


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the matrix weakly associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane.
2 entified Fe-S protein of the mammalian outer mitochondrial membrane.
3 g critical factors associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane.
4 of negatively charged membranes, such as the mitochondrial membrane.
5  precursor proteins into or across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
6 with respiratory supercomplexes of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
7 trochemical proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
8 bind either to the plasma membrane or to the mitochondrial membrane.
9 , Nrf2 was found to associate with the outer mitochondrial membrane.
10 al of NADH to drive protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
11 y chain complexes I, III and IV in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
12 demonstrate that MSL1 localises to the inner mitochondrial membrane.
13 otenoid cleavage enzyme located in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
14 zens of proteins on the surface of the outer mitochondrial membrane.
15 ion pore is a protein complex located on the mitochondrial membrane.
16 nd a third population localizes to the outer mitochondrial membrane.
17 mitochondrial respiratory chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
18 ize precursor translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
19 n of immune regulatory proteins on the outer mitochondrial membrane.
20 n of mislocalized TA proteins from the outer mitochondrial membrane.
21 ng protein 1 (UCP1) located within the inner mitochondrial membrane.
22 synthesis during erythropoiesis at the outer mitochondrial membrane.
23  energize precursor passage across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
24 resequence translocase) located in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
25 rane protein or is integrated into the outer mitochondrial membrane.
26 e enabling formation of Bax homooligomers in mitochondrial membranes.
27 ther cell membranes, such as chloroplast and mitochondrial membranes.
28 nts, little is known about the biogenesis of mitochondrial membranes.
29 erize and heterooligomerize in bacterial and mitochondrial membranes.
30 ase activity when it binds to cardiolipin in mitochondrial membranes.
31 pendent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) at the outer mitochondrial membranes.
32 denosine triphosphate, and depolarization of mitochondrial membranes.
33  rate of ADP or ATP translocation across the mitochondrial membranes.
34 s of dynamic interactions between the ER and mitochondrial membranes.
35 vealed an association of gamma-tubulins with mitochondrial membranes.
36 ized de novo and undergoes remodeling in the mitochondrial membranes.
37 an altered lipid composition of both MAM and mitochondrial membranes.
38 ochondrial translocase, translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 22 (Tom22), steroidogenic acute r
39 ipoprotein E (APOE) and translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40 homolog (TOMM40) genotypes, an
40 t an atomic model of a substrate-bound inner mitochondrial membrane AAA+ quality control protease in
41                                   The ER and mitochondrial membranes also host sources and targets of
42 ete for the proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, an efficient mechanism is requir
43 namin-related protein 1 translocation to the mitochondrial membrane and a decrease in mitochondrial s
44 teins Bax and Bak can permeabilize the outer mitochondrial membrane and commit cells to apoptosis.
45 ous futile cycles of Ca(2+) across the inner mitochondrial membrane and consequent massive energy dis
46 C) is the most abundant protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane and constitutes the primary pathw
47 extranuclear pool of BMI1 localizes to inner mitochondrial membrane and directly regulates mitochondr
48 in-related protein associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane and functions in mitochondrial in
49  a homodimeric protein anchored to the outer mitochondrial membrane and has a C-terminal [2Fe-2S] bin
50  also found that shizukaol F depolarizes the mitochondrial membrane and inhibits respiratory complex
51 protein that has been recruited to the outer mitochondrial membrane and interacts with the inner memb
52 itochondrial MRP-1 is expressed in the outer mitochondrial membrane and is a client protein of HSP90b
53 APP/PS1 mice prevented depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane and stimulated mitochondrial comp
54 itofusin 2 (Mfn2), located on both the outer mitochondrial membrane and the ER surface, has been prop
55 Bcl-2 protein Bax can permeabilize the outer mitochondrial membrane and therefore commit human cells
56        The protein import machineries of the mitochondrial membranes and aqueous compartments reveal
57 nce and immunogold labeling detected PHB2 at mitochondrial membranes and at the slit diaphragm, a spe
58 complex contains proteins located in the two mitochondrial membranes and conserved in all eukaryotic
59 ovel cAMP/PKA signalling domain localised at mitochondrial membranes and regulated by PDE2A2.
