


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eficial mutations is neither exponential nor monotonic.
2 ought to be mediated by knowledge and is not monotonic.
3  by a sensory-prediction error, was slow and monotonic.
4 show that the dose response curve may not be monotonic.
5 severity were not as robust and not strictly monotonic.
6 ed OPE k(n)0 versus temperature data are not monotonic.
7 e, but the water polarization profile is non-monotonic.
8 e externally forced climate signal, which is monotonic, accelerating warming during the 20th century.
9 mulate downstream signaling pathways through monotonic activation of receptors.
10  a range of alkyl and aryl substituents with monotonic affects on stability, though polar heteroatoms
11                  These formalisms are mostly monotonic and are now known to be not quite suitable for
12                        Failure of bone under monotonic and cyclic loading is related to the bone mine
13                         A comparison between monotonic and fatigue loading indicated a statistically
14 ams of sheep cortical bone (2x2x20 mm), with monotonic and fatigue loading.
15 divergence of the core domain is shown to be monotonic and independent of the corresponding type of d
16 ual acuity gain and total occlusion dose was monotonic and linear.
17                        ICC neurons exhibited monotonic and nonmonotonic contrast dependencies with in
18                            Examination using monotonic and step-cyclic stress-strain tests demonstrat
19 ults show synaptic competition is not always monotonic and that one axon's contraction in synaptic ar
20 en appreciated that tumor progression is not monotonic, and development of a cancer cell does not equ
21 ature and kidney stone presentation were not monotonic, and there was variation in the exposure-respo
22 at the neurometric mapping in each region is monotonic, any unidimensional theory (such as the memory
23                      There was a significant monotonic association between advancing paternal age and
24          There was a marginally significant, monotonic association between advancing paternal age and
25 ascular R01 grants, we were unable to find a monotonic association between better percentile ranking
26                              We identified a monotonic association between percentage decrease in cre
27                  A statistically significant monotonic association was also found between advancing p
28                  A statistically significant monotonic association was found between advancing grandp
29                                We observed a monotonic association with PFHxS: The HR was 1.42 (95% C
30 response random-effects meta-analysis showed monotonic associations between WG intake and mortality (
31 t the majority of neurons show predominantly monotonic azimuthal sensitivity, forming a rate code for
32 etics and theoretical modelling reveal a non-monotonic behaviour with size of the gold tip, leading t
33 etion in chondrule compositions to achieve a monotonic bulk.
34  these changes are correlated with primarily monotonic but bidirectional transcriptional regulation o
35                                            A monotonic but nonsignificant trend was observed with chr
36 (Nmass ) and carbon (Cmass ) contents showed monotonic but tree-specific age responses.
37 rds and physiological response properties in monotonic, but not non-monotonic neurons.
38 onment and discovered that production is not monotonic, but rather sporadic with time.
39  we find cases for which the response is not monotonic, but shows instead a peak at intermediate leve
40 more, the rise of atmospheric oxygen was not monotonic, but was instead characterized by oscillations
41  Ca-doped boundary result from a strong, non-monotonic Ca segregation and structural rearrangements o
42                                          The monotonic cellular death relationships predict a spatiot
43                 First, "ramping" activity, a monotonic change in neuronal firing rate across time, is
44                   Moreover, we observe a non-monotonic change in the pH-dependent stability of HdeA,
45          We see a previously unobserved, non-monotonic change in threshold voltage with decreasing pr
46  more suitable for investigating significant monotonic changes and trajectories of changes in gene ex
47  nonlinear species, however, resulted in non-monotonic changes in the parameter space allowing coexis
48 hod observes steric constraints and produces monotonic changes in virtual bond and torsion angles.
49 shifts are strongly interrelated and exhibit monotonic changes with base pair separation.
50 ntrary to convention, we find setting is non-monotonic, characterized by abrupt features not previous
51 ur findings suggest a category-selective and monotonic code of face orientation in the human FFA, in
52    Our new model serves as an example of non-monotonic coding in the spinal cord and better explains
53 eference values traditionally generated with monotonic concentration responses may underestimate PBDE
54 rations of E2 and vitellogenin increase in a monotonic concentration-response relationship with signi
55 illion years ago did not interrupt an almost monotonic cooling of the EEP during the Plio-Pleistocene
56 ictor, #feature/#sample, shows both negative monotonic correlation and negative linear correlation wi
57 sion: (i) there was a significant increasing monotonic correlation between the days of our timecourse
58 and (iii) there was a significant decreasing monotonic correlation between the days of our timecourse
59  intrinsic stability, while OOB accuracy has monotonic correlations with intrinsic stability.
