


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l mechanisms that render cardiomyocytes post-mitotic.
2 e, cell size, metaphase/anaphase delays, and mitotic abnormalities including spindle mispositioning,
3 s associated with under replication, causing mitotic abnormalities, 53BP1 nuclear body formation in t
4                                              Mitotic accumulation of CDC20 and CCS52B transcripts ena
5 g(igfbp5a:GFP), which faithfully reports the mitotic action of IGF1R-PI3K-Akt-Tor signaling in epithe
6 on of legumes with rhizobia and requires the mitotic activation and differentiation of root cells as
7                                              Mitotic activation of Gwl requires both cyclin-dependent
8 rategy: the size-dependent expression of the mitotic activator Cdc25.
9 ticle defects, an organized region with high mitotic activity near the margin of the segment addition
10 e correlation between bone remodeling rates, mitotic activity, and osteotomy site healing in type III
11 utarate (2HG) were correlated with increased mitotic activity, axonal disruption, vascular neoplasia,
12 the association of SUV39H1 with chromatin in mitotic and interphase cells - effects that can be recap
13 s demonstrated a hyper-stabilization of both mitotic and interphase MTs.
14 resonators for several cell types, including mitotic and non-phagocytic cells.
15 ks in metazoan development and in adult post-mitotic and proliferative germ cells.
16 ic flagellum (undulipodium in her usage) and mitotic apparatus originated from an endosymbiotic, spir
17                                              Mitotic area expansion is largely driven by regulation o
18 ase 1 (CDK1) during antimitotic drug-induced mitotic arrest and also in normal mitosis.
19 l imaging of treated cells demonstrated that mitotic arrest and segregation abnormalities lead to cel
20 t is the conformational conversion of "open" mitotic arrest deficient 2 (O-MAD2) into "closed" MAD2 (
21 ed microtubule dynamics, and the duration of mitotic arrest dictates the probability, but not the tim
22 -orientation, and while the SAC can maintain mitotic arrest for extended periods, moderate delays in
23  capacity of the SAH domain is important for mitotic arrest in conditions of suppressed microtubule d
24 hat cells are unable to maintain a prolonged mitotic arrest in the presence of unaligned chromosomes.
25  checkpoint, it is insufficient for a robust mitotic arrest.
26 ate a robust checkpoint signal and prolonged mitotic arrest.
27 of Kif2 function prevents the development of mitotic aster asymmetry and spindle pole movement toward
28 ut matches the differentiation state of post-mitotic BCs in their surround.
29 ghlight developmentally regulated changes in mitotic behaviour that may relate to the role of RG cell
30                     We found that 53BP1 is a mitotic-binding partner of the kinases Plk1 and AuroraA,
31 programming, demonstrating the importance of mitotic bookmarking in pluripotency.
32                             Indeed, enforced mitotic bypass through EMI1 depletion abrogates PARP-inh
33  whereas adult hearts containing mostly post-mitotic cardiac myocytes have lost this ability.
34 sels against repeated doses, and introducing mitotic catastrophe (as opposed to arbitrary delayed cel
35 ion abnormalities lead to cell death through mitotic catastrophe and that cell death occurred also fr
36 utated but not in wild-type cells leading to mitotic catastrophe, defective cell division and apoptos
37 tion during metaphase, ultimately leading to mitotic catastrophe, multinucleation, and the loss of st
38 ng triggers multipolar spindle formation and mitotic catastrophe, offering an attractive therapeutic
39 cells eliminates Ras-activated cells through mitotic catastrophe.
40 ssion through mitosis, marked aneuploidy and mitotic catastrophe.
41  cell death, both of which are indicative of mitotic catastrophe.
42                       Cyclin A2 is a crucial mitotic Cdk regulatory partner that coordinates entry in
43 testinal necroptosis was linked to increased mitotic cell cycle arrest via Per1/2-controlled Wee1, re
44          The endocycle represents a modified mitotic cell cycle that in plants is often coupled to ce
45 , multiple genes involved in maintaining the mitotic cell cycle were rapidly down-regulated and senes
46 B(S) classifier, including those involved in mitotic cell cycle, microtubule organization, and chromo
47  cells progressing synchronously through the mitotic cell cycle, while preserving the coupling of cel
48 cells in early, mid, and late S phase of the mitotic cell cycle.
