


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eliosis is a neglected disease that is often misdiagnosed.
2 eciated in developed countries and are often misdiagnosed.
3 ated costs, it often remains unrecognized or misdiagnosed.
4 Lastly, brown recluse spider bites are often misdiagnosed.
5  a condition often overlooked and frequently misdiagnosed.
6 cy ablation for atrial fibrillation is often misdiagnosed.
7  previously recognized and may be frequently misdiagnosed.
8 ny as 20% to 30% of epileptics may have been misdiagnosed.
9 matory bowel disease (IBD) and is frequently misdiagnosed.
10 utine histology; some patients are therefore misdiagnosed.
11 ients in the community remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
12 d botulism caused by unusual vehicles may be misdiagnosed.
13 sease is still under-recognized and commonly misdiagnosed.
14  variable or even absent, the disease may be misdiagnosed.
15            Tularemia is frequently initially misdiagnosed.
16  treatment because their tumor was missed or misdiagnosed.
17 ness, a high proportion of patients had been misdiagnosed.
18 an syndromes) and are, therefore, frequently misdiagnosed.
19 halomyelitis (perivenous demyelination), but misdiagnosed acute disseminated encephalomyelitis among
20 the general population has been explained as misdiagnosed alcohol intoxication and withdrawal effects
21 nd histopathological findings that we easily misdiagnosed and can have significant implications for p
22                          They are frequently misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated.
23 Bat-acquired cases of rabies were more often misdiagnosed and lacked a bite history.
24 f a monoclonal plasma cell dyscrasia, may be misdiagnosed and lead to inappropriate chemotherapy.
25  serious conditions and is, therefore, often misdiagnosed and mismanaged.
26 equent hypersensitivity disorders frequently misdiagnosed and not properly managed.
27               Hereditary angioedema is often misdiagnosed and poorly treated.
28 mmon than previously considered, is commonly misdiagnosed and that the majority of cases are not init
29  suggested that two of the sarcomas had been misdiagnosed and this was confirmed by reevaluation of t
30 ood smears, resulting in women with PM being misdiagnosed and thus not treated.
31        We report a patient with HHCS who was misdiagnosed and treated as having hemochromatosis, in w
32                 Up to 20% of patients may be misdiagnosed and treated for glaucoma due to misinterpre
33 d by neurologists, about 10% of patients are misdiagnosed, and delays in diagnosis are common.
34  100 patients had been either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, and in 57 patients, the immediate cause of
35    It is frequently ignored, underdiagnosed, misdiagnosed, and mistreated, which not only is detrimen
36 , sweating, diarrhea, bronchospasm), usually misdiagnosed, and reflect secretion of diverse amines an
37 n previously recognised, that it is commonly misdiagnosed, and that it may present to a wide range of
38 ort recent studies showing that CDSRR can be misdiagnosed, and therefore screening of KCNV2 for mutat
39 potentially had an early metastasis that was misdiagnosed as a hemangioma.
40 pical carcinoids, one of which was initially misdiagnosed as a small-cell carcinoma, manifested a het
41  HU or lower at nonenhanced CT, RCC would be misdiagnosed as AML in 11 (5.1%) cases, one (0.5%) case,
42 ause they may have a subtle appearance or be misdiagnosed as arcus senilis.
43 piratory conditions that had been previously misdiagnosed as asthma in the community.
44 e frequently infected with this parasite and misdiagnosed as being infected with Plasmodium malariae.
45 Fusarium and Paecilomyces species and can be misdiagnosed as Candida species.
46  dermatoses of the lower extremity are often misdiagnosed as cellulitis (aka "pseudocellulitis") and
47  dermatoses of the lower extremity are often misdiagnosed as cellulitis (aka "pseudocellulitis") and
48                      Diseases that have been misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy are presented here to pro
49 s have a slow rate of progression and can be misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy.
