


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  microvascular dysfunction and cardiomyocyte/mitochondrial dysfunction).
2 nes, and subsequent epithelial disorders and mitochondrial dysfunction.
3 nfolded protein response pathway and induced mitochondrial dysfunction.
4 y the accumulation of protein aggregates and mitochondrial dysfunction.
5 of apoptotic signaling pathways triggered by mitochondrial dysfunction.
6 c setting by inhibiting oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.
7 oform and ultrastructural characteristics of mitochondrial dysfunction.
8 ondrial-LD tethering, and not from intrinsic mitochondrial dysfunction.
9 nduction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.
10 ndling and increased oxidative stress due to mitochondrial dysfunction.
11 rapeutic benefit in diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.
12 treatment for human diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.
13  mitochondrial ribosomal proteins and caused mitochondrial dysfunction.
14 glycerol remodeling cause Barth syndrome and mitochondrial dysfunction.
15 eby preventing cytochrome c release-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction.
16 ue is associated with replicative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.
17  to a progressive and irreversible long term mitochondrial dysfunction.
18 nonsynonymous mutations to cause generalized mitochondrial dysfunction.
19 ies to axons, perhaps to limit the impact of mitochondrial dysfunction.
20 f heart failure, but there is no therapy for mitochondrial dysfunction.
21 ed muscle function, and exacerbated ischemic mitochondrial dysfunction.
22 ed with alterations in energy metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction.
23                  T2D is also associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.
24 mulate in the IMS of neural tissue and cause mitochondrial dysfunction.
25  its cardiotoxicity which is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.
26 ion of VDAC1 oligomerization, apoptosis, and mitochondrial dysfunction.
27  efficient fatty acid catabolism and prevent mitochondrial dysfunction.
28 h AICAR and ALCAR improved cisplatin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction.
29  of lipids that lead to oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.
30 - and aging-related diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.
31 in the absence of detectable improvements in mitochondrial dysfunction.
32 y vulnerable to neurodegeneration related to mitochondrial dysfunction.
33 hogenic mechanisms of alpha-syn mutations is mitochondrial dysfunction.
34 e secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and mitochondrial dysfunction.
35 -1 and IBM was oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial dysfunction.
36 peutic targets based on oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.
37  cognitive deficits observed in pathological mitochondrial dysfunction.
38 acetaldehyde and reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial dysfunctions.
39 , DNA damage (including telomere attrition), mitochondrial dysfunction, a pro-inflammatory secretory
40 rrying a mutant PSEN1(P117L) gene, exhibited mitochondrial dysfunction, accumulation of 8-oxoguanine
41         The mSTAT3-drug interaction leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, accumulation of proteotoxic S
42 sitive regulators of lifespan in response to mitochondrial dysfunction across species.
43                                OPA1-elicited mitochondrial dysfunction activates an integrated stress
44                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction activates an unfolded protein
45 stages and provide mechanistic links between mitochondrial dysfunctions, alpha-synuclein aggregation,
46                    Here, we demonstrate that mitochondrial dysfunction also disrupts the structure an
47 r a defect in the protein clearance pathway, mitochondrial dysfunction, altered RNA metabolism, impai
48 ected in Alzheimer's disease (AD) experience mitochondrial dysfunction and a bioenergetic deficit tha
49  and PAH lung pericytes and the link between mitochondrial dysfunction and aberrant endothelial-peric
50 response to cytosolic perturbations, such as mitochondrial dysfunction and aberrant ion fluxes in the
51 icantly decreased cell viability by inducing mitochondrial dysfunction and activating cell apoptosis
52  care unit patients through the promotion of mitochondrial dysfunction and activation of SMAD2/3 phos
53 previous observations that CLL cells exhibit mitochondrial dysfunction and altered lipid metabolism a
54 l dynamics plays an early and causal role in mitochondrial dysfunction and Alzheimer's disease-relate
55               Alveolar epithelial cell (AEC) mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis are important in
56 ndrial and plasma membrane VDAC1, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis induction.
