that the minus end-directed microtubule motor kinesin-like calmod
46 , using proteomic profiling, we identify the minus end-directed microtubule motor protein HSET as a d
47 e calmodulin (CaM) binding protein (KCBP), a minus end-directed microtubule motor protein unique to p
48           Cytoplasmic dynein 1 (dynein) is a minus end-directed microtubule motor protein with many c
49              To test the hypothesis that the minus end-directed microtubule motor protein, cytoplasmi
50  Non-claret disjunctional protein (Ncd) is a minus end-directed microtubule motor required for normal
51                      Cytoplasmic dynein is a minus end-directed microtubule motor that performs disti
52                                  Dynein is a minus end-directed microtubule motor that transports num
53        Cytoplasmic dynein is a multisubunit, minus end-directed microtubule motor that uses dynactin
54            Cytoplasmic dynein is an enormous minus end-directed microtubule motor.
55 esin-14s are commonly known as nonprocessive minus end-directed microtubule motors that function main
56     Therefore, myoJ cooperates with plus and minus end-directed microtubule motors to drive the norma
57 abE engage myosin-5 as well as plus end- and minus end-directed microtubule motors, providing an expe
58 hosphate (GTP)-Rab7 effectors that instigate minus end-directed microtubule transport.
59                             Targeting of the minus-end directed microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein
60 ) component of dynactin, an activator of the minus-end directed microtubule motor dynein; an associat
61 osition depends on a balance of plus-end and minus-end directed microtubule motor function.
62                                    Kar3 is a minus-end directed microtubule motor involved in meiosis
63                                          The minus-end directed microtubule motor protein cytoplasmic
64 1, the heavy chain of the cytoplasmic dynein minus-end directed microtubule motor, in a genetic scree
65 organelle in possession of both plus-end and minus-end directed microtubule motors and a myosin; coor
66              Cytoplasmic dynein is the major minus-end directed microtubule-based motor in eukaryotic
67                      Cytoplasmic dynein is a minus-end directed microtubule-based motor.
68        Cytoplasmic dynein is the predominant minus-end-directed microtubule (MT) motor in most eukary
69 ubules from the plus end and promotes robust minus-end-directed microtubule gliding.
70                                     Ncd is a minus-end-directed microtubule motor and a member of the
71      Dynactin is a required cofactor for the minus-end-directed microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein.
72 HIP) (FHF) complex, which interacts with the minus-end-directed microtubule motor dynein and its acti
73 s cytoplasmic dynein is primarily known as a minus-end-directed microtubule motor for organelle trans
74                                  Dynein is a minus-end-directed microtubule motor important for mitot
75            Cytoplasmic dynein is the primary minus-end-directed microtubule motor protein in animal c
76  arrays in dividing cells suggests that this minus-end-directed microtubule motor protein is likely t
77                                    Kar3 is a minus-end-directed microtubule motor that is implicated
78                      Cytoplasmic dynein is a minus-end-directed microtubule motor that participates i
79         Cytoplasmic dynein is a multisubunit minus-end-directed microtubule motor that serves multipl
80                      Cytoplasmic dynein is a minus-end-directed microtubule motor whose mechanism of
81                        Cytoplasmic dynein, a minus-end-directed microtubule motor, has been implicate
82                        Cytoplasmic dynein, a minus-end-directed microtubule motor, has been implicate
83  behavior of cytoplasmic dynein, the primary minus-end-directed microtubule motor.
84 oteins (KLPs) are a large family of plus- or minus-end-directed microtubule motors important in intra
85 nd by extension those of intact nuclei, bear minus-end-directed microtubule motors.
86 lasmic dynein is responsible for most of the minus-end-directed microtubule traffic within cells.
87 tin, a complex that functions with dynein in minus-end-directed microtubule transport.
88 termittent movement involving both plus- and minus-end-directed microtubule-based motilities in the p
89 ctin are regulators of cytoplasmic dynein, a minus end-directed, microtubule (MT)-based motor require
90 abeling revealed the attachment of dynein, a minus end-directed, microtubule-dependent motor, to the
91 y deletions in any or all of this organism's minus end-directed, microtubule-dependent motors: two re
92 x that is required for cytoplasmic dynein, a minus-end-directed, microtubule-associated motor, to eff
93 r cytoplasmic dynein is responsible for most minus-end-directed, microtubule-based transport in eukar
94 nsisting of the plus-end tracker EB1 and the minus-end-directed molecular motor Kinesin-14 is suffici
95 ingle microtubules, but reverts to canonical minus end-directed motility when anchored on the surface
96 rked MTs showed approximately equal plus and minus end-directed motility, immunofluorescence microsco
97  whether the mechanism of the unconventional minus-end-directed motility differs fundamentally from t
98 ing of the structural changes underlying the minus-end-directed motility of Kinesin-14 motors (such a
99 y-conserved catalytic core, is essential for minus-end-directed motility, as mutagenesis of these nec
100 ytoplasmic dynein, the 1.2 MDa motor driving minus-end-directed motility, has been reported to move p
101 e (MT) motor protein responsible for most MT minus-end-directed motility.
