


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  prefer one enantiomer of the capsule to its mirror image.
2 tly increased aggressive activity toward the mirror image.
3 e two proteins, the native-like fold and its mirror image.
4  not necessarily represent a neuroanatomical mirror image.
5 rystallization of a chiral molecule with its mirror image.
6 nents of Tetmemena mirror-image doublets are mirror imaged.
7 hiral); they are not superimposable on their mirror images.
8 that is, species not superimposable on their mirror images.
9 nces (ATAAA and CATTA) were almost identical mirror images.
10 the entire tension responses are more nearly mirror images.
11 ystallized in the trigonal space groups with mirror image 3-fold helical screw axes P32 and P31 for e
12 e equivalent, 1007YNMLCFGIY1015, and another mirror image, 537YTEYLSSAF545, to the consensus sequence
13 ring for the duration of the lever press and mirror-image "action-off" neurons that paused at the sam
14 n disulfide oxidoreductases based on a novel mirror-image active site arrangement, with a distinct ca
15                                              Mirror-image allodynia arises from the healthy body regi
16                                              Mirror-image allodynia is a mysterious phenomenon that o
17 of inflammatory neuropathy reliably produces mirror-image allodynia, thus allowing this pain phenomen
18 activation produces bilateral (ipsilateral + mirror image) allodynia.
19                  Reversal of ipsilateral and mirror-image allodynias was rapid and complete even when
20              These observations suggest that mirror-image aminoglycosides may avoid certain forms of
21 ohydrates, can also be used to prepare their mirror-image analogues.
22 n reconstructed virtually from CT scans with mirror imaging and by using the maxillary teeth and temp
23 etastable mirror-image state even though the mirror-image and native conformations are at least energ
24 sm and its etiology, as in case of so-called mirror-image aneurysms.
25  cell division that generates daughters with mirror-image apico-basal polarity.
26 alently linked to DNA, enantiomeric pairs of mirror image aromatic diol epoxides with differing tumor
27 nition of chiral molecules, resulting in the mirror image arrangements of the two forms eliciting qui
28  are microtubules, which are arranged in two mirror-image arrays perpendicular to the division plane
29 istinction intermediate between seeing their mirror image as other and recognizing it as self.
30 ended HCV NS5B polymerase target whereas the mirror image atropisomer was able to bind to an unrelate
31  to a structure that is not the anticipated "mirror image" beta-turn.
32 vian artery (n = 28); right aortic arch with mirror-image branching and a vascular ring formed by a l
33 ending aorta (n = 5); right aortic arch with mirror-image branching and no vascular ring (n = 4); and
34 avorable molecular conformations, projecting mirror-image chiral adsorption footprints at the surface
35 olute chirality, the complexes afford nearly mirror image circular dichroism spectra.
36 of the skull have been replaced virtually by mirror-imaged complete parts from the other side.
37 st, no such a preference is observed for the mirror image complex Lambda1a.
38 provide the main reason for formation of the mirror-image conformation of this protein, namely, a slo
39 circular dichroism spectroscopy showed adopt mirror image conformations.
40 al studies in many species have demonstrated mirror-image confusion for objects, perhaps because many
41 ep and propose putative neural correlates of mirror-image confusion in the human brain.
42            These systems exhibit intense and mirror-image Cotton effects in their CD spectra.
43               In addition, we have assembled mirror image crystals (l-DNA) with the identical sequenc
44                                   Indeed, a "mirror image" cytolytic capability was observed: the mos
45 itive, and as seen with endogenous MSCs, the mirror image d enantiomer inhibited like the l.
46                                              Mirror image D-sfAFP protein was prepared by the same sy
47         We hypothesized that the addition of mirror-image d-Abeta42 should reduce the concentration o
48 l chemical synthesis was used to prepare the mirror image (D-protein) form of the angiogenic protein
49 d as such signals because they can mimic the mirror image digit duplication obtained after grafting p
50 lied anteriorly in the limb bud, they induce mirror-image digit duplications and ectopic Bmp-2 expres
51 cation of digit 3, but could not produce the mirror-image digit duplications obtained with SHH-expres
52  task in which the rats learned 3 concurrent mirror-image discriminations (structural learning).