60 n of graded raclopride mass doses revealed a monotonic coupling between neurovascular responses and r
61 rajectories have either a monotonic or a non-monotonic curvature in the observation plane of propagat
62 proach, we avoid failure to converge and non-monotonic curve fitting weaknesses of programs, such as
63 non-monotonic trajectory to instead follow a monotonic curve.
64     We used a new approach for analysing non-monotonic curves to examine differences in mass change t
65 ytical tool that prevents routine fitting of monotonic curves without prior investigation of non-mono
66      Our model quantitatively reproduces the monotonic decay of the blebbing activity and accounts fo
67 ong-term substitution rates are related by a monotonic decline from the former to the latter.
68  controlled membrane deformations revealed a monotonic decline in bending modulus as a function of Sa
69                                We observed a monotonic decline in extracellular synaptic potentials a
70 omplex caused a rapid increase followed by a monotonic decline.
71 t, flexible-resource models predict that the monotonic declines in precision will continue indefinite
72  work, we found that WM resolution exhibited monotonic declines until set size reached three items, a
73              We further show that such a non-monotonic decoupling reflects the characteristics of the
74 distribution function interpolates between a monotonic decrease at relatively small populations, (com
75           When combined, there was a strong, monotonic decrease in age- and sex-standardized CVD mort
76                           Our results show a monotonic decrease in Ca(2+) block as the aromatic ring
77 re initially well synchronized but then show monotonic decrease in oscillator rhythm amplitude and sy
78    At temperatures higher than 76 degrees C, monotonic decrease in PPO activity occurred at 0.1 MPa a
79 loci of MTHFR/TYMS (range, 0-4), there was a monotonic decrease in risk with increasing number of mut
80 to activate P2Y receptors resulted in a slow monotonic decrease in SG Ca(2+) temporally correlated wi
81 face-preferring sites near its center, and a monotonic decrease in that fraction along any radial spa
82 f native cTnC with DM-TnC caused an expected monotonic decrease in the maximal force (F(max)), DM-TnC
83                         The compounds show a monotonic decrease in the optical gap as n increases: Eg
84 el of reactivity explains why (1) there is a monotonic decrease of approximately 6 kcal/mol in the ac
85 ern Hemisphere, in contrast with the ongoing monotonic decrease of near-surface source gases.
86 levels appeared near midnight, followed by a monotonic decrease until midafternoon.
87 ants relative to other income groups, with a monotonic decrease with increasing income among Mexican
88  bilayer graphene, the resistance exhibits a monotonic decrease with increasing temperature for all d
89                         Results demonstrated monotonic decreases in leaf water (LWC) and phosphorus (
90 ndence on scaffold concentration, we observe monotonic decreases in signal strength as scaffold conce
91 es in presurgical PAL-H were associated with monotonic decreases in the percentage of sites demonstra
92                      We observed significant monotonic decreases, and not increases, in fMRI signal p
93 ity to the hydrogen binding energy renders a monotonic decreasing hydrogen oxidation/evolution activi
94 ordering changes during impact rather than a monotonic demagnetization.
95                                  We show non-monotonic dependence of community diversity and communit
96                                     This non-monotonic dependence of correlation on distance is revea
97         Further, we found an interesting non-monotonic dependence of the binding affinity on monovale
98 n effect does not exist, as supported by the monotonic dependence of the boiling points of n-alkanes
99  of the local Fe magnetic moment and its non-monotonic dependence on Co concentration.
