


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 also tumor-promoting activities (enhancer of mitotic entry).
2 pression is cell cycle dependent, peaking at mitotic entry.
3 w components of novel mechanisms controlling mitotic entry.
4 e H3, in infected cells suggested a block to mitotic entry.
5 hosphorylation at centrosomes increases with mitotic entry.
6 nt role in DNA damage checkpoint control and mitotic entry.
7  separation are linked to the cell cycle and mitotic entry.
8 nization of the nucleus and the cytoplasm at mitotic entry.
9 ughter pair of tightly engaged centrioles at mitotic entry.
10 se-enriched population that result in faster mitotic entry.
11 reorganization of the cell is coordinated at mitotic entry.
12  links the disassembly of Rad51 complexes to mitotic entry.
13 d further uncoupling of DNA replication with mitotic entry.
14 vels decrease at the cell middle, leading to mitotic entry.
15  fails to bind Rad51, associated with faster mitotic entry.
16 g network that contributes to the control of mitotic entry.
17  activation of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 and mitotic entry.
18  for partitioning or is merely an outcome of mitotic entry.
19 tor of protein kinase A that normally blocks mitotic entry.
20 C/C substrates crucial for DNA synthesis and mitotic entry.
21 s, and is believed to be required for proper mitotic entry.
22  spindle in the compartmentalized nucleus on mitotic entry.
23 is activated at G2-M and required for timely mitotic entry.
24 onal relevance for active p38 protein during mitotic entry.
25 tors significantly accelerated the timing of mitotic entry.
26  couple centrosome maturation to NEBD during mitotic entry.
27          Moreover, knockdown of RUNX3 delays mitotic entry.
28 se (SCFNIPA) implicated in the regulation of mitotic entry.
29 but also accumulate in G(2)-M due to blocked mitotic entry.
30 active Aur-A accelerates cdc2 activation and mitotic entry.
31 mote full activation of Cdc25 at the time of mitotic entry.
32 onopolar spindles, delays but does not block mitotic entry.
33 reby accelerating S287 dephosphorylation and mitotic entry.
34 ms, including Drosophila, leads to premature mitotic entry.
35 lly followed by rapid neurite retraction and mitotic entry.
36 phase entry while centrosome migration marks mitotic entry.
37 5C are not required for mouse development or mitotic entry.
38  cells that was related to the inhibition of mitotic entry.
39 tion is therefore a regulatory mechanism for mitotic entry.
40 y reported requirement for Cdk2 in promoting mitotic entry.
41 uld ensure that all DNA is replicated before mitotic entry.
42 d for proper activation of cdk1/cyclin B and mitotic entry.
43  into the role of PP1 in Cdc2 activation and mitotic entry.
44 C that we have termed Tome-1, for trigger of mitotic entry.
45 gillus nidulans NIMA kinase is essential for mitotic entry.
46 osphorylated just before cdc2 activation and mitotic entry.
47 ion of proteasomes all abolish this delay in mitotic entry.
48 able to cooperate with cyclin B in promoting mitotic entry.
49 nti-GRASP65 antibody alleviated the block in mitotic entry.
50 ciously and cells overexpressing Clp1p delay mitotic entry.
51 st solution for irreversible and switch-like mitotic entry.
52 planation for the ability of Pin1 to inhibit mitotic entry.
53  activation of the Cdc2-cyclin B complex and mitotic entry.
54 redistribution is precisely coordinated with mitotic entry.
55     Here we show that TopBP1 forms foci upon mitotic entry.
56  that inhibits Cdk1 activation thus blocking mitotic entry.
57 of the cell cycle is a critical regulator of mitotic entry.
58 in B1/CDK1 complex function, thus preventing mitotic entry.
59  manifested in a cell cycle delay before the mitotic entry.
60  overt premature CDK1 activation and S-phase mitotic entry.
61  PPP1R3B facilitates mitotic exit and blocks mitotic entry.
62 undergo specific translational regulation at mitotic entry.