50 of particular concern for the clinician when misdiagnosed as CIDP, in view of the therapeutic implica
51               Chronic canaliculitis is often misdiagnosed as conjunctivitis, delaying proper document
52                        It is often initially misdiagnosed as fever associated with infection.
53                Vitamin D deficiency is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia.
54 0%) and 87% of connection problems that were misdiagnosed as fractures (95% CI: 70% to 95%).
55 testinal cancers are, on occasion, initially misdiagnosed as gallbladder disease.
56 photographs and HVF tests, 25% of these were misdiagnosed as glaucoma (two ischemic optic neuropathie
57 ividuals with CADDS may previously have been misdiagnosed as having an autosomal recessive PBD or SED
58 ts--the latter in potentially exposing women misdiagnosed as having an STI to threats of domestic dis
59 (5/207) of persons with late-stage AIDS were misdiagnosed as having early HIV-1 infection.
60                                     Patients misdiagnosed as having GBS were retrospectively excluded
61 nts in the keratoplasty group initially were misdiagnosed as having herpes simplex keratitis versus 5
62 rlin deficiency, and patients are frequently misdiagnosed as having polymyositis.
63 ents with RCVS with SAH (RCVS-SAH) are often misdiagnosed as having potentially ominous conditions su
64  family history of a movement disorder often misdiagnosed as Huntington's disease.
65 ave shown that hereditary amyloidosis can be misdiagnosed as Ig light-chain (AL) amyloidosis because
66              Although coeliac disease can be misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome, no prospective
67 mal recessive disorder that may be initially misdiagnosed as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
68                    Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as major depressive disorder, which leads t
69 aracterized by recurrent fever, and is often misdiagnosed as malaria.
70 r papillary endothelial hyperplasia could be misdiagnosed as malignant or benign vascular tumour.
71          Atypical medullary carcinoma may be misdiagnosed as medullary carcinoma.
72 elanocytic lesions that are often clinically misdiagnosed as melanoma and that Raman spectroscopy has
73  or when there is hearing involvement may be misdiagnosed as Meniere's disease.
74 diagnostic problems with the potential to be misdiagnosed as methicillin-sensitive S. aureus, with im
75 omyelitis optica spectrum disorder is rarely misdiagnosed as MS in contemporary US neurological pract
76 f multiple sclerosis (MS), and frequently is misdiagnosed as MS, but prognosis and optimal treatments
77                               It is commonly misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis.
78  leukopenia, particularly neutropenia, often misdiagnosed as myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).
79 thognomonic for the VGKCC syndrome, had been misdiagnosed as myoclonus.
80 ary telangiectasia, which could otherwise be misdiagnosed as neoplasia, subacute infarction, or demye
81  11.9% of the glaucomatous neuropathies were misdiagnosed as neurophthalmological disorders.
82 gnosed using dry blood spot testing-is often misdiagnosed as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD
83                   Clinically, they are often misdiagnosed as non-neoplastic pseudocysts leading to fa
84 The conditions of 7 of the 18 were initially misdiagnosed as other cardiopulmonary diseases.
85 y, but it frequently goes unrecognized or is misdiagnosed as other respiratory conditions such as ast
86 -Parkinson's disease conditions are commonly misdiagnosed as Parkinson's disease, and ~20% of patient
87 itary gland is enlarged, which should not be misdiagnosed as pathologic.
88 s, or sentinel events for strokes, are being misdiagnosed as peripheral vestibular disorders.
89 LA) and an aberrant right subclavian artery, misdiagnosed as primary mitral regurgitation (MR) in tra
90 common disease among women and is frequently misdiagnosed as prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperpl
91    'Organic' movement disorders may still be misdiagnosed as psychogenic.
92  non-Hodgkin's lymphomas [TCRBCLs] have been misdiagnosed as PTCLs in the past) and because its corre
93 ated with C difficile infection occasionally misdiagnosed as septic arthritis.
94 atients with antibodies to neuronal antigens misdiagnosed as sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD
95 s of neurologic infection that may have been misdiagnosed as stroke or as noninfectious forms of ence
96 ntricular tachycardia (LPF-VT) is frequently misdiagnosed as supraventricular tachycardia with aberra
97 scles and present as a neck tumor, it can be misdiagnosed as the clinical, radiological and histologi
98  a poorly known medical condition, sometimes misdiagnosed as the medial epicondylitis.
