


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 xidative stress, and apoptosis and increased mitochondrial biogenesis.
2 supporting a key role for Nrf2 in control of mitochondrial biogenesis.
3 he preprotein import reactions essential for mitochondrial biogenesis.
4 d-induced BAT expansion and severely impairs mitochondrial biogenesis.
5  muscle mitochondrial function by increasing mitochondrial biogenesis.
6 s on muscle function, including induction of mitochondrial biogenesis.
7 mitochondrial oxygen consumption and induced mitochondrial biogenesis.
8 abolic genes, oxidative phosphorylation, and mitochondrial biogenesis.
9 pensatory mechanism is indeed an increase in mitochondrial biogenesis.
10 lin enhances physical endurance by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis.
11 oxia in kidney epithelial cells by improving mitochondrial biogenesis.
12 m targets, implying depression of the entire mitochondrial biogenesis.
13 min inhibits the opening of mPTP and induces mitochondrial biogenesis.
14  protein kinase) in ways that should promote mitochondrial biogenesis.
15 terval training (SIT) has been attributed to mitochondrial biogenesis.
16 lating the phenotype, driven by compensatory mitochondrial biogenesis.
17 F1, a major transcription factor involved in mitochondrial biogenesis.
18 ar protein S-nitrosylation, and induction of mitochondrial biogenesis.
19 and plays an essential, nonredundant role in mitochondrial biogenesis.
20 tors), and to change cell energetics through mitochondrial biogenesis.
21 ion as an antioxidant, involved in promoting mitochondrial biogenesis.
22 osphorylation of CaMKII and the induction of mitochondrial biogenesis.
23 to control BAT-selective gene expression and mitochondrial biogenesis.
24 n energy metabolism and in the regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis.
25 mitochondria and the nucleus and facilitates mitochondrial biogenesis.
26 ed intrafollicular complex I/IV activity and mitochondrial biogenesis.
27 h factor (TGF)-beta1 signaling and increases mitochondrial biogenesis.
28 ator-1 (PGC-1alpha), the master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis.
29  its importance in protein translocation and mitochondrial biogenesis.
30 phil cell transformation by increasing mtDNA/mitochondrial biogenesis.
31  a key regulator of antioxidant response and mitochondrial biogenesis.
32 uclear nNOS translocation and nNOS-dependent mitochondrial biogenesis.
33 directly promotes Ppargc1a transcription and mitochondrial biogenesis.
34 tyl CoA carboxylase and Raptor, and provokes mitochondrial biogenesis.
35  mitochondrial, and other genes required for mitochondrial biogenesis.
36  and SirT1 to the nucleus and stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis.
37  of SirT1, with that of exercise in inducing mitochondrial biogenesis.
38 ransgenic mice, a genetic model of augmented mitochondrial biogenesis.
39 nhibition of gamma-secretase or promotion of mitochondrial biogenesis.
40 nd resveratrol (RSV)-induced skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis.
41 nstrated that cryptolepine treatment reduced mitochondrial biogenesis.
42 ls resulted in reduced autophagy and reduced mitochondrial biogenesis.
43 ription of PGC-1alpha, a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis.
44 ed reduced expression of PGC-1beta, PRC, and mitochondrial biogenesis.
45 of mitochondrial dynamics and a reduction in mitochondrial biogenesis.
46 sis, foetal gene reprogramming, and impaired mitochondrial biogenesis.
47  increased fatty acid oxidation and enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis.
48 was decreased, likely secondary to decreased mitochondrial biogenesis.
49 s an energy-sensing enzyme known to modulate mitochondrial biogenesis.
50 ation of BSM cells in asthmatic patients and mitochondrial biogenesis.
51 roliferation and has also been implicated in mitochondrial biogenesis.
52              We proposed that stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis 24 hours after ischemia/reperfu
53                  In mice, OAA promotes brain mitochondrial biogenesis, activates the insulin signalin
54 4) copy number, intracellular ATP level, and mitochondrial biogenesis activators (TFAM, PGC-1alpha an
55 ma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1alpha)-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis, affording distinct growth adva
56 tional studies demonstrate that PK2 promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and activates ERK and Akt survi
57 n rodent models, exercise training increases mitochondrial biogenesis and activity in both these adip
58 ing degrees, owing to its ability to enhance mitochondrial biogenesis and activity in megakaryocytes
59          Our study demonstrates induction of mitochondrial biogenesis and aerobic glycolysis in respo
60  short-term stress responses, an increase in mitochondrial biogenesis and an increase in some catabol
61 ing glycolytic-to-oxidative myofiber switch, mitochondrial biogenesis and angiogenesis in lean mice.
