


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of our method by examining the well-studied mitochondrial matrix.
2 rations of reactive acyl-CoAs present in the mitochondrial matrix.
3 port of a subpopulation of proteins into the mitochondrial matrix.
4 ae cluster, which enclosed the lower density mitochondrial matrix.
5 litates transfer of this hybrid RNA into the mitochondrial matrix.
6 ioxidant enzyme localized exclusively in the mitochondrial matrix.
7 respectively; the opposite occurs within the mitochondrial matrix.
8 ry defect and aggregation of proteins in the mitochondrial matrix.
9 tDNA, proving the presence of mtDNMT1 in the mitochondrial matrix.
10 l source of the second messenger cAMP in the mitochondrial matrix.
11 ding to increased Ca(2+) accumulation in the mitochondrial matrix.
12  the import of nuclear-encoded RNAs into the mitochondrial matrix.
13   Pos5p is the only known NADH kinase in the mitochondrial matrix.
14 nt of low molecular mass exists in the yeast mitochondrial matrix.
15 n readily transduce a protein cargo into the mitochondrial matrix.
16 of a TAT-containing protein to move into the mitochondrial matrix.
17  the inner mitochondrial membrane facing the mitochondrial matrix.
18  space, and Grx2, localized primarily to the mitochondrial matrix.
19 ubstrate-binding site is accessible from the mitochondrial matrix.
20 h a protein that regulates the volume of the mitochondrial matrix.
21 a trap door for the flux of folates into the mitochondrial matrix.
22 nal tubule is an extensive remodeling of the mitochondrial matrix.
23 se postulated to function in the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix.
24 ridges that seal the pathway to and from the mitochondrial matrix.
25 t proteins localized either in cytosol or in mitochondrial matrix.
26 duct), a prolyl isomerase located within the mitochondrial matrix.
27 embrane space, SOD1 is also localized in the mitochondrial matrix.
28 ctive for Fe-S cluster biogenesis within the mitochondrial matrix.
29  either Adk2p (short) or Adk2p (long) in the mitochondrial matrix.
30 n against highly stable protein folds in the mitochondrial matrix.
31 n unrestricted access of substrates into the mitochondrial matrix.
32 ADP/ATP exchange between the cytosol and the mitochondrial matrix.
33 ually reducing but somewhat less so than the mitochondrial matrix.
34 gomeric ring-shaped complex localized to the mitochondrial matrix.
35 compartment with Sod1p but is located in the mitochondrial matrix.
36 -chain fatty acids from the cytoplasm to the mitochondrial matrix.
37 trate, a major metabolite accumulated in the mitochondrial matrix.
38 igh energy phosphate between the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix.
39 transferase is an enzyme that resides in the mitochondrial matrix.
40 reducing equivalents from the cytosol to the mitochondrial matrix.
41 the inner mitochondrial membrane or with the mitochondrial matrix.
42 in vivo disrupts import of proteins into the mitochondrial matrix.
43 tein is converted to an active enzyme in the mitochondrial matrix.
44 lects a powerful buffering system within the mitochondrial matrix.
45  function in the export of peptides from the mitochondrial matrix.
46  not be translocated to and processed in the mitochondrial matrix.
47 mbrane potential or on ATP hydrolysis in the mitochondrial matrix.
48 the proton cotransport of phosphate into the mitochondrial matrix.
49 COX biogenesis is a labile pool found in the mitochondrial matrix.
50 Mdj1p, which functions as a chaperone in the mitochondrial matrix.
51 , and show that hSIRT3 is located within the mitochondrial matrix.
52  for a diffusible multienzyme complex in the mitochondrial matrix.
53 sorted to the inner membrane, as well as the mitochondrial matrix.
54  EGSH were observed in the cytoplasm and the mitochondrial matrix.
55 d by a coiled-coil motif protruding into the mitochondrial matrix.