53 ontralateral hemispheres revealed symmetric, mirror-image distributions that extended across primary
54                   We report the discovery of mirror-image DNA-aptamers (Spiegelmer(R)) that bind and
55 hraquinone that are shown to have intergrown mirror image domains, undetected by X-ray diffraction be
56 lata (formerly Stylonychia pustulata) is the mirror-imaged doublet.
57 r individual ciliary components of Tetmemena mirror-image doublets are mirror imaged.
58 geal arch is dramatically transformed into a mirror-image duplicated jaw.
59 itted (smu(b641)) exhibit a striking partial mirror image duplication of anterior otic structures, co
60 ars lose anterior otic structures and show a mirror image duplication of posterior regions.
61 n the loss of anterior otic structures and a mirror image duplication of posterior regions.
62 resulted in the replacement of the PE with a mirror image duplication of the DP.
63 lving replacement of ventral elements with a mirror-image duplication of first arch structures, and a
64  causes the anterior tergite to develop as a mirror-image duplication of the posterior tergite, a pat
65 hog, with resulting preaxial polydactyly and mirror image duplications of posterior digits.
66 ut one of the marker chromosomes were linear mirror image duplications, and they were present along w
67 es showing induction of Foxg1 expression and mirror-image duplications of the cortex by exogenous FGF
68 velopmental features, including Shh-mediated mirror-image duplications of the endoskeleton after expo
69 upernumerary hair cells at the apex, showing mirror-image duplications of tunnel of Corti and inner h
70 th very similar skeletons but showing almost mirror-image electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectra
71 s chiral if it cannot be superimposed on its mirror image (enantiomer).
72 d or l-of the two possible nonsuperimposable mirror images (enantiomers) of selected organic compound
73 physin were distributed and regulated in the mirror image: enriched in the apex, enhanced by NT-3 and
74                       Here, we demonstrate a mirror-image expression of Lin28B and Let-7a in developi
75 ring hyperinsulinemic clamping) changed in a mirror image fashion.
76 phila eye is divided into dorsal and ventral mirror image fields that are separated by a sharp bounda
77 ophila eye is composed of dorsal and ventral mirror-image fields of opposite chiral forms of ommatidi
78                                          One mirror image form (enantiomer) of a drug can have desira
79 btainable secondary alcohols in their single mirror image form and in a two-step sequence converts th
80          Furthermore, starting from a single mirror image form of the secondary alcohol, either mirro
81  image form of the secondary alcohol, either mirror image form of the tertiary alcohol can be made wi
82          We also report the synthesis of the mirror image form of the Ts3 protein molecule, and the u
83 e now easy to make selectively in the single mirror image form, one class-those containing quaternary
84 bfamilies, Mobius and bracelet, and an all-d mirror image form, were examined to determine their mode
85 demonstrating the functional competency of a mirror-image form of KRas bound to its corresponding ena
86 hiral and are all of one "handedness," their mirror image forms can be prepared by chemical synthesis
87 e report the total chemical synthesis of the mirror image forms of sfAFP (i.e., L-sfAFP, the native p
88 selective manner, rather than as mixtures of mirror-image forms (enantiomers) with different three-di
89                                 Furthermore, mirror-image forms of these products could be obtained u
90 palindromes in the human Y chromosome harbor mirror-image gene pairs essential for spermatogenesis.
91 pse in the olfactory bulb takes place at two mirror-image glomerular maps that appear identical acros
92                 The synchondroses consist of mirror-image growth plates and are critical for cranial
93                 Synchondroses, consisting of mirror-image growth plates, are critical for cranial bas
94                                              Mirror-image hox2-dependent gene expression changes in p
95 ctronic circular dichroism spectra which are mirror imaged if the unnatural FDFD-analogue is used.
96 print, which can also be chiral and generate mirror-images in 2-D.
97 vide the first evidence that ipsilateral and mirror-image inflammatory neuropathy pain are created bo
98 oom temperature, each being present with its mirror-image inverse.
99 y that finding a familiar letter N among its mirror images is more difficult than the converse.