62 ssion of the AMPK cascade genes, involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and antioxidant defences, was a
63 lpha) via in vivo transfection would promote mitochondrial biogenesis and antioxidant defense, thus a
64 PRC) has a dual function in growth-regulated mitochondrial biogenesis and as a sensor of metabolic st
65 PK, an energy-sensing kinase that stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis and autophagy in response to lo
66 otein kinase (AMPK) signaling and stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis and autophagy to maintain energ
67 nd decreased expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and beta-oxidation (Cox4, Nrf1,
68 dation and are involved in the regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and bioenergetics.
69                         Moreover, markers of mitochondrial biogenesis and cardiolipin content were st
70 ator 1alpha (PGC-1alpha), a key regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis and cellular energy metabolism,
71 ted by cocaine inducing energy sensor AMPKs, mitochondrial biogenesis and chromatin remodeling comple
72 al mechanism, as FXN-dependent deficiency in mitochondrial biogenesis and consequent mitochondrial bi
73   Our data unravel a novel mechanism linking mitochondrial biogenesis and distribution.
74 empt to recover OXPHOS activity by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis and dynamics.
75 rthermore, we observed that DETA-NO promotes mitochondrial biogenesis and elongation, glucose uptake,
76 ptor gamma coactivator 1alpha, regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis and energy expenditure, in the
77 their coregulators in the dynamic control of mitochondrial biogenesis and energy metabolism in the no
78 d an adaptive stress response that activated mitochondrial biogenesis and enhanced mitochondrial fatt
79 GC1alpha), key transcriptional activators of mitochondrial biogenesis and enzymes involved in oxidati
80 eatment of aged CPCs also failed to increase mitochondrial biogenesis and expression of the mitochond
81 uman liver via CYP26 inhibition may increase mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acidbeta-oxidation an
82 thyl fumarate (DMF) dose-dependently induces mitochondrial biogenesis and function dosed to cells in
83 ed differentiation place variable demands on mitochondrial biogenesis and function for cell types wit
84 nd signaling networks that serve to regulate mitochondrial biogenesis and function in the mammalian h
85 NA (mtDNA) mutations leads to alterations of mitochondrial biogenesis and function that might produce
86              Moreover, the genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and function were significantly
87 expression of anti- and pro-oxidant enzymes, mitochondrial biogenesis and function, as well as releas
88 lipid synthesis and secretion, as well as on mitochondrial biogenesis and function, could protect aga
89 ranscription factor PPAR-gamma that controls mitochondrial biogenesis and function, has a pivotal rol
90          PGC-1alpha is a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis and function.
91 duction of "adult" AChRepsilon, and impaired mitochondrial biogenesis and function.
92 -related receptor-alpha (ERRalpha) regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and glucose and fatty acid oxid
93 s, energy levels are maintained by increased mitochondrial biogenesis and glycolysis, controlled by t
94 equence, p53 is unable to slow the increased mitochondrial biogenesis and hence the subsequent increa
95 elta, PGC-1alpha signaling pathway, enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis and improved antioxidant defens
96 ar nucleus of hypertensive rats by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis and improving mitochondrial dyn
97                   Aged CPCs fail to activate mitochondrial biogenesis and increase proteins involved
98 vates AMPK, resulting in PGC-1alpha-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis and increased ROS production.
99 mpairs several cellular functions, including mitochondrial biogenesis and insulin-stimulated glucose
100  circuitry and downstream events involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and its coordination with mitoc
101 ystem is the result of a remarkable surge in mitochondrial biogenesis and maturation during the fetal
102             This regulation in turn inhibits mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolic activity and prot
103    We identified four proteins implicated in mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolism regulation as ca
104 criptional coregulators of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolism.
105  both Nox4 and Nrf2 in counter-regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolism.
106 nd, most notably, age-related impairments in mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial function.
107                       CLP-induced markers of mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial number and de
108 impact on cancer glycolysis, glutaminolysis, mitochondrial biogenesis and other major metabolic proce
109        We conclude that although increase in mitochondrial biogenesis and other pathways may contribu
110  coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1a), which mediates mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative capacity in skele
111 ngs suggest that Perm1 selectively regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative function, and imp
112 promotes transcription of genes that mediate mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative function.