56 into mitochondria, where it localizes to the mitochondrial matrix.
57 manner, suggesting a role for PB2 within the mitochondrial matrix.
58 bilization and translocation of p53 into the mitochondrial matrix.
59 rate that DAP3 specifically localizes in the mitochondrial matrix.
60 rane (MAM) prior to its translocation to the mitochondrial matrix.
61 e same side of the membrane, probably in the mitochondrial matrix.
62 dly between the cytosol, plastid stroma, and mitochondrial matrix.
63 everal folate-interconverting enzymes in the mitochondrial matrix.
64 s (oscillations) chronically loaded into the mitochondrial matrix.
65 DP from the cytosol and exports ATP from the mitochondrial matrix.
66 r the localization of small molecules to the mitochondrial matrix.
67 raps folates in the cytosol, but also in the mitochondrial matrix.
68 ular process of transient contraction of the mitochondrial matrix.
69 trix state, in which it accepts ATP from the mitochondrial matrix.
70 outer mitochondrial membrane, but not in the mitochondrial matrix.
71 ost likely due to flux of K(+) ions into the mitochondrial matrix.
72 following mitochondrial import, resulting in mitochondrial matrix accumulation of mature Hep27.
73 ial pyruvate uptake that can be explained by mitochondrial matrix acidification.
74                             Measurements of (mitochondrial matrix) aconitase inhibition, performed in
75 biosensor roGFP2 was rapidly oxidized in the mitochondrial matrix after injury, and WldS expression p
76  conditions permitted victorin access to the mitochondrial matrix and binding to the P-protein.
77  the insertion of membrane proteins from the mitochondrial matrix and chloroplast stroma, respectivel
78      The arginases are both localized to the mitochondrial matrix and closely related.
79 ta-induced ROS could be detected in both the mitochondrial matrix and cytosol.
80 he cytoplasm and, to a lesser degree, in the mitochondrial matrix and ER lumen.
81 carriers import adenine nucleotides into the mitochondrial matrix and export phosphate to the cytosol
82 oxide dismutase, catalase-are distributed in mitochondrial matrix and extra-matrix compartments, and
83 unctional protein localized primarily in the mitochondrial matrix and has roles in inflammation and i
84 an DHFRL1, SHMT2, and TYMS were localized to mitochondrial matrix and inner membrane, confirming the
85 ave identified an endogenous pool of DJ-1 in mitochondrial matrix and inter-membrane space.
86    Here, we show that SIRT5 localizes in the mitochondrial matrix and interacts with carbamoyl phosph
87 t, human recombinant NMNAT3 localizes to the mitochondrial matrix and is able to catalyze NAD(+) bios
88 atalyzes the oxidation of persulfides in the mitochondrial matrix and is essential for early embryo d
89 iderably more oxidizing than the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix and is not directly influenced by e
90                          RESEARCH DESIGN AND Mitochondrial matrix and membrane fractions were generat
91 in is nuclear-encoded, it is targeted to the mitochondrial matrix and necessary for proper regulation
92 rted to exert biological effects in both the mitochondrial matrix and outer mitochondrial membrane (O
93 inal microvasculature region revealed normal mitochondrial matrix and packed lamellar cristae.
94 to insufficient levels of FXN protein in the mitochondrial matrix and probably other cellular compart
95 ursor polypeptide that is transported to the mitochondrial matrix and processed to at least two forms
96 in metabolism, whereas Sirt3-5 reside in the mitochondrial matrix and regulate various enzymes involv
97       We found that PB2 is imported into the mitochondrial matrix and showed that amino acid residue
98 ession increases the electron density of the mitochondrial matrix and swelling of cristae.
99 phorylation site of subunit ESSS lies in the mitochondrial matrix and that the site in subunit MWFE i
100 ransport of reducing equivalents between the mitochondrial matrix and the cytoplasm relies on shuttle
101 ellular compartments in respiring cells, the mitochondrial matrix and the cytosol.