100 hat the sense information that distinguishes mirror images is represented at earlier stages in the ob
101                            Surprisingly, the mirror-image isomer (optical antipode) of cyclodal, c[-A
102 8S,9S,10R enantiomer, and the nontumorigenic mirror-image isomer, (-)-7S,8R,9R, 10S, of r7,t8-dihydro
103 ion of chiral molecules as predominantly one mirror-image isomer.
104 riants of the method allow separation of the mirror-image isomers (enantiomers) of seven (n,m) specie
105 tically sensing the annealing and melting of mirror-image l-DNA analogs of the reaction's primers and
106 complex fashion, with some regions showing a mirror-image laminar phenotype.
107 on are twinning (whereby crystallites with a mirror-image lattice form) and slip (whereby lattice dis
108 nitially indistinguishable odor enantiomers (mirror-image molecules) become discriminable after avers
109 median postinjury signals between homologous mirror-image neurons.
110 y, but as the structures associated with the mirror-image OA continue to form, the new set of membran
111      Graft rejection has been defined as the mirror image of graft-versus-host disease, which is biol
112 l, showing that right doesn't have to be the mirror image of left.
113                            Recovery is not a mirror image of lens-induced myopia-many protein levels,
114 pokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis, an exact mirror image of PHA-II.
115  larger, more medial representation formed a mirror image of S1 along the rostrocaudal axis of the he
116 n was found in caudolateral cortex forming a mirror image of S1.
117 maller, more lateral representation formed a mirror image of S2 along the rostrocaudal axis of the fo
118 , suggests that this area may be an inverted mirror image of S2.
119  surface representation in PV approximates a mirror image of that in S2; (2) Areas PV and S2 are less
120 is patterning of the DA by Hh and Bmp is the mirror image of that in the neural tube, with Hh favorin
121 giving the respective 9R-hydroperoxides, the mirror image of the 9S-LOX products of plants.
122  years and working-aged adults, reflecting a mirror image of the age-based seroprotection data.
123 re lost, and often this region develops as a mirror image of the anterior portion.
124                     Such dynamic patterns, a mirror image of the concept of metamaterials, are scalab
125 be a third signaling source, positioned as a mirror image of the cortical hem, along the lateral marg
126 he inactive right limb (Vision), viewing the mirror image of the moving left limb (Mirror), and with
127 hrough kinetic traps, mainly the topological mirror image of the native three-helix bundle.
128 rebrain into an ectopic midbrain that is the mirror image of the normal midbrain.
129              This "ectopic" NR develops as a mirror image of the normal NR and is entirely of ventral
130 ses should not necessarily be considered the mirror image of the other.
131 TF is used instead of the oxidized form, the mirror image of the spectral change seen with as-isolate
132 2.06 region of the spectrum is essentially a mirror image of the spectrum obtained with H4C, and is d
133 r two) by replacing their left hand with the mirror image of their right hand.
134 e displayed body part was part of a standing mirror image of themselves.
135 ree derivatives of ferric AOS are almost the mirror image of those in catalase.
136 that V3 represents the visual hemifield as a mirror image of V2.
137 idence that C alpha3'E and hs3 are virtually mirror images of each other and demarcate the edges of a
138                The resulting microarrays are mirror images of each other but otherwise essentially id
139 channels of the visual system are not simple mirror images of each other, that their response charact
140  large rings in the DSRRs are stationary and mirror images of each other, while the small SRRs rotate
141  or atropisomers, that are nonsuperimposable mirror images of each other.
142 hat only differ in that their structures are mirror images of each other.
143 epped structures which are nonsuperimposable mirror images of one another and therefore are chiral.
144  and P-type diastereomers are almost perfect mirror images of one another, each spanning a range of b
145 ist in two non-superimposable forms that are mirror images of one another--as are left and right hand
146 )-hydroxyacid family sites are geometrically mirror images of one another.
147 n and lumican showed distributions that were mirror images of one other.
148                 For reasons of symmetry, the mirror images of these phage-displayed peptides interact
149 aromatic carboxylate complexes are virtually mirror images of those observed with sarcosine analogues
150 hanges in GluR subunit immunoreactivity were mirror images of those seen for sbdp.
151 hways and synaptic targeting are the perfect mirror images of those seen in wild type.