102  is controlling the switch between plus- and minus-end-directed motility.
103 Kip2, helping it overcome dynein's intrinsic minus-end-directed motility.
104 fferent membranes promotes their microtubule minus-end-directed motility.
105 on the balance between plus-end directed and minus-end directed motion.
106 ndrites indicate that models suggesting that minus end-directed motor activity is sufficient for dend
107                Cytoplasmic dynein is a large minus end-directed motor complex with multiple functions
108 r to translocation of the MTOC, in which the minus end-directed motor cytoplasmic dynein, localized a
109  Cell biologists have long speculated that a minus end-directed motor localized at kinetochores contr
110 mobilized on microtubules by the activity of minus end-directed motor proteins that interact either d
111 ted with centrosomal microtubules (C-MTs) by minus end-directed motor proteins.
112 plus end-directed motor, kinesin-II, and the minus end-directed motor, cytoplasmic dynein in highly p
113 at links cargos of aggregated protein to the minus end-directed motor, cytoplasmic dynein.
114  Cytoplasmic dynein is the major microtubule minus end-directed motor.
115                       We find that while the minus-end directed motor Dynein cooperates with Dynactin
116 Drosophila Ncd, the other well characterized minus-end directed motor that is a homodimer, Kar3 is a
117 ve studied the shape of myosin VI, the actin minus-end directed motor, by negative stain and metal sh
118 formation of aggresomes, suggesting that the minus-end-directed motor activities of cytoplasmic dynei
119 es, where it then organizes microtubules via minus-end-directed motor activity.
120  along microtubules by using the microtubule minus-end-directed motor complex of dynein/dynactin.
121 dynein/dynactin, a multi-subunit microtubule minus-end-directed motor complex, and NuMA, a microtubul
122     Our data reveal the novel finding that a minus-end-directed motor contributes to the organization
123      Instead, we found that mutations in the minus-end-directed motor cytoplasmic dynein, completely
124                   While it is clear that the minus-end-directed motor dynein is required for this pro
125     Inhibitory antibodies indicated that the minus-end-directed motor dynein is required to prevent p
126  the transport of a subset of cargoes by the minus-end-directed motor dynein, although the full exten
127 in that mediates linkage of cargoes with the minus-end-directed motor dynein.
128        Cytoplasmic dynein is the microtubule minus-end-directed motor for the retrograde axonal trans
129  cortex required Bud6p, Bim1p, and dynein, a minus-end-directed motor helping tether the receding plu
130  involved in organelle transport) and ncd (a minus-end-directed motor involved in chromosome segregat
131 ge, is transported to the nucleus via the MT minus-end-directed motor protein dynein.
132  a wide range of cellular functions for this minus-end-directed motor protein.
133                                  Kar3 is the minus-end-directed motor protein; Cik1 binds to Kar3 and
134 g microtubules, driven by teams of plus- and minus-end-directed motor proteins.
135          Cytoplasmic dynein is a microtubule minus-end-directed motor that is thought to power the tr
136 tor, the clustering of their minus ends by a minus-end-directed motor, and the loss of MTs by dynamic
137 mic dynein complex is an active, microtubule minus-end-directed motor, as expected.
138  motors containing the stalk and neck of the minus-end-directed motor, Ncd, fused to the motor domain
139 ative actions of the bipolar kinesin-5 and a minus-end-directed motor, which then pulls the sliding M
140 a gal suggests that the head of Nod may be a minus-end-directed motor.
141 d simulations, we propose a model on how two minus end-directed motors cooperate to ensure spindle po
142 ac-man model, in which 1) kinetochore-based, minus end-directed motors generate poleward forces for a
143                                    Likewise, minus end-directed motors may move cargoes toward anteri
144 ng of nuclear congression and identified two minus end-directed motors operating in parallel in this
145 Here, we have characterized the roles of two minus end-directed motors, dynein and Ncd, in such proce
146 T, the human homologue of the KAR3 family of minus end-directed motors.
147 ng, suggesting that they were transported by minus end-directed motors.