63 tional function of Oct4 in the regulation of mitotic entry.
64 tially deleterious consequences of premature mitotic entry.
65 ise in mitotic kinase activity that triggers mitotic entry.
66 actomyosin cortex and for cell rounding upon mitotic entry.
67 ed expression of cdc25a, a key controller of mitotic entry.
68 es of a dose-dependent 'sizer' that controls mitotic entry.
69 as shown that Wee1 inhibition of Cdk1 blocks mitotic entry.
70 nucleus- and centrosome-associated forces in mitotic entry.
71 clin B1/CDK1 complex functions necessary for mitotic entry.
72 B and Cdc25C accumulation, a requirement for mitotic entry.
73 ke protein that contributes to the timing of mitotic entry.
74 ation by Cdc25 phosphatase are essential for mitotic entry.
75         As reported recently, at the time of mitotic entry, 14-3-3 protein is removed from Cdc25 and
76 signaling by the centrally placed nucleus at mitotic entry [2-4]: the cell geometry network (CGN), co
77 , identified 18 genes that act negatively at mitotic entry, 7 of which have not been previously descr
78                                              Mitotic entry, a critical decision point for maintaining
79             Finally, FdUrd induced premature mitotic entry, a phenomenon associated with deregulated
80                               However, after mitotic entry, a pool of Swe1 persists, and we collected
81 nt evidence suggests that p53 may accelerate mitotic entry after DNA damage and that the override of
82 point protects cells from potentially lethal mitotic entry after DNA damage.
83 ells arrested in late G2 are unable to delay mitotic entry after irradiation.
84 aracterized gene that is required to prevent mitotic entry after treatment with ionizing radiation.
85     Shp2-depleted cells exhibited a delay in mitotic entry and an earlier mitotic exit.
86 phosphorylation on Ser(219) potently induces mitotic entry and apoptosis and increases radiation hype
87 rmore, up-regulation of Pin2 or TRF1 induces mitotic entry and apoptosis, a phenotype similar to that
88 cate monitoring of spindle orientation after mitotic entry and before commitment to mitotic exit.
89 wed increased apoptosis as a result of early mitotic entry and catastrophe compared to DDR-D cells.
90                   Depletion of Emi1 prevents mitotic entry and causes rereplication and an increase i
91                                  Conversely, mitotic entry and cell division makes ECs refractory to
92 lk1 activation to ensure a robust control of mitotic entry and cell division timing.
93 gree of Plk1 depletion significantly delayed mitotic entry and completely blocked cells at mitosis.
94 cal for diverse cellular processes including mitotic entry and cytokinesis.
95 y processes that specify their assembly upon mitotic entry and disassembly at mitotic exit.
96 progress through mitosis; they round up upon mitotic entry and elongate during chromosome segregation
97 ts that show E2F regulates genes involved in mitotic entry and exit and allow the suggestion that mit
98 on of Cdc2 both contribute to the control of mitotic entry and exit in human cells.
99 egulation of cdk1/cyclin B activity and thus mitotic entry and exit.
100  of nuclear-associated GFP diminishes during mitotic entry and GFP progressively re-associates with c
101 ed in cycling Xenopus egg extracts prevented mitotic entry and induced phosphorylation of ATM and its
102 FkappaB at G2-M phases substantially delayed mitotic entry and inhibited transcription of G2-M-specif
103 between the cell-cycle machinery that drives mitotic entry and its accompanying actin remodeling.
104            A second is at the cell cortex on mitotic entry and later concentrates in the region of th
105 extracts revealed its essential functions in mitotic entry and maintenance.
106 ltured embryonic fibroblasts causes impaired mitotic entry and mitotic arrest with a profound defect
107 pts the S/M checkpoint, leading to premature mitotic entry and mitotic catastrophe.
108 sphatase 2A), which plays important roles in mitotic entry and mitotic exit.
109 m that is crucial for effectively triggering mitotic entry and other critical mitotic events.