113        The expression of genes important for mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative metabolism are un
114 ulation and expression of genes that promote mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative metabolism during
115 r-1beta (PGC-1beta) is a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative metabolism, lipog
116 tors in response to deacetylation to promote mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative metabolism.
117 ium and possesses dual activity, stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis and oxygen consumption while in
118                                 Reduction of mitochondrial biogenesis and phosphorylation of pyruvate
119 ains mitochondrial homeostasis by modulating mitochondrial biogenesis and PINK-1/DCT-1-dependent mito
120 esults indicate that TGR5 activation induces mitochondrial biogenesis and prevents renal oxidative st
121                                      Indeed, mitochondrial biogenesis and quality control are often u
122 s improved by exercise training through both mitochondrial biogenesis and removal of damaged/dysfunct
123                                Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration is a complex pr
124                                Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration is a complex pr
125 ugh the transcriptional programs that govern mitochondrial biogenesis and respiratory function are we
126         Concomitantly, formoterol stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis and restored the expression and
127 associated alterations on energy metabolism, mitochondrial biogenesis and restores mitochondrial memb
128 ferentiation of CD8(+) T cells and increased mitochondrial biogenesis and spare respiratory capacity
129 ll viability by reducing apoptosis, inducing mitochondrial biogenesis and strongly reducing the level
130 genes related to the mitochondrial dynamics, mitochondrial biogenesis and synapses from 6-month-old D
131 aintains mitochondrial dynamics and enhances mitochondrial biogenesis and synaptic activity in APP mi
132 d maintains mitochondrial dynamics, enhances mitochondrial biogenesis and synaptic activity in APP mi
133 d maintains mitochondrial dynamics, enhances mitochondrial biogenesis and synaptic activity in Tau mi
134 C-1 transcriptional coactivators, drivers of mitochondrial biogenesis and the browning program.
135 ion despite MAPKi treatment showed increased mitochondrial biogenesis and tumor bioenergetics.
136 n of PGC-1alpha and to explore the effect on mitochondrial biogenesis and turnover during angiogenesi
137 ng cancer cell viability by stimulating both mitochondrial biogenesis and turnover through BNIP3 indu
138 energetics support transformation, including mitochondrial biogenesis and turnover, fission and fusio
139 eeds to be confirmed is blunting of reactive mitochondrial biogenesis and unfolded protein response.
140 lpha (PGC1alpha) is the primary regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis and was recently found to be hi
141       Germline loss triggers H2S production, mitochondrial biogenesis, and a dynamic pattern of ROS i
142 d in postnatal premature mortality, impaired mitochondrial biogenesis, and altered mitochondrial matu
143 acid metabolism, transcription, cell growth, mitochondrial biogenesis, and autophagy.
144 ed their proliferation, telomerase activity, mitochondrial biogenesis, and fitness; however, the extr
145 , increases the expression of PGC-1alpha and mitochondrial biogenesis, and improves phenotype and sur
146  Decreased ovarian reserve, dysregulation of mitochondrial biogenesis, and increased lipid peroxidati
147 enes required for oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial biogenesis, and maintenance.
148 rough the inhibition of PI3K-mTOR signaling, mitochondrial biogenesis, and metabolic activity.
149                 Impaired exercise tolerance, mitochondrial biogenesis, and muscle fiber maintenance i
150 chitecture, excitation-contraction coupling, mitochondrial biogenesis, and oxidative phosphorylation
151 he increased PGC1alpha and UCP1 expressions, mitochondrial biogenesis, and oxygen consumption.
152 n and matrix and increased levels of fusion, mitochondrial biogenesis, and synaptic genes were found
153 and females would have similar rates of MPS, mitochondrial biogenesis, and synthesis of individual pr
154 nd PPARdeltarevealed that the enhancement of mitochondrial biogenesis andbeta-oxidation byatRA requir
155  include cell cycle progression, senescence, mitochondrial biogenesis, apoptosis, and glutaminolysis.
156             Thus ROS, adaptation to ROS, and mitochondrial biogenesis appear to form a self-amplifyin
157       Telomere shortening and alterations of mitochondrial biogenesis are involved in cellular aging.
158 rvations suggest that lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial biogenesis are the key intracellular pathw
159 rvations suggest that lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial biogenesis are the key intracellular pathw
160 tein response, additional roles for ClpXP in mitochondrial biogenesis are unclear.