57 translocates to the mitochondria to initiate mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis.
58  higher levels of toxic glucose metabolites, mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis.
59  for the study of those materials that cause mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptotic cell death.
60 l neuroprotective strategy in diseases where mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptotic pathways are inv
61 is and suggest an important role of SIRT3 in mitochondrial dysfunction and brain injury after experim
62 hondrial ceramide accumulation as a cause of mitochondrial dysfunction and brain injury after stroke.
63               VNS treatment attenuated brain mitochondrial dysfunction and cell apoptosis.
64 ted by gene expression profiles highlighting mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death pathways, with
65 participated in oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death.
66 tic ischemia-reperfusion is characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular energy deficits.
67    PRDX3 protected trophoblast cells against mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular senescence induce
68  bone marrow was associated with progressive mitochondrial dysfunction and consequent exacerbation of
69 strain, which has 60% mtDNA, displays modest mitochondrial dysfunction and constitutive UPR(mt) activ
70          The potential role of age-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction and cumulative oxidative stres
71 (SPFH) domain containing protein PHB2 causes mitochondrial dysfunction and defective mitochondria-med
72 phenotypes of hereditary spastic paraplegia (mitochondrial dysfunction and defects in lipid metabolis
73         Besides alpha-synuclein aggregation, mitochondrial dysfunction and dysregulation of intracell
74 gical features in Alzheimer's brains include mitochondrial dysfunction and dystrophic neurites (DNs)
75                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction and energy depletion in the fa
76 sed in PMP-treated tumor cells, resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction and growth inhibition, in an m
77  such as insulin resistance, muscle wasting, mitochondrial dysfunction and hyperlactatemia.
78 eased PPAR-delta transactivation ameliorated mitochondrial dysfunction and improved cell survival of
79                          Thus, correction of mitochondrial dysfunction and induction of apoptosis are
80  augmented the efficacy of MAPKi by inducing mitochondrial dysfunction and inhibiting tumor bioenerge
81  treatment reversed metabolic abnormalities, mitochondrial dysfunction and kidney pathology.
82 young mice results in non-lethal progressive mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of muscle mass.
83 hese divergent processes seem to converge in mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic distress, which
84 lies, we observe neuronal defects related to mitochondrial dysfunction and metal homeostasis defects.
85 l permeability transition pore (MPTP) causes mitochondrial dysfunction and necrosis in acute pancreat
86 ron maintenance and reveal a novel player in mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegeneration.
87 ation abolishes WT and mutant TDP-43-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal loss, and improve
88                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative damage are commo
89                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative damage with age
90 with diet-induced obesity, INT-767 prevented mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress determine
91                                        Thus, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress do not pl
92                                We found that mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress trigger a
93       We sought to test whether diet-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress would inc
94 ragm weakness are unknown, but might include mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress.
95 t skeletal muscle hyperammonaemia results in mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress.
96 m of arthritis that has been associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress.
97 fiber atrophy and weakness in the absence of mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress.
98 mdivi-1 reduced mitochondrial fragmentation, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress.