110                                 This delayed mitotic entry and progression by transient activation of
111                                              Mitotic entry and progression require the activation of
112 n and Clb2p/cyclin B1, a delay or failure in mitotic entry and progression, and faulty chromosome tra
113  the G2/M transition is important for proper mitotic entry and progression.
114 plays an essential role in the regulation of mitotic entry and progression.
115 in regulating the many processes involved in mitotic entry and progression.
116  M1b (FoxM1b) plays an important role during mitotic entry and progression.
117 regulatory mechanism is essential for timely mitotic entry and progression.
118  mitotic function of FoxM1b, ensuring timely mitotic entry and progression.
119  complexes through diverse approaches delays mitotic entry and promotes inhibitory phosphorylation of
120 overexpressed gene), enters the nucleus upon mitotic entry and promotes spindle formation.
121                    Depletion of Plk1 delayed mitotic entry and recovery from the DNA damage-induced G
122  Moreover, knockdown of PinX1 caused delayed mitotic entry and reduced the accumulation of TRF1 on te
123        Aurora-A was previously implicated in mitotic entry and spindle assembly, although contradicto
124 r the disassembly of the nuclear envelope at mitotic entry and the accumulation of Mud at the spindle
125                             Cdk1 drives both mitotic entry and the metaphase-to-anaphase transition.
126 hermore, overexpression of Pin2/TRF1 induces mitotic entry and then apoptosis [12].
127  elicits a checkpoint response that prevents mitotic entry and triggers apoptotic cell death.
128  activity) bipolar spindle formation, timely mitotic entry, and formation of a cytokinesis cleavage f
129 se 1, a regulator of chromosome segregation, mitotic entry, and mitotic exit.
130 Greatwall kinase is a conserved regulator of mitotic entry, and new work in Xenopus egg extracts show
131 S490A) impedes centrosome separation, delays mitotic entry, and reduces proliferation.
132 ndent kinase (Cdk1) activity is required for mitotic entry, and this event is restrained by an inhibi
133  (Cdk1) phosphorylates septin 9 (SEPT9) upon mitotic entry, and this phosphorylation controls associa
134 Cdc25 catalytic activation, the precision of mitotic entry, and unvarying cell length but not Cdc25 l
135 port a consistent drug-induced inhibition of mitotic entry (approx. 50%).
136   Sophisticated models for the regulation of mitotic entry are lacking for human cells.
137 occludin regulates centrosome separation and mitotic entry as the nonphosphorylatable alanine mutatio
138 functions during mitosis, helping to promote mitotic entry as well as targeting proteins that mediate
139 otential target of CYLD in the regulation of mitotic entry, based on their physical interaction and s
140 ers a G(2) checkpoint response, which delays mitotic entry because of insufficient decatenation of da
141 e shattering (chromothripsis) is produced by mitotic entry before completion of DNA replication withi
142 s inhibiting the ERK pathway interferes with mitotic entry but has little effect on cdc2 activation a
143 d cyclin-dependent protein kinase 1 promotes mitotic entry but is held in check, in part, by Wee1 pro
144      Activation of Chk2 might not only delay mitotic entry, but also increase the capacity of culture
145 maining cyclin is sufficient to induce early mitotic entry, but reversal of the S-phase checkpoint is
146 th Aurora A and Plk1 was sufficient to delay mitotic entry by 4 h, while inhibiting either kinase alo
147  and Plk1 was not additive and again delayed mitotic entry by 4 h.
148 DNA damage checkpoint responses and promotes mitotic entry by accelerating claspin degradation throug
149                                     Blocking mitotic entry by adding the catalytic subunit of PKA als
150 e Clp1p (also known as Flp1p) is released at mitotic entry by an unknown mechanism.
151 min, a microtubule (MT) destabilizer, delays mitotic entry by approximately 4 h in HeLa cells.