99 e of the 10 patients, fatty infiltration was misdiagnosed as vascular or neoplastic disease on initia
100 ed to determine whether lipodystrophy may be misdiagnosed as wasting syndrome.
101 ncluded obese subjects with asthma (n = 25), misdiagnosed asthma (n = 23), and no asthma or respirato
102 se testing in obese patients with asthma and misdiagnosed asthma compared with obese control subjects
103 bronchial challenge, patients with asthma or misdiagnosed asthma reached a higher Borg-FEV1 slope tha
104 r during exercise in subjects with asthma or misdiagnosed asthma than in control subjects.
105                 A false diagnosis of asthma (misdiagnosed asthma) in obese subjects is attributable t
106 eversibility, or airway hyperresponsiveness (misdiagnosed asthma).
107       Anti-p200 pemphigoid is probably often misdiagnosed because of low availability of diagnostic a
108             Thirty percent of HSK cases were misdiagnosed before presentation.
109                   Congenital epulis is often misdiagnosed before surgery because of its rarity and a
110 asia with eosinophilia, an unusual but often misdiagnosed benign disorder.
111 case of Brucella suis endocarditis initially misdiagnosed by automated identification systems as Ochr
112      Four samples with mixed infections were misdiagnosed by microscopy as single-species infections.
113 mes of fever and urinary retention, but were misdiagnosed by physicians of different specialties as h
114 HMPAO-WBC scintigraphy to reduce the rate of misdiagnosed cases of IE when combined with standard dia
115 ecessary antibiotics and hospitalization for misdiagnosed cellulitis are projected to cause more than
116 racterize the national health care burden of misdiagnosed cellulitis in patients admitted for treatme
117 racterize the national health care burden of misdiagnosed cellulitis in patients admitted for treatme
118 ch patient, and estimates of annual costs of misdiagnosed cellulitis in the United States.
119 ch patient, and estimates of annual costs of misdiagnosed cellulitis in the United States.
120 ited data on the cost and complications from misdiagnosed cellulitis.
121 ease, that IPO is an under-recognized, often misdiagnosed clinical entity.
122 act leads with connection problems that were misdiagnosed clinically as fractures.
123    CL is a potentially insidious and perhaps misdiagnosed complication after LLDN.
124           IBM remains an enigmatic and often misdiagnosed disease.
125                     Results also uncovered a misdiagnosed epidemic that implicated beneficial Rhodoco
126                Currently, patients are often misdiagnosed for extended periods of time.
127              Infantile masturbation is often misdiagnosed for seizures or dystonia.
128  initiation to the costs of ART provision to misdiagnosed HIV-negative persons.
129          Also, patients with symptoms may be misdiagnosed if pulmonary vein stenosis is not included
130                         Pulmonary MDR TB was misdiagnosed in 9 (13%) of 70 patients.
131 nts, and the potential that TB may have been misdiagnosed in a small proportion of OD patients despit
132 ransposition of the great arteries are often misdiagnosed in adulthood and are referred late despite
133 lthy children and severe malaria is commonly misdiagnosed in patients with incidental parasitemia.
134 phic cardiomyopathy might also be clinically misdiagnosed in patients with other mutations in genes r
135    Brain metastases from melanoma were often misdiagnosed in the donors as primary brain tumors or ce
136 rature, possibly because some such cases are misdiagnosed in the United States as primary psychotic d
137 cence, it has often been underrecognized and misdiagnosed in this age group.
138      Fifty-six patients (12%) were initially misdiagnosed, including 42 of 221 (19%) of those with no
139 e association is not entirely an artifact of misdiagnosed intoxication and withdrawal effects.
140  development in children, and are frequently misdiagnosed, leading to inadequate or potentially harmf
141 eive little attention and patients are often misdiagnosed, leading to less than ideal management.
142 in a nevus, Spitz nevi, dysplastic nevi, and misdiagnosed lesions.
