


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  inactivated subunit vaccine (ISV) targeting monovalent 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus or live
2                                     However, monovalent 2D6 Fab fragments also inhibited V. cholerae
3 er AS03(B)-adjuvanted subunit or whole virus monovalent A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine and describe the antibod
4 and biopanning, we identified two functional monovalent Abs (nanobodies) targeting ChemR23.
5                                   A maternal monovalent acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine, in developm
6 ive K(+) channels, do not discriminate among monovalent alkali cations and are permeable also to seve
7 he divalent GLP-1 analogues were superior to monovalent analogues with respect to control of glucose
8 as implemented and validated for both simple monovalent and biomimetic divalent ligands, which have r
9                    Specifically, a series of monovalent and bivalent bispecific IgGs composed of the
10 aratopic nanobodies were superior over their monovalent and bivalent counterparts in terms of potency
11 this paper, we study cholesteric shells with monovalent and bivalent defect configurations.
12 o estimate the effect of the introduction of monovalent and bivalent OPV on vaccine-induced serotype-
13 electivity and permeation properties to both monovalent and divalent cations under perfused two-elect
14 on of -0.96 +/- 0.03 and -0.52 +/- 0.01 with monovalent and divalent cations, respectively, and these
15                                   Changes in monovalent and divalent ion concentrations drive an abru
16      We next synthesized divalent M2pep with monovalent and divalent KLA ([M2pep]2-[KLA] and [M2pep]2
17 ge had a relatively low rejection (6-46%) of monovalent and divalent salts, it exhibited a moderate r
18  5 A as well as modest (30-40%) retention of monovalent and divalent salts.
19             The SNAP-tag is an intrinsically monovalent and highly specific genetic tag for attaching
20  monovalent (single binding site) Pproxy and monovalent and multivalent (multiple equivalent and inde
21 methods are currently available to study how monovalent and multivalent GAG.protein bonds respond to
22  the one-step fluorescence detection of both monovalent and multivalent proteins has been developed.
23 l model of B cell affinity maturation during monovalent and polyvalent vaccinations that predicts the
24 ersus intramuscular injection in rats, using monovalent and trivalent formulations of IPV.
25                 Since glutamate is the major monovalent anion in E. coli, these results suggest that
26  manner for POPA and PIP2 lipids; and 6) the monovalent anion type has little influence on the lipid
27 entameric membrane channels that translocate monovalent anions across biological membranes.
28 CCs) regulate the flow of chloride and other monovalent anions across cellular membranes in response
29 d under acidic conditions in the presence of monovalent anions.
30 dated using a clinically available blocking, monovalent anti-CD28 antibody (FR104) whose effects in a
31 2009 and 1 October 2011 to mothers receiving monovalent AS03-adjuvanted H1N1 influenza vaccine (Pande
32 requirement for stable immobilization, while monovalent attachment is reversible and, in the case of
33  have predicted and measured varied from the monovalent binding interaction by several orders of magn
34 ce plasmon resonance measurements revealed a monovalent binding mode for the interaction of Pex5p and
35                                       Due to monovalent binding of XGFR to IGF-1R, IGF-1R internaliza
36                                              Monovalent binding reduces avidity and potency, thus exp
37  Here, we describe a new strategy for making monovalent bispecific heterodimeric IgG antibodies in ma
38 ytotoxicity enhancement could be embedded in monovalent bispecific heterodimeric IgG to make best-in-
39                             Affinity-reduced monovalent bispecific variants, but not their bivalent b
40                 This results in functionally monovalent, bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) with unknown s
41                          Coadministration of monovalent, bivalent, or trivalent OPV seems to lower RV
42                                        Thus, monovalent blocking of FcgammaR function demonstrates a
43                                              Monovalent blocking of FcgammaR function dramatically in
44                             An electron-rich monovalent boron compound is used as a Lewis base to pre
45 icable, leading to a number of unprecedented monovalent boron species with different Lewis basic grou
46 ab-arm exchange, leading to the formation of monovalent but bispecific antibodies, and it interacts p
47  times lower than those required for similar monovalent catalysts and displays unique kinetic paramet
48 d Mg(2+)) were more than 31-fold of that for monovalent cation (Na(+) and K(+)).
