


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ated to experimental parameters (Ca(2+) flux/mitochondrial swelling).
2 embranes during renal ischemia and prevented mitochondrial swelling.
3 lcium into the mitochondria, thus leading to mitochondrial swelling.
4 roblasts were also resistant to H2O2-induced mitochondrial swelling.
5 ning of the permeability transition pore and mitochondrial swelling.
6 ly resolved light scattering consistent with mitochondrial swelling.
7 er mitochondrial membrane and did not induce mitochondrial swelling.
8  condensation, margination of chromatin, and mitochondrial swelling.
9  in a significant inhibition of Ca2+-induced mitochondrial swelling, an index of pore opening.
10          Treatment with antioxidants rescued mitochondrial swelling and cell death in Drp1KO Purkinje
11 ter inhibitor ruthenium red showed increased mitochondrial swelling and cytochrome c release and decr
12 iabetic mice, which was further confirmed by mitochondrial swelling and cytochrome c release induced
13 pening of the PTP with consequent persistent mitochondrial swelling and deenergization (the MPT).
14          However, granzyme C did cause rapid mitochondrial swelling and depolarization in intact cell
15  Both the extent and rate of calcium-induced mitochondrial swelling and depolarization varied greatly
16 nously added Ca(2+), promoted Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial swelling and depolarization, and accelerat
17 y also undergo structural alterations during mitochondrial swelling and disruption.
18             It is characterized by somal and mitochondrial swelling and formation of DNA single-stran
19                   Diazoxide induced moderate mitochondrial swelling and increase in the cytosolic fra
20 tochondrial membrane permeability and causes mitochondrial swelling and intrinsic apoptosis.
21  CDDO-Me rapidly induced caspase-independent mitochondrial swelling and loss of inner membrane struct
22                                        Early mitochondrial swelling and loss of the mitochondrial mem
23 tochondrial toxins (e.g. MPP(+)) resulted in mitochondrial swelling and lysosome reduction.
24                                 FRD produced mitochondrial swelling and membrane depolarization in FR
25 philin inhibitor Debio-025 similarly reduced mitochondrial swelling and necrotic disease manifestatio
26 otic and necrotic stimuli induce progressive mitochondrial swelling and outer mitochondrial membrane
27 nd brains of Ppif null mice are resistant to mitochondrial swelling and permeability transition in vi
28 on-induced oxygen radicals and inhibition of mitochondrial swelling and permeability transition.
29 a are resistant to Abeta- and Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial swelling and permeability transition.
30        (3) Fragmentation: Along with massive mitochondrial swelling and release of cytochrome c into
31 brane permeability, permitted MPTP-dependent mitochondrial swelling and restored necrotic cell death.
32 ereas cyclophilin D-overexpressing mice show mitochondrial swelling and spontaneous cell death.
33 icularly vulnerable to oxidative stress, and mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization are among the e
34                                              Mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization are early signs
35 eduction of glycinergic innervation preceded mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization.
36 etaminophen reduced tissue damage, degree of mitochondrial swelling, and loss of mitochondrial membra
37 opening of the permeability transition pore, mitochondrial swelling, and rapid release of the peptide
38 mproved mitochondrial ATP synthesis, reduced mitochondrial swelling, and retention of normal morpholo
39 chrome c-releasing factors caused detectable mitochondrial swelling, arguing that matrix swelling is
40 l desquamation, with toxic vacuolization and mitochondrial swelling as hallmarks of the cellular dama
41 ene and protein expression measurements, and mitochondrial swelling assays.
42 honium ions in the mitochondrial suspension, mitochondrial swelling by observing absorbance changes,
43 ure produced rod-selective apoptosis without mitochondrial swelling by translocating cytosolic Bax to
44           MI and CPG resulted in significant mitochondrial swelling compared with baseline volume.
45 om controls subjected to rapid pacing showed mitochondrial swelling consistent with calcium overload.
46 er membrane permeabilization, which leads to mitochondrial swelling, cytochrome c release to the cyto
47                                              Mitochondrial swelling, cytochrome c release, and decrea
48 ndria, replacement of KCl by LiCl suppressed mitochondrial swelling, depolarization, and a release of
49 drial permeability transition (MPT), such as mitochondrial swelling, depolarization, and membrane per
50 pase-3 immunoreactivity were associated with mitochondrial swelling-disruption in sites of TAI.
51 ransient K(+) influx into the matrix causing mitochondrial swelling followed by activation of the K(+
52                     In addition, we detected mitochondrial swelling in human OS xenografts in mice an
53  mitochondria shutdown in infected cells and mitochondrial swelling in pure neural leprosy nerves.
54              Bcl-xL expression also prevents mitochondrial swelling in response to agents that inhibi
55 reen (HTS), using an assay of Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial swelling in the cryopreserved mitochondria
56             In addition, ryanodine inhibited mitochondrial swelling induced by Ca(2+) overload.
57 tide microinjection into cells abolished the mitochondrial swelling induced by overexpression of alph
58 ly and completely released in the absence of mitochondrial swelling is uncertain.
59 l permeability transition (MPT) and leads to mitochondrial swelling, membrane depolarization, and rel
60 d cytoplasmic changes with vacuolization and mitochondrial swelling, nuclear condensation, and sustai
61 plasmic vesicles, nuclear membrane blebbing, mitochondrial swelling, nuclear inclusions, and absence
62                           Ultrastructurally, mitochondrial swelling occurs initially, followed by dis
63 sition pore, because IGF-I failed to inhibit mitochondrial swelling or depolarization.
64 oncentration of Bax, there was no detectable mitochondrial swelling or depolarization.
65  activation elicits cell protection (without mitochondrial swelling or durable memory) by inhibiting
66  potential was detected in vivo, although no mitochondrial swelling or loss of transmembrane potentia
67             Similarly, CsA failed to prevent mitochondrial swelling or PEG-induced shrinkage after sw
68 late kinase release, was not associated with mitochondrial swelling or substantial loss of electrical
69 drial permeability transition (mPT) leads to mitochondrial swelling, outer membrane rupture and the r
70                  DZX resulted in significant mitochondrial swelling (P<0.0001 versus Tyrode).
71 to MI + DZX or CPG+DZX significantly reduced mitochondrial swelling (P<0.003 MI+DZX versus MI + DZX +
72 cated astrocytes exposed to t-bOOH exhibited mitochondrial swelling prior to cell death (lactate dehy
73  nm, and 2), permeability transition-related mitochondrial swelling results in breaching and disrupti
74 ory (preconditioning) results from triggered mitochondrial swelling that causes enhanced substrate ox
75 t but resembles mammalian apoptosis, causing mitochondrial swelling, transmembrane potential dissipat
76 of tetraphenylphosphonium, and by monitoring mitochondrial swelling, using light absorbance measureme
77                                              Mitochondrial swelling was observed by electron microsco
78 c release occurred with only a 20% change in mitochondrial swelling, was an early event in the PTP, a
79                      Additional increases in mitochondrial swelling were seen when the astrocytes wer
80 to control cells, the probands' cells showed mitochondrial swelling, which was exacerbated upon treat
81  of Zn(2+) (with Ca(2+)) to cause pronounced mitochondrial swelling, which was far greater than that
82                   Electron microscopy showed mitochondrial swelling with abnormalities in shapes and

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