


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 res were correctly identified (including one mixed culture).
2 nocytes to produce inflammatory cytokines in mixed culture.
3 for the direct identification of isolates in mixed culture.
4 ination of cancer cells from healthy ones in mixed culture.
5 smission or new infection events in cells in mixed culture.
6  the robust methylation efficiencies in this mixed culture.
7  mccartyi biomarkers in a well-characterized mixed culture.
8 stradiol (EE(2)) under aerobic conditions in mixed culture.
9 ncreasing the proportion of swarmer cells in mixed culture.
10 xed culture requires its separation from the mixed culture.
11  metabolic fluxes of targeted organisms in a mixed culture.
12 antify the frequencies of pairs of clones in mixed culture.
13 sing the same stimuli that were effective in mixed cultures.
14 t gram-negative bacteria in 12 of 41 (29.3%) mixed cultures.
15 isms and to isolate individual colonies from mixed cultures.
16 signal that mediates appropriate matching in mixed cultures.
17 hibited a modest replication disadvantage in mixed cultures.
18 d and easy to interpret and may be used with mixed cultures.
19 olony is possible, allowing the screening of mixed cultures.
20 ory setting when microorganisms are grown as mixed cultures.
21 use of technical difficulties in maintaining mixed cultures.
22 om both pure isolates and samples containing mixed cultures.
23 ns, which is in line with data obtained from mixed cultures.
24  with conventional bulk measurements of EBPR mixed cultures.
25 hurdle for isotopomer-based flux analysis of mixed cultures.
26 ion induces loss of self-renewing cells from mixed cultures.
27 ation for 400 single-pathogen cultures and 9 mixed cultures.
28 s and development of external filaments in a mixed-culture activated sludge community.
29          In addition, compared to uninfected mixed cultures, activation of microglia in BDV-infected
30                   Colony size differences in mixed culture allowed differentiation of the Bartonella
31 r, inhibition of astrocytic NFAT activity in mixed cultures ameliorated Abeta-dependent elevations in
32 obial biology arose in the context of a very mixed culture and cannot be understood without unscrambl
33 ion for these microbes, even when growing in mixed culture and utilizing a shared substrate which has
34  both in primary cortical neurons-astrocytes mixed cultures and in mice).
35 how that individual species or serovars in a mixed culture are identifiable among a biological VOC ba
36                               Furthermore, a mixed culture assay of primary neurons with HEK293 cells
37 pine is toxic to retinal ganglion cells in a mixed culture assay.
38       Using a HEK293 and primary hippocampus mixed-culture assay, we report that expression of APP in
39                                           In mixed culture assays the AM-producing human MC line HMC-
40                                           In mixed-culture assays, DC infected with the flagellin-exp
41                                           In mixed-culture assays, WT rSV5-infected DC were impaired
42 donor substrate (acetate) to the anode for a mixed-culture biofilm anode.
43                                   Creating a mixed culture by plating fetal neurons onto confluent, e
44                          Anaerobic undefined mixed cultures can handle the complexity and variability
45 ta indicate that nearly all neurons in these mixed cultures can undergo apoptosis in response to appr
46 cal performance and the biofilm community in mixed-culture chemostat MFCs.
47 ins can be individually purified from such a mixed culture (cocultivation) through the use of a combi
48                                         In a mixed culture containing fibroblasts and monocytic cells
49   The mice were injected subcutaneously with mixed cultures containing Escherichia coli, Bacteroides
50 V-JHM, and MHV-A59/MHV-JHM) were passaged in mixed cultures containing progressively increasing conce
51                                         Here mixed culture cross-linking and coimmunoprecipitation as
52             Batch assays were conducted with mixed cultures developed from poultry litter (PL), PL-fe
53 with sequential consumption of sugars by the mixed cultures during dark fermentation.