152                        Because regulation of mitotic entry by Cdc25 is well conserved, this mechanism
153 d to the model that checkpoint kinases block mitotic entry by inhibiting cdc25C through phosphorylati
154 l cycle checkpoint kinase prevents premature mitotic entry by inhibiting cyclin-dependent kinases.
155 nase Cdr1 is a mitotic inducer that promotes mitotic entry by phosphorylating and inhibiting Wee1.
156 he Cdk1 inhibitor Wee1 is inactivated during mitotic entry by proteolysis, translational regulation,
157 ion about cell size and coordinate this with mitotic entry by regulating Cdk1 through Pom1, Cdr2, Cdr
158 e way that CDK regulates spindle assembly at mitotic entry: CDK phosphorylates the Alp7-Alp14 complex
159                                         Upon mitotic entry, centrosomal Plk1 becomes more dynamic, a
160  (IC(50) = 40-3 nM and 1.5 nM), resulting in mitotic entry checkpoint inhibition.
161 nal protein kinase involved in regulation of mitotic entry, chromosome segregation, centrosome matura
162 ted to centrosome maturation and separation, mitotic entry, chromosome segregation, mitotic exit, and
163 ropose that the spatial regulation of Gwl at mitotic entry contributes to the mitotic switch.
164 e mitosis affected neither cyclin levels nor mitotic entry, corroborating this repression.
165  the release of Pbl/Ect2 from the nucleus at mitotic entry drives Rho-dependent activation of Myosin-
166 is dispensable for irreversible, switch-like mitotic entry due to a second mechanism, whereby Cdk1:Cy
167 plication stress, DNA damage and unscheduled mitotic entry due to elevated CDK activity.
168 and overrides checkpoint-mediated arrests of mitotic entry due to the presence of unreplicated and da
169           The molecular mechanisms governing mitotic entry during animal development are incompletely
170 r signals are required for the activation of mitotic entry during de novo meristem formation from G2
171 via phosphorylation of tyrosine 15 and times mitotic entry during the cortical nuclear cycles of sync
172 to replicate or repair DNA completely before mitotic entry during the late syncytial divisions.
173   Immunodepletion of endogenous Aven allowed mitotic entry even in the presence of damaged DNA, and R
174 d Cdk1 activation and morphologically normal mitotic entry, even in the absence of G2.
175 onclude that KLF4 is essential in preventing mitotic entry following gamma-irradiation and does so by
176             Normal keratinocytes had delayed mitotic entry for >10 h following UVB.
177  cells, inhibition of ATR triggers premature mitotic entry, genomic instability and apoptosis.
178                                           At mitotic entry, GWL is activated and phosphorylates endos
179 rmore, artificially uncapped telomeres delay mitotic entry in a p53- and p21-dependent manner.
180                                       Timely mitotic entry in budding yeast requires inactivation of
181 Thr 104 had an increased capacity to inhibit mitotic entry in cyclin B-treated interphase extracts, a
182 te its interaction with PLK-1 and to trigger mitotic entry in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.
183 which stress-induced p38 activation inhibits mitotic entry in eukaryotic cells.
184    At high concentrations, GSK461364A delays mitotic entry in G(2) followed by gradual progression in
185 s a protein kinase that negatively regulates mitotic entry in G2 phase by suppressing cyclin B-Cdc2 a
186 ith DNA synthesis, thus preventing premature mitotic entry in gemcitabine-treated cells.
187 anscriptional activity recapitulated delayed mitotic entry in HeLa cells.
188 dable mutant of claspin was shown to inhibit mitotic entry in HPV-16 E7-expressing cells.
189 regulator shown to affect G2 progression and mitotic entry in mammalian cells.
190 rectly activated by the Ste20-like kinase at mitotic entry in mammalian cells.
191 litates, but is not absolutely required for, mitotic entry in murine embryonic fibroblasts and is ess
192 characterized Ser/Thr kinase, is involved in mitotic entry in several systems; however, the targets o
193                            The regulation of mitotic entry in somatic cells differs from embryonic ce
194  M phase in embryonic cells, the trigger for mitotic entry in somatic cells remains unknown.
195                                    Premature mitotic entry in the absence of Pin1 was accompanied by
196  and additionally advances the commitment to mitotic entry in the next cycle.
