


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1        Maize chromosome 8 was recovered as a monosomic addition (2n = 6x + 1 = 43).
2                                              Monosomic additions for maize chromosomes 5 and 10 to a
3 ther dissect the maize genome, we irradiated monosomic additions with gamma rays and recovered radiat
4 which was formally tested in a study of 12 X-monosomic and 12 control females who participated in fun
5 as no difference in time until death between monosomic and balanced tumors.
6 decreased copy number delimited interspersed monosomic and disomic regions in the right arm of linkag
7 an account for the up-regulation of genes in monosomics and hemizygous sex chromosomes to achieve dos
8                                 Trisomic and monosomic (aneuploid) embryos account for at least 10% o
9 mic sclerosis manifest an enhanced rate of X monosomic cells in peripheral blood compared with health
10 al amygdala activation in both groups, but X-monosomic females had proportionately greater--and more
11 but clues can be gleaned from the study of X-monosomic females who are haploinsufficient for expressi
12 for 90% of the short arm of chromosome 5 and monosomic for a small distal portion of the short arm of
13  generate aneuploid survivors--near diploids monosomic for chromosome VIII.
14 neering to create mice that were trisomic or monosomic for only the mouse chromosome segment ortholog
15                          Male Drosophila are monosomic for the X chromosome, but survive due to dosag
16  models that are, respectively, trisomic and monosomic for this region.
17  to have inherited an unbalanced form, being monosomic from 15pter through SNRPN and trisomic for 14p
18              Finally, from studies of both X-monosomic humans (45,X) and mice (39,X), we are learning
19 to chromosomal location 1q43, a region found monosomic in individuals with deletion 1q syndrome.
20 ion (gamma rays at 30, 40, and 50 krad) of a monosomic maize chromosome 9 addition line produced maiz
21 hromosome deficiency on fear reactivity in X-monosomic mice (39,XO), and found that they exhibited an
22 e III (also denoted chromosome 5), such that monosomic strains assimilate L-sorbose, whereas disomic
23  were mapped to chromosomes using a panel of monosomic strains constructed by crossing B strain-deriv
24 ed by copy number of chromosome 5, such that monosomic strains utilized l-sorbose, whereas disomic st

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