99 dynamics and quality control are involved in mitochondrial dysfunction and pathogenesis of Parkinson'
100 ous Ndufc2 knock-out rat model showed marked mitochondrial dysfunction and PBMC obtained from subject
101 ound in mitochondria, it remains unclear how mitochondrial dysfunction and protein aggregation could
102 , intracellular amyloid beta (Abeta) induces mitochondrial dysfunction and reactive oxygen species, w
103  I IFN signaling in brown adipocytes induces mitochondrial dysfunction and reduces uncoupling protein
104  of cytochrome c oxidase (COX), which led to mitochondrial dysfunction and subsequent experimental CO
105 tective, rescuing HTRA2 and PINK1-associated mitochondrial dysfunction and suggesting that TRAP1 acts
106                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction and synaptic damage are early
107 rs in diabetes, significantly contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction and to diabetic cardiomyopathy
108 re we show that bdh2 inactivation results in mitochondrial dysfunction and triggers their degradation
109 on of ATP production during rotenone-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and troglitazone (Rezulin)-ind
110 icient axons exhibit defects associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and we show that Tctp interact
111 ross multiple generations may involve either mitochondrial dysfunction and/or epigenetic modification
112 -3 and downregulation of p62, and aggravated mitochondrial dysfunctions and ER stress as shown by inc
113 nt animal models, we find a central role for mitochondrial dysfunction, and for impaired autophagy as
114 he production of phosphorylated Tau, reduces mitochondrial dysfunction, and maintains mitochondrial d
115 on of Drp1 reduces Abeta production, reduces mitochondrial dysfunction, and maintains mitochondrial d
116  an accumulation of reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neurodegeneration.
117 ns and stressors, impaired immune responses, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neuroinflammation.
118 ignaling signatures, CTL-mediated apoptosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, and Nrf2-modulated antioxidat
119  mineralization, cytoskeletal rearrangement, mitochondrial dysfunction, and reduced type 1 collagen s
120 mitochondrial amyloid pathology and synaptic mitochondrial dysfunction, and suppresses mitochondrial
121 s in ribosomal DNA (rDNA) transcription have mitochondrial dysfunction, and, accordingly, this is fou
122                 Also, lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial dysfunction appeared to be involved in fer
123 xidative and nitrosative stress resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction are an early event in the path
124 wever, mechanisms linking lipid overload and mitochondrial dysfunction are incompletely understood.
125           Fatty liver, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction are key pathophysiological fea
126                     Genetic disorders due to mitochondrial dysfunction are not uncommon and the major
127       The toxicity of misfolded proteins and mitochondrial dysfunction are pivotal factors that promo
128 drial glutathione homeostasis and subsequent mitochondrial dysfunction are responsible for neuronal c
129 ney, and defects in fatty acid oxidation and mitochondrial dysfunction are universally involved in di
130 be consistent with observations of prominent mitochondrial dysfunction as a critical early event in t
131 Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome, implicate mitochondrial dysfunction as a downstream consequence of
132  to chemotherapeutic agents via induction of mitochondrial dysfunction as shown in in vitro and in vi
133               Thus, mutated YARS2 aggravates mitochondrial dysfunctions associated with the m.11778G>
134                   In Parkinson disease (PD), mitochondrial dysfunction associates with nigral dopamin
135 ster prion strain have little or no signs of mitochondrial dysfunction at the disease midpoint but su
136   This leads to a positive feedback cycle of mitochondrial dysfunction, ATP loss, and reactive oxygen
137 tersection of the unfolded protein response, mitochondrial dysfunction, autophagy, and the innate imm
138                   Cells sense and respond to mitochondrial dysfunction by activating a protective tra
139      Furthermore, sesamol treatment elicited mitochondrial dysfunction by inducing a loss of mitochon
140 -induced mitochondrial ROS generation causes mitochondrial dysfunction by inducing post-translational
141                                           If mitochondrial dysfunction can cause diabetes, then we hy
142                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction can cause female infertility.