161 model of ED-related behaviors and identifies mitochondrial biogenesis as a potential molecular pathwa
162  mitochondrial myopathies, with induction of mitochondrial biogenesis as the suggested main mechanism
163 nt enhanced energy metabolism by stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis as well as decreasing nitrosati
164 ogical approaches resulted in stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis, as evidenced by elevated mitoc
165 PARGC-1-alpha or PGC-1alpha), also regulates mitochondrial biogenesis, but its role in antioxidant ge
166 conditions, PGC-1alpha also strongly induces mitochondrial biogenesis, but PGC-1alpha does not activa
167 cise training has long been known to promote mitochondrial biogenesis, but recent work has demonstrat
168  pathway enzymes and the enhanced autophagy, mitochondrial biogenesis, collagen deposition and endopl
169 al, adaptive response in muscle that invokes mitochondrial biogenesis, compensatory peroxisomal fat o
170 regulation of myogenesis and a downregulated mitochondrial biogenesis contribute to pathologic change
171 e response (DDR) towards PGC-1beta-dependent mitochondrial biogenesis, contributing to aROS-mediated
172 ctor (NRF)-1, a key transcription factor for mitochondrial biogenesis, cooperated with DNA methylatio
173 ns may also have translational potential, as mitochondrial biogenesis could now be followed as a clin
174                             The induction of mitochondrial biogenesis could potentially alleviate mit
175                        Our study establishes mitochondrial biogenesis, coupled with aberrant tumor bi
176  cultured with high glucose, INT-777 induced mitochondrial biogenesis, decreased oxidative stress, an
177 ted melanoma cells with a low basal level of mitochondrial biogenesis depend on this process to survi
178 scriptome analysis revealed the induction of mitochondrial biogenesis, down-regulation of diabetes-re
179 might be essential for mtDNA replication and mitochondrial biogenesis during oogenesis.
180  However, muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and mitochondrial biogenesis during SIT have not been measur
181  the first time, we document greater MPS and mitochondrial biogenesis during SIT in males than in fem
182 ssential role of miR-133a in skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis, exercise tolerance, and respon
183 s appear to be regulated, with levels of the mitochondrial biogenesis factor PGC-1alpha falling, and
184  but was reversible by overexpression of the mitochondrial biogenesis factor, mitochondrial transcrip
185 lators of energy metabolism by orchestrating mitochondrial biogenesis, fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and
186  events during germination and that altering mitochondrial biogenesis feeds back to alter the germina
187 blasts (MEFs) to examine the role of Gabp in mitochondrial biogenesis, function, and gene expression.
188          The observation that DMF stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis, gene expression and function s
189                           Interestingly, the mitochondrial biogenesis genes PGC1alpha, PGC1beta, Nrf1
190 ormal increases in fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis genes.
191 vely required for regulation of B cell size, mitochondrial biogenesis, glycolysis and production of r
192 he role of p53 in BSM cell proliferation and mitochondrial biogenesis has not been investigated thus
193                  However, BSM remodeling and mitochondrial biogenesis have not been examined in nonse
194  After bleomycin-induced injury, TH promoted mitochondrial biogenesis, improved mitochondrial bioener
195           Here we show that IGF-1 stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in a range of cell lines.
196 voluntary exercise and RSV treatment induced mitochondrial biogenesis in a SirT1-independent manner.
197 ice developed obesity due to upregulation of mitochondrial biogenesis in adipocytes.
198 mption in part by inducing thermogenesis and mitochondrial biogenesis in BAT along with enhanced expr
199                        These deficiencies of mitochondrial biogenesis in FRDA cells and patient blood
200                  Additionally,atRA increased mitochondrial biogenesis in human hepatocytes and in Hep
201 ts on genes involved in lipid metabolism and mitochondrial biogenesis in liver and adipose tissue.
202 n of genes for oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial biogenesis in metabolically active tissues
203 feeding rodents resveratrol has no effect on mitochondrial biogenesis in muscle.
204 ting beta2-adrenergic agonist, induces renal mitochondrial biogenesis in naive mice.