54  distributed relative to themselves, but, in mixed culture, each predator clusters around its respect
55                            Using an aerobic, mixed culture, enriched with a commercial NA mixture (NA
56 e in suppressing E. coli in these planktonic mixed cultures, even though PEf1 reached higher concentr
57 her reports of cooperative invasion in which mixed cultures exhibit a follow-the-leader mechanism, we
58                                           In mixed-culture experiments consisting of isogenic pairs o
59                                          The mixed cultures expressed albumin, A1AT, AFP, transferrin
60  such as acetate are easily produced through mixed culture fermentation of many biological waste stre
61 uction of fine chemicals following undefined mixed culture fermentation, embedding carbon in industri
62                                           In mixed-culture fermentations with faecal inoculate, the d
63 olation of Candida species either in pure or mixed culture from intraoperatively collected abdominal
64 mpeted by B. animalis subsp. lactis Bl-04 in mixed cultures growing on raffinose, the preferred ligan
65 ed monochloramine cometabolism by nitrifying mixed cultures grown under more relevant drinking water
66                     However, using long-term mixed culture growth analysis, we detected significant d
67 e, studies of bacterial pathogenesis in well-mixed cultures have revealed virulence factors and the r
68 abilities allow Fusobacteria to survive in a mixed culture in the mouth.
69 ates the Pt recovery potential of halophilic mixed cultures in acidic saline conditions.
70 the responses of fresh control CD4+ cells in mixed cultures indicating that the apparent "anergy" was
71 uppress the response of naive CD4 T cells in mixed cultures, indicating that this tolerance mechanism
72       TNF-alpha production induced by SEB in mixed cultures is more closely associated with T cells t
73 nin, on which astrocytes overgrow neurons in mixed cultures, laminin-coated soft gels encourage attac
74                           In primary retinal mixed cultures, MCP-1 was cytotoxic for recoverin+ photo
75                                       When a mixed-culture microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) is fed w
76  a series of continuously fed dechlorinating mixed-culture microcosm experiments (n = 26), we varied
77 wever, when grown in MOPS minimal medium, in mixed cultures, more hmp mutant cells were recovered tha
78 nown target and two hypersensitive loci in a mixed culture of 233 strains in the presence of the drug
79 tive biocatalyst in the anodic chamber was a mixed culture of microorganisms.
80  this inflammatory neurodegeneration using a mixed culture of neurons, microglia, and astrocytes, eit
81                                            A mixed culture of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pusillimona
82 s using an anaerobic bioreactor containing a mixed culture of sulfate-reducing bacteria which precipi
83 d DA cell death in mesencephalic neuron-glia mixed culture of wild-type (WT) mice, but this was atten
84                                              Mixed cultures of adult brain tissue were stimulated wit
85                       Astrocyte cultures and mixed cultures of astrocytes and neurons had mean specif
86                                         When mixed cultures of B cells and activated T cells were exp
87 y from inoculated medium, sterile swabs, and mixed cultures of C. jejuni and coliform bacteria were t
88   This capability plus the ability to detect mixed cultures of Candida spp. promises to improve and s
89 n of Th1 and Th2 cytokines in OVA-stimulated mixed cultures of CD4(+) T cells from Tpl2(+/+)/OT2 or T
90                                           In mixed cultures of CD4+ T cells containing either HMM or
91                                        Using mixed cultures of cells isolated from E14.5 stage embryo
92 e used to isolate stem cell populations from mixed cultures of cells.
93 s of neurodegeneration/neuroprotection using mixed cultures of cortical cells challenged with beta-am
94 ection against excitotoxic neuronal death in mixed cultures of cortical cells; and 3) protection agai
95                      Retroviral infection of mixed cultures of cortical neurons and glia confirmed th
96 f isolated crest-derived cells but did so in mixed cultures of crest- and non-neural crest-derived ce
97                                              Mixed cultures of different microbial species are increa
98 y to show that TGFbeta promotes migration in mixed cultures of embryonic sclerotome and associated me
99 ces these cells to differentiate and produce mixed cultures of epithelial and mesenchymal cells.
100  a shift in excitation/inhibition balance in mixed cultures of hippocampal neurons exposed to SAVAs.