100   Moreover, the rate of gelation shows a non-monotonic dependence on fascin concentration.
101 at there exists a strong systematic, but not monotonic, dependence of sigmaS/sigmaT on the optical ga
102                    Odd-even effects, the non-monotonic dependency of physical properties on odd/even
103 ic meteorites and terrestrial planets show a monotonic depletion in moderately volatile and volatile
104 als, including bisphenol-A (BPA), induce non-monotonic dose response (NMDR) relationships, which are
105  trials have shown convincing evidence for a monotonic dose response for fluoride at least up to leve
106 t nanotoxicity studies have demonstrated non-monotonic dose-response mechanisms for planted soybean t
107                                    Whereas a monotonic dose-response relationship was evident over th
108                 NE in the OB generated a non-monotonic dose-response relationship, suppressing mitral
109  drug discovery approaches commonly assume a monotonic dose-response relationship.
110  similar results, including the absence of a monotonic "dose-response relation" between the extent of
111 ined as the interaction of two, individually monotonic, dose-response processes: one for the plant an
112     We apply this theorem to analyze the non-monotonic dynamics of the sigmaB-regulated glyoxylate sh
113 fusion in Gd2Ti2O7 pyrochlore and report non-monotonic evolution of cation diffusivity.
114 ifferential intensity tuning profiles of the monotonic excitation and inhibition qualitatively determ
115              Until now, this widely accepted monotonic excitation energy drop as the function of redu
116 se with the lowest exposure, and there was a monotonic exposure-response across quartiles.
117 n ethyl (1.74; 95% CI: 1.02, 2.96), although monotonic exposure-response gradients were not evident.
118                  We conclude that there is a monotonic exposure-response relationship between paterna
119                                         This monotonic exposure-response relationship remained in all
120                                              Monotonic exposure-response trends were observed among n
121    In this population, there was a positive, monotonic, exposure-response association between preconc
122 on wavelength-dependency beyond the expected monotonic fall.
123 th significant dose-response expression in a monotonic fashion based on a permutation procedure.
124 osure, network density increased in a nearly monotonic fashion in the contralateral monkeys, whereas
125 ansient transport conditions and (b) the non-monotonic fate of immobile zones with respect to saturat
126  (p for trend < 0.05), although not entirely monotonic, for cardiovascular, coronary heart disease, a
127  of 0.2-9 kbar are found with anisotropy and monotonic frequency dispersion.
128 ), in which the firing rate of a neuron is a monotonic function of an acoustic event's repetition rat
129 ferent set of dot patterns was found to be a monotonic function of dot spacing, a result interpreted
130 The variability of delay was not a linear or monotonic function of instantaneous spike frequency or s
131 th a steady-state open probability that is a monotonic function of the domain time constant, though m
132 mass spectrometric signals are found to be a monotonic function of the mass concentration of analyte
133 both thresholds the critical cutoff is a non-monotonic function of the potential power n.
134 und that radio-sensitivity is actually not a monotonic function of volume as it was believed before.
135 is developed around three assumptions: (1) a monotonic function unique to each person and indicator m
136 y time series as an intrinsically determined monotonic function within a certain temporal span (most
137 of the joint distribution of alleles than do monotonic functions connecting physical and genetic maps
138 cleation barrier, which were found to be non-monotonic functions of the lattice mismatch.
139                      This model predicts non-monotonic global changes in noise at different growth ra
140 t accommodates our results is that X forms a monotonic gradient extending from the back of the A comp
141                                   We found a monotonic gradient in both Ip and Ito, with the lowest c
142 y for the first MID was asymmetric and often monotonic in shape, while the second MID nonlinearity wa
143 s, the speed of the cell cluster becomes non-monotonic in the cluster's size-clusters either larger o
144 ture axons, AP propagation is non-saltatory (monotonic) in immature axons prior to myelination.
145 rse-grained Cyt C and MPMN models indicate a monotonic increase in adsorption enthalpy with respect t
146             DNP-enhanced ssNMR data reveal a monotonic increase in conformational order from an initi
147 e compositions in all C3 plant types shows a monotonic increase in delta(13)C with decreasing mean an
148 ation of Fe(II) drove a decrease in pH and a monotonic increase in DOC; a decline of two pH units dou
149 fy spatial covariance patterns that showed a monotonic increase in expression with memory load during
150 s filled canyons to their brims, a large and monotonic increase in flood discharge is predicted as th
151  in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) led to a monotonic increase in glucose permeability (50%), with a
152 t, increasing the rate was associated with a monotonic increase in LRTC in high-gamma activity.
