


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 assays and treatment with the Sp-1 inhibitor mithramycin.
2 and D-mycarose, of the anticancer antibiotic mithramycin.
3 strategies, and it showed less toxicity than mithramycin.
4 rsor, premithramycin B, into the active drug mithramycin.
5 tent of TAC hypertrophy and was inhibited by mithramycin.
6 on and attachment of the A-B disaccharide in mithramycin.
7 ffects of the GC-selective DNA-binding drug, Mithramycin A (MA) on hdm2 mRNA transcription, trafficki
8           In addition, both BA treatment and mithramycin A (MMA) treatment inhibited lung tumor growt
9                                              Mithramycin A (trade name Plicamycin) is an aureolic aci
10                     Here we demonstrate that mithramycin A and its structural analog chromomycin A3 a
11         Together, these results suggest that mithramycin A and its structural analogs may be effectiv
12              Binding to DNA was inhibited by mithramycin A and was greater in nuclear extracts from c
13                    The protective effects of mithramycin A cannot be attributed to global inhibition
14 A treatment and inhibition of the binding by mithramycin A decreased TPA-induced promoter activity as
15 ed previously differ in their sensitivity to mithramycin A inhibition; the hypoxia-mimic-induced expr
16                    Sp1 inhibition in vivo by mithramycin A leads to down-regulation of a luciferase r
17  Sp family factors binding to this GC box by mithramycin A led to a significant increase in the endog
18  by the observation that Sp1 knockdown using mithramycin A or shRNA decreases DNMT1 protein levels, w
19                                              Mithramycin A or Sp1-specific short interfering RNA down
20      Combined treatment with bevacizumab and mithramycin A produced synergistic tumor suppression, wh
21 f Sp1-mediated transcriptional activation by mithramycin A reduced endogenous P2X7 receptor levels in
22 rference RNA or inhibition of Sp1 binding by mithramycin A repressed Fyn protein expression.
23 moter and inhibition of Sp1 DNA binding with mithramycin A suppressed the ABCA1 promoter activity and
24                    Sp1/Sp3 RNA silencing and mithramycin A treatment significantly inhibited GLTP pro
25  site-directed mutagenesis, ChIP assays, and mithramycin A treatment, we identified the core promoter
26       We correlate the protective effects of mithramycin A with its ability to inhibit enhanced DNA b
27 ced expression of Galpha(i2) is inhibited by mithramycin A, a compound that interferes with Sp1 bindi
28 RNA, a heterozygous Sp1 knock-out mouse, and mithramycin A, a DNA-intercalating agent that inhibits S
29  following Sp1 and Sp3 overexpression, while Mithramycin A, a selective Sp1 inhibitor, reduced the pr
30                Sp1 small interfering RNA and mithramycin A, a Sp1 binding site inhibitor, resulted in
31 C5AC-luc activity, whereas co-treatment with mithramycin A, a Sp1 inhibitor, abolished CS-induced MUC
32                                              Mithramycin A, a specific inhibitor of Sp1 oligonucleoti
33           Treatment of MDA MB 231 cells with mithramycin A, an inhibitor of Sp1 binding, or siRNA kno
34                                              Mithramycin A, an inhibitor of Sp1-DNA interaction, redu
35                               Treatment with mithramycin A, an Sp1 inhibitor, suppressed the expressi
36         Furthermore, dominant negative SP-1, mithramycin A, and SP-1 shRNA decreased VEGF promoter ac
37      Chemical inhibition of Sp1 binding with mithramycin A, or deletion of the GC boxes, inhibited CO
38 rter gene transfection, and was sensitive to mithramycin A, suggesting the involvement of a specifici
39 a, and 4) inhibition of Sp1 DNA binding with mithramycin A.
40  primary striatal cultures were inhibited by mithramycin A.
41 ndent inhibitory effect of the SP1 inhibitor mithramycin A.
42 rated by the inhibition of Sp1 binding using mithramycin A.
43 ors of the ESET promoter in neurons and that mithramycin, a clinically approved guanosine-cytosine-ri
44 gned to explore the therapeutic potential of mithramycin, a clinically approved guanosine-cytosine-ri
45 alpha-induced TP mRNA levels were reduced by mithramycin, a DNA-binding transcription inhibitor speci
46                                              Mithramycin, a Sp1 inhibitor, decreased minimal promoter
47  with RU 486 or ablation of Sp1 binding with mithramycin abrogated MAO-A mRNA induction.
48 geting Sox2(+) cells with the antineoplastic mithramycin abrogated tumor growth.
49 eemingly involved in the biosynthesis of the mithramycin aglycon, respectively.
50 one deacetylase inhibitors was attenuated by mithramycin, an inhibitor of Sp1 binding to GC-rich DNA
51  PaCa-2 Sp1 transfectants) when treated with mithramycin, an inhibitor of Sp1 binding, showed a reduc
52 e-induced ubiquitin expression is blocked by mithramycin, an inhibitor of Sp1 binding.