101                  In this study, we have used mixed cultures of human peripheral blood monocytes and l
102                                              Mixed cultures of macrophages from young and senescent m
103  but unlike GLT-1, the addition of dbcAMP to mixed cultures of neurons and astrocytes caused GLAST pr
104 GLT-1 protein, but the addition of dbcAMP to mixed cultures of neurons and astrocytes did not cause G
105                                Likewise when mixed cultures of phage and bacteria were supplemented w
106                  These results show that the mixed cultures of proliferating hepatocytes and nonparen
107                               However, using mixed cultures of rho(o) and rho(+) cells and targeting
108                                           In mixed cultures of S. mutans and S. gordonii harbouring a
109 )-dependent release of heterologous DNA from mixed cultures of S. sanguinis and S. gordonii.
110                                              Mixed cultures of yeasts were detected on 11 CAC plates
111                        Typical problems with mixed cultures on scale are unrestrained growth of one b
112              Further evaluation with pure or mixed cultures or stored, heat-killed cultures revealed
113            Modifications included the use of mixed cultures rather than pure isolates for detecting G
114 bolic flux analysis of a given organism in a mixed culture requires its separation from the mixed cul
115  coexistence between the two strains in well-mixed culture resulting from the fact that rare strategi
116                                The microbial mixed culture RM grows with dichloromethane (DCM) as the
117                        Proteomic analyses of mixed culture samples (n = 4) confirmed expression of ma
118 that monochloramine cometabolism occurred in mixed cultures similar to those found in drinking water
119            Overall biomass production in the mixed culture surpassed the mean of the two monocultures
120                          We have developed a mixed culture system to study the mechanism of GPCR-medi
121                      Nrf2-/- neurons in this mixed culture system were more sensitive to mitochondria
122                                     Thus, in mixed cultures the effects of exogenous TNFalpha might b
123 SRB species depend on associated bacteria in mixed cultures to cope with metal-induced stress.
124                                      (iv) In mixed cultures, untreated Vero cells acquired the mRNA e
125 munities, study of individual organisms in a mixed culture using existing flux analysis methods is di
126 s were isolated from the PCBs-dechlorinating mixed culture using trichloroethene (TCE) and vinyl chlo
127 nt or depletion of PGK1 point mutants from a mixed culture was consistent with the expected results b
128  reductive dechlorination by a methanogenic, mixed culture was significantly inhibited when exposed t
129 res, activation of microglia in BDV-infected mixed cultures was associated with a significantly great
130   Moreover, the dominance of nonproducers in mixed cultures was associated with higher resistance to
131     In contrast, in the BDV-infected primary mixed cultures, we observed proliferation of microglia c
132  of clinical application, in vitro tests for mixed cultures were conducted.
133                        Twenty (47%) of these mixed cultures were detected only on CHROMagar.
134                 In this research, halophilic mixed cultures were employed for the biological recovery
135 e Cryptococcus and Trichosporon species, and mixed cultures were often difficult to identify as such.
136 gradely with the fluorescent tracer DiI, and mixed cultures were prepared.
137                                              Mixed cultures were readily recognized by PRA, including
138                   Murine spinal cord primary mixed cultures were treated with the respiratory inhibit
139 ltures but have a proliferation advantage in mixed cultures, where they can use the IGF-II provided b
140 alococcoides mccartyi strain JNA from the JN mixed culture which was enriched and maintained using th
141 nobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803) in a mixed culture with heterotrophic bacteria (i.e., Escheri
142 emoving T cells from the mix or treating the mixed culture with immune suppressants enhanced virus pr
143 ring co-culture with P. distasonis or during mixed culture with porcine or bovine faecal microbes pos
144 ell lines and depleted CD56(+) MM cells from mixed cultures with a CD56(-) cell line or adherent bone
145 n of the phrA mutant can also be obtained in mixed cultures with a wild-type strain, suggesting the p
146 d neurons from cell wall-induced toxicity in mixed cultures with glia, as did dexamethasone.
147 atory strains of B. subtilis can co-exist as mixed cultures with group I Bacilli, and that the latter
148 rkers shows that motoneurons always arose in mixed cultures with other differentiated cells.
149 ith sensitive or resistant strains in a well-mixed culture, yet all three phenotypes are recovered in

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