60 thway requires close apposition between both mitochondrial membranes and the mitochondrial contact si
61 nt of ATP synthesis from the cell surface to mitochondrial membranes and the resultant boost to the e
62  TcAPx-CcP was found closely associated with mitochondrial membranes and, most interestingly, with th
63  crucial anti-apoptotic protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane, and additionally as a gated bidi
64               APEX was targeted to the outer mitochondrial membrane, and proximity-labeled proteins w
65 depletion of cardiolipin, a key component of mitochondrial membranes, and compromised mitochondrial i
66 ssays to determine the role of Src kinase on mitochondrial membrane apoptotic protein trafficking.
67 ganizing system (MICOS) dynamically regulate mitochondrial membrane architecture.
68 zed tail-anchored (TA) proteins of the outer mitochondrial membrane are cleared by a newly identified
69       These spherular invaginations of outer mitochondrial membranes are packed with electron-dense R
70                  It is well established that mitochondrial membranes are the main locus of action of
71                                Whereas outer mitochondrial membrane-associated degradation is typical
72 th recessive mutations in FDXR, encoding the mitochondrial membrane-associated flavoprotein ferrodoxi
73      At the onset of this process, the inner mitochondrial membrane becomes depolarized and permeable
74 chain, translocates protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane by harnessing the free energy gen
75 1 is recruited from the cytosol to the outer mitochondrial membrane by one, or several, integral memb
76           Localization of MRP-1 to the outer mitochondrial membrane by the chaperone protein HSP90bet
77 ctive transport of pyruvate across the inner mitochondrial membrane by the mitochondrial pyruvate car
78                      In turn, this change in mitochondrial membrane composition interferes with the p
79 t mitochondria exhibit coordination of inner mitochondrial membrane cristae at inter-mitochondrial ju
80 cs in MTC cells, as indicated by depolarized mitochondrial membrane, decreased oxygen consumption and
81                                      Because mitochondrial membrane depolarization and calcium are kn
82  phosphorylation of RyR2, SR Ca(2+) leak and mitochondrial membrane depolarization are critically inv
83                                 FRD produced mitochondrial membrane depolarization in WT mice but not
84 tivity indicating that Mdm33 is critical for mitochondrial membrane dynamics.
85 ts that face the cytosolic side of the outer mitochondrial membrane/endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
86 ow BCL2 family members operate at the native mitochondrial membrane environment during apoptosis.
87 e electrochemical potential across the inner mitochondrial membrane, establishing an NADPH/NADP(+) ra
88 otein X-1 (HAX-1) is linked to regulation of mitochondrial membrane function, but its role in control
89 es mitofusin 2, a membrane-bound mediator of mitochondrial membrane fusion and inter-organelle commun
90 lates Mitofusin, which is required for outer mitochondrial membrane fusion.
91 our method in a variety of samples, studying mitochondrial, membrane, Golgi, and microtubule dynamics
92 ion machinery via interaction with the outer mitochondrial membrane GTPase proteins Miro1 and Miro2,
93 tive stress, precipitate opening of an inner mitochondrial membrane, high-conductance channel: the mi
94 (SR) ryanodine receptors (RyR2) to the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) Ca(2+) uniporter (mtCU).
95                The relationship of the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) cristae structure and intra
96 equires division of both the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes (IMM and OMM, respectively).
97 the disorganization of the cristae and inner mitochondrial membrane in several cancer cells and tumor
98 he permeability characteristics of the outer mitochondrial membrane in their nonoligomerized state.
99 the transmembrane proton motive force across mitochondrial membranes in the synthesis of ATP.
100 al binding of dimeric tubulin to biomimetic "mitochondrial" membranes in a manner that differentiates
101                Permeabilization of the outer mitochondrial membrane is an integral step in apoptosis.
102 diolipin (CL), the signature phospholipid of mitochondrial membranes, is important for cardiovascular
103 eir ability to recruit or retain Drp1 at the mitochondrial membrane leading to a decline in mitochond
104 phosphorylation of Sab by p-JNK on the outer mitochondrial membrane leads to SHP1-dependent and DOK4-
105 l boost by the MDI-Larp complex on the outer mitochondrial membrane might be essential for mtDNA repl
106 ine to phosphatidylethanolamine in the inner mitochondrial membrane, must undergo an autocatalytic se
107  distinct functional properties to the inner mitochondrial membrane of intact cells.