102 des of the mitochondrial inner membrane: the mitochondrial matrix and the extramitochondrial space.
103 brane isoform with the C-terminus facing the mitochondrial matrix and the N-terminus facing the inter
104  to oxidative stress, p53 accumulates in the mitochondrial matrix and triggers mitochondrial permeabi
105 encoded by SOD2, which is located within the mitochondrial matrix, and CuZnSOD, encoded by SOD1, whic
106 )O(2) emission, less oxidative damage to the mitochondrial matrix, and increased tolerance to the Ca(
107  cytosol, the subplasma membrane region, the mitochondrial matrix, and the nucleus- of cells containi
108 loops facing the intermembrane space and the mitochondrial matrix are less certain (i.e., root mean s
109 iciency, protein folding environments of the mitochondrial matrix are prone to dysregulation, prompti
110 ologic pH and acyl-CoA concentrations of the mitochondrial matrix are sufficient to cause dose- and t
111 st proteins that are to be imported into the mitochondrial matrix are synthesized as precursors, each
112                    Proteins destined for the mitochondrial matrix are targeted to the inner membrane
113 ncluding the tricarboxylic acid cycle in the mitochondrial matrix, are physically associated to facil
114 e cytochrome c oxidase is synthesized in the mitochondrial matrix as a precursor whose leader peptide
115 ondria or cells, even though it accessed the mitochondrial matrix at concentrations up to 100-fold hi
116 edict targeting of the mature peptide to the mitochondrial matrix, based on an N-terminal, amphipathi
117 5-trans-tetradecenoyl-CoA accumulates in the mitochondrial matrix, because it is less efficiently deh
118 ol with the energy-providing pathways in the mitochondrial matrix becomes critical for deepening our
119  of cytosolic ADP for ATP synthesized in the mitochondrial matrix by ATP synthase and thereby repleni
120 link biochemical pathways in the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix by transporting substrates across t
121 a(2+) efflux resulting in elevated levels of mitochondrial matrix Ca(2+) and enhanced activation of C
122 shRNA resulted in a constitutive increase in mitochondrial matrix Ca(2+) and reduced nicotinamide ade
123                                              Mitochondrial matrix Ca(2+) concentration is maintained
124 ate that SLC25A23 plays an important role in mitochondrial matrix Ca(2+) influx.
125 ior of the model support the hypothesis that mitochondrial matrix Ca(2+) plays an important role in m
126                                 In addition, mitochondrial matrix Ca(2+), determined by Ca(2+) unipor
127 l motility in axons is actively regulated by mitochondrial matrix Ca(2+).
128 ism of modulating Ca(2+) entry that involves mitochondrial matrix Ca(2+).
129 alcium imaging in rhod2-loaded cRHM revealed mitochondrial matrix [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](m)) responses to
130  receptors are competent to elicit miniature mitochondrial matrix [Ca(2+)] signals that we call "Ca(2
131 +]c) oscillations and the associated rise in mitochondrial matrix [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]m) in RBL-2H3 mast ce
132                                   Changes in mitochondrial matrix [Ca2+] evoked by trains of action p
133 xygen species-producing stimuli, or elevated mitochondrial matrix calcium opens the channel, which is
134 rial response independent of Drp1: a rise in mitochondrial matrix calcium through the mitochondrial c
135  we demonstrate that crs encodes a conserved mitochondrial matrix chaperone HSPA9B containing a glyci
136 9, and A1210477), along with the established mitochondrial matrix chaperone inhibitor gamitrinib-TPP.
137 tack, which is selectively controlled by the mitochondrial matrix citrate levels.
138 nce at very high concentrations in the liver mitochondrial matrix) co-evolved to provide buffering ag
139 and Na+ concentrations in the myoplasmic and mitochondrial matrix compartments.