49  that PFL-AE binds a catalytically essential monovalent cation at its active site, yet another parall
50 centrations within the reported intranuclear monovalent cation concentration range, and are partly co
51 t that shear stress indirectly activates the monovalent cation current carried by transient receptor
52 e, consistent with activation of a vesicular monovalent cation Na(+)(K(+))/H(+) exchanger.
53                                         This monovalent cation site controls enzyme activity: (i) PFL
54 se at a range of temperatures, buffer pH and monovalent cation strength.
55  is selective toward the ionic radius of the monovalent cation, accepting those larger than Na(+).
56  (14C)-citrate anion, as well as the organic monovalent cation, ethidium, but not its divalent analog
57 otypic profile of the null mutant of Nhel, a monovalent cation/H(+)exchanger.
58 d perovskite solar-cell absorbers APbX3 (A = monovalent cation; X = Br or I).
59 first time, to our knowledge, that a nuclear monovalent cationic channel (NMCC) is prominently expres
60 is known regarding the properties of nuclear monovalent cationic channels.
61 MdfA exchanges a single proton with a single monovalent cationic drug molecule.
62 e of divalent cations (Ca(2+) and Ba(2+)) as monovalent cations (K(+)), but a viroporin defective mut
63 or Ca(2+) over Na(+), but nonselective among monovalent cations (Li(+), Na(+), and K(+)).
64 strongly depend on the cation employed, with monovalent cations (Na(+) and K(+)) leading to the highe
65 nducts Zn(2+), Mg(2+), and Ca(2+) as well as monovalent cations and contains a functional serine/thre
66 Kd approximately 1.6 mM) compared with other monovalent cations and relevant, considering lithium dos
67 lex structures made of stacked guanines with monovalent cations bound at a central cavity.
68  conducted primarily ( approximately 80%) by monovalent cations but not Ca(2+) .
69 ter membrane, whereas LPS in the presence of monovalent cations forms highly mobile negatively-charge
70 ity: (i) PFL-AE in the absence of any simple monovalent cations has little-no activity; and (ii) amon
71  proximal promoter (kit2) in the presence of monovalent cations K+ and Na+.
72 t metals such as Ca(2+), Mg(2+), and Zn(2+), monovalent cations often function as efficient and selec
73 ike many other TRP channels, is permeable to monovalent cations only.
74 channels in TAL: a cldn10b-based channel for monovalent cations such as Na(+) and a spatially distinc
75 ical standpoint is possible, particularly by monovalent cations such as NH4(+), or K(+).
76                                 By contrast, monovalent cations such as sodium and potassium mainly r
77 ference interaction site (3D-RISM) model for monovalent cations surrounding DNA and RNA helices, and
78                          Selectivity against monovalent cations takes place via Mg(2+) binding at a h
79        The presence of a regulatory site for monovalent cations that affects the conformation of the
80 irst, we employed subsequent replacements of monovalent cations transiently captured within Syt1 Ca(2
81 h selectivity ratios of over 100 and conduct monovalent cations up to 5 times more rapidly than dival
82 ivalent cations are preferentially lost over monovalent cations upon A.C protonation, providing exper
83 been used to characterize the interaction of monovalent cations with 26-basepair DNA oligomers contai
84 markedly alters preferential interactions of monovalent cations with the B( *) conformation.
85 cy Mg(2+)-selective channel, fully excluding monovalent cations, and Ca(2+), whereas in absence of Mg
86 of cooperative association dependent on GTP, monovalent cations, and Mg(2+).
87  may or may not interact preferentially with monovalent cations, depending on the relative number of
88 crystallized in the presence of a variety of monovalent cations, including Na(+), Cs(+), and dimethyl
89 p to approximately 4-5 times compared to the monovalent cations.
90 ionally wide filter but is only permeable to monovalent cations; filter residue Gln973 is essential i
91 nd to HIV-infected target cells coupled to a monovalent CD3 binding arm designed to engage cytolytic
92  to a second distinct site on LRP1 to form a monovalent complex.
93 on, with affinities greatly exceeding either monovalent component.
