


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  literacy were significantly associated with misunderstanding.
2  clearly communicated to the public to avoid misunderstanding.
3 ilarity analysis, and address some potential misunderstandings.
4 om optimistic biases rather than simply from misunderstandings.
5 nction of IRESs (if they are IRESs) promotes misunderstandings.
6                  We model the probability of misunderstanding a signal and show that this limits the
7 , it has also resulted in misconceptions and misunderstanding about some fundamental issues.
8 ately, this thesis was formed around several misunderstandings about Cypriot environments and society
9 ients and physicians demonstrate significant misunderstandings about deactivation.
10 of the research community's and lay public's misunderstandings about nutritional epidemiology researc
11 tially explain the high prevalence of family misunderstandings about prognosis in intensive care unit
12 he anti-diet movement, public confusion, and misunderstandings about scientific reports.
13 ir own legal context and to correct possible misunderstandings about statutory compatibility, a state
14 action to penicillin and the clinicians' own misunderstandings about the characteristics of a true pe
15                        There are significant misunderstandings about the management of perioperative
16 hese differences are likely due to biases or misunderstandings about the trajectory of advanced nonma
17  statistically significantly associated with misunderstanding (adjusted relative risk, 2.98 [CI, 1.40
18 tary informed consent, and the potential for misunderstanding among research participants when access
19 pective potentially contributes to continued misunderstanding and apathy toward fulfilling the regula
20                            We corrected this misunderstanding and devised a new analysis to quantify
21 hors did not examine the association between misunderstanding and medication error or evaluate patien
22 ealth by means of negative religious coping, misunderstanding and miscommunication, and negative beli
23 almost 60-year history by a large measure of misunderstanding and the perception of a grim outcome wi
24 the conceptual resources to explain artistic misunderstandings and the emotional consequences of hist
25 n to initiate and maintain a dialog to avoid misunderstandings and to reduce anxiety between members
26 ystems and policies that create impediments, misunderstanding, and sometimes misinformation.
27                                            A misunderstanding appears to exist regarding the appropri
28 suggest that these differences could lead to misunderstandings between doctor and patient, which coul
29 uscitate orders include differing values and misunderstandings between physicians and their patients
30 ad to increased family tensions generated by misunderstanding, blame and secrecy.
31 orms is unlikely to be the primary source of misunderstanding by subjects in phase 1 oncology trials.
32          Physicians also reported correcting misunderstandings by providing targeted education, and s
33 gate's prognostic estimates of at least 20%; misunderstandings by surrogates (defined as any differen
34 urrogate decision makers and were related to misunderstandings by surrogates about physicians' assess
35 ances (28%), discordance was related to both misunderstandings by surrogates and differences in belie
36 atient's prognosis; 38 (17%) were related to misunderstandings by surrogates only; 7 (3%) were relate
37               Unfortunately, that conceptual misunderstanding can lead to bias by investigators who f
38 nicians, communication barriers and cultural misunderstandings can impede the care of dying Latino pa
39 s proposal, however, is based on a number of misunderstandings concerning the organic chemistry invol
40 derstanding of how to maximize income; (iii) misunderstanding correlates with higher levels of cooper
41                                        These misunderstandings have led to assumptions regarding the
42 The very concept of "ancestry" is subject to misunderstanding in both the general and scientific comm
43 hing about Challenger and incorporated these misunderstandings into their memories as false details.
44 orts social communication and which produces misunderstanding is central to the evolving needs of mod
45                                   Finally, a misunderstanding is corrected about a disadvantage of la
46 nterventions that address areas of physician misunderstanding, it is important to identify these comp
47 nderstanding of how to maximize income, with misunderstanding leading to the appearance of cooperatio
48                                Participants' misunderstandings, misconceptions and confusion about di
49 eflects fear of recurrence and in some cases misunderstanding of future cancer risks.
50 sm of meta-analysis has been based on simple misunderstanding of how meta-analyses are actually carri
51 ature of estimating NNT, there is widespread misunderstanding of its pitfalls.
52 re that their analysis is based on a partial misunderstanding of neutral theory and that their data a
53 t their arguments are incorrect and based on misunderstanding of our analysis and that their alternat
54      First, a challenge is made by us that a misunderstanding of physiology has led to incomplete or
55 deas behind pseudoreplication are based on a misunderstanding of statistical independence, the nature
56 rdiovascular dysfunction may be related to a misunderstanding of the biologic potential of the cells.
57                 Recent literature hints at a misunderstanding of the difference between active, paras
58     Misdiagnosis of the syndrome, as well as misunderstanding of the disease process, continues to co
59               Recognizing that this promotes misunderstanding of the functional organization of avian
60                        Hazards in misuse and misunderstanding of the information exist.
61 itate order highlights larger problems: 1) a misunderstanding of the meaning and scope of a do-not-re
62 bdaS can be dramatically inflated because of misunderstanding of the original definition of lambdaS,
63 tion; and physician discomfort and community misunderstanding of the process of donation after cardia
64 structed and shown to originate in a serious misunderstanding of the role of principal components and
65 the ineffective delivery of IPTp-SP included misunderstanding of the upper limit of the gestational a
66 e that these suggested problems arise from a misunderstanding of two fundamental points: first, inclu
67 nal distancing caused by art schemata (e.g., misunderstandings of artistic intentions and contexts).
68                     Such confusion indicates misunderstandings of both.
69         However, this model embodies several misunderstandings of life history constructs and princip
70                                  Some recent misunderstandings of metabolic control analysis have led
71 of biology use mathematics for this purpose, misunderstandings of the function of proof-of-concept mo
72 has not been sufficiently appreciated due to misunderstandings of the power of the empirical valence
73 w the vulnerability of simple reciprocity of misunderstanding or misimplementation can be eliminated
74  hypertension itself may contribute to these misunderstandings, particularly in regards to the role o
75                                              Misunderstanding prognosis in the prolonged mechanical v
76  probes, or bulk analyses leads too often to misunderstandings regarding cell death events.
77                   We first clarify potential misunderstandings regarding the model's contributions an
78 d nomenclature of these proteins can lead to misunderstandings regarding their identity and possible
79    Therefore, HCM has emerged from an era of misunderstanding, stigma, and pessimism, experiencing va
80             Thus the risk for cross-cultural misunderstandings surrounding care at the end of life is
81                            The conflicts and misunderstandings surrounding her situation offer import
82                        It is unclear how the misunderstanding that Rubus fruits (e.g., blackberries,
83 ware of parents' priorities and the sorts of misunderstandings that can arise with parents.
84 f HFCS in a factual manner to clarify common misunderstandings that have been a source of confusion t
85 e of the new terminology has led to semantic misunderstandings that impair communication between the
86 timating the recurrence risk of deafness and misunderstanding the concept of inheritance.
87 dications were independently associated with misunderstanding the instructions on prescription medica
88                         Contrary to a common misunderstanding, the method does not overlook segments
89                We clarify what may have been misunderstandings to argue that our methods, analyses, a
90             By identifying specific areas of misunderstanding, we can design better educational inter
91 g certain disease conditions, but can create misunderstanding when the limitations are not fully appr
92      We offer suggestions to limit potential misunderstandings when multiple effect estimates are pre
93 hese prioritised issues parents had specific misunderstandings, which had the potential to influence
94                              I correct their misunderstandings while agreeing with their view that po
95  its importance in PC2 regulation, there are misunderstandings with respect to the definition of the

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