140 p120 DBC-1, caused mitochondrial clustering, mitochondrial matrix condensation, and sensitized cells
141 dicted to be higher than cMDH activity under mitochondrial matrix conditions while the cMDH activity
142                                            A mitochondrial matrix copper ligand (CuL) complex, conser
143 mers for carrying bioactive molecules to the mitochondrial matrix could be of enormous potential bene
144               Moreover, the thickness of the mitochondrial matrix displays frequent temporal fluctuat
145                 Ca(2)(+) accumulation in the mitochondrial matrix dissipates membrane potential (Delt
146 -481), which is selectively localized in the mitochondrial matrix, enhanced organelle fusion and prom
147                                     GDH is a mitochondrial matrix enzyme that catalyzes the oxidative
148           Acetylcarnitine is produced by the mitochondrial matrix enzyme, carnitine acetyltransferase
149                      However, specific liver mitochondrial matrix enzymes and the mitochondrial repai
150 nnel which, by tuning Ca(2+) influx into the mitochondrial matrix, finely regulates metabolic energy
151 sponsible for the oxidation of at least nine mitochondrial matrix flavoprotein dehydrogenases.
152 myces cerevisiae must import copper into the mitochondrial matrix for eventual assembly of cytochrome
153 the import of protoporphyrinogen IX into the mitochondrial matrix for heme synthesis and subsequent h
154 slocation of long-chain fatty-acids into the mitochondrial matrix for subsequent beta-oxidation, and
155 resent study, the presence of NDUFAF7 in the mitochondrial matrix has been confirmed, and it has been
156 mplex (MCUC) mediating Ca(2+)uptake into the mitochondrial matrix have been identified in mammals, in
157  h) and more moderate induction of mRNAs for mitochondrial matrix HSP60 and the ER lumen HERP, GRP78,
158 icated that NT-PGC-1alpha was located in the mitochondrial matrix in brown adipocytes.
159 alterations of EGSH in the cytoplasm and the mitochondrial matrix in cardiac myocytes and can be expl
160 ical studies indicate a central role for the mitochondrial matrix in cellular copper metabolism.
161             Lon is the major protease in the mitochondrial matrix in eukaryotes, and is well conserve
162           ClpXP is the major protease in the mitochondrial matrix in eukaryotes, and is well conserve
163 e conclusively that calcium buffering in the mitochondrial matrix in live cells occurs by phase separ
164 endent protease and chaperone located in the mitochondrial matrix in plants.
165 by which the influx of unfolded p53 into the mitochondrial matrix in response to oxidative stress ind
166 of ferrochelatase (which makes heme-b in the mitochondrial matrix) in AD subjects was 4.2 times (P <
167 ergetics by Ca(2+) signal propagation to the mitochondrial matrix includes local Ca(2+) delivery from
168 ch to identify 495 proteins within the human mitochondrial matrix, including 31 not previously linked
169  mitochondrial inner membrane space into the mitochondrial matrix independent of ATP synthase, uncoup
170 drial- and nuclear-encoded proteins from the mitochondrial matrix into the inner membrane.
171 pid and carbohydrate homeostasis by altering mitochondrial matrix iron metabolism.
172             Calcium (Ca(2+)) uptake into the mitochondrial matrix is critically important to cellular
173  demonstrate that the phosphoproteome of the mitochondrial matrix is extensive and dynamic.
174 hese two findings indicate that although the mitochondrial matrix is fully buffer-capable under quies
175 eleased via ryanodine receptors (RyR) to the mitochondrial matrix is locally supported by high [Ca(2+
176  This suggests that mutant SOD1 in the brain mitochondrial matrix is misfolded and prone to aggregati
177 se to unfolded and misfolded proteins in the mitochondrial matrix is poorly understood.
178           Whereas folding of proteins in the mitochondrial matrix is supported by members of several
179  is difficult to reconcile with the presumed mitochondrial matrix localization for endogenous PNPase,
180 ne proteins which probably use copper from a mitochondrial matrix-localized pool.