148  by the opposing activities of plus end- and minus end-directed motors.
149 ongression depends on the cooperation of two minus end-directed motors.
150 es (MTs) are substrates upon which plus- and minus-end directed motors control the directional moveme
151               Kinesin-14 family proteins are minus-end directed motors that cross-link microtubules a
152 bidirectionally, employing both plus-end and minus-end directed motors.
153                   However, in the SAC model, minus-end-directed motors bind the minus ends of MTs as
154 se mitotic spindles with inactive kinesin-14 minus-end-directed motors often have shorter spindle len
155 -directed motors are balanced by forces from minus-end-directed motors that pull spindle poles togeth
156 rucial role in the coordination of plus- and minus-end-directed motors.
157 ytoskeleton has pointed instead to roles for minus-end-directed motors.
158  be created by complexes combining plus- and minus-end-directed motors.
159 d for a single step and force generation for minus-end directed movement generated by this non-proces
160         However, the functional necessity of minus-end-directed movement along actin is unclear as th
161 ergo either diffusive, or highly processive, minus end-directed movements along microtubules.
162 bule tracks proceeds in a series of plus and minus end-directed movements that are facilitated by kin
163 owed a specific decrease in the frequency of minus end-directed movements.
164 or motor protein responsible for microtubule minus-end-directed movements in most eukaryotic cells.
165 ated with RNA localization signals mediating minus end-directed mRNA transport during Drosophila deve
166 organization that requires the activity of a minus-end-directed MT motor, cytoplasmic dynein.
167 movements), which are commonly attributed to minus end-directed, MT-dependent motors.
168  we present cryo-EM structures of the unique minus-end directed myosin VI motor domain in rigor (4.6
169 lus end-directed kinesin heavy chain and the minus end-directed Ncd.
170 members; MT plus-end-directed kinesin and MT minus-end-directed non claret disjunctional (ncd).
171 ried out with monomeric motor domains of the minus-end-directed nonclaret disjunctional (Ncd) and Kar
172 the dynein heavy chain dramatically inhibits minus end-directed organelle transport and that purified
173 tively regulate interphase processes such as minus-end-directed organelle trafficking.
174 d dynactin in a search-capture mechanism for minus-end-directed organelles.
175 ecipitously shortly before transport becomes minus-end directed (phase III).
176  the rapid activation of dynein-dependent MT minus-end-directed pigment granule movement in Xenopus m
177 be consistent with the previously discovered minus-end directed power stroke of ncd, occurring with A
178 jacent microtubule protofilaments and uses a minus-end-directed powerstroke to drive ATP-dependent mo
179 imulates dynein motor activity and increases minus-end-directed runs of pigment granules.
180 ing the frequency, velocity, and duration of minus-end-directed runs.
181                          We propose that the minus end-directed stepping action of Cut7 is selectivel
182 r domains with their neighbors inhibit their minus end-directed stepping action, but not their plus e
183 r Klp2, a kinesin-14, converts Cut7 from net minus end-directed to net plus end-directed stepping.
184 h greater crowding converting the motor from minus end-directed to plus end-directed stepping.
185            The major function of dynactin is minus end-directed transport along microtubules in a com
186  nucleus occurs through a well characterized minus end-directed transport along microtubules.
187 egation signals in melanophores stimulate MT minus end-directed transport by the increasing number of
188                                         This minus end-directed transport is largely unaffected by ge
189 bule-dependent motors, we establish that the minus end-directed transport of SVs requires the dynein/
190 decreases dynein binding to APC to stimulate minus end-directed transport, which could modulate endoc
191  capture membrane organelles destined for MT minus end-directed transport.
192 ificantly contribute to the efficiency of MT minus-end directed transport of membrane organelles.
193 otor that utilizes ATP hydrolysis to conduct minus-end directed transport of various organelles.
194  principal microtubule organizing center) by minus-end-directed transport and then switch polarity an
195  to threefold and at the same time decreased minus-end-directed transport of mitochondria along axona
196 ssembly and reassembly of MTs and concurrent minus-end-directed transport of pigment granules bearing
197 ndicating that this interaction mediates the minus-end-directed transport of the viral genome along m
198 ndria by disturbing the balance of plus- and minus-end-directed transport rather than directly affect
199 ons in Myo6, the gene encoding the (F-actin) minus end-directed unconventional myosin, myosin VI, cau
200    Cytoplasmic dynein drives the majority of minus end-directed vesicular and organelle motility in t

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