197 ckpoint in Drosophila that serves to prevent mitotic entry in the presence of DNA damage.
198 toplasmic sequestration of Cdc25B/C to block mitotic entry in the presence of unrepaired DNA damage.
199 on of cyclin function does not directly time mitotic entry in these early embryonic cycles and that c
200 d demonstrate that Wee1 kinases can regulate mitotic entry in vivo during metazoan development even i
201 EI10 inhibits nuclear envelope breakdown and mitotic entry in Xenopus egg extracts.
202  either activator cyclins A or B, stimulates mitotic entry, in part, by phosphorylating the nuclear l
203 with the ubiquitin-proteasome system ensures mitotic entry independent of cell cycle checkpoint.
204           Depletion of Wee1 protein preceded mitotic entry induced by 17AAG, and this decrease could
205 ise temporal depletion of TopBP1 just before mitotic entry induced formation of 53BP1 NBs in the next
206                                   Eukaryotic mitotic entry is controlled by Cdk1, which is activated
207                                              Mitotic entry is controlled by the cyclin B-cyclin-depen
208              Our data show insights into how mitotic entry is linked to the completion of S phase and
209  regulated to coordinate actin assembly with mitotic entry is not clear.
210 the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, mitotic entry is orchestrated by a geometry-sensing mech
211 he ability of Vpr to block the cell cycle at mitotic entry is well known, but the importance of this
212 in-dependent kinase activation and premature mitotic entry, leading to both p53-dependent and indepen
213  in PLK-1 binding in vitro present delays in mitotic entry, mimicking embryos lacking SPAT-1 or PLK-1
214 cells and tumor xenografts induces premature mitotic entry, mitotic catastrophe, and reduction of tum
215                                         Upon mitotic entry, Nek5-depleted cells inappropriately retai
216 n of S phase, showing that activation of the mitotic entry network does not depend on protein accumul
217                                           On mitotic entry, NuMA is released from the nucleus and com
218 s suggests that Msh2 primarily acts to delay mitotic entry of cells already in G2, that is, DNA damag
219               The network that regulates the mitotic entry of the cell-cycle in eukaryotes also makes
220 ese data demonstrate that stathmin regulates mitotic entry, partially via MTs, to control localizatio
221     Here, we show that besides the premature mitotic entry phenotype, Wee1 mutant murine cells fail t
222 nstead, the inhibitory effect of SP600125 on mitotic entry predominantly occurs upstream of Aurora A
223 Many nuclear proteins are inactivated during mitotic entry, presumably as a prerequisite to chromatin
224  has been shown to be a crucial regulator of mitotic entry, progression, and exit.
225 ation, until it reaches a threshold allowing mitotic entry regardless of remaining checkpoint signal
226                  We reported previously that mitotic entry requires 14-3-3 removal and Ser287 dephosp
227       Consistent with a role for RhoA during mitotic entry, RhoA activity is elevated in rounded, pre
228                                         Upon mitotic entry, RINT-1-deficient cells exhibited multiple
229                                         Upon mitotic entry, Scc2 is removed from chromatin through a
230                        The increased rate of mitotic entry seen in Fancc-/-mouse embryo fibroblasts c
231 activity is sufficient to cause the delay in mitotic entry seen in Mos-treated extracts.
