


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ly small tissue samples, raising the risk of misdiagnosis.
2 emonium, further adding to the potential for misdiagnosis.
3  short time interval (eg, 2 weeks) to reduce misdiagnosis.
4 can show atypical presentation and result in misdiagnosis.
5 essed during inflammation, which may lead to misdiagnosis.
6  cancer by identifying cases at high risk of misdiagnosis.
7  review of the clinical data suggested CDSRR misdiagnosis.
8 ; reliance on one test alone courts frequent misdiagnosis.
9 he following strategies could help to reduce misdiagnosis.
10 isdiagnosed, with child abuse being a common misdiagnosis.
11 icient examination and imaging can result in misdiagnosis.
12 ween BTV and EHDV often results in serologic misdiagnosis.
13 uggestive of SAH may reduce the frequency of misdiagnosis.
14  location were independently associated with misdiagnosis.
15  direct evidence is needed about why and how misdiagnosis affects the poor and vulnerable.
16  for a scientific commentary on this article.Misdiagnosis among tremor syndromes is common, and can i
17                                              Misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis are common where the
18 ppropriate methodology is paramount to avoid misdiagnosis and guide therapy.
19  of metabolites in circulation may result in misdiagnosis and improper treatments.
20 s in disease, but children remain at risk of misdiagnosis and inadequate treatment.
21 ociated with psychotic disorders, leading to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment with antipsycho
22 d inappropriate diagnostic tests may lead to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment.
23                                              Misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment choices are likely
24    Recognition of these findings can prevent misdiagnosis and may prove helpful in the planning of ap
25                               For AASs, both misdiagnosis and overtesting are key concerns, and stand
26 levated office BP screening results to avoid misdiagnosis and overtreatment of persons with isolated
27 al raised reading in the clinic would reduce misdiagnosis and save costs.
28 non-AL amyloidosis, highlighting the risk of misdiagnosis and the need for unequivocal amyloid typing
29 eated presumptively as malaria, resulting in misdiagnosis and the overuse of antimalarial drugs.
30  for the clinical diagnosis of COPD to avoid misdiagnosis and to ensure proper evaluation of severity
31 ia, but also the measures we use to minimize misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment of patients witho
32 e rheumatic manifestations in order to avoid misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment with potentially
33 haracterisation, reduce diagnostic delay and misdiagnosis, and provide insights into the pathophysiol
34 A-mutant GISTs, increasing the likelihood of misdiagnosis as other types of sarcoma.
35                                              Misdiagnosis as primary cerebral vasculitis and aneurysm
36                                      Initial misdiagnosis as retinitis (n = 5), hemangioma (n = 1), c
37 ance of normal thyroid gland can prevent its misdiagnosis as tumor.
38               Delays in treatment related to misdiagnosis, as well as resistance to current antiviral
39 wever, completely exclude the possibility of misdiagnosis bias, if prodromal symptoms of AMI were mis
40 se gains, incomplete clinical evaluation and misdiagnosis by referring clinicians is common and assoc
41                            Underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis can increase the risk of severe complicatio
42 ist and treatments for the 2 species differ, misdiagnosis can lead to poor outcomes in either disease
43 multiple sclerosis from these disorders, but misdiagnosis can occur.
44 r QCM could identify both false negative and misdiagnosis cases of routine microscopy.
45 ritical, but 3 common misconceptions lead to misdiagnosis: Clostridium difficile infection is a possi
46                                              Misdiagnosis due to analysis errors is rare.
47                                     Possible misdiagnosis, especially in women, should be explored.
48 ms and benefits of psychiatric diagnosis and misdiagnosis existed, as well as better access to effect
49            To avoid a delayed diagnosis or a misdiagnosis, familiarity with typical and atypical imag
50 e possibility of different rates of clinical misdiagnosis for carriers vs. noncarriers.
51                     Encephalitis is a common misdiagnosis for PS and migraine with visual aura for IC
52                                          The misdiagnosis had a direct effect on patient care, though
53  a cutoff of 0.3 ISU/l, leading to a risk of misdiagnosis if only one of both tests is used.
54 etically complex disorder, which can lead to misdiagnosis in the early stages.
55 ctive age, the population-based incidence of misdiagnosis increased 1% per year (P =.005).
56                             The incidence of misdiagnosis increased 8% yearly in patients older than
57 als who initially present in good condition, misdiagnosis is associated with increased mortality and
58 ung and middle-aged individuals, but initial misdiagnosis is common.
59                                              Misdiagnosis is hazardous to the patient.
60 is has created a situation where the rate of misdiagnosis is unacceptably high (up to 43%).
