


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ormed foci coincident with newly synthesized mitochondrial RNA.
2 m using Illumina deep sequencing of purified mitochondrial RNA.
3 on of non-encoded nucleotides into PHYSARUM: mitochondrial RNAs.
4 ivity in the organelle is reconstituted with mitochondrial RNAs.
5 e and dinucleotide addition in characterized mitochondrial RNAs.
6 ng the Pet 127 protein, which is involved in mitochondrial RNA 5' processing and degradation, also pa
7 t in the expression of factors implicated in mitochondrial RNA and DNA metabolism was accompanied by
8 nuclease that is involved in the turnover of mitochondrial RNA, and is essential for mitochondrial fu
9 y than the wild-type protein with endogenous mitochondrial RNAs, and that phenotype probably explains
10  that gRNAs represent only a subset of small mitochondrial RNAs, and yet an inexplicably high fractio
11 types in PS-modeled LamC mutations, as other mitochondrial RNAs are affected by inhibition of NE budd
12 f partial and extragenic editing in Physarum mitochondrial RNAs, as well as an additional 772 C, U an
13                   Recently, the multiprotein mitochondrial RNA binding complex 1 (MRB1) has emerged a
14                                          The mitochondrial RNA binding proteins MRP1 and MRP2 form a
15                             The multiprotein mitochondrial RNA-binding complex 1 (MRB1) is emerging a
16      RECC is largely RNA-free, and accessory mitochondrial RNA-binding complex 1 (MRB1) variants serv
17              The addition of LRPPRC/SLIRP, a mitochondrial RNA-binding complex, enhanced activity of
18 ng a different function in the regulation of mitochondrial RNA biology, from mRNA processing and matu
19 discuss the individual role that each has in mitochondrial RNA biology.
20 ells are potently activated by bacterial and mitochondrial RNA, but not by mammalian total RNA, which
21 urospora crassa DEAD-box protein CYT-19 is a mitochondrial RNA chaperone that promotes group I intron
22 n demonstrated for the archael, eucaryal, or mitochondrial RNAs, comparative sequence analysis has es
23  experiments have demonstrated that T.brucei mitochondrial RNAs contain both short (approximately 20
24                                          The mitochondrial RNA degradosome of budding yeast (mtEXO) h
25                     The results suggest that mitochondrial RNA editing at the cob-908 site is necessa
26 emically mutated plant population identified mitochondrial RNA editing factor 10 (MEF10) in Arabidops
27 described role of RRM-containing proteins as mitochondrial RNA editing factors.
28 2, or KREN3 endonucleases, are essential for mitochondrial RNA editing in Trypanosoma brucei.
29 ting by down-regulation of expression of the mitochondrial RNA editing TUTase 1 by RNA interference h
30                                          Two mitochondrial RNA editing TUTases have been described: R
31                                Kinetoplastid mitochondrial RNA editing, the insertion and deletion of
32 urrently envisioned mechanism of trypanosome mitochondrial RNA editing, U-insertion and U-deletion cy
33   Because tRNA(Gln)(UUG) is a constituent of mitochondrial RNA fractions and is encoded only by nucle
34 r complement of tRNA(Gln)(UUG) is present in mitochondrial RNA fractions, compared with 1% or less fo
35                                              Mitochondrial RNA gel blot analyses indicated that all f
36 lasm maize lines, inbreds, and F1 hybrids by mitochondrial RNA gel blot analyses revealed that Rf8 is
37 stinct foci, which we have previously termed mitochondrial RNA granules (MRGs).
38 2, and FASTKD5, FASTKD3 does not localize in mitochondrial RNA granules, which are sites of processin
39 Here, we discuss the recently characterized "mitochondrial RNA granules," mitochondrial subdomains wi
40 with the observation that h-mtTFB1 and human mitochondrial RNA (h-mtRNA) polymerase can also be coimm
41              Yeast SUV3 is a nuclear encoded mitochondrial RNA helicase that complexes with an exorib
42 aromyces cerevisiae has been classified as a mitochondrial RNA helicase.
43  FT1 insertion in supv3l1, a gene encoding a mitochondrial RNA helicase.
44 on of the import requirements indicates that mitochondrial RNA import proceeds by a pathway including
45 ion of a mammalian protein directly bound to mitochondrial RNA in vivo and provide a possible molecul
46                         Northern analysis of mitochondrial RNAs in an atp25 temperature-sensitive mut
47                                              Mitochondrial RNAs in Trypanosoma brucei are post-transc
48                                              Mitochondrial RNAs in Trypanosoma brucei undergo posttra
49 d TFB2M correlated with the level of nascent mitochondrial RNA intensity (r = 0.896; P = 0.0156).
50                       Maturation of Physarum mitochondrial RNA involves the highly specific insertion
51 l translation and reveal that f(5)C in human mitochondrial RNA is generated by oxidative processing o
52 on of non-encoded nucleotides into PHYSARUM: mitochondrial RNAs is closely linked to transcription.
53 ockdown with RNA interference did not affect mitochondrial RNA levels.