143 hospitalization costs per year attributed to misdiagnosed lower extremity pseudocellulitis.
144  6-month lag period to exclude prevalent and misdiagnosed malignancies.
145 in a nevus; dysplastic nevi; Spitz nevi; and misdiagnosed melanocytic neoplasms.
146  HCV infection (74 [23%]), feelings of being misdiagnosed, misled, or abandoned (51 [16%]), or being
147 t CPCs in SNF5 families were, in many cases, misdiagnosed MRTs.
148      Essential tremor (ET) is among the most misdiagnosed neurological diseases, and overdiagnosis is
149 ed schizophrenia were reclassified as having misdiagnosed NMDA-R encephalitis (presence of specific s
150 drome (FPIES), an under-recognized and often misdiagnosed nonimmunoglobulin E-mediated food hypersens
151 o needed for these diseases, which often are misdiagnosed or diagnosed too late.
152 ract are aggressive malignancies that can be misdiagnosed or inappropriately managed.
153 s also cause persistent dizziness and may be misdiagnosed or malingering or psychogenic dizziness bec
154  challenge negative and could be potentially misdiagnosed or overtreated, in turn suggesting the need
155                       Heart failure is often misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed in primary care.
156  common movement disorders and yet are often misdiagnosed or unrecognised.
157             Unfortunately, delirium is often misdiagnosed or unrecognized and thus inappropriately tr
158 , ZIKV infection likely has gone undetected, misdiagnosed, or both for many years.
159 their brain network identified each of these misdiagnosed patients as minimally conscious, corroborat
160                           The percentages of misdiagnosed patients for the pessimistic analysis were
161                                              Misdiagnosed patients often did not fulfill World Health
162 isdiagnosed with cellulitis, and 52 of these misdiagnosed patients were admitted primarily for the tr
163 isdiagnosed with cellulitis, and 52 of these misdiagnosed patients were admitted primarily for the tr
164        We report here a case of long-lasting misdiagnosed PIL with a peculiar liver picture, characte
165             Uterine lipoleiomyomas are often misdiagnosed pre-operatively and it is important to dist
166                                    Missed or misdiagnosed stress injuries can lead to growth abnormal
167 when these associated signs go undetected or misdiagnosed, therapeutic intervention may be delayed un
168        Until recently, this entity was often misdiagnosed, thereby causing underestimation of AS seve
169 early (< 4 weeks) surgical repair but may be misdiagnosed, thus delaying management and requiring mor
170 onic debilitating disease that is frequently misdiagnosed, treated too late, or not treated at all.
171 ould be considered isolated FSGS or simply a misdiagnosed type of the Alport spectrum.
172 ndergoing laparoscopic appendectomy who were misdiagnosed was significantly higher than that of open
173          Almost one quarter of the eyes were misdiagnosed when evaluated by a glaucoma specialist, wh
174 myositis is an uncommon disorder that can be misdiagnosed when the old, and never validated, criteria
175 ymptoms, all but two patients were initially misdiagnosed with a symptoms-to-diagnosis duration of 16
176 ether children with vitamin D deficiency are misdiagnosed with abusive fractures.
177 ght to investigate patients with CS who were misdiagnosed with ARVD/C and identify clinical features
178             Of 259 patients, 79 (30.5%) were misdiagnosed with cellulitis, and 52 of these misdiagnos
179    Results: Of 259 patients, 79 (30.5%) were misdiagnosed with cellulitis, and 52 of these misdiagnos
180            Seven children had been initially misdiagnosed with cerebral palsy.
181  is challenging with many patients initially misdiagnosed with choroidal melanoma or metastasis.
182 ith early disseminated Lyme disease who were misdiagnosed with infectious mononucleosis based on fals
183 ver disease by 1 year of age, they often are misdiagnosed with INH, leading to difficulty in determin
184 e child with amebic liver abscess, initially misdiagnosed with pneumonia, who became critically ill w
185 ntified a number of individuals who would be misdiagnosed with the existing International Task Force
186 derstood in western medicine and lesions are misdiagnosed, with child abuse being a common misdiagnos

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