61                       To reduce this risk of misdiagnosis, it is important that clinicians understand
62    Contrary to expectation, the frequency of misdiagnosis leading to unnecessary appendectomy has not
63                       We estimate cellulitis misdiagnosis leads to 50000 to 130000 unnecessary hospit
64 Differential diagnosis is important, because misdiagnosis may lead to unnecessary procedures and prol
65 ic or even iatrogenic rupture, as in case of misdiagnosis, may cause anaphylactic reactions and disse
66  common neurodegenerative disorder for which misdiagnosis occurs in up to 30% of patients after initi
67 nd CT findings resulted in underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis of acute biliary disease in eight of 11 pat
68                                              Misdiagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) may si
69 ate and rapid in-office test can prevent the misdiagnosis of adenoviral conjunctivitis that leads to
70 ttle evidence of widespread overdiagnosis or misdiagnosis of ADHD or of widespread overprescription o
71                                              Misdiagnosis of AIP can result in major surgery for a st
72           This is largely due to the initial misdiagnosis of AK as herpetic keratitis.
73                                              Misdiagnosis of AL can lead to inappropriate use of chem
74 are conditions, HCS can significantly reduce misdiagnosis of anaemia compared with clinical assessmen
75 ation of bone lesions and thus helping avoid misdiagnosis of bone metastasis; however, CT revealed mo
76 quires unique diagnostic criteria to avoid a misdiagnosis of cutaneous mastocytosis per current World
77          Patient care may be impacted by the misdiagnosis of DENV and CHIKV in areas where both virus
78 decrease in HD incidence can be explained by misdiagnosis of HD as NHL.
79 ment of CSF pressure, delays in diagnosis or misdiagnosis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension and
80                   Conclusions and Relevance: Misdiagnosis of lower extremity cellulitis is common and
81                                              Misdiagnosis of lower extremity cellulitis is common and
82 umerous concerns regarding the potential for misdiagnosis of Lyme disease using commercial assays hav
83     Indirect evidence strongly suggests that misdiagnosis of malaria contributes to a vicious cycle o
84 malignant melanocytes was the main cause for misdiagnosis of malignant conjunctival tumors with IVCM.
85 ls from malignant melanocytes to prevent the misdiagnosis of melanoma using IVCM.
86                                              Misdiagnosis of meningitis as malaria was common.
87  Failure to test ocular motility may lead to misdiagnosis of Moebius syndrome, especially in patients
88                                              Misdiagnosis of mucositis and angioedema may delay appro
89  internal standards as controls, may lead to misdiagnosis of neoplasms as cysts.
90                                          The misdiagnosis of nonepileptic seizure is costly to patien
91 arly pregnancy failure potentially result in misdiagnosis of nonviability or poor prognosis when appl
92 n (IOI) is inconsistent, leading to frequent misdiagnosis of other orbital entities, including cancer
93 ile most 'SWEDD' cases are due to a clinical misdiagnosis of PD, there exists a small proportion of p
94 en false information, fueling arguments over misdiagnosis of persistent vegetative state and raising
95                                              Misdiagnosis of presumed appendicitis is an adverse outc
96 search regarding the sources contributing to misdiagnosis of psychiatric disorders in this population
97 renosum is a diagnosis of exclusion, and the misdiagnosis of pyoderma gangrenosum can result in subst
98                                          The misdiagnosis of pyoderma gangrenosum is not uncommon and
99                               In this study, misdiagnosis of SAH occurred in 12% of patients and was
100                                              Misdiagnosis of the deformities is common-particularly w
101 amiliarity with T. foetus in cats as well as misdiagnosis of the organisms as Pentatrichomonas homini
102 y pinpointing the causes of resurgence, with misdiagnosis of the problem epidemiologically ineffectiv
103 t findings with both modalities will lead to misdiagnosis of the spinal level by two or more segments
104                                              Misdiagnosis of the syndrome, as well as misunderstandin
105 s of MECs was demonstrated in order to avoid misdiagnosis of this rare type of tumor.
106 f motor output and may therefore lead to the misdiagnosis of vegetative state or minimally conscious
107 ic strategies to reduce delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis, optimize management, and improve understan
108 y presents in an atypical fashion leading to misdiagnosis or a delay in diagnosis.
109 n such confusing, complicated cases, because misdiagnosis or delay in the right diagnosis can result
110 adolescents is unique, causing high rates of misdiagnosis or delayed treatment.
111                                              Misdiagnosis, or delayed diagnosis, of MMP with ocular i
112                                          The misdiagnosis perpetuated the unnecessary removal of tree
113 avioural assessment and help reduce the high misdiagnosis rate reported in these patients.
114 ith use of the tiny, small, and medium ROIs, misdiagnosis rates would be 2.3%, 0.5%, and 0.5%, respec
115  However, radiologic performance may lead to misdiagnosis, rendering questionable the use of chest co
116 rge series, pediatric HSK had a high rate of misdiagnosis, stromal involvement, recurrence, and visio
117 r toxin B alone will result in more frequent misdiagnosis than testing for both toxins.
118 of cerebellar infarction, from diagnosis and misdiagnosis to patients' monitoring, treatment, and pot
119 rovider (unadjusted OR 3.9; 95% CI 1.7-8.8), misdiagnosis (unadjusted OR 6.8; 95% CI 2.5-18.7), being
120  with normal mental status at first contact, misdiagnosis was associated with worse QOL at 3 months a
121                                              Misdiagnosis was defined as failure to correctly diagnos
122           To minimize the issue of potential misdiagnosis, we have also performed the analysis includ
123 ction, and optimal TST cutpoints to minimize misdiagnosis, were computed for different assumptions ab
124 hy and to determine which most often lead to misdiagnosis when evaluated by a glaucoma specialist.
125  no mutations were identified, 3 were due to misdiagnosis, with the remaining 2 likely carrying LMAN1

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