94 ypes that were specific to each of the three monovalent components of the trivalent influenza vaccine
95 rimerization that depends on the presence of monovalent copper ions and the sulfhydryl group of Cys46
96  and characterized a series of water-soluble monovalent copper ligands, MCL-1, MCL-2, and MCL-3, that
97 o the vacuolar membrane and are activated by monovalent copper or silver ions and cysteine, showing d
98  functional profile that was unique from its monovalent counterpart providing evidence of the discret
99                            Relative to their monovalent counterparts, where the sigma-hole is located
100 ng potency by 3- to 5-fold compared to their monovalent counterparts.
101                                    Moreover, monovalent CTxB does not stabilize membrane domains, unl
102 s of sera from recipients of live-attenuated monovalent DENV vaccine candidates revealed a strong cor
103 sed to primary DENV4 natural infections or a monovalent DENV4 vaccine were analyzed.
104                                              monovalent, divalent) and pH.
105 tions revealed significant differences among monovalent, divalent, and trivalent cation distributions
106      A systematic comparison of transport of monovalent electrolytes [potassium chloride (KCl), sodiu
107            For parameters that correspond to monovalent electrolytes in biologically and technologica
108                                              Monovalent engagement of the BCR with an epitope-bearing
109 was to determine the comparative activity of monovalent, engineered anti-Her2/neu immunotoxins fused
110 ese comparative studies demonstrate that the monovalent, engineered rGel/4D5 construct displayed comp
111 alf-life and absorption time compared to its monovalent equivalent.
112 ), Mg(2+)) being more influential than their monovalent equivalents (e.g., Na(+), K(+)).
113 se 3 clinical trials showed that inactivated monovalent EV-A71 vaccines manufactured in China were hi
114 amorphization of natrolites (PIA) containing monovalent extra-framework cations (EFC) Li(+), Na(+), K
115 e single-domain version of FC5; bivalent and monovalent FC5 fusions with Fc exhibited similar systemi
116                        Serial passage of the monovalent FluMist 2009 H1N1 pandemic vaccine at increas
117        Animals immunized with a high-payload monovalent FMD vaccine developed high titers of neutrali
118                         Here, we introduce a monovalent form of Strep-Tactin that harbours a unique b
119                  Early studies showed that a monovalent formalin-inactivated HRV vaccine can be prote
120 n endothelial monolayer by 25% compared with monovalent fusion.
121 value as compared to the value obtained with monovalent Fynomer 2C1.
122                          Botswana introduced monovalent G1P rotavirus vaccine (RV1) in July 2012, pro
123  that heterologous protection by the current monovalent G1P[8] HRV vaccine against emerging G9 strain
124 med active diarrhea surveillance to evaluate monovalent G1P[8] rotavirus vaccine (RV1) efficacy and u
125    We found that glycoprotein substrates and monovalent glycans containing Neu5Acalpha2-3Galbeta1-4Gl
126 nited States, we analyzed the association of monovalent H1N1 influenza vaccine (MIV) during pregnancy
127                            We show that both monovalent hapten and recombinant SPE-7 IgE Fab inhibit
128 avidity for the target IgE compared with the monovalent hapten.
129 e of difficulty obtaining and delivering the monovalent HBV vaccine and the HBV immunoglobulin.
130 sed the immunogenicity and safety of a novel monovalent high-dose inactivated poliovirus type 2 vacci
131                     We designed DARTs with a monovalent HIV-1 envelope-binding (Env-binding) arm that
132 , we generated a fusion protein comprising a monovalent human FcgammaRIIIA-specific antibody linked i
133                                              Monovalent human rotavirus vaccine (RV1) was added into
134                                            A monovalent human rotavirus vaccine (RV1) was introduced
135     We assessed the vaccine effectiveness of monovalent human rotavirus vaccine in preventing admissi
136                                              Monovalent human-bovine (116E) rotavirus vaccine is effe
137 to assess the efficacy and tolerability of a monovalent human-bovine rotavirus vaccine for severe rot
138 ole human Fc receptor with high affinity for monovalent IgG.
139 lpha-coated nanoparticles in comparison with monovalent IL-15:IL-15Ralpha.