54                      These properties of the mitochondrial RNA ligase are consistent with an expected
55        It was shown previously that the REL1 mitochondrial RNA ligase in Trypanosoma brucei was a vit
56                                              Mitochondrial RNA ligase subsequently rejoins the mRNA.
57                      The function of MAR1 in mitochondrial RNA metabolism in L. tarentolae remains to
58                          Further analysis of mitochondrial RNA metabolism revealed that the slo3 muta
59  the less characterized members, FASTKD3, in mitochondrial RNA metabolism.
60 , has been implicated in multiple aspects of mitochondrial RNA metabolism.
61                     As a result, failures in mitochondrial RNA metabolisms were responsible for the c
62 s of modifications at U(34) of tRNAs altered mitochondrial RNA metabolisms, causing a degradation of
63 itochondrial membrane and directly regulates mitochondrial RNA (mtRNA) homeostasis and bioenergetics.
64                                              Mitochondrial RNA (mtRNA) polymerases are related to bac
65               In vivo, functional defects in mitochondrial RNA (mtRNA) translation and cell respirati
66 e promoter DNA template, and mutation of the mitochondrial RNA polymerase (mtRNAP) affect the kinetic
67 embly of an initiation complex that includes mitochondrial RNA polymerase (mtRNAP) and the initiation
68                Despite identification of the mitochondrial RNA polymerase (mtRNAP) from several organ
69 ication and functional characterization of a mitochondrial RNA polymerase (mtRNAP) from Trypanosoma b
70                                          The mitochondrial RNA polymerase (mtRNAP) of Saccharomyces c
71 chondrial DNA are transcribed by a dedicated mitochondrial RNA polymerase (mtRNAP) that is encoded in
72 tro transcription system with purified human mitochondrial RNA polymerase (POLRMT) and transcription
73  shown that human MRPL12 binds and activates mitochondrial RNA polymerase (POLRMT), and hence has dis
74 omplex comprising mitochondrial transcripts, mitochondrial RNA polymerase (POLRMT), pentatricopeptide
75                                    The yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is a two-subunit enz
76                                    The yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is composed of the c
77 n, we show that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial RNA polymerase (Rpo41) and its transcripti
78 ates, we have discovered that the yeast core mitochondrial RNA polymerase (Rpo41) has the intrinsic a
79 22 bp protein-coding region of the T. brucei mitochondrial RNA polymerase (TBMTRNAP) gene is predicte
80 uence similarity to Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial RNA polymerase and bacteriophage RNA polym
81 mtDNA promoters, LSP and HSP1, only requires mitochondrial RNA polymerase and h-mtTFB2 in vitro.
82  hybrid lines with different combinations of mitochondrial RNA polymerase and mtDNA genotypes.
83 an transcription elongation factor TEFM with mitochondrial RNA polymerase and nascent transcript prev
84 monstrated that mtDNA transcription requires mitochondrial RNA polymerase and Tfam, a DNA binding sti
85 ext of editing sites and the accuracy of the mitochondrial RNA polymerase argue that the mechanism of
86 that occur between the subunits of the yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase can serve as a simple model
87         Binding of Mss116p stabilizes paused mitochondrial RNA polymerase elongation complexes in vit
88 modulates the activity of the single-subunit mitochondrial RNA polymerase encoded by RPO41.
89 ressed from an alternative transcript of the mitochondrial RNA polymerase gene (POLRMT).
90                  Lines bearing certain mtDNA-mitochondrial RNA polymerase genotypic combinations show
91 nal domain (ATD) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial RNA polymerase has been shown to provide a
92  CSB specifically promoted elongation by the mitochondrial RNA polymerase in vitro.
93     The amino-terminal domain (ATD) of yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase is required to couple trans
94 ndrial role by directly interacting with the mitochondrial RNA polymerase POLRMT to stimulate mtDNA t
95 fficiency of transcription initiation by the mitochondrial RNA polymerase Rpo41 and its initiation fa
96 dies of the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mitochondrial RNA polymerase Rpo41 and its transcription
97 ient petite phenotype of a point mutation in mitochondrial RNA polymerase that affects mitochondrial
98 es, we demonstrate LRP130 complexes with the mitochondrial RNA polymerase to activate mitochondrial t
99 racterization of a developmentally regulated mitochondrial RNA polymerase transcript in the parasitic
100 n initiation factors TFAM and TFB2M on human mitochondrial RNA polymerase, and interactions of the la
101 ranscription machinery (NEP), related to the mitochondrial RNA polymerase, has been recognized only r
102 NA transcription in the presence of Tfam and mitochondrial RNA polymerase, have been identified in ma
103 P-IV lacks 262 amino-terminal amino acids of mitochondrial RNA polymerase, including the mitochondria
104                                        Human mitochondrial RNA polymerase, POLRMT, is required for mi
105  length heterogeneity on the activity of the mitochondrial RNA polymerase, POLRMT.
106  factors, TFAM and TFB2M, in addition to the mitochondrial RNA polymerase, POLRMT.