108  identified endogenous proteins on the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) and endoplasmic reticulum m
109 Both proteins were enriched in the IMM-outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) contact point submitochondr
110              However, the mechanism of outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) permeabilization remains un
111  Bak spontaneously associated with the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) through their respective he
112  showed that Tom22 is localized at the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM), while 3betaHSD2 is localiz
113    Ubiquitin- and proteasome-dependent outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM)-associated degradation (OMM
114 ER to mitochondria and clusters at the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM).
115 ity transition, a large channel in the inner mitochondrial membrane opens, leading to the loss of mul
116 ated by cellular morphology, flow cytometry, mitochondrial membrane permeability, and pharmacological
117 te that the C terminus of CCHFV NSs triggers mitochondrial membrane permeabilization, leading to acti
118 tor) can commit cells to apoptosis via outer mitochondrial membrane permeabilization.
119 en the two primary lipid headgroups found in mitochondrial membranes, phosphatidylethanolamine and ph
120 e probably caused by the lower amount of the mitochondrial membrane phospholipid cardiolipin.
121                                              Mitochondrial membrane phospholipid composition affects
122 diolipin (CL), the signature phospholipid of mitochondrial membranes, plays an important role in mito
123 itochondrial basal respiration and increases mitochondrial membrane polarization and intracellular re
124 on altered mitochondrial morphology, reduced mitochondrial membrane polarization and maximal respirat
125 L-2, preventing BAX homo-oligomerization and mitochondrial membrane poration.
126 tion, although a direct link between loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi) and mitophag
127                                          The mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi), a component
128                                              Mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi), cell viabil
129                         Heterogeneity of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsi), which is ce
130                          Neuronal Ca(2+) and mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsim) analysis du
131 egy enables a light-dependent control of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsim) and coupled
132 ) overload is thought to dissipate the inner mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsim) and enhance
133 etermine inhibition of toxin-induced loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsim) and necroti
134 Overexpression of full-length Foxg1 enhanced mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsim) and promote
135                                Likewise, the mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsim) and the cel
136 tion pore (PTP) abruptly opens, resulting in mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsim) dissipation
137 cy decreased the oxygen consumption rate and mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsim) indicative
138 chanistically, in the absence of glycolysis, mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsim) of EM cells
139 , sorafenib induces rapid dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsim) that is acc
140 or extra- and intra-mitochondrial Ca(2+) and mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsim) to examine
141 ies established that acute depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsim) using Delta
142 onsive to C12, DKOR MEF): nuclei fragmented; mitochondrial membrane potential (Deltapsimito) depolari
143 ood materials were tested for improvement of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and ATP level in
144                           Blue/green reduced mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and lowered intra
145 ructural features associated with changes in mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP).
146 tive potential in MCF-7 cells, including the mitochondrial membrane potential analysis and the caspas
147  apoptotic pathway through depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential and activation of caspa
148 that Silica NP induces apoptosis via loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and Caspase-3 activatio
149                      Cyp-D silencing reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and cellular oxygen con
150 ced cells displayed an enhanced steady-state mitochondrial membrane potential and consistently showed
151  elicited tumor-toxicity through the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and cytoskeletal breakd
152  TCA cycle metabolites, as well as decreased mitochondrial membrane potential and deranged mitochondr
153                Arg2-deficient mice had lower mitochondrial membrane potential and greater HIF-2alpha
154       Complex I inhibition resulted in lower mitochondrial membrane potential and higher cytosolic RO
155 till, both NR and PARP-1 inhibitors restored mitochondrial membrane potential and increased organelle
156                  Thus, the effect of IL-6 on mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial Ca(2+
157 le mitochondrial content increases linearly, mitochondrial membrane potential and oxidative phosphory
158 cessive mitochondrial fragmentation, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and production of react
159                         Transient changes of mitochondrial membrane potential and reactive oxygen spe
160  of cryptolepine was associated with loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and reduced protein exp
161 chondrial unfolded protein response, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and sensitivity to mito
162          This mechanism prevents collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential and the subsequent rele
163               DCA treatment restored cardiac mitochondrial membrane potential and tissue ATP in the r
164 hological phenotype in addition to restoring mitochondrial membrane potential and to increasing cells
165 -state levels of O2(*-), O2 consumption, and mitochondrial membrane potential as well as significantl
166 coupler FCCP is independent of the effect of mitochondrial membrane potential but dependent on acidif
167 are important residues for disruption of the mitochondrial membrane potential by NSs.