49                                     Although mitotic cell cycles can take place in the absence of cen
50 on prolonged mitotic progression and induced mitotic cell death, both of which are indicative of mito
51 between lipogenesis and protein synthesis in mitotic cell divisions.
52 rge-scale screening data sets on nuclear and mitotic cell morphologies demonstrates that CellCognitio
53                              We propose that mitotic cell rounding in columnar epithelia allows cells
54                       Finally, we found that mitotic cell shape is also abnormal in the mutant VZ.
55 on of > 1000 genes to the rounding of single mitotic cells against confinement.
56 s the rounding force, pressure and volume of mitotic cells and localizes selected proteins.
57                            In addition, when mitotic cells are fused with interphase cells, "wait ana
58                                   While most mitotic cells express two AURK isoforms (AURKA and AURKB
59                                              Mitotic cells facilitate this process by generating intr
60 ble in mature postmitotic neurons as well as mitotic cells in mice brain by combining CRISPR-Cas9-med
61 ar bioenergetics during degeneration of post-mitotic cells of ocular tissue.
62 ts may be important for spindle integrity in mitotic cells so that tensile forces generated at kineto
63 rs, primary odontoblasts are long-lived post-mitotic cells that secrete dentine throughout the life o
64    Here, we show that in maize (Zea mays L.) mitotic cells, H3T3ph is concentrated at pericentromeric
65 protocols, FACS separation of interphase and mitotic cells, including mitotic subphases, can be combi
66 stimuli cause proliferative effects (PHH3(+) mitotic cells, YAP translocation, PDGF secretion) or inc
67 ng of microtubule dynamics in interphase and mitotic cells.
68 o SF3B1 in the nucleoplasm of interphase and mitotic cells.
69 ression of meiotic transcripts expression in mitotic cells.
70 nditional gene disruption and rescue in post-mitotic cells.
71 ht into a molecular interaction required for mitotic centrosome assembly.
72 n-dependent assemblies that are critical for mitotic centrosome assembly.
73 tively active Pkc1 can drive cells through a mitotic checkpoint arrest, which suggests that Pkc1-depe
74                                          The mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC) is formed from two sub-
75        C-Mad2-Cdc20 is incorporated into the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), which inhibits the ana
76 ndle checkpoint proteins, in the form of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), with the APC/C. apc14D
77 change in Mad2 [10-12], and formation of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC: Cdc20-Mad3-Mad2 [13-15]
78 ergent evolution of fast-growing clones with mitotic checkpoint defects.
79         As a sensitive signaling system, the mitotic checkpoint ensures faithful chromosome segregati
80                                          The mitotic checkpoint is a cellular safeguard that prevents
81 driving TGFbeta1-induced DNA replication and mitotic checkpoint progression.
82  kinase Mps1, long known to be the 'boss' in mitotic checkpoint signaling, phosphorylates multiple pr
83  (Mps1/TTK) is a protein kinase essential in mitotic checkpoint signaling, preventing anaphase until
84 ins (NTD and CTD) of MAD1 also contribute to mitotic checkpoint signaling.
85 PS1 kinase, providing critical insights into mitotic checkpoint signaling.
86                                          The mitotic checkpoint system prevents premature separation
87 s or the kinetochore/centromere promotes the mitotic checkpoint, it is insufficient for a robust mito
88 ition of Mps-1 resulted in abrogation of the mitotic checkpoint, premature progression through mitosi
89 pports CPC localization to chromatin and the mitotic checkpoint.
90 f MCC, necessary for the inactivation of the mitotic checkpoint.
91 codes a protein kinase that is essential for mitotic checkpoints and the DNA damage response.
92 transcription factors remain associated with mitotic chromatin in ESCs and during iPSC reprogramming,
93 r chromosome architecture yet how they shape mitotic chromatin remains unknown.