152 tural analysis indicates that despite global mirror imaging of the ciliature, detailed organization o
153                   The right aortic arch with mirror-image of branching arteries without coexisting co
154 road picture of medium effects is that of a "mirror image" of solvent and electrolyte properties that
155  and the observation that they constitute a "mirror image" of the phenotypes resulting from loss of f
156 on sites in rats, appearing as a less dense "mirror-image" of ipsilateral labeling.
157 ls to differentiate between two enantiomers (mirror images) of drugs or between the parent compound a
158 yranosides provide an expeditious entry into mirror-image oligosaccharides, as demonstrated in the sy
159 two compounds represent the first example of mirror image opioid receptor ligands with both optical a
160 ation of the membranelles is reversed in the mirror-image oral apparatus (OA), such that the ciliary
161 ry of molecular chirality, nonsuperimposable mirror-image organic molecules have been found to be ess
162 itutively expressed genes revealed a partial mirror image organization of three major cell population
163 microfluidic channels are chevron-shaped, in mirror image orientation, with their apexes designed to
164 er of enzyme families, which have shown that mirror-image packing can enable opposite enantiomers to
165  to injection and contralaterally, so-called mirror image pain.
166  of the phase diagram is the appearance of a mirror-image pair of triple points involving coexistence
167 onded more similarly to members of a lateral mirror-image pair than to members of a vertical mirror-i
168 ror-image pair than to members of a vertical mirror-image pair.
169                        Six of these occur as mirror-image pairs across the inner plexiform layer, the
170 ross the midline but subsequently follow the mirror-image pathways and innervate corresponding muscle
171  Drosophila mutation identified as producing mirror-image pattern duplications along the anteroposter
172 fected with this anchored signal also induce mirror-image pattern duplications in a dose-dependent fa
173 ulation, they orchestrate the development of mirror-image pattern formation and the consequent genera
174  restricted subsets of HCs and generates the mirror-image pattern of the sensory organs.
175 cross which, hair bundles are polarized in a mirror-image pattern.
176 ellugyrin and synaptogyrins are expressed in mirror image patterns.
177  face representations in S2 and PV exhibited mirror-image patterns to those of areas 3b and 1.
178                                     Aided by mirror image phage display and native chemical ligation,
179        Aided by native chemical ligation and mirror image phage display, we recently identified a D-p
180 2-trimer was designed using structure-guided mirror-image phage display and linker optimization and i
181                                        Using mirror-image phage display and structure-assisted design
182                          Utilizing IQN17 and mirror-image phage display, we identified cyclic, D-pept
183                                            A mirror-image plane exists so that each conformer has an
184 ural retinae differentiate and laminate with mirror-image polarity in the absence of an RPE, suggesti
185 onic hedgehog (Shh) expression, resulting in mirror-image polydactyly in the limb.
186 created with the individual Trps situated at mirror image positions on the two LacY domains.
187  The TW SLIM module was fabricated using two mirror-image printed circuit boards with appropriately c
188 otocol compares interaction energies between mirror image probes at each point in space around the ca
189                   It has been shown that the mirror-image process of acceptor photoexcitation leading
190              Development and aging are often mirror image processes and this may be equally true in t
191                                              Mirror-image prokaryotic A-site decoding region construc
192                                              Mirror-image proteins (composed of D-amino acids) are pr
193 a a direct molecular dynamics embedding into mirror image-related representations of the foc and sele
194 ponse is confirmed with the observation of a mirror image relationship for the interaction of (S,S)-
195  steric hindrance effects resulting from the mirror image relationship of the BP benzylic rings in th
196 TCNB) in 1,2-dichloroethane (DCLE) exhibit a mirror image relationship, suggesting that each set of s
197 re distinctly different and do not display a mirror image relationship.
198 organic phases show optical activity of near mirror image relationship.
199  of the enantiomers bound to BSA bear a near mirror-image relationship.
200 epeats: inverted (palindromic), everted, and mirror-image repeats.
201 3d borders dorsal V2 and contains a smaller, mirror-image representation of the lower visual quadrant
202 -like FR- and BDA-labeled strips that formed mirror image representations of the SI injection sites.