143 SB in a neuroblastoma cell line converges on mitochondrial dysfunction caused by defects in ribosomal
144                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction caused pancreatic ER stress, i
145                   Our data demonstrated that mitochondrial dysfunctions caused by the m.7551A > G mut
146                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction connects metabolic disturbance
147 evidence indicates that oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction contribute to the sarcopenic p
148 ucial for mitochondrial homeostasis and that mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to altered barrier
149                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to APAP-induced li
150                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to the pathogenesi
151              RATIONALE: Vascular endothelial mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to the pathogenesi
152 blem of perturbed cholesterol metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction could be widespread in neurolo
153 ortantly, cross-talk between IL-4, ADMA, and mitochondrial dysfunction could explain how obesity and
154 nduced ischemic limb necrosis, myopathy, and mitochondrial dysfunction, despite no improvement in lim
155 onse to acute stress induced by doxorubicin, mitochondrial dysfunction develops in the heart, trigger
156  links extracellular inflammatory signals to mitochondrial dysfunction during AKI partly via PPARGC1A
157                      We show skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction during hyperammonaemia in a co
158 utions of each of the toxicity mechanisms to mitochondrial dysfunction during the acute and chronic s
159 rm the transitory (mTBI) or permanent (sTBI) mitochondrial dysfunction, enhancing MQC importance to m
160                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction entailing decreased energy-tra
161 cient ferredoxin NADP reductase activity and mitochondrial dysfunction evidenced by low oxygen consum
162                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction, fragmentation and impaired tr
163 NA) inhibition of Drp-1 reversed BPA-induced mitochondrial dysfunctions, fragmentation, and apoptosis
164 show that 1 enters CSC mitochondria, induces mitochondrial dysfunction, generates reactive oxygen spe
165                                     Although mitochondrial dysfunction has become an established hall
166                                     Although mitochondrial dysfunction has been associated with dendr
167                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to both cellul
168                                     Although mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to the deregul
169                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction has long been implicated in PD
170                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction has previously been implicated
171               Inflammation, lipotoxicity and mitochondrial dysfunction have been implicated in the pa
172 eviates, respectively, high-fat diet-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, hepatosteatosis, and insulin
173  hyperglycemia damage DRG neurons and induce mitochondrial dysfunction; however, the impact of free f
174 with abnormal increases in cytosolic Ca(2+), mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired autophagy, and endop
175 tion/oxidative stress, increased senescence, mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired proteostasis and red
176 -insulin resistant rats by attenuating brain mitochondrial dysfunction, improving brain insulin sensi
177  deficiency, and their inactivation enhances mitochondrial dysfunction in a glutaminolysis-dependent
178 tion of ribosomal DNA transcription leads to mitochondrial dysfunction in a number of cell lines.
179                  Here, we review the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in acute and chronic degenerat
180 marizes preclinical and clinical evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in AKI and CKD.
181                   In vivo evidence for brain mitochondrial dysfunction in animal models of Huntington
182     These results suggest a pivotal role for mitochondrial dysfunction in APOL1-associated kidney dis
183 al functional implications between Smads and mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer and metabolic and ne
184 displayed gene expression patterns linked to mitochondrial dysfunction in HEK293 Tet-on APOL1 cell pa
185 sent work provides a better understanding of mitochondrial dysfunction in Huntington's disease (HD) b
186                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction in kidney cells has been impli
187 These findings provide a novel mechanism for mitochondrial dysfunction in lipotoxic cardiomyopathy.
188 owing body of evidence suggests multifaceted mitochondrial dysfunction in mental disorders, which is
189                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction in pancreas of mice with AP wa
190 e results suggest that TFV and ADV may cause mitochondrial dysfunction in renal tubular cells and rep
191 trongly suggest that E50K is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in RGC degeneration in synergy
192 ribution in the pyramidal neurons along with mitochondrial dysfunction in the brain of Alzheimer's di
193 tion factors alters CL metabolism and causes mitochondrial dysfunction in the cells.
194 has remained elusive, recent work implicates mitochondrial dysfunction in the disease progression.
195  mPTP to bridge cytosolic stress signal with mitochondrial dysfunction in the heart.
196  aim of this study was to assess the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the impaired immunomodulato
197 together, our results demonstrate a role for mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of GSDIa,
198 tein has a dominant-negative effect, causing mitochondrial dysfunction in the setting of an abnormal
199 use of mitochondrial disease and age related mitochondrial dysfunction in tissues including brain and
200 PRDX3 knockdown induced oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in trophoblast cells.
201 n intracellular pools of GSH needed to limit mitochondrial dysfunction in tumor cells with elevated m
202 psies performed in the irradiated field; and mitochondrial dysfunction in two.