94                              To test whether mitotic chromatin-associated Nup2 might function to brid
95 ifferent cancer mouse models with persistent mitotic chromosomal instability, observing a decrease in
96  family of SUMO E3 ligases, as essential for mitotic chromosomal SUMOylation in frog egg extracts and
97                                              Mitotic chromosome assembly remains a big mystery in bio
98 omosome conformation capture (Hi-C) to study mitotic chromosome condensation in the fission yeast Sch
99 he role of condensin I in the maintenance of mitotic chromosome structure with unprecedented temporal
100                  The spatial organization of mitotic chromosomes and how condensin shapes chromatin a
101 t topoisomerase II is the major component of mitotic chromosomes and remain attached to the chromosom
102 ogy and structure of both the interphase and mitotic chromosomes from effective energy landscapes con
103        Topo-II localized to the perimeter of mitotic chromosomes, excluded from the centromere region
104 d from the TGN, followed by association with mitotic chromosomes.
105 to 120- and 300- to 700-nanometer fibers and mitotic chromosomes.
106 8 decorated the inter-chromatid axial DNA on mitotic chromosomes.
107 ulators and that the KDM5s are necessary for mitotic clonal expansion in 3T3-L1 cells, indicating tha
108 ation of the ESCO1 gene has little effect on mitotic cohesion.
109 at signals from Sid4 contribute to the Cut12 mitotic commitment switch.
110 omotes SPB-associated Cdk1-cyclin B to drive mitotic commitment.
111                                         Post-mitotic committed neurons become susceptible to ZIKV inf
112 ation of six pathway inhibitors induces post-mitotic cortical neurons with functional electrophysiolo
113 1 deletion mutations, higher-than-the-median mitotic counts were associated with unfavorable RFS in t
114 t al. (2017) show that key regulators of the mitotic cycle are redeployed in differentiating multicil
115 10 and HP1a are specifically observed in the mitotic cycling cells, but not in the endocycling cells.
116                     Cdc42 depletion enhances mitotic deadhesion and rounding, and these biophysical c
117                   Depletion of 53BP1 induces mitotic defects such as chromosomal missegregation, miso
118 ssing cells exhibit previously unappreciated mitotic defects that likely contribute to HPV-mediated c
119 thered together, which is thought to prevent mitotic defects.
120         As recently described, we observed a mitotic delay in 4R-Tau expressing cells of larval eye d
121 e expression and impairs proliferation via a mitotic delay.
122 or both spindle poles, causing a significant mitotic delay.
123  we found a high level of aneuploidy in post-mitotic differentiated tissue.
124 e analyzed division orientation in the first mitotic divisions of the early Drosophila embryo, where
125 PC segregation to daughter nuclei by linking mitotic DNA and NPC segregation via the mitotic specific
126   ALT-associated replication defects trigger mitotic DNA synthesis (MiDAS) at telomeres in a RAD52-de
127  molecular intermediate during the repair of mitotic double-strand breaks by homologous recombination
128 t status of kinetochores therefore optimizes mitotic duration by controlling the balance between oppo
129 igration, and suggest that the transition in mitotic dynamics can be studied in organoid models.
130                                              Mitotic entosis occurs constitutively in some human canc
131                        Because regulation of mitotic entry by Cdc25 is well conserved, this mechanism
132 nase Cdr1 is a mitotic inducer that promotes mitotic entry by phosphorylating and inhibiting Wee1.
133 letion in neural stem cells results in early mitotic entry that distracts cell division mode, leading
134 e context of a checkpoint pathway that links mitotic entry to membrane growth in budding yeast.
135                                           On mitotic entry, NuMA is released from the nucleus and com
136 s recruited to the nuclear pore complex upon mitotic entry, where it acts with Cdk1 to hyperphosphory
137 actomyosin cortex and for cell rounding upon mitotic entry.
138 clin B1/CDK1 complex functions necessary for mitotic entry.
139 pression is cell cycle dependent, peaking at mitotic entry.
140 in B1/CDK1 complex function, thus preventing mitotic entry.
141  PPP1R3B facilitates mitotic exit and blocks mitotic entry.
142 diverse molecular mechanisms contributing to mitotic error.
143 om centrosome amplification exhibit frequent mitotic errors and possess complex karyotypes, recapitul
144                Along with errors in meiosis, mitotic errors during post-zygotic cell division contrib
145 inase-1 (PLK1) plays a major role in driving mitotic events, including centrosome disjunction and sep
146 -like kinase Cdc5 is a key regulator of many mitotic events.
147 tingly, up-regulation of PPP1R3B facilitates mitotic exit and blocks mitotic entry.