168 nate dehydrogenase (SDH) and an elevation of mitochondrial membrane potential combine to drive mitoch
169                                      Because mitochondrial membrane potential controls calcium homeos
170                    The complexes also induce mitochondrial membrane potential depletion, a possible d
171 iration, and accelerates the recovery of the mitochondrial membrane potential following mitochondrial
172 omena were accompanied by increased synaptic mitochondrial membrane potential in both wt and Tg2576 m
173 lacking iPLA2-VIA gene function, and restore mitochondrial membrane potential in fibroblasts from pat
174 ncreased cell permeabilization and decreased mitochondrial membrane potential in GC-2 cells.
175 mitochondrial respiration and dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential in HepG2 hepatocarcinom
176 cal regions, (2) identifying regions of high mitochondrial membrane potential in live animals, (3) mo
177 ncreased oxidative stress level and impaired mitochondrial membrane potential in motor neurons affect
178 itochondrial function revealed a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential in mutant Hsp27 express
179 eased mitochondrial NADH levels and restored mitochondrial membrane potential in p62-deficient cells.
180 also found that PA stimulation decreased the mitochondrial membrane potential in podocytes and induce
181 able to record neuronal Ca(2+) responses and mitochondrial membrane potential in these nerve tissues.
182 th increased oxidative stress and decline in mitochondrial membrane potential induced by T-2 toxin an
183                                      Loss of mitochondrial membrane potential is accompanied by reduc
184                  The JC-1 staining shows the mitochondrial membrane potential is decreased after the
185 iratory chain supercomplexes to sustain high mitochondrial membrane potential late during activation
186                   mPTP opening decreases the mitochondrial membrane potential leading to the activati
187              Apoptotic population elevation, mitochondrial membrane potential loss, increase of cytos
188 sites was stained with rhodamine 123 (RH), a mitochondrial membrane potential marker, and persisted t
189         Under normal culture conditions, the mitochondrial membrane potential of the probands' fibrob
190                   There was no difference in mitochondrial membrane potential or ADP and ATP levels.
191 ed the mitochondrial mass but also increased mitochondrial membrane potential per cell in cultured he
192  MSL1 function is not directly implicated in mitochondrial membrane potential pulsing, but is complem
193 ing patients' skin fibroblasts showed slower mitochondrial membrane potential recovery after a mitoch
194                 Previously, we reported that mitochondrial membrane potential regulates STING-depende
195   In contrast, genetic reconstitution of the mitochondrial membrane potential restored ROS, which wer
196   Treated lymphoma cells exhibited a reduced mitochondrial membrane potential that resulted in an irr
197 ernal mitochondria or by increasing maternal mitochondrial membrane potential using oligomycin.
198               Fluorescence signal related to mitochondrial membrane potential was obtained from singl
199 expression in INS1(832/13) cells, changes in mitochondrial membrane potential were unaffected, consis
200                     Stochastic "flickers" of mitochondrial membrane potential were visualized with a
201 on transport by MSL1 leads to dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential when it becomes too hig
202 ydrogen), metabolic responsiveness (NAD(P)H, mitochondrial membrane potential), and signal transducti
203                                              Mitochondrial membrane potential, abundance, and respira
204 2.5 mM compound 1 also prevented the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, adenosine triphosphate
205 etone phosphate:glycerol-3-phosphate ratio), mitochondrial membrane potential, ADP, Ca(2+), 1-monoacy
206 nt mitochondrial fragmentation, reduction in mitochondrial membrane potential, and a significant loss
207 es and malondialdehyde levels, disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential, and ATP decline.
