


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e quality and experimental errors and easily misinterpreted.
2 precise, not consistently defined, and often misinterpreted.
3       Much of this information is ignored or misinterpreted.
4 sion in the literature, remaining ignored or misinterpreted.
5 subgroups'), and negative results are easily misinterpreted.
6 nd we suggest that the original results were misinterpreted.
7 s that, upon checking, turn out to have been misinterpreted.
8  further, the estimates have frequently been misinterpreted.
9 1/61 [51%]), (ii) the LA/Q agglutination was misinterpreted (13/61 [21%]), (iii) two serotypes or set
10  of a flawed assay; in addition, the authors misinterpret a key reference to explain their results, c
11 gh frequency should reduce the likelihood of misinterpreting air within a redundant right-sided sigmo
12 rmined by different laboratories were indeed misinterpreted and actually contain UNAM and covalently
13 arized, since these are frequently missed or misinterpreted and require the radiologist's input in pr
14 mmation, specifically in the brain, has been misinterpreted and that IL-23, and not IL-12, is the cri
15 ever, these dramatic effects might have been misinterpreted and therefore possible toxicity may not h
16 rns of replicating DNA on 2-D gels have been misinterpreted and, in some cases, may represent such no
17 entified at the time of imaging, potentially misinterpreted, and mismanaged.
18 ns (25% [95% CI: 14%, 36%]) were potentially misinterpreted, and seven lesions (12% [95% CI: 3%, 20%]
19  that the evidence for scaling in Xenopus is misinterpreted, and that their model for embryonic patte
20 sign mesocrystal structure may be frequently misinterpreted, and that these calcite/polymer crystals
21 se in levels of pentacoordinate NO-Hb can be misinterpreted as a disappearance of MetHb associated wi
22          In the first case, the ligament was misinterpreted as a displaced flap tear of the posterior
23 ptake should be recognized and should not be misinterpreted as a malignant metastatic process or as m
24                   This finding should not be misinterpreted as a pathologic mass.
25 ic patients who underwent splenectomy can be misinterpreted as a recurrence, especially in the case o
26          New transgenic strategies have been misinterpreted as a replacement for SIT.
27 e these normal variants so that they are not misinterpreted as a significant pathologic state.
28 ncation artifact in the spinal cord could be misinterpreted as a syrinx.
29 tissues and blood has sometimes been wrongly misinterpreted as active infection.
30 onic wall redundancy at CT was prospectively misinterpreted as acute colonic disease in five adult pa
31 erior talofibular ligament and should not be misinterpreted as an articular erosion or osteochondral
32 rose from the bladder (one prostate mass was misinterpreted as an intrinsic bladder mass).
33 bject shows a transient behavior that can be misinterpreted as anomalous subdiffusion.
34 tention in the medical literature and may be misinterpreted as being due to physiologically significa
35 accounts for the kinetic behavior previously misinterpreted as being mixed first- and second-order in
36 ations include slowness due to comorbidities misinterpreted as bradykinesia, a tardive syndrome relat
37  induced by CSF treatments and should not be misinterpreted as diffuse bone marrow metastases.
38  interruption of absorptive processes can be misinterpreted as enhanced secretion in the Ussing chamb
39 on from maternal tissues has been repeatedly misinterpreted as epigenetic phenomena, which has result
40 tically nonsignificant results should not be misinterpreted as evidence of "equivalence." For establi
41 -week antimicrobial treatment, should not be misinterpreted as failure to respond to treatment.
42                 Reducing noise that could be misinterpreted as flow and annealing discontinuous vesse
43 which are inherent to the PCR process can be misinterpreted as fluctuations in the relative C:5'mC:5'
44 ific alpha-galactosidase A gene variants are misinterpreted as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy because of
45 -Hb that occur at low NO to Hb ratios can be misinterpreted as increases in MetHb levels associated w
46 ouble addition of sensory responses could be misinterpreted as interactions.
47 ories yield apparent age peaks that could be misinterpreted as LHB-type events.
48 e incorrectly ablated in 5 cases having been misinterpreted as LR.
49 th and propagation of CP zones can easily be misinterpreted as nonpropagating behavior.