205          Cell growth is tightly coupled with mitochondrial biogenesis in order to maintain energy and
206              SPG7 mutations caused increased mitochondrial biogenesis in patient muscle, and mitochon
207  autophagy proteins and Bnip3 in parallel to mitochondrial biogenesis in plantaris muscle with mixed
208 ous work has shown that Akt3 is required for mitochondrial biogenesis in primary human endothelial ce
209 leak, activation of CaMKII, and induction of mitochondrial biogenesis in response to excess lipid ava
210 ent protein kinase (CaMK) activation induces mitochondrial biogenesis in response to increasing cytos
211                                  Evidence of mitochondrial biogenesis in response to T3 was similar i
212 lysis, mitochondrial membrane potential, and mitochondrial biogenesis in RhoA-deficient thymocytes.
213 I-mediated signaling induced skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in selected models of lipid ove
214  to increase thermogenic gene expression and mitochondrial biogenesis in subcutaneous WAT.
215                         Although the role of mitochondrial biogenesis in the adaptive responses of sk
216 a and PGC-1beta, have been shown to regulate mitochondrial biogenesis in the heart at the time of bir
217          Despite no clear signs of increased mitochondrial biogenesis in the liver, CIII assembly and
218 scriptional level of miR-133a and stimulated mitochondrial biogenesis in wild-type mice, but failed t
219          Evidence of SIRT1-RELB induction of mitochondrial biogenesis included increases in mitochond
220            Bioinformatic analysis identifies mitochondrial biogenesis including synthesis of glutamat
221                These changes cause decreased mitochondrial biogenesis, increased ROS production, and
222 activator 1alpha (PGC1alpha), which programs mitochondrial biogenesis, induced by chronic Akt signali
223 phorylation or involved in oxidative stress, mitochondrial biogenesis, inflammation, and apoptosis, w
224 ced renal expression of master regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis, inhibitors of oxidative stress
225  consistent with the idea that the decreased mitochondrial biogenesis is a consequence of FXN deficie
226 orts, the mechanism by which SIRT1 regulates mitochondrial biogenesis is by inhibiting PGC-1alpha coa
227         This is the first demonstration that mitochondrial biogenesis is deficient in Multiple Sclero
228                                              Mitochondrial biogenesis is regulated by signaling pathw
229         These results support the model that mitochondrial biogenesis is regulated in a tight tempora
230 the magnitude of the effect of RSV on muscle mitochondrial biogenesis is reliant on SirT1, as well as
231 cause of the central role of this pathway in mitochondrial biogenesis, it holds broad value for the t
232 ed BSM mass are complex but involve enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis, leading to increased prolifera
233 0 (mtHsp70) mediates essential functions for mitochondrial biogenesis, like import and folding of pro
234 ta-AR expression, beta-adrenergic signaling, mitochondrial biogenesis, lipid oxidation, and lipolysis
235     In vivo in mice,atRA treatment increased mitochondrial biogenesis markers after an overnight fast
236 c inhibitor, increased the effects ofatRA on mitochondrial biogenesis markers in HepG2 cells and in v
237 quired for the coordinate control of cardiac mitochondrial biogenesis, maturation, and high-capacity
238 , the inhibition of mPTP and the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis may account for the poor pro-ap
239                                              Mitochondrial biogenesis may be an adaptive response nec
240   This study reveals that BSM remodeling and mitochondrial biogenesis may play a critical role in the
241 any acute and chronic degenerative diseases, mitochondrial biogenesis (MB) is a therapeutic target fo
242 GC-1alpha gene expression and its downstream mitochondrial biogenesis (MB) targets under physiologica
243 eceptor (beta2AR) agonist formoterol induces mitochondrial biogenesis (MB), but other beta2AR agonist
244  factor Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) governs mitochondrial biogenesis, metabolic function, dynamics,
245     We observed that swim training increases mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial DNA content, and
246 opment of heart failure therapies, including mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial oxidative stress
247 tal oxidation-reduction processes, including mitochondrial biogenesis, mitophagy, inflammasome activa
248                   A picture emerges in which mitochondrial biogenesis, mitophagy, migration, and morp
249                   There were no compensatory mitochondrial biogenesis (no induction of nuclear respir
250           Moreover, we substantiate that the mitochondrial biogenesis normally accompanying myogenesi
251 Mfn1, Mfn2 and Opa1 (fusion), CypD (matrix), mitochondrial biogenesis-Nrf1, Nrf2, PGC1alpha and TFAM
252 generation in muscle that was independent of mitochondrial biogenesis or activation of uncoupling pro