148 o pulse-label transcripts during mitosis and mitotic exit and found that many genes exhibit transcrip
149 ome deposition occurs in early G1 just after mitotic exit at the time when the CENP-A deposition mach
150  Cdc20 through kinetochores also accelerates mitotic exit by promoting its dephosphorylation by kinet
151 cts CDK1 activity during anaphase to promote mitotic exit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Surprisingly, h
152            We determined that this premature mitotic exit is due to defects in spindle assembly check
153                      In some cells, however, mitotic exit occurred in the presence of pole-associated
154 nique dual inhibition profile targeting TTK (mitotic exit) and CLK2 (mRNA splicing).
155 operate to precisely position the CPC during mitotic exit, and that these pathways converge to ensure
156                                       During mitotic exit, PP1-dependent dephosphorylation of Gwl Ser
157  mapping of transcription during mitosis and mitotic exit.
158 tosis and shuttles to the midzone spindle at mitotic exit.
159 nism of SAC inactivation required for timely mitotic exit.
160 wl with a phosphomimetic S883E mutant blocks mitotic exit.
161 erior to the furrow to ensure properly timed mitotic exit.
162  signals are diluted, resulting in premature mitotic exit.
163 served in interphase is reestablished during mitotic exit.
164  its removal may cause pole delamination and mitotic failure when spindle forces are elevated.
165 of single PGCCs following paclitaxel-induced mitotic failure.
166 ate mitotic spindle assembly is critical for mitotic fidelity and organismal development.
167                     SET ablation compromised mitotic fidelity as evidenced by unresolved sister chrom
168 nd phosphorylation changes in interphase and mitotic fractions from asynchronously growing human cell
169 CENP-A at the centromere is critical for its mitotic function and epigenetic maintenance.
170                  Hence, we conclude that the mitotic function of augmin is dependent on its MAP subun
171 l LESLL motif as a critical motif for AIRE's mitotic function.
172 encing analyses showed reduced expression of mitotic genes and activation of genes associated with ch
173 ortant role in transcriptional activation of mitotic genes.
174 tumorigenesis by mediating overexpression of mitotic genes.
175         Conditional knockout of TRF2 in post-mitotic immature neurons had virtually no detectable eff
176 el mechanism that implicates Aurora A in the mitotic inactivation of transcription factors.
177 or the knockdown of Cdc25A remedies the high mitotic index and rescues the premature differentiation
178 tutively in some human cancer cell lines and mitotic index correlates with cell cannibalism in primar
179                  NR increased DNA synthesis, mitotic index, and mass restoration in the regenerating
180 c stress induced hyperphosphorylation of the mitotic inducer Cdr1 for several hours, and cells delaye
181 aromyces pombe, the protein kinase Cdr1 is a mitotic inducer that promotes mitotic entry by phosphory
182      Targeting AKT in combination with WEE1 (mitotic inhibitor kinase) seems to have potential to mak
183  DNA synthesis during mitosis and to resolve mitotic interlinks, thus facilitating chromosome segrega
184 ls with their neighbors remain intact during mitotic internalization, resulting in an uptake of Celsr
185                                          The mitotic kinase Plk1 contributes to the DNA damage respon
186             We propose to understand how the mitotic kinase PLK1 drives chromosome segregation errors
187                               Cdk5 is a post-mitotic kinase with complex roles in maintaining neurona
188 ic functions for E2F-2 and suggest that some mitotic kinases have specialized roles supporting enucle
189 of kinetochore-microtubule attachment, other mitotic kinases likely contribute to Hec1 phosphorylatio
190                    It is unknown whether any mitotic kinases positively regulate the localization of
191 ng capacity of MAP65-1 in concert with other mitotic kinases.
192       We also identify a requirement for the mitotic kinesin KIF23, a key target gene of MMB, in tumo
193                    During cell division, the mitotic kinesin-5 Eg5 generates most of the force requir
194 pting DISC1/Ndel1 complex formation prolongs mitotic length and interferes with cell-cycle progressio
195 otic prophase, the cells attempt an abnormal mitotic-like division and die.
196 plications of the decades-old observation of mitotic linker histone phosphorylation, serving as a par
197 links the KRAS oncogene to components of the mitotic machinery, a pathway previously postulated to fu
198  using fluorescence in situ hybridization on mitotic metaphase chromosomes and interphase nuclei.