50                   Undetected chimeras may be misinterpreted as novel species, causing inflated estima
51 e from such defects may previously have been misinterpreted as originating from single nanocrystal qu
52                       Findings that could be misinterpreted as perigraft leak were evaluated.
53 35%) patients, findings that could have been misinterpreted as perigraft leak were identified.
54                 Outside of Africa, it may be misinterpreted as racial pigmentation or pose a diagnost
55 s in which a failure to proliferate has been misinterpreted as replicative senescence.
56 om undesired water saturation, should not be misinterpreted as stenotic or occlusive vascular disease
57 smission of integrated HHV-6 could have been misinterpreted as substantial active infection and, thus
58  because an under-methylated position may be misinterpreted as the erroneous site of a linkage or sub
59 ace); such nuclear movements were previously misinterpreted as the radial intercalation of cells.
60 stimate warming by BC." However, the authors misinterpret at least some model results and omit optica
61 cells in immune defense could potentially be misinterpreted because of the unintended depletion of Ag
62 alidated, and some questions might have been misinterpreted by respondents or subject to recall bias.
63 ution of salience to stimuli, which are then misinterpreted by the biased cognitive processes.
64        Two-thirds (10 of 15 patients) of the misinterpreted cases were overstaged as stage III.
65 coccus jannaschii, which had been previously misinterpreted due to their in-frame TGA codon.
66 ly reported for many monothiol Grxs has been misinterpreted exclusively in terms of [Fe2S2](2+) clust
67                       Common errors included misinterpreting glucose meter readings and miscalculatin
68 ration occurs, otolith chemistry data may be misinterpreted, impacting how fish and fisheries are und
69 her show that density-dependent mortality is misinterpreted in previous studies.
70 rtant motional information can be missing or misinterpreted in the model.
71 edimentary record in mudstones may have been misinterpreted in the past, with consequences for our es
72 ssil material has been poorly understood and misinterpreted in the past.
73 ognize abnormalities) or false-positive (FP, misinterpreting normal images as abnormal).
74 s and provides an explanation for previously misinterpreted or unexplained experimental results.
75 cancers had been not recognized, potentially misinterpreted, or mismanaged.
76 reply, Vezys et al. mention that we may have misinterpreted our data because we reported the putative
77 ioral response that replaces a traditionally misinterpreted phenomenon.
78 ry produce image features that were probably misinterpreted previously as discrete jets.
79 loss (edentulism), the trend continues to be misinterpreted, producing flawed projections and misdire
80 n adulthood (median, 38 years) and was often misinterpreted radiologically as brain malignancies; 1 p
81 lenges our results on the basis that we have misinterpreted some model results, omitted optical focus
82   We then respond to commentators who either misinterpreted some parts of our target article or made
83 utational results that were performed on the misinterpreted structure demonstrating that the enol for
84                       Because of the risk of misinterpreting such patterns, routine assessment of eac
85                                    A bias to misinterpret the facial expressions of peers as angry ma
86                             Physicians might misinterpret the presence of Candida spp. in respiratory
87 of an exposure is under study, it is easy to misinterpret the results of a logistic regression analys
88 ters, even on random data, and it is easy to misinterpret the results without some objective measure
89 ignore earlier ones that might cause them to misinterpret the salience of current day lengths.
90 biology using leukemic cell lines might have misinterpreted the importance of this pathway for T-cell
91 ficance of vulnerable subpopulations; and it misinterpreted the meaning of effect size as a criterion
92  In 31.6 percent of the cases the physicians misinterpreted the test results.
93 ) exhausting autonomous decision-making; (2) misinterpreting the evidence; (3) conditioned response;
94 undscape and are able to communicate without misinterpreting the messages.
95  the kidney are the same processes or we are misinterpreting the similar expression of genes under di
96  originally developed by Fatt and colleagues misinterprets the behavior of the Clark microelectrode.
97 em that is likely to result from some cells 'misinterpreting' the ecdysteroid peaks that drive metamo
98                   If the difference data are misinterpreted to be statistically independent samples,
99                           This fact is often misinterpreted to suggest that obesity is caused by glut
100                            Misunderstood and misinterpreted use of BSA conversions may have disastrou
101 ssified as indeterminate and three (4%) were misinterpreted with single-energy CT alone and were corr
102 rtant biological function, can be missing or misinterpreted with the semistatic model.

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