203 the connectivity of photoreceptor axons, and mirror-image retinal symmetry in Drosophila have been id
204        In situs inversus embryos there was a mirror image reversal in Pitx2c expression and LR lineag
205 cts and situs inversus totalis, the complete mirror image reversal of internal organ situs (positioni
206 shell coiling in snails is correlated with a mirror- image reversal of early spindle orientation and
207 he hazard ratio of mortality) to a complete, mirror-image reversal (eg, that for body mass index vers
208 vidual organ position (situs ambiguus) or to mirror-image reversal of all lateralized structures (sit
209 s specifically induced heterotaxia involving mirror-image reversals of heart, gut, and gall bladder.
210 s found adjacent and caudolateral to S1 as a mirror image reversed along the representation of the gl
211 d individuals develop either normally or are mirror-image-reversed (situs inversus), and inversion of
212                                            A mirror-image RNA system showed the opposite selectivity.
213 l faces, forming a low-affinity complex with mirror image rotational symmetry.
214 modified dynamic microdialyzer utilizing two mirror-image serpentine channels, which sandwich a regen
215 a century, it has commonly been assumed that mirror-image shell coiling in snails is correlated with
216 tudies demonstrate that both ipsilateral and mirror-image SIN-induced allodynias are (1) reversed by
217                      We have so identified a mirror-image single-stranded DNA that binds the peptide
218 ts of a pair of disks equipped with mutually mirror-imaged spiral grooves.
219 rograde labeling was higher ipsilaterally, a mirror-image staining pattern consistently was present c
220 overcomes the barrier between the metastable mirror-image state and the native state; and (iv) offer
221  protein A does not remain in the metastable mirror-image state even though the mirror-image and nati
222 es of 3 visual discriminations, each between mirror-imaged stimuli.
223 ersion of the lowest-energy conformer to its mirror-image structure.
224           Humans and animals confuse lateral mirror images, such as the letters "b" and "d," more oft
225 etters "b" and "d," more often than vertical mirror images, such as the letters "b" and "p." Experime
226 chirality was verified by the measurement of mirror image surface enhanced resonance Raman optical ac
227 opic archenteron, in some cases resulting in mirror-image, symmetric skeletal elements.
228 tructural domain are mirror images, with the mirror image symmetry broken by the sugar and its attach
229  the dorsoventral midline, forming a line of mirror image symmetry called the equator.
230 he T variation, the C variation disrupts the mirror image symmetry of the p53-binding sequence, resul
231 try optimization studies have revealed exact mirror image symmetry of the R and S stereoisomers, with
232  of ciliature, juxtaposed on the surfaces in mirror image symmetry, with a common anterior-posterior
233 elial organization, is highly polarized with mirror-image symmetry about the equator.
234                         Giardia divided with mirror-image symmetry in the plane of the adherence disc
235                                 For example, mirror-image symmetry of the C. elegans vulva is achieve
236 ral halves of the disc; this forms a line of mirror-image symmetry, the equator, which coincides with
237  to fold d-proteins for drug development and mirror-image synthetic biology applications.
238 he same distinctive occupancy pattern but in mirror image, termed 'bootprints'.
239 hanically distinguishable, nonsuperimposable mirror image that corresponds to a separate classical re
240 f the undesired enantiomer while letting its mirror image through.
241 he dorsal and ventral avian pallium, forming mirror images to each other.
242                The core region contains two "mirror-image" tonotopic maps oriented along the same axi
243 sion analysis of NqrD and NqrE showed almost mirror image topologies, each consisting of six transmem
244 the protein; (ii) show that formation of the mirror-image topology is a subtle effect resulting from
245  L's, or bisected two-color disks from their mirror images under the same conditions.
246 ion for the adduct bond, although they are a mirror image vis-a-vis the hydroxyl groups.
247  the hands must respond symmetrically, while mirror-image (vs. parallel) responding produced the grea
248 that correct assessment of the source of the mirror image was made by each subject in each of the mir
249                   The printed layout and its mirror image were aligned with an intermediary cut-throu
250  two classes of synthetases approach tRNA as mirror images, with opposite but symmetrical stereochemi
251  (+)/(-) pairs of each structural domain are mirror images, with the mirror image symmetry broken by
252 tudy of a model oligoadenylate system in the mirror image world.
253      In particular, this protein will enable mirror-image yeast surface display experiments to identi

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