107 hat during in vitro transcription with human mitochondrial RNA polymerase, stable and persistent RNA-
108 stem comprising the bacteriophage T7-related mitochondrial RNA polymerase, the rRNA methyltransferase
109 f the mitochondrial transcription apparatus (mitochondrial RNA polymerase, transcription factor 2B an
110  involves transient pausing by the Physarum: mitochondrial RNA polymerase.
111 ingle-subunit RNA polymerases, including the mitochondrial RNA polymerase.
112 are products of transcription synthesized by mitochondrial RNA polymerase.
113 the presence of newly synthesized RNA and/or mitochondrial RNA polymerase.
114 tive nucleoids and a direct interaction with mitochondrial RNA polymerase.
115 poisomerase I was co-immunoprecipitated with mitochondrial RNA polymerase.
116 inhibition of human polymerases and cellular mitochondrial RNA polymerase.
117 or recruitment of h-mtTFB1, h-mtTFB2 and the mitochondrial RNA polymerase.
118                                              Mitochondrial RNA polymerases (MtRNAPs) are members of t
119 n of which exhibits 29-37% identity with the mitochondrial RNA polymerases from other organisms in th
120  concentrations of exogenous nucleotides the mitochondrial RNA polymerases stall, generating a popula
121 ne, identified by sequence conservation with mitochondrial RNA polymerases, encodes the NEP catalytic
122 n the context of transcription initiation by mitochondrial RNA polymerases.
123 analyze the stability of different T. brucei mitochondrial RNA populations.
124                                        RNase mitochondrial RNA processing (MRP) is a ribonucleoprotei
125 In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, RNase mitochondrial RNA processing (MRP) is an essential endor
126                                        RNase mitochondrial RNA processing (MRP) is an essential ribon
127                                        RNase mitochondrial RNA processing (MRP) is an essential, evol
128  as potential substrates for mammalian RNase mitochondrial RNA processing (MRP).
129                                        RNase mitochondrial RNA processing (RNase MRP) mutants have be
130                             Several steps of mitochondrial RNA processing and maturation, including R
131                    PNPASE reduction impaired mitochondrial RNA processing and polycistronic transcrip
132 that splice-variants of proteins involved in mitochondrial RNA processing and translation may be invo
133 nd characterize the structural components of mitochondrial RNA processing and translation, the Mammal
134 he long noncoding RNA RNase component of the mitochondrial RNA processing endoribonuclease (RMRP) giv
135 crease in the levels of the RNA component of mitochondrial RNA processing endoribonuclease.
136                                        RNase mitochondrial RNA processing enzyme (MRP) is a nucleolar
137 d in association with both RNase P and RNase mitochondrial RNA processing in immunoprecipitates from
138 n RNA editing, which is an essential part of mitochondrial RNA processing in trypanosomes.
139 ion of human signal recognition particle and mitochondrial RNA processing RNAs isolated from HeLa cel
140 evisiae gene deletion strains for defects in mitochondrial RNA processing, we found that lack of any
141           Here we report that PNC components mitochondrial RNA-processing (MRP) RNA, pyrimidine tract
142 mutated and wild-type mtPAP localized to the mitochondrial RNA-processing granules thereby eliminatin
143 eover, loss of ppr results in a reduction in mitochondrial RNAs, reduced electron transport chain act
144 function, likely through a conserved role in mitochondrial RNA regulation.
145 Gln) in maintenance of mitochondrial genome, mitochondrial RNA stability, translation, and respirator
146 ew of them are identified with a function in mitochondrial RNA stability.
147  organello, we show that hTERT binds various mitochondrial RNAs, suggesting that RT activity in the o
148 rRNA maturation by-products and as part of a mitochondrial RNA surveillance pathway that eliminates s
149 g and import activities were separable and a mitochondrial RNA targeting signal was isolated that ena
150  psi residues per RNA varied from one in the mitochondrial RNAs to 57 in the cytoplasmic LSU RNA of D
151  mitochondria, here we present evidence that mitochondrial RNA transcripts (mtRNA) are not limited to
152 f d-mtTFB2 reduces the abundance of specific mitochondrial RNA transcripts 2- to 8-fold and decreases
153  of d-mtTFB2 increases both the abundance of mitochondrial RNA transcripts and the copy number of mtD
154 FB1 did not increase either the abundance of mitochondrial RNA transcripts or mitochondrial DNA copy
155 B1 does not change the abundance of specific mitochondrial RNA transcripts, nor does it affect the co
156 of the two uncharacterized genes also affect mitochondrial RNA turnover.
157                       Recently, we developed mitochondrial RNA vectors that can be used to address an
158 osoma cruzi, edit their post-transcriptional mitochondrial RNA via a multiprotein complex called the
159 n of mitochondrial mRNA and transcription of mitochondrial RNA were suppressed, whereas mRNA expressi
160                      The 3'-termini of maize mitochondrial RNAs were characterized by ligation of an
161 s typical of early embryos, or ribosomal and mitochondrial RNAs, while a majority of the remainder co
162 volved in generation of the 5'-ends of other mitochondrial RNAs, whose 5'-ends coincide with the 3'-e
163 ecules could be visualized by labeling total mitochondrial RNA with [alpha-32P]GTP and guanylyl trans

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