203 o generate energy, and studies have reported mitochondrial dysfunction in type II diabetes patients.
204 activated AMPK and overcame diabetes-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in vitro and in vivo.
205  in a robust, reductionist in vitro model of mitochondrial dysfunction in which primary mixed glial c
206 nd that SCS A-beta deficiency induces severe mitochondrial dysfunction including lowered oxidative ph
207                                              Mitochondrial dysfunctions including defective oxidative
208      Indeed, gene knockout of Polbeta caused mitochondrial dysfunction, including reduced membrane po
209         Interestingly, these cells exhibited mitochondrial dysfunction, indicated by reactive oxygen
210                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction induced by mitochondrial ionop
211 sults supported the hypothesis that neuronal mitochondrial dysfunction induced by mitochondrial p53 a
212           These processes such as autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stres
213                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is a core component of the agi
214                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of aging, and un
215                             We conclude that mitochondrial dysfunction is a major cause of reversible
216 erotic substrates to reverse ammonia-induced mitochondrial dysfunction is a novel therapeutic approac
217                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is a pathological mediator of
218                                      Because mitochondrial dysfunction is an early hallmark of hypoxi
219                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is an early prominent feature
220                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with a spectrum
221                                      Because mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with many acute
222                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with many human
223                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with numerous ac
224                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the core of many disease
225 Retrograde signaling is a mechanism by which mitochondrial dysfunction is communicated to the nucleus
226                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is linked with the etiopathoge
227                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the major contributo
228                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is pervasive in human patholog
229 hondrial respiration in the brain.IMPORTANCE Mitochondrial dysfunction is present in most major neuro
230 itochondrial functional assays revealed that mitochondrial dysfunction is reduced in APPXDrp1+/- mice
231                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction is the most prominent source o
232 n's disease (PD) is incompletely understood, mitochondrial dysfunction is thought to play a crucial r
233 , but how these are related to PINK1-induced mitochondrial dysfunction is unknown.
234 st evidence that defective mt:RNase P causes mitochondrial dysfunction, lethality and aberrant mitoch
235  involves a pathological triad consisting of mitochondrial dysfunction, loss of integrity of neuronal
236  treatment reduces Abeta production, reduces mitochondrial dysfunction, maintains mitochondrial dynam
237 ndings suggest that PC(O-16:0/2:0)-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction may be an underlying contribut
238                                   Therefore, mitochondrial dysfunction may be central to the etiology
239 ent findings provide novel insights into how mitochondrial dysfunction may cause pancreatic beta-cell
240 he results suggest that metal imbalances and mitochondrial dysfunction may contribute to defects in s
241                               Age-associated mitochondrial dysfunction may contribute to vascular dis
242 s show that DKD susceptibility was linked to mitochondrial dysfunction, mediated largely by Edn1-Ednr
243 a phosphorylation as a critical regulator of mitochondrial dysfunction-mediated selective dendritic l
244 In addition, cardiomyopathies resulting from mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic abnormalities, stor
245 rative conditions are increasingly linked to mitochondrial dysfunction, methods for studying brain ce
246 ating for the lack of ERMES, suggesting that mitochondrial dysfunction might be the basis for ChAc.
247 ction of thioredoxin, has been implicated in mitochondrial dysfunction, mitophagic dysregulation and
248                                 Based on the mitochondrial dysfunction observed in fibroblasts and br
249                     In conclusion, intrinsic mitochondrial dysfunction observed in type 1 diabetes al
250              During sepsis and shock states, mitochondrial dysfunction occurs.
251                                       During mitochondrial dysfunction or the accumulation of unfolde
252 4L to CD44H cell conversion in vitro induces mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and cell dea
253 d elevation in toxic glucose metabolites and mitochondrial dysfunction, partially by increasing glyco
254                                           As mitochondrial dysfunction, particularly of the oxidative
255 ng the EIF2, eIF4/p70S6K, mTOR signaling and mitochondrial dysfunction pathways.