153 high-resolution X-ray reflectivity data with monotonic increase in roughness.
154              This change is illustrated by a monotonic increase in the Au-Au distance by approximatel
155         As the charge ratio was decreased, a monotonic increase in the distance was observed with a m
156 tic potential on the aromatic face, caused a monotonic increase in the inhibitory constant for block.
157                                  There was a monotonic increase in the mean +/- 1 standard error phos
158                         Overall, there was a monotonic increase in the relative risk of breast cancer
159 ment of cellular signal reception leads to a monotonic increase in the tumor system's average velocit
160                                We observed a monotonic increase of noise with iron stress but no evid
161                       Interestingly, further monotonic increase of Ra(e) shows a transition back to a
162 d photoemission characterization revealing a monotonic increase of TC from 24 to 41.5 K upon surface
163 equencies between 0.06 and 1 Hz, for which a monotonic increase of the relaxation time with an applie
164 sis identified brain regions demonstrating a monotonic increase or decrease in activation magnitude,
165 nd that time-dependent "ramping" activity, a monotonic increase or decrease in neuronal activity, was
166 t recombination efficiency shows an expected monotonic increase with increasing temperature, the defe
167  estimates were imprecise and were without a monotonic increase.
168 t ventricular end-systolic volume index with monotonic increases as QRS duration prolonged.
169                       We observed bilateral, monotonic increases in activity during learning not only
170                        Some neurons maintain monotonic increases in firing rate over a wide range of
171  synapses with excitatory inputs facilitates monotonic increases in firing rate with increases in sti
172 ing letter-rotation enhanced the N170 led to monotonic increases in P1 and N170 amplitude up to 67.5
173 or (SD) separation from 20 to 65 mm provides monotonic increases in sensitivity to brain tissue.
174 ticides, with ORs ranging from 2.03 to 3.06; monotonic increases in strength of association with incr
175                  Spline analyses suggested a monotonic increasing association between PM10, NO2, and
176           Heat shock (44 degrees C) caused a monotonic inhibition of cellular DNA replication followi
177  and 1 nM 17 beta-estradiol (E2) resulted in monotonic inhibition of mammary buds ductal growth.
178 ith different physiological responses, a non-monotonic input-output relation can arise with simple ne
179 alatability (i.e., preference) follows a non-monotonic, "inverted-U-shaped" curve while concentration
180 lves two different size-evolution processes (monotonic LaMer growth and volcano-shaped aggregative gr
181 ut these associations did not appear to be a monotonic linear dose-response relation.
182                                        Under monotonic loading, there was no difference in the streng
183 creased, performance declined in an orderly, monotonic manner (from 87% correct to chance, 50% correc
184 ulthood (defined as >/=16 years of age) in a monotonic manner across a range of psychiatric disorders
185 ncy of the non-occluding nucleosome in a non-monotonic manner.
186 ures of Huntington disease all declined in a monotonic manner.
187 d tunes their bandgap significantly in a non-monotonic manner.
188 antified the prevalence and magnitude of non-monotonic mass change prior to fledging for 313 common t
189                       We observed highly non-monotonic, mass change trajectories (overshooting adult
190                                          The monotonic mechanical behavior of the mycelium is non-lin
191                           While the positive-monotonic neurons (monotonically increasing firing rate
192 n at high repetition frequency, the negative-monotonic neurons (opposite trend) instead exhibited hyp
193 s exhibited greater feature selectivity than monotonic neurons in quiet and in background noise.
194 esponse properties in monotonic, but not non-monotonic neurons.
195                           For over 50 years, monotonic (never-decreasing) growth has been viewed as t
196  experimental results indicate that this non-monotonic, non-Fickian transport is saturation- and flow
197 tonic relationship changes to an increasing, monotonic one within 15 min.
198  field there are five generic behaviors: (i) monotonic or (ii) oscillatory approach to an infinite-te
199  an infinite-temperature steady state; (iii) monotonic or (iv) oscillatory approach to a nonthermal s
200 ve solitons whose trajectories have either a monotonic or a non-monotonic curvature in the observatio
201 getic constraints may limit detection of non-monotonic (or multiphasic), determinate growth patterns,
202                Measured responses to various monotonic, oscillatory, and impulsive stimuli are all ex
203 sound intensities, whereas other neurons are monotonic over limited intensity ranges.