199 Crocin depolymerized both the interphase and mitotic microtubules of different cancer cells, inhibite
200 ate subclass-specific effector genes in post-mitotic motor neurons.
201 nd provide insight into the function of this mitotic motor.
202           These may influence interphase and mitotic MT mechanisms and indeed, centrosome and primary
203  heart is non-regenerative owing to the post-mitotic nature of cardiomyocytes.
204 te intermediaries, the intercalation of post-mitotic neuronal cell bodies during VNC formation.
205 progression in neuronal progenitors and post-mitotic neuronal survival.
206               We demonstrate editing of post-mitotic neurons in the adult mouse brain following injec
207 development and neural cells, including post-mitotic neurons.
208  induce IL-34 production selectively in post-mitotic neurons.
209 cates that A. nidulans cells ensure accurate mitotic NPC segregation to daughter nuclei by linking mi
210 clear that the mammalian heart is not a post-mitotic organ.
211 ctivated by chromatin, and consistent with a mitotic origin, micronuclei formation and the proinflamm
212 nt than did wild-type Vgll4, suggesting that mitotic phosphorylation inhibits Vgll4's tumor-suppressi
213 evated levels of PMP22 mRNA, exhibit reduced mitotic potential, and display intracellular protein agg
214                                              Mitotic precision fundamentally contributes to cell fate
215  Downregulated transcripts were enriched for mitotic processes and upregulated transcripts were enric
216 aging, we show that BET inhibition prolonged mitotic progression and induced mitotic cell death, both
217 escribed mechanism for interrupting faithful mitotic progression and may ultimately inform the design
218       Spindle pole localization of WDR62 and mitotic progression are defective in patient-derived fib
219  reticulum-localized protein FAM134A impairs mitotic progression by affecting metaphase plate alignme
220  well as wild-type siblings, indicating that mitotic progression delays alone do not alter overall gr
221 est for extended periods, moderate delays in mitotic progression have significant effects on the resu
222 result in defective chromosome alignment and mitotic progression in cells using a CRISPR/Cas9-based r
223 nk between 3R and 4R-Tau isoform expression, mitotic progression in neuronal progenitors and post-mit
224 oesin, is essential for NB proliferation and mitotic progression in the developing brain.
225 hful inheritance of chromosomes by arresting mitotic progression in the presence of kinetochores that
226 dy illustrates that such an expert system of mitotic progression is able to highlight the complexity
227                                          Yet mitotic progression is defined by multiple parameters, w
228 (-/-) mammary mouse tumours, suggesting that mitotic progression promotes PARP-inhibitor-induced cell
229 e transcription factors in coordination with mitotic progression remain poorly understood.
230 hese results suggest that moderate delays in mitotic progression trigger the initiation of centriole
231 The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) delays mitotic progression until all sister chromatid pairs ach
232       To study the spatiotemporal control of mitotic progression, we developed a high-content analysi
233 cells disturbs neither spindle formation nor mitotic progression.
234 liated cells to promote ciliogenesis without mitotic progression.
235 hugoshins is a fundamental step in mammalian mitotic progression.
236 ression suggesting others functions for this mitotic protein.
237 w this regulates CPC interactions with other mitotic proteins remains unclear.
238 ses of neurogenesis separated by a period of mitotic quiescence.
239 itous recombinase Rad51, suggesting that the mitotic recombination machinery is reactivated following
240 vious studies involving hetDNA formed during mitotic recombination were restricted to one locus.
241 rved to validate the screen, we identified a mitotic-related serine/threonine kinase, NEK6, as a medi
242                                    Thus, the mitotic reorganization of PCP proteins must alter not on
243               Here, our data indicate a post-mitotic requirement for the APC/C(Fzr/Cdh1) in epithelia
244 ly, we report that Paclitaxel/taxol promotes mitotic rounding and subsequent entosis, revealing an un
245                                              Mitotic rounding during cell division is critical for pr
246 f how perturbed mechanical properties impact mitotic rounding has important potential implications on
247 l to circular apical shape to achieve robust mitotic rounding in epithelial tissues, which is where m
248                             Here, we analyze mitotic rounding using a newly developed multi-scale sub
249 ever, how cells mechanically regulate robust mitotic rounding within packed tissues is unknown.