232 totic events, such as centrosome maturation, mitotic entry, spindle formation, sister chromatid cohes
233 ive in mitosis, is involved in regulation of mitotic entry, spindle pole assembly, mitotic exit, and
234                When Mps1 is inhibited before mitotic entry, subsequent recruitment of Mad1 and Mad2 t
235 h the timely progression through S-phase and mitotic entry, suggesting that CYB-3 is both an S-phase-
236 ering RNA attenuated FdUrd-induced premature mitotic entry, suggesting that progression of HT29 cells
237 bit replication yet were still able to allow mitotic entry, suggesting that these are separate functi
238 letion in neural stem cells results in early mitotic entry that distracts cell division mode, leading
239                                         Upon mitotic entry, the Golgi matrix protein GM130 interacts
240          However, if Mps1 is inhibited after mitotic entry, the Mad1-C-Mad2 core complex remains kine
241 t degradation of CDC25C phosphatase to block mitotic entry, thereby preventing telomere dysfunction-d
242  nuclear export of Wee1 is not essential for mitotic entry though an important functional role remain
243 ic epistasis demonstrated that Ssp1 promotes mitotic entry through Cdr2.
244 weaken the negative feedback loop and primes mitotic entry through cyclin B.
245                               Skb1 inhibited mitotic entry through negative regulation of Cdr1 and lo
246 e G2 DNA damage checkpoint inhibits Cdc2 and mitotic entry through the dual regulation of Wee1 and Cd
247 cortical nodes in the cell middle to promote mitotic entry through Wee1 and Cdk1.
248 yclin B1 expression and slowed the time from mitotic entry to exit.
249 X3 disrupts RUNX DNA binding activity during mitotic entry to facilitate the recruitment of RUNX prot
250                  Chromosomes condense during mitotic entry to facilitate their segregation.
251 e context of a checkpoint pathway that links mitotic entry to membrane growth in budding yeast.
252 A, whereas checkpoint-proficient cells delay mitotic entry to permit time for DNA repair.
253 Gwl) kinase activity inactivates PP2A-B55 at mitotic entry to promote the phosphorylation of cyclin B
254 o the control of this checkpoint by blocking mitotic entry under cellular stress.
255 ive to prevent premature CDK1 activation and mitotic entry until DNA is properly replicated or repair
256 2 checkpoint monitors DNA damage, preventing mitotic entry until the damage can be resolved.
257                     G2/M checkpoints prevent mitotic entry upon DNA damage or replication inhibition
258 opriate cell cycle progression and premature mitotic entry via dysregulation of cyclin-dependent kina
259  Wee1 tyrosine kinases are known to regulate mitotic entry via inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdk1.
260 ngs suggest that p38 regulates the timing of mitotic entry via modulation of Cdc25B activity under no
261              The MEK1 requirement for normal mitotic entry was abrogated if Golgi proteins were dispe
262 tion of Cdc55, we showed that Cdc55 promotes mitotic entry when in the cytoplasm.
263 s recruited to the nuclear pore complex upon mitotic entry, where it acts with Cdk1 to hyperphosphory
264 expression of FoxM1 target genes and impairs mitotic entry, whereas ectopic VprBP expression strongly
265 h cdc2 activation, cyclin B1 expression, and mitotic entry, whereas inhibiting the ERK pathway interf
266 ts strongly delays cyclin B accumulation and mitotic entry, whereas nondestructible Emi1 stabilizes A
267    Zds1/Zds2 promote Cdc55-PP2A function for mitotic entry, whereas Zds1/Zds2 inhibit Cdc55-PP2A func
268 ve threonine residues (T7, T183 and T407) at mitotic entry, which elicits PLK1-dependent suppression
269                 Thus, Bora and Aur-A control mitotic entry, which provides a mechanism for one of the
270 een previously shown to occur in response to mitotic entry with DNA damage or incompletely replicated
271 me nondisjunction occurs as a consequence of mitotic entry with unfinished replication despite intact
272 s entering mitosis, indicating inappropriate mitotic entry with unrepaired damage.
273 n contrast, reducing Cdk1 expression delayed mitotic entry without markedly impairing Cdc25B or Cdc25
274 n of FOXC2 in CSC-enriched TNBC cells delays mitotic entry without significantly affecting the overal
275 le and acts as a dose-dependent inhibitor of mitotic entry, working through the Cdr2 pathway.

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