256                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction plays a critical role in the d
257           There is substantial evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a significant role in th
258                   These results suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction, possibly exacerbated by prion
259 a conserved hypoxia program characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, proinflammatory gene activati
260            Among these, lipid metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction proteins were overrepresented.
261 k exhibited increased atrial RyR2 oxidation, mitochondrial dysfunction, reactive oxygen species (ROS)
262  of SCA10 pathology including improvement of mitochondrial dysfunction, reduced activation of caspase
263   G2/M DNA damage checkpoint, ATM signaling, mitochondrial dysfunction, regulation of the antiviral r
264                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction represents a critical step dur
265 ounds protected against apoptosis-associated mitochondrial dysfunction, restoring dissipated mitochon
266 eration that promote inflammation, fibrosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, satellite cell (SC) exhaustio
267  birth suggest that the vascular endothelial mitochondrial dysfunction seen at birth in these infants
268  data highlight that, by inhibiting ANT1 and mitochondrial dysfunction, SHP2 orchestrates an intrinsi
269 red barrier structure/function downstream of mitochondrial dysfunction, Stard7 expression was knocked
270 the TNF receptor superfamily, contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction, steatosis development, and in
271 3 kinase-mTOR signaling, impaired autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, stem cell exhaustion, epigene
272 rapeutic strategies for conditions involving mitochondrial dysfunction, such as TBI.
273 orm these structures exacerbates preexisting mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting that the MDC pathw
274 iR-7 against MPP(+)-induced cytotoxicity and mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting that the protectiv
275 n-1-dependent degradation of ERK5 leading to mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting the maintenance of
276 can cause disease states, including multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome (MMDS), sideroblasti
277                       Specific signatures of mitochondrial dysfunction that are associated with disea
278 t cytokine production through GSH depletion, mitochondrial dysfunction, the activation of p62-associa
279                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction, the inability to efficiently
280                                In cells with mitochondrial dysfunction, the potential utility of xCT
281 of the actin filament network and consequent mitochondrial dysfunction through altered Drp1 localizat
282 te new therapeutic strategies that attenuate mitochondrial dysfunction through inhibition of NIK and
283 ons for understanding the mechanisms linking mitochondrial dysfunction to disease.
284 e to adverse left ventricular remodeling and mitochondrial dysfunction to repression of distal elemen
285 as a major biochemical hub, contributions of mitochondrial dysfunction to various diseases, and sever
286     Prompted by the hypothesis that neuronal mitochondrial dysfunction underlies chemotherapy-induced
287        Despite of accumulating evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction underlies the pathogenesis of
288  the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes cause mitochondrial dysfunction via several mechanisms, includ
289                       Glomerular endothelial mitochondrial dysfunction was associated with increased
290                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction was reduced in TauXDrp1+/- mic
291  relationship between insulin resistance and mitochondrial dysfunction, we compared mitochondrial met
292                         However, more severe mitochondrial dysfunctions were observed in cell lines b
293 tudies have proposed that loss of FXN causes mitochondrial dysfunction, which triggers elevated react
294 ecific MFN2 mutations cause tissue-selective mitochondrial dysfunction with increased adipocyte proli
295 sults provide a potential genetic link among mitochondrial dysfunction with increased ectopic lipid d
296              These findings demonstrate that mitochondrial dysfunction with increased sensitivity to
297                    These changes resulted in mitochondrial dysfunction with marked changes in mitocho
298         Thus, insulin resistance can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction with reduced mitochondrial siz
299 or ANAC017, demonstrating that ANAC017 links mitochondrial dysfunction with the cell wall.
300                                              Mitochondrial dysfunction within the brain has been obse

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