


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  primary mitral regurgitation (MR) caused by mitral valve prolapse.
2 e and degree of mitral regurgitation (MR) in mitral valve prolapse.
3 ay be important in the pathogenesis of MR in mitral valve prolapse.
4 s strongly associated with significant MR in mitral valve prolapse.
5  visualization of mitral regurgitant jets in mitral valve prolapse.
6 n three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography of mitral valve prolapse.
7 ibrotic role in the pathogenesis of sporadic mitral valve prolapse.
8  more restrictive diagnostic criteria, as in mitral valve prolapse.
9  11 patients with severe MR (3 to 4+) due to mitral valve prolapse.
10 levance when referring patients with complex mitral valve prolapse.
11 isorders, chronic headaches/migraine, and/or mitral valve prolapse.
12 l anomalies, aortic valve calcification, and mitral valve prolapse); (3) considerations in replacemen
13     A total of 84 subjects (2.4 percent) had mitral-valve prolapse: 47 (1.3 percent) had classic prol
14 prophylaxis is recommended for patients with mitral valve prolapse; (5) for oral or dental procedures
15    Case-patients more often had a history of mitral valve prolapse (adjusted odds ratio, 19.4 [CI, 6.
16 s studies have reported a high prevalence of mitral-valve prolapse among patients with embolic stroke
17                     The crude odds ratio for mitral-valve prolapse among the patients who had strokes
18 olic MR and matched them to 90 patients with mitral valve prolapse and holosystolic MR for age, gende
19 ography now provides unprecedented images of mitral valve prolapse and its associated mitral regurgit
20 pectively quantified MR in 111 patients with mitral valve prolapse and mid-late systolic MR and match
21 been reported, particularly in patients with mitral valve prolapse and severe mitral regurgitation.
22  in 112 subjects, including 36 patients with mitral valve prolapse and significant MR (>/=3+; MR+ gro
23  in the presence of the complicated issue of mitral valve prolapse and the relationship of valvar flo
24       We report a strong association between mitral valve prolapse and viridans group streptococcal I
25 trate an association between the presence of mitral-valve prolapse and acute ischemic neurologic even
26 07-0.23), 0.12 (95% CI, 0.04-0.20) excluding mitral valve prolapse, and 0.44 (95% CI, 0.15-0.73) for
27 ciated with increased left ventricular size, mitral valve prolapse, and abnormalities of repolarizati
28 higher rates of scoliosis, pectus excavatum, mitral valve prolapse, and mutations in the CFTR gene.
29                                              Mitral valve prolapse, and similar involvement of other
30  obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and mitral valve prolapse, and some with fixed-orifice (i.e.
31 e clinical and echocardiographic features of mitral valve prolapse, and the pathophysiology and genet
32 udes PD, bladder problems, severe headaches, mitral valve prolapse, and thyroid conditions.
33 t of the cardiovascular problems, especially mitral valve prolapse, aortic dilatation, and aortic dis
34                                  Though most mitral valve prolapse are asymptomatic those that cause
35 lmonary compression on CT or echocardiogram, mitral valve prolapse, arrhythmia, or restrictive lung d
36 e mitral valve, the pathological hallmark of mitral valve prolapse, associated with symptomatic mitra
37  (a) ventricular tachycardia associated with mitral valve prolapse, (b) ventricular tachycardia origi
38 cant MR (>/=3+; MR+ group), 32 patients with mitral valve prolapse but no or mild MR (</=2+; MR- grou
39 sregulated in clinical specimens of sporadic mitral valve prolapse compared with explanted nondisease
40 d regurgitant orifice, whereas patients with mitral valve prolapse, dilated cardiomyopathy or ischemi
41         We present a comprehensive review of mitral valve prolapse, examining normal mitral anatomy,
42                                              Mitral-valve prolapse has been described as a common dis
43 alves, apparently a different condition than mitral valve prolapse, has also become recognized.
44 ischemia in 24, dilated cardiomyopathy in 34 mitral valve prolapse in 12, endocarditis in 2, rheumati
45  to modulate the pathological progression of mitral valve prolapse in patients.
46 of adverse sequelae commonly associated with mitral-valve prolapse in studies of patients referred fo
47               To determine the prevalence of mitral-valve prolapse in the general population, as diag
48                                              Mitral valve prolapse is a common condition that is a ri
49                                              Mitral valve prolapse is a common disorder with a strong
50                                              Mitral valve prolapse is a common valvular abnormality b
51                                              Mitral valve prolapse is a common valvular abnormality t
52                                              Mitral valve prolapse is defined as abnormal bulging of
53       The overall prognosis of patients with mitral valve prolapse is excellent, but a small subset w
54                                              Mitral-valve prolapse is considerably less common than p
55 s study was to investigate the prevalence of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and its association with ven
56 hocardiographic features and associations of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) diagnosed by current two-dim
57  56% men) with grade 3 or 4 MR due to simple mitral valve prolapse (MVP) diagnosed echocardiographica
58                                 Knowledge of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) inheritance is based on pedi
59                                              Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common cardiac valve di
60                                              Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common cardiovascular a
61                                 Nonsyndromic mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common degenerative car
62                                              Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common disorder associa
63                                              Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common human phenotype,
64                Although the vast majority of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is benign, a small subset of
65                                   Arrhythmic mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is characterized by myxomato
66                               The outcome of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is controversial, with marke
67             Mitral regurgitation (MR) due to mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is often treatable by surgic
68                                              Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) may present with ventricular
69                      Longitudinal studies of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) progression among unselected
70                                              Mitral valve prolapse (MVP), an abnormal displacement in
71 d portions of mitral valves in patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP).
72 an syndrome include aortic root dilation and mitral valve prolapse (MVP).
73 subsequent adverse sequelae in patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP).
74 tification of the first mutation in familial mitral valve prolapse not related to connective tissue s
75 disease valves will help relieve symptomatic mitral valve prolapse patients.
76                 Mitral regurgitation (MR) of mitral valve prolapse predominates in late systole but m
77             A third family cosegregates mild mitral valve prolapse syndrome with a mutation in FBN1 t
78                                        MR of mitral valve prolapse that is purely mid-late systolic c
79 raphy is the method of choice for diagnosing mitral valve prolapse, that clinical and echocardiograph
80 itial cells were obtained from patients with mitral valve prolapse undergoing mitral valve repair or
81 mong four coded echocardiographic diagnoses: mitral valve prolapse, valvular vegetations, left ventri
82                                              Mitral valve prolapse was present in 18% (216) of 1215 p
83                                      Classic mitral-valve prolapse was defined as superior displaceme
84  sample of the population, the prevalence of mitral-valve prolapse was lower than previously reported
85                                              Mitral-valve prolapse was present in 4 of the 213 young

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