181 e dismutase (MnSOD) is a nuclear encoded and mitochondrial matrix-localized redox enzyme that is know
182              Accumulation of Ca(2+) into the mitochondrial matrix may activate the mitochondrial chap
183 ation by ONOO- are discussed in terms of the mitochondrial matrix metabolic and thiol redox state.
184 s expressed in the cytosol (Cyto-RoGFP), the mitochondrial matrix (Mito-RoGFP), or the mitochondrial
185                                 Hsp70 of the mitochondrial matrix (mtHsp70) provides a critical drivi
186 y of subcellular compartments, including the mitochondrial matrix, nucleus, cytosol, and endoplasmic
187 ese include a strong association between the mitochondrial matrix octapeptidase Oct1p and coenzyme Q
188 d for protein maturation and turnover in the mitochondrial matrix of diverse species.
189 ox potential (EGSH) in the cytoplasm and the mitochondrial matrix of isolated cardiac myocytes and in
190 for assessing changes in H(2)O(2) within the mitochondrial matrix of living Drosophila.
191 sembly of iron-sulfur clusters occurs in the mitochondrial matrix of mammalian cells, but cytosolic i
192   Here we report that CREB is present in the mitochondrial matrix of neurons and that it binds direct
193 atory subunits and CREB are localized to the mitochondrial matrix of neurons.
194                    Pos5p is localized to the mitochondrial matrix of yeast and appears to be importan
195 wing two categories: (1) mistargeting to the mitochondrial matrix or (2) correct localization associa
196 d the substrate or nucleotide from the inner mitochondrial matrix or membrane.
197 tically encoded Ca2+ sensors targeted to the mitochondrial matrix or to presynaptic boutons of cortic
198 ession of Grx1-roGFP2 targeted either to the mitochondrial matrix or to the cytoplasm.
199 significantly increased CIV enzyme activity, mitochondrial matrix oxidant burden, and sensitivity to
200 of cyclophilin D (CypD, also called Ppif), a mitochondrial matrix peptidyl prolyl isomerase and apopt
201 n D (which is encoded by the Ppif gene) is a mitochondrial matrix peptidyl-prolyl isomerase known to
202                    Cyclophilin D (CypD) is a mitochondrial matrix peptidyl-prolyl isomerase that regu
203                   Cyclophilin-D (Cyp-D) is a mitochondrial matrix peptidyl-prolyl isomerase.
204 Drosophila motor neurons (MNs), we show that mitochondrial matrix pH (pHm), inner membrane potential
205  by the Lon-type AAA+ ATPase protease of the mitochondrial matrix, Pim1.
206 tein on which Fe-S clusters are built in the mitochondrial matrix, plays a central role in the biogen
207                                 Bovine heart mitochondrial matrix preparations were prepared free fro
208         Maturation of Rip1 occurs within the mitochondrial matrix prior to its translocation across t
209 n be reconstituted in vitro with recombinant mitochondrial matrix processing peptidase (MPP) and is i
210 on of the protein-folding environment in the mitochondrial matrix promotes ClpP-mediated generation o
211  reduced activity of clpp-1, which encodes a mitochondrial matrix protease homologous to bacterial Cl
212                   Here we identify the novel mitochondrial matrix protease Ste23 in yeast, a homologu
213                              Upregulation of mitochondrial matrix proteases and heat shock proteins w
214 e the involvement of Trap1, an Hsp90-related mitochondrial matrix protein and a member of the mitocho
215                                          The mitochondrial matrix protein cyclophilin D (CypD) is an
216 ding studies suggested that LKT binds to the mitochondrial matrix protein cyclophilin D.