250            We identify 49 genes relevant for mitotic rounding, a large portion of which have not prev
251                            In the absence of mitotic rounding, geometric cues imposed by tight cell p
252 cell-cell adhesion and cortical stiffness to mitotic rounding.
253 h brings a new insight into the mechanism of mitotic "slippage" of the arrested cells.
254 king mitotic DNA and NPC segregation via the mitotic specific chromatin association of Nup2.
255  FTLD-MAPT in which neurons and glia exhibit mitotic spindle abnormalities, chromosome mis-segregatio
256                                              Mitotic spindle alignment with the basal or substrate-co
257                              In animals, the mitotic spindle aligns with Par complex polarized fate d
258  required for the assembly of the subsequent mitotic spindle and to phosphorylate a microtubule-assoc
259 in that directs nucleocytoplasmic transport, mitotic spindle assembly and nuclear envelope formation.
260                                     Accurate mitotic spindle assembly is critical for mitotic fidelit
261  for AURKA-dependent, centrosome-independent mitotic spindle assembly is essential for the survival a
262 indle matrix has been proposed to facilitate mitotic spindle assembly.
263 ides is determined by the orientation of its mitotic spindle at metaphase.
264  able to diffuse outside the confines of the mitotic spindle compartment.
265                                          The mitotic spindle consists of microtubules (MTs), which ar
266 quired for lumen continuity by orienting the mitotic spindle during cell division.
267 erface between centromeric chromatin and the mitotic spindle during chromosome segregation.
268 acking software and apply it to characterize mitotic spindle dynamics in the Xenopus laevis embryonic
269                                          The mitotic spindle ensures the faithful segregation of chro
270 microtubule-associated protein important for mitotic spindle formation.
271 sible and active outside the confines of the mitotic spindle from which they are derived.
272 microtubule cross-linker Shortstop (Shot) in mitotic spindle function in Drosophila Shot localizes to
273                    The proper positioning of mitotic spindle in the single-cell Caenorhabditis elegan
274                Asymmetric positioning of the mitotic spindle is a fundamental process responsible for
275                   The formation of a bipolar mitotic spindle is an essential process for the equal se
276                                          The mitotic spindle is composed of dynamic microtubules and
277 oper assembly and orientation of the bipolar mitotic spindle is critical to the fidelity of cell divi
278                          The position of the mitotic spindle is tightly controlled in animal cells as
279 nesis by coupling juxtamembrane signaling to mitotic spindle machinery.
280 n when a single kinetochore is unattached to mitotic spindle microtubules.
281 in1-ARHGAP21 interactions, Cdc42 activation, mitotic spindle orientation and 3D glandular morphogenes
282                         One deletion impairs mitotic spindle orientation, leading to premature cell c
283 s a previously unidentified component of the mitotic spindle pole and the centrosome.
284 dle function in Drosophila Shot localizes to mitotic spindle poles, and its knockdown results in an u
285  ensures the alignment of chromosomes on the mitotic spindle that is required for their proper segreg
286 binding that optimally positions Stu2 on the mitotic spindle to promote proper spindle structure and
287           In budding yeast, dynein moves the mitotic spindle to the predetermined site of cytokinesis
288 ge of MTOCs and contributes to orienting the mitotic spindle within the cell.
289 MTs nucleate from preexisting MTs within the mitotic spindle, which requires the protein TPX2, but th
290 along astral microtubules to help orient the mitotic spindle.
291 rs that grow out from the poles of the first mitotic spindle.
292 djacent to the spindle poles and orients the mitotic spindle.
293 ical NuMA-dynein complexes that position the mitotic spindle.
294 ge-scale serial electron tomography of whole mitotic spindles in early C. elegans embryos with live-c
295  cycle, alternating between highly condensed mitotic structures that facilitate chromosome segregatio
296 n of interphase and mitotic cells, including mitotic subphases, can be combined with proteomic analys
297 3 occurs prior to dephosphorylation of other mitotic substrates; replacing endogenous Gwl with a phos
298             The spindle checkpoint acts as a mitotic surveillance system, monitoring interactions bet
299 t inactivation of SCCRO results in prolonged mitotic time because of delayed and/or failed abscission
300 iferating stem cells or differentiated, post-mitotic zymogenic chief cells in the gland base.

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