53 factors and are functionally important since mithramycin, an inhibitor of Sp1/Sp3 binding, blocks MUC
54   Initial studies in IEC-6 cells showed that mithramycin, an Sp1 inhibitor, reduced expression of Atp
55 e we use structure-activity relationships of mithramycin analogs to discover that selective DNA-bindi
56 ilitate the generation of chemically diverse mithramycin analogues through combinatorial biosynthesis
57 illaceus mutant, which accumulated three new mithramycin analogues, namely mithramycin SA, demycarosy
58                        Furthermore, selected mithramycin analogues, namely, premithramycin B, mithram
59 he production of the D-mycarose (sugar E) of mithramycin and as a ketoreductase seemingly involved in
60 gomer complexes and Ni(2+) > Co(2+) for both mithramycin and chromomycin complexes.
61  The combined pharmacological treatment with mithramycin and cystamine down-regulates ESET gene expre
62 luding antitumour aromatic compounds such as mithramycin and macrolide antibiotics such as erythromyc
63 to MtmOIV and OxyS, which are enzymes in the mithramycin and oxytetracycline biosynthetic pathways, r
64 A-binding drugs, including chromomycin A(3), mithramycin and the novel compound UK-1, were examined v
65                                              Mithramycin binding sites in the human c-Ki-ras promoter
66                                              Mithramycin binding within the c-Ki-ras promoter complet
67 atalyzes the key frame-modifying step of the mithramycin biosynthetic pathway and currently the only
68 trate flexibility of post-PKS enzymes of the mithramycin biosynthetic pathway.
69                            The Sp1 inhibitor mithramycin blocked stimulation of alpha2(I) collagen mR
70                            The Spl inhibitor mithramycin blocked stimulation of the alpha2(I) collage
71  B into the tricyclic immediate precursor of mithramycin, can act on a substrate analogue with a modi
72                             However, the new mithramycin derivatives bear unexpectedly shorter 3-side
73      Instead of obtaining premithramycin and mithramycin derivatives with a modified E-sugar upon ina
74 s, two premithramycin-type molecules and two mithramycin derivatives, were isolated from mutant strai
75 esis approaches, we have generated seven new mithramycin derivatives, which differ from the parental
76 potentially achievable in clinical settings, mithramycin diminished basal as well as CSC-mediated inc
77 cterize the interaction of DNA binding drugs mithramycin, distamycin, and berenil with an intermolecu
78 f a transgenic mouse model of HD (R6/2) with mithramycin extended survival by 29.1%, greater than any
79 phageal cancers, and support clinical use of mithramycin for repressing ABCG2 and inhibiting stem cel
80 AI-1 and p21 is blocked by the Sp1 inhibitor mithramycin, implicating Sp1 in the in vivo regulation o
81     Two such anthracyclines, chromomycin and mithramycin, improved altered nucleosome homeostasis in
82 ed a binding preference for chromomycin over mithramycin in the presence of Co(2+) and Ni(2+).
83 ated Nix promoter activity was suppressed by mithramycin inhibition of Sp1-DNA interactions.
84        A possible biological significance of mithramycin interaction with intramolecular triplex is d
85 it is Food and Drug Administration-approved, mithramycin is a promising drug for the treatment of HD.
86                                              Mithramycin is an antitumor compound produced by Strepto
87                                              Mithramycin is an aureolic acid-type antimicrobial and a
88 loring enzymes involved in the production of mithramycin is an effective way of gaining further infor
89                                              Mithramycin (MIT) and tolfenamic acid (TA) inhibit the a
90       The aureolic acid antitumor antibiotic mithramycin (MTM) inhibits both cancer growth and bone r
91                  DNA binding natural product mithramycin (MTM) is a potent antagonist of oncogenic tr
92 nalized pentyl side chain attached at C-3 of mithramycin (MTM), we focused on a post-polyketide synth
93 pression correlates with protective doses of mithramycin or its analogs.
94 e p21 when Sp1 was functionally inhibited by mithramycin or siRNA-mediated down-regulation.
95 W, a gene located ca. 8 kb downstream of the mithramycin-PKS genes, yielded an S. argillaceus mutant,
96                     The antitumor antibiotic mithramycin prolongs survival of mouse models of Hunting
97 ated three new mithramycin analogues, namely mithramycin SA, demycarosyl-mithramycin SK, and mithramy
98 hramycin SA, demycarosyl-mithramycin SK, and mithramycin SK (MTM-SK).
99 e MTM 3-pentyl side chain led to a compound (mithramycin SK) with the same DNA binding specificity bu
100 ramycin analogues, namely, premithramycin B, mithramycin SK, 7-demethylmithramycin, 4E-ketomithramyci
101 nalogues, namely mithramycin SA, demycarosyl-mithramycin SK, and mithramycin SK (MTM-SK).
102 moter activity were all readily repressed by mithramycin, suggesting regulation by GC-rich DNA sequen
103            Microarray analyses revealed that mithramycin targeted multiple stem cell-related pathways
104                 Furthermore, the addition of mithramycin to pre-formed triplex by c-Ki-ras promoter d
105                                              Mithramycin treatment prevented the increase in H3 methy
106 onal mechanism for the salubrious effects of mithramycin, we examined transcriptional dysfunction in
107                         Both chromomycin and mithramycin were shown to bind preferentially to GC-rich
108              We had correlated protection by mithramycin with its ability to bind to GC-rich DNA and

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