208 RT1720 for assessment of mitochondrial mass, mitochondrial membrane potential, and autophagy.
209 ion, altered mitochondrial motility, reduced mitochondrial membrane potential, and diminished mitocho
210 or alterations in mitochondrial trafficking, mitochondrial membrane potential, and mitochondrial bioe
211 tes significantly affects energy production, mitochondrial membrane potential, and mitochondrial oxyg
212 ced overproduction of ROS and destruction of mitochondrial membrane potential, and resulted in the ir
213 els had elongated mitochondria and increased mitochondrial membrane potential, and RNA-sequencing ana
214 ochondrial dysfunction, restoring dissipated mitochondrial membrane potential, and thus cell energy a
215 cells, causing a decrease in respiration and mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as an increase
216  re-expression induced apoptosis via loss in mitochondrial membrane potential, down-regulated autopha
217  induced molecular events, such as a loss in mitochondrial membrane potential, externalization of pho
218 it major changes in oxygen consumption rate, mitochondrial membrane potential, F1F0-ATP synthase acti
219 take was TRPV1-dependent, dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential, inhibition of the mito
220  ATP production, assessed through changes in mitochondrial membrane potential, is downregulated in va
221 ilencing of VPS13C was associated with lower mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial fragment
222 x, alpha-tubulin, histone H3, alpha tubulin, mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial mass, ce
223 ochondrial outer membrane and down-regulated mitochondrial membrane potential, oxygen consumption, an
224                    The liberated AMA altered mitochondrial membrane potential, respiration, and ATP p
225                 This in turn led to abnormal mitochondrial membrane potential, respiratory chain acti
226 ation, oxidative TCA cycle function, and the mitochondrial membrane potential, resulting in diminishe
227 matrix pH reduction with concomitant loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, SIRT3 dissociates.
228 derived VCP mutant fibroblasts exhibit lower mitochondrial membrane potential, uncoupled respiration,
229 r membrane that progressively dissipates the mitochondrial membrane potential, which in turn stalls m
230  to the mitochondria, and parasites retained mitochondrial membrane potential.
231 ells lacking ANT1, despite greater losses of mitochondrial membrane potential.
232  to increased oxidative stress and decreased mitochondrial membrane potential.
233 alizes in mitochondria and also disrupts the mitochondrial membrane potential.
234 c fluorophore intensity during 'flickers' of mitochondrial membrane potential.
235 reased mitochondrial respiration and reduced mitochondrial membrane potential.
236 between higher-order chromatin structure and mitochondrial membrane potential.
237 ntenance of oxidative TCA cycle function and mitochondrial membrane potential.
238 ncrease in the percentage of sperm with high mitochondrial membrane potential.
239 ompared with control cells, but show reduced mitochondrial membrane potential.
240 ase allow for Fo-independent generation of a mitochondrial membrane potential.
241 l of energy metabolism, ultimately impacting mitochondrial membrane potential.
242 tive oxygen species or depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential.
243 olism, mitochondrial biogenesis and restores mitochondrial membrane potential.
244 tion rate, reserve respiration capacity, and mitochondrial membrane potential.
245 rix into the intermembrane space, sustaining mitochondrial membrane potential.
246 ochondrial dysfunction by inducing a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential.
247 ethylrhodamine ethyl ester (TMRE) reports on mitochondrial membrane potential.
248                        Oscillators had lower mitochondrial membrane potentials and budded more slowly
249 nding on the approach used, and the cell and mitochondrial membrane potentials, more than 1000-fold h
250  ion gradients, altering plasma membrane and mitochondrial membrane potentials.
251 oes not involve apoptosis or perturbation of mitochondrial membrane potentials.
252                              We fractionated mitochondrial membrane preparations on flotation gradien
253 r proteins of the Hsp90 chaperone system and mitochondrial membrane preprotein receptors, thereby fac
254 ine decarboxylase Psd1, located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, promotes mitochondrial PE synthe
255 ochondria prior to engulfment, and the outer mitochondrial membrane protein FUNDC1 interacts with LC3
256 ing protein 3A (ATAD3A) is a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial membrane protein implicated in mitochondri
257 (ER)-resident membrane protein Mmm1, and the mitochondrial membrane protein Mdm34.