217                         Cytochrome c and the mitochondrial matrix protein Hsp60 are also rapidly rele
218 -color PALM shows that the freely diffusible mitochondrial matrix protein is largely excluded from th
219                                          The mitochondrial matrix protein isocitrate dehydrogenase 2
220                                    Mne1 is a mitochondrial matrix protein loosely associated with the
221 anslational processing and localization of a mitochondrial matrix protein was identified, which may i
222                                      StAR, a mitochondrial matrix protein, acts on the outer mitochon
223                However, the role of HSP60, a mitochondrial matrix protein, is somewhat controversial
224     In vivo targeting of a newly synthesized mitochondrial matrix protein, MRP2, was also inhibited d
225 ence, GLT-1 was shown to colocalize with the mitochondrial matrix protein, ubiquinol-cytochrome c red
226  human acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 (AceCS2) is a mitochondrial matrix protein.
227                                   Within the mitochondrial matrix, protein aggregation activates the
228                                Virtually all mitochondrial matrix proteins and a considerable number
229  we present a phosphoproteomic screen of the mitochondrial matrix proteins and begin to establish the
230                  In this study, we show that mitochondrial matrix proteins display surprisingly diffe
231 t-dispersed bc(1) complex was incubated with mitochondrial matrix proteins followed by dialysis in th
232 ant homolog Icp55 processes several imported mitochondrial matrix proteins leading to their stabiliza
233                       We find that different mitochondrial matrix proteins undergo mitophagic degrada
234 ease that controls the selective turnover of mitochondrial matrix proteins, with potent inhibitors an
235 ferent subcellular compartments and maps the mitochondrial matrix proteome of Drosophila muscle to de
236  Lon protease, a major degradation enzyme in mitochondrial matrix, recognized and degraded mitochondr
237         How mtGTP that is trapped within the mitochondrial matrix regulates the cytosolic calcium inc
238 gested that [Dmt1,dnsDap4]DALDA targeted the mitochondrial matrix resulting in mitochondrial depolari
239 -binding proteins human Sod1 and Crs5 to the mitochondrial matrix results in growth impairment on non
240 Sod1 and the metallochaperone CCS within the mitochondrial matrix results in suppression of growth de
241 g a genetically encoded Ca(2+) sensor in the mitochondrial matrix revealed that lack of MICU increase
242                   Conversely, an increase in mitochondrial matrix ROS was found to deglutathionylate
243 on of the protein-folding environment in the mitochondrial matrix selectively upregulates the express
244 o the mtDNA D-loop is directed away from the mitochondrial matrix, so it is unlikely to interact with
245                    Proteins destined for the mitochondrial matrix space have leader sequences that ar
246                       The major Hsp70 of the mitochondrial matrix (Ssc1 in yeast) is critically impor
247  fusions give EM contrast exclusively in the mitochondrial matrix, suggesting that both the N and C t
248  the outer mitochondrial membrane and in the mitochondrial matrix, suggesting the existence of distin
249                    Yeast mutants lacking the mitochondrial matrix superoxide dismutase (SOD2) enzyme,
250                                   Within the mitochondrial matrix, superoxide is converted to hydroge
251               These effects occurred without mitochondrial matrix swelling, outer membrane rupture, c
252 ne proposed mechanism of cardioprotection is mitochondrial matrix swelling.
253         In contrast, unconjugated GFP in the mitochondrial matrix (targeted using COX8 leader sequenc
254 se in ROS signaling and [Ca(2+)](i), whereas mitochondrial matrix-targeted Mn-SOD (SOD-II) augmented
255 ed on confocal imaging of cells expressing a mitochondrial matrix-targeted photoactivable green fluor
256             Here, we report the finding of a mitochondrial matrix-targeted protein phosphatase 2C fam
257  We show here by employing a newly developed mitochondrial matrix-targeted superoxide indicator, that
258 ite classical nuclear localization signal, a mitochondrial matrix targeting sequence and the classica
259 t bursts of superoxide production within the mitochondrial matrix that are detected using the superox
260       Atp11p is a molecular chaperone of the mitochondrial matrix that participates in the biogenesis
261 rtuin 3) is the major deacetylase within the mitochondrial matrix that promotes aerobic metabolism an
262 of green fluorescent protein targeted to the mitochondrial matrix, that the engagement of plasma memb
263 y Bcl-2 family proteins requires neither the mitochondrial matrix, the inner membrane, nor other prot
264 the release of malate dehydrogenase from the mitochondrial matrix, the loss of the mitochondrial memb
265 presence of specific ceramide targets in the mitochondrial matrix, the occupation of which triggers p
266 e, and because mitoQ is localized within the mitochondrial matrix this suggests that production of su
267 xin, a conserved iron-binding protein of the mitochondrial matrix, thought to supply iron for formati
268 oth conditions requiring ATP import into the mitochondrial matrix through the ADP/ATP carrier.