204    These domains were arrayed in an orderly, monotonic pattern along the apical axis: axons from more
205 al contagions, and trial size exhibits a non-monotonic pattern, i.e., it first increases discontinuou
206 newly formulated model, we show that the non-monotonic patterns can be explained as the interaction o
207      A multiplayer game with non-linear, non-monotonic payoff functions that models the benefits of t
208      At higher contrasts the pattern was non-monotonic: perceived contrast was veridical for in-phase
209 his threshold, unlike stationary regulators' monotonic performance-to-cost relation, excess dissipati
210 tic markers and often yields an erratic, non-monotonic picture, because the power to detect allelic a
211       This result is consistent with the non-monotonic plasticity hypothesis, which predicts that clo
212 atively low exposures, our results suggest a monotonic positive relationship between PM2.5 exposure d
213 neurons from layers 4 and 2/3 developed in a monotonic, precise progression, with little evidence for
214 confined in aerogel, with evidence for a non-monotonic pressure dependence.
215 ive components can essentially lead to a non-monotonic profile in the abnormal MFEECL after ceasing m
216 perceptual relevance unfold with similar non-monotonic profiles, suggesting their relatedness.
217 ometimes bore little relation to the smooth, monotonic progression of behavioral learning.
218     We find that there is a complicated, but monotonic quantitative relationship between the affinity
219   The thermodynamic results show a broad and monotonic range of effects that are primarily dependent
220 cal fields rostral to AI predominantly use a monotonic rate code and lack stimulus-synchronized disch
221 ed auditory function in cells that exhibited monotonic rate level functions to pure tones.
222 r dynamic ranges of cells that exhibited non-monotonic rate level functions.
223 a variety of firing profiles, and robust non-monotonic rate-level functions.
224 sic-tonic firing profiles, and predominantly monotonic rate-level functions.
225 r they have receptive fields (place code) or monotonic (rate code) sensitivity to sound azimuth.
226  elaboration-tolerant representation and non-monotonic reasoning.
227 ded modulation of the Pe by confidence, with monotonic reduction in Pe amplitude associated with incr
228 formally apply a tool that uses an isotonic (monotonic) regression approach to this area of study.
229 dy were used to evaluate the hypothesis of a monotonic relation between childhood intelligence quotie
230 combination of PP+MAP (unlike SBP+DBP) has a monotonic relation with risk and may provide greater ins
231 fining earlier reports, we uncover intrinsic monotonic relations between catalytic activity and initi
232 on activity, but some individual GCs had non-monotonic relations to concentration due to local inhibi
233                  INTERPRETATION: There was a monotonic relationship between achieved LDL cholesterol
234                               We found a non-monotonic relationship between EEG oscillation amplitude
235               There was a highly significant monotonic relationship between low LDL-cholesterol conce
236                               We found a non-monotonic relationship between number of action potentia
237 lative rates of aggregation reveals a strong monotonic relationship between the C-terminal charge of
238 lambdamax: 792 nm) and within both series, a monotonic relationship between the lipophilicity and the
239 nd behavioral performance have only tested a monotonic relationship between them.
240  nutrients and of cell death, there is a non-monotonic relationship between total number of colonies
241 r at submaximal ERK levels and that this non-monotonic relationship changes to an increasing, monoton
242   Thus, the cerebellar BOLD signal has a non-monotonic relationship to tracking performance, with hig
243 f a single burst, conduction delay has a non-monotonic relationship with instantaneous frequency, whi
244                                     IQ had a monotonic relationship with schizophrenia risk across th
245                      These neurons exhibited monotonic relationships between firing rates and distanc
246  fact that most gene pairs satisfy linear or monotonic relationships.
247 em demonstrated a linear response for GFP, a monotonic response for Cy5.5 over a range of more than t
248              We therefore postulate that the monotonic response of fusion kinetics to target membrane
249 able with intensity increments, resulting in monotonic response-level function.
250 n contrast, Bisphenol-A (BPA) elicited a non-monotonic response.