258 y by influencing protein levels of the outer mitochondrial membrane protein Miro that anchors mitocho
259                                    The outer mitochondrial membrane protein mitochondrial Rho GTPase
260 ive disease caused by mutations in the inner mitochondrial membrane protein MPV17.
261 egates leads to accumulation of non-inserted mitochondrial membrane protein precursors.
262                             Miro is an outer mitochondrial membrane protein that anchors mitochondria
263                        Mfn2 (mitofusin 2), a mitochondrial membrane protein that participates in mito
264                                    The outer mitochondrial membrane protein voltage-dependent anion c
265 domain containing 3A (ATAD3A) is an integral mitochondrial membrane protein with unknown function, al
266 yndrome, in which a missense mutation of the mitochondrial membrane protein, Opa3, impairs mitochondr
267                  Here, we identify the inner mitochondrial membrane protein, prohibitin 2 (PHB2), as
268 ctly involved in the biogenesis pathway of a mitochondrial membrane protein.
269                          We investigated how mitochondrial membrane proteins remain soluble in the cy
270             Then, Parkin ubiquitinates outer mitochondrial membrane proteins to trigger selective aut
271 teins into soluble, peripheral, and integral mitochondrial membrane proteins, and the assignment of 8
272 me functionally specialized for synthesizing mitochondrial membrane proteins, and this has been accom
273 , succinyl-CoA was used to succinylate liver mitochondrial membrane proteins.
274 teins that transport copper across the inner mitochondrial membrane remain unknown.
275 r (Bak) undergo oligomerization in the outer mitochondrial membrane resulting in the release of apopt
276 ata demonstrate that components of the inner mitochondrial membrane that are unmasked upon outer memb
277 ruvate carrier (MPC), a complex in the inner mitochondrial membrane that consists of two essential co
278 edge about the ion transporters in the inner mitochondrial membrane that contribute to control of mem
279 VDAC-1) is an important protein of the outer mitochondrial membrane that transports energy metabolite
280 mulates metabolite transfer across the inner mitochondrial membrane through activation of Ca(2+) -reg
281 recruits protein kinase A (PKA) to the outer mitochondrial membrane to phospho-inhibit DRP1.
282 tes a hetero-oligomeric complex on the inner mitochondrial membranes to maintain crista structure.
283 ral component of the translocon of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) complex, is essential for p
284  Tim29 contacts the Translocase of the Outer Mitochondrial Membrane, TOM complex, enabling a mechanis
285 e interaction of MAM proteins with the outer mitochondrial membrane translocase, Tom22, to activate m
286 tiviral immunity by mediating the cytosol-to-mitochondrial membrane translocation of the pathogen sen
287     Furthermore, we establish that the inner mitochondrial membrane transporter, pyrimidine nucleotid
288 : voltage-dependent anion channel from outer mitochondrial membrane VDAC, bacterial porin OmpC (outer
289 s targeted to protein complexes on the inner mitochondrial membrane via affinity for cardiolipin to p
290 d the mean distance between SR and the outer mitochondrial membrane vs. CD hearts.
291  the role of the membrane in TMP metabolism, mitochondrial membranes were disrupted by freezing and t
292  curvature of the invaginations of the inner mitochondrial membrane where cytochrome c resides.
293 1 is glycosylated and localized to the outer mitochondrial membrane, where it is coexpressed with HSP
294 pid cardiolipin (CL) is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it maintains mitochondrial
295 t lead to the loss of WASF3 stability at the mitochondrial membrane, where presumably it is protected
296 y the rapid accumulation of BIM on the outer mitochondrial membrane, which could be functionally reve
297 , VISA was cleaved by nsp4 and released from mitochondrial membrane, which interrupted the downstream
298 g induced ceramide accumulation on the outer mitochondrial membrane, which then directly bound autoph
299 GRP78 led to destabilization of WASF3 at the mitochondrial membrane, which was ATAD3A dependent.
300 licing variant of AtGLR3.5 targets the inner mitochondrial membrane, while the other variant localize

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