269  STP via impaired calcium extrusion from the mitochondrial matrix through the mitochondrial permeabil
270                          Pyruvate enters the mitochondrial matrix through the mitochondrial pyruvate
271  modulates the leak of protons back into the mitochondrial matrix, thus controlling reactive oxygen s
272 ling the stress of protein misfolding in the mitochondrial matrix to activate nuclear-encoded mitocho
273 f cisplatin from Platin-M locally inside the mitochondrial matrix to attack mtDNA and exhibited other
274          Here we find that GzmA accesses the mitochondrial matrix to cleave the complex I protein NDU
275  ion channel that transports Ca(2+) into the mitochondrial matrix to modulate metabolism.
276 ter (MCU) facilitates calcium entry into the mitochondrial matrix to stimulate metabolism.
277 l respiratory complex pumps protons from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space, it buil
278 when the NifH polypeptide is targeted to the mitochondrial matrix together with the NifM maturase.
279 e that guarantees Ca(2+) accumulation inside mitochondrial matrix upon increases in cytosolic Ca(2+).
280 t local and transient H2O2 production in the mitochondrial matrix upon inhibition of the endoplasmic
281      Several flavin-dependent enzymes of the mitochondrial matrix utilize NAD(+) or NADH at about the
282 would be predicted that this should increase mitochondrial matrix volume and hence respiratory chain
283 nternal standards, whereas the corresponding mitochondrial matrix volume is determined via immunoblot
284 20) in parallel with direct determination of mitochondrial matrix volumes using 3H2O and [14C]sucrose
285 lasts was intact, whereas ATP content in the mitochondrial matrix was lower than that in control cell
286       In vitro transport of the CuL into the mitochondrial matrix was saturable and temperature-depen
287 edox-sensitive optical probe targeted to the mitochondrial matrix, we found that calcium entry during
288 at the high nucleotide concentrations of the mitochondrial matrix, weak nucleotide binding constants
289  mitochondrial protein thiols exposed to the mitochondrial matrix were selectively S-nitrosated under
290 heme requires the uptake of glycine into the mitochondrial matrix where glycine is condensed with suc
291  or nucleus, PDC normally resides within the mitochondrial matrix where it converts pyruvate to acety
292                     Mmp37p is located in the mitochondrial matrix where it is peripherally associated
293  the cytosol, but complexed by Mg(2+) in the mitochondrial matrix, where [Mg(2+)] is tenfold higher.
294 teolytically processed after import into the mitochondrial matrix, where it forms a homotrimeric comp
295             Pet117 is shown to reside in the mitochondrial matrix, where it is associated with the in
296        Sirtuin 3 (SIRT3) is localized in the mitochondrial matrix, where it regulates the acetylation
297  mature hBFIT2 is shown to be located in the mitochondrial matrix, whereas the paralog "cytoplasmic a
298 nctional linkage between the cytosol and the mitochondrial matrix with a specific focus on metabolic
299 reased accessibility of palmitoyl-CoA to the mitochondrial matrix with the pore-forming peptide zerva
300 olism by linking biochemical pathways in the mitochondrial matrix with those in the cytosol [7].

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