253 e improves metabolism partly by upregulating mitochondrial biogenesis or function, via increased leve
254 netic or pharmacologic approaches that block mitochondrial biogenesis or glycolysis resulted in decre
255 trogen-related receptors (ERRs) can regulate mitochondrial biogenesis or mitochondrial enzyme express
256 urprisingly do not exhibit changes in muscle mitochondrial biogenesis or mitochondrial function and a
257                     Our results suggest that mitochondrial biogenesis, oxidative metabolic pathways,
258 cytidine monophosphate kinase 1 axis and the mitochondrial biogenesis pathway as targets of the 4EBP1
259                                              Mitochondrial biogenesis, PDH activity, and mitochondria
260 nd ER stress-induced apoptosis, and improved mitochondrial biogenesis, possibly through SERCA2-mediat
261 n of the genes encoding master regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis, PPARgamma (peroxisome prolifer
262                            Thus, DMF induces mitochondrial biogenesis primarily through its action on
263 to chemotherapy (re-)treatment and induced a mitochondrial biogenesis program with increased mitochon
264  a transcriptional coactivator that promotes mitochondrial biogenesis, protects against oxidative str
265 ecursors via the transferrin cycle increases mitochondrial biogenesis, reactive oxygen species produc
266  activation of mitochondrial function by the mitochondrial biogenesis regulator Pgc-1alpha (peroxisom
267                        Here we show that the mitochondrial biogenesis regulator, PGC1alpha, is a pivo
268                         Transcription of the mitochondrial biogenesis regulators peroxisome prolifera
269 s consistent with lower transcription of the mitochondrial biogenesis regulators.
270                   Furthermore, expression of mitochondrial biogenesis, respiration and fatty acid bet
271 id synthesis and its downregulation improves mitochondrial biogenesis, respiratory capacity and lipid
272 tiation by loss of KDM5A or by activation of mitochondrial biogenesis reveals the switch to oxidative
273 ed that stimulating Sirtuin 1 would increase mitochondrial biogenesis thereby enhancing energy metabo
274       These data reveal that necdin promotes mitochondrial biogenesis through stabilization of endoge
275 initiates a rapid and reversible decrease in mitochondrial biogenesis through unclear means.
276 wth, indicating an unknown mechanism linking mitochondrial biogenesis to cell size.
277 ly of transcriptional coactivators regulates mitochondrial biogenesis to control the cellular bioener
278 bolic reprogramming, coupling AMPK-dependent mitochondrial biogenesis to HIF-dependent metabolic chan
279 on of toxic glucose metabolites and inducing mitochondrial biogenesis to restore mitochondrial functi
280  a transcriptional coactivator that promotes mitochondrial biogenesis, to determine whether increased
281 ts activity is countered by induction of the mitochondrial biogenesis transcriptional co-activator PP
282 th an increased pool of free NADH, increased mitochondrial biogenesis, triggering of the mitochondria
283 a potent PGC-1alpha stabilizer that promotes mitochondrial biogenesis via PGC-1alpha in mammalian neu
284     TFEB activation concomitantly stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis via PGC1alpha induction to rest
285 scle angiogenesis (VEGFA) and (v) energy and mitochondrial biogenesis (via PGC, UCP3, NRF2, AMPK, MAP
286         Furthermore, these data suggest that mitochondrial biogenesis was dependent on an autophagy a
287                                 Induction of mitochondrial biogenesis was dependent on TFAM up-regula
288 on of PGC-1alpha target genes and markers of mitochondrial biogenesis was elevated.
289                                 In addition, mitochondrial biogenesis was enhanced in PARP1-depleted
290                                              Mitochondrial biogenesis was inhibited as suggested by t
291                             The compensatory mitochondrial biogenesis was most likely mediated by the
292 cose transporters, oxidative metabolism, and mitochondrial biogenesis were induced to similar levels
293 and immunoblotting, whereas genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis were measured via a quantitativ
294 1 mRNAs, which encode proteins that regulate mitochondrial biogenesis, were increased following 1alph
295 xpression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during mitochondrial biogenesis, when OXPHOS complexes are synt
296 y induce SIRT3 expression and also increases mitochondrial biogenesis, which alters bioenergetics dur
297 pression of Pgc1alpha/beta leads to impaired mitochondrial biogenesis, which, in conjunction with the
298                       Therefore, we targeted mitochondrial biogenesis with a mitochondrium-targeted,
299 vides the first evidence of an alteration of mitochondrial biogenesis with early life stress and with
300 d is the first drug demonstrated to increase mitochondrial biogenesis with in vivo human dosing.

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