


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ther (blw) gene encodes the alpha subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase.
2 hesized in eukaryotic cells primarily by the mitochondrial ATP synthase.
3  is one of several assembly modules of yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase.
4 y related to the single b subunit present in mitochondrial ATP synthase.
5 bound to the subunit c(10) ring of the yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase.
6 ediates during the assembly process of plant mitochondrial ATP synthase.
7 present study of the oxidative regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthase.
8  shown to uncouple this process in the yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase.
9 es during assembly of the F(1) moiety of the mitochondrial ATP synthase.
10 inorganic phosphate from cellular ATPases to mitochondrial ATP synthase.
11 utations in the alpha- and gamma-subunits of mitochondrial ATP synthase.
12 equired for assembly of the F1 moiety of the mitochondrial ATP synthase.
13 r proper assembly of the F1 component of the mitochondrial ATP synthase.
14 omicroscopy (cryo-EM) analysis of the bovine mitochondrial ATP synthase.
15 eural dysfunction, and a marked reduction in mitochondrial ATP synthase activity associated with this
16                           This increased the mitochondrial ATP synthase activity to the extent that g
17 en the cytosol and matrix, [MgADP]-dependent mitochondrial ATP synthase activity, and cytosolic free
18 um handling, beta-adrenergic responsiveness, mitochondrial ATP synthase activity, cell survival signa
19 expressed 20-35%, including the f-subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase and a retrovirus-related DNA.
20  of transcripts encoding the Fo-f subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase and manganese superoxide dism
21 hat CCCP lowered ATP levels by reversing the mitochondrial ATP synthase and so reducing SR Ca2+ refil
22 rring protein, an essential component of the mitochondrial ATP synthase, and is ubiquitously expresse
23 block the formation of the F(1) component of mitochondrial ATP synthase are also petite-negative.
24                        We identified ectopic mitochondrial ATP synthase as a factor that mediates HIV
25 e, we present the structure of intact bovine mitochondrial ATP synthase at approximately 18 A resolut
26  W-chromosomal gene for the alpha subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase (ATP5A1W).
27                           We knocked out the mitochondrial ATP synthase beta subunit gene in the rode
28 membrane potential and having identified the mitochondrial ATP synthase beta subunit in a screen for
29 length epitope-tagged ROMK2 colocalizes with mitochondrial ATP synthase beta.
30 ior genetic studies indicated that the yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase can be assembled into enzyme
31                                              Mitochondrial ATP synthase catalyzes the coupling of oxi
32                     Our data reveal that the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex functions in the bloo
33 ction between protein C7orf55 (FMC1) and the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex that we have experime
34 Pase 6, a component of the F0 portion of the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex.
35 th the myofibrils: GAPDH and proteins of the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex.
36                                          The mitochondrial ATP synthase couples the flow of protons w
37 ologous to the 5'UTR of mouse, rat and human mitochondrial ATP synthase coupling factor 6 (ATPsynCF6)
38     We determined the structure of an intact mitochondrial ATP synthase dimer by electron cryo-micros
39 he in situ structure and organization of the mitochondrial ATP synthase dimer of the ciliate Parameci
40 aging to determine the in situ structures of mitochondrial ATP synthase dimers from two organisms bel
41                        Using yeast models of mitochondrial ATP synthase disorders, we screened a drug
42 ecular insight into the complex structure of mitochondrial ATP synthase (F(0)F(1)) and its relationsh
43                                          The mitochondrial ATP synthase (F(1)-F(0) complex) of Saccha
44                                          The mitochondrial ATP synthase (F(1)F(o) complex) is an evol
45 ansduction and stress responses, whereas the mitochondrial ATP synthase F0 subunit component is a vas
46 rotein (OSCP) is an essential subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase (F0F1) long regarded as being
47 sitivity conferring protein (OSCP) of bovine mitochondrial ATP synthase (F1Fo) indicated that a delet
48 e C-terminus within the gamma subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase form a "catch" with an anioni
49 he hydrolysis of ATP within the F1 moiety of mitochondrial ATP synthase function in a kinetically equ
50 ted membrane protein 1), SCMAS (subunit c of mitochondrial ATP synthase), glypican 5, beta-amyloid, P
51 nt zebrafish display storage of subunit c of mitochondrial ATP-synthase, hypertrophic lysosomes as we
52 ed for assembly of the F(1) component of the mitochondrial ATP synthase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
53   These data reveal the fuel-sensing role of mitochondrial ATP synthase in the control of ATP product
54                                          The mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibitor oligomycin protecte
55                   In contrast, oligomycin, a mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibitor, had minimal effect
56 ect is prevented by NMMA and mimicked by the mitochondrial ATP-synthase inhibitor oligomycin.
57 uscularis preparations were treated with the mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibitors oligomycin or dicy
58                                          The mitochondrial ATP synthase is a molecular motor, which c
59 r machinery required for the assembly of the mitochondrial ATP synthase is conserved from bovine and
60                                              Mitochondrial ATP synthase is driven by chemiosmotic oxi
61 sts and sporozoites, which demonstrates that mitochondrial ATP synthase is essential for ongoing viab
62 neration, which begs the question of whether mitochondrial ATP synthase is necessary during the blood
63                                              Mitochondrial ATP synthase is responsible for the synthe
64                                Inhibition of mitochondrial ATP synthase markedly reduces macrophage c
65 ion and nucleotide clamping or inhibition of mitochondrial ATP synthase, regulate NO signaling by sGC
66 e of catabolites, including the subunit c of mitochondrial ATP synthase (SCMAS).
67 ained from crystals of a subcomplex of yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase shows a ring of 10 c subunits
68  An X-ray structure of the F1 portion of the mitochondrial ATP synthase shows asymmetry and differenc
69 uld not be explained by the reversed mode of mitochondrial ATP-synthase, since oligomycin was not eff
70 e Drosophila gene for the epsilon-subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase, stunted (sun).
71 sitivity conferring protein (OSCP) of bovine mitochondrial ATP synthase were studied by nested deleti

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