251 ter control over sRNA activity, generate non-monotonic responses and enhance the robustness of expres
252 and fimX is the presence of a 'C-stretch', a monotonic run of C residues.
253 ually responsive neurons typically exhibit a monotonic-saturating increase of firing with luminance c
254 tern of ON/OFF responses when subjected to a monotonic sequence of threshold concentrations, revealin
255 shed, which is generally achieved by fitting monotonic sigmoidal models.
256 electrospray mass spectrometry (LEMS) reveal monotonic signal response as a function of concentration
257 lved IBD not only exhibited the required non-monotonic signal strength-response, but also demonstrate
258                         AAS aerosols exhibit monotonic size growth at increasing RH without a well-de
259                      Our study reveals a non-monotonic size-dependence of the selectivity in cube-sha
260 iment plumes are generally known as either a monotonic spatial shape or a turbidity maximum.
261  the memory-strength account) will produce a monotonic state trace.
262 mited to sensory regions nor to rescaling of monotonic stimulus intensity tuning curves, but may rath
263  time-response of a biochemical network to a monotonic stimulus.
264 ng cyclic deformation with a small amount of monotonic strain but a large amount of accumulated strai
265 3.1 with the temperature (in contrast to non-monotonic structural response of a similar but different
266   Reproducibility of the general yet unique (monotonic) structural transition of the protein H3.1 wit
267                          The association was monotonic, suggesting that each increment in favorable p
268  inverted-U facilitating response profile or monotonic suppression of sensory-evoked neuronal respons
269                       The result is a smooth monotonic swelling curve with no apparent distinction be
270 lf-filling in ultra-low disorder 2DES: a non-monotonic temperature dependence of the sample resistanc
271 perature, the defect lifetime exhibits a non-monotonic temperature dependence with a maximum at ~100
272 f approximately 140 ns at 300 K and exhibits monotonic temperature dependence with an apparent activa
273  which assume that the birth rate exhibits a monotonic temperature response, that consumer extinction
274 d in global-mean surface temperature was not monotonic: temperatures rose from the start of the centu
275 theorem stating necessary conditions for non-monotonic time-response of a biochemical network to a mo
276 or commensal, there is no buffering and only monotonic toxic responses are possible.
277 e strong support for the hypothesis that non-monotonic trajectories are the fundamental pattern of ma
278                                          Non-monotonic trajectories were less marked in populations e
279 orce mass change away from a fundamental non-monotonic trajectory to instead follow a monotonic curve
280 ences in variance, we should be sure that no monotonic transformation of the data can reduce or elimi
281 umber of copies of the variant allele with a monotonic trend (P < 0.05 for all).
282                             There was also a monotonic trend (P=.09) in ovarian cancer risk associate
283  (n = 29 cases) suggested a positive but non-monotonic trend (ptrend = 0.21).
284 relaxation, while in creep there is no clear monotonic trend in lattice strain in the gamma phase, bu
285 on, the former show a markedly different non-monotonic trend.
286 ic curves without prior investigation of non-monotonic trends.
287 ) MSTd neurons were disparity selective with monotonic tuning, and there was no consistent relationsh
288 ern of mass change but are constrained to be monotonic under energetic shortfall.
289                Many molecules display simple monotonic unidirectional translocation, but the majority
290 nimal snout and the contralateral wall, with monotonic, unimodal, and multimodal tuning curves.
291 ng the middle intraparietal sulcus, showed a monotonic variation of the fMRI BOLD signal that scaled
292 ure range up to 14 GPa, yet displaying a non-monotonic variation with pressure.
293                                     This non-monotonic variation with strain departs from the convent
294  water droplet on phosphorene exhibits a non-monotonic variation with the transverse strain.
295 en frequency response classes (V-shaped, non-monotonic Vs, narrow, closed, tilt down, tilt up and dou
296 ature phase diagram, and to change only in a monotonic way even moving around the critical point, not
297 , we show that the measured Ge signal is not monotonic with concentration, the net result being an un
298 h salinity, swelling of lipid multilayers is monotonic with increasing salt concentration for both Br
299 crease in-field rate; all these effects were monotonic with respect to time.
300 sociation between BMI and each biomarker was monotonic, with higher BMI being consistently associated

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