140 tive antibody response in 75 recipients of a monovalent inactivated A/Shanghai/02/2013 H7N9 vaccine.
141              Vaccination in pregnancy with a monovalent inactivated AS03-adjuvanted split virion infl
142 ified the receipt of A(H1N1)pdm09-containing monovalent inactivated influenza vaccine (MIIV) and 2010
143 rain A/Indonesia/5/2005) followed by an H5N1 monovalent inactivated vaccine boost at 4, 8, 12, 16, or
144 , 16, or 24 weeks to that of 2 doses of H5N1 monovalent inactivated vaccine in adults.
145  double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a monovalent influenza A H1N1 vaccine to establish the saf
146 0.22-6.63) per million doses for inactivated monovalent influenza vaccine (2 cases, 1,090,279 doses g
147  following receipt of seasonal and 2009 H1N1 monovalent influenza vaccines.
148 c (acetic, oxalic, succinic, or citric) acid/monovalent inorganic salt mixtures was assessed by measu
149 that stabilize the initial weak (micromolar) monovalent interaction.
150                           On the other hand, monovalent interactions and antiviral activity are prese
151  are determined by several factors including monovalent ion composition and the precise sequence and
152 he substrate secondary structure or solution monovalent ion composition.
153 -nanomolar detection limit is expected for a monovalent ion.
154                                              Monovalent ions (chloride, bromide, and nitrate) are use
155 s reaction, although the rate is slower with monovalent ions alone.
156 imescales are remarkably slow for individual monovalent ions and could have important implications fo
157  residence times are described, both for the monovalent ions and for the hexahydrated Mg[(H2O)6](2+)
158 and seawater, both of which contain not only monovalent ions but also divalent ions.
159  including Ca(2+), inhibit the permeation of monovalent ions by directly blocking the TRPP2 channel p
160                            Both divalent and monovalent ions can catalyze this reaction, although the
161             Our analysis shows that solvated monovalent ions permeate through the selectivity filter
162 ct closely and strongly with the RNA, unlike monovalent ions such as K(+), suggesting that an explici
163 the slower rate observed experimentally with monovalent ions, we hypothesize that the activation of t
164  permeability of the erythrocyte membrane to monovalent ions.
165 torage capacities compared to those that use monovalent ions.
166 e presence of divalent ions rather than only monovalent ions.
167 d (N-N: 1.111(6) A) that bridges between two monovalent (iPr2) TpCu fragments.
168 critical to gain access to this 14-electron, monovalent Ir intermediate.
169 es, mica, but not on silica surfaces nor for monovalent K(+) and Na(+) cations is driven by charge re
170                                              Monovalent ligand exhibited a binding affinity higher th
171 increased by up to 1500-fold compared to the monovalent ligand, while maintaining the selectivity for
172                      As neither a mixture of monovalent ligands 9 + 10 nor bivalents 2-5 produced tol
173 ser' family, is notably more potent than the monovalent ligands and we show here that this apparently
174  a mixture of mu agonist and CCR5 antagonist monovalent ligands.
175 magnitude more potent than the corresponding monovalent ligands.
176 alphaIIbbeta3 binding to multivalent but not monovalent ligands.
177 hat define DNA-nanoparticles and compared to monovalent linker systems.
178                               In contrast to monovalent lithium or sodium ions, the reversible insert
179                                 In contrast, monovalent LSTc does not bind influenza virus or inhibit
180 0-fold lower concentration than required for monovalent M2pep activity.
181 acrophage-selective toxicity not observed in monovalent M2pep treatment.
182                                            A monovalent MenA polysaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugate
183                                          The monovalent meningococcal A conjugate vaccine (PsA-TT, Me
184  The phase II study GO27819 investigated the monovalent MET inhibitor onartuzumab plus bevacizumab (O
185 , the development of fluorescent sensors for monovalent metal ions, such as sodium (Na(+)), has remai
186 ecular dynamics simulations of macroions and monovalent microions that interact via Coulombic potenti
187 ii) conjugation with DNA and purification of monovalent MPNs, (iii) modular targeting of MPNs to cell
188  with multiple reactive bonds is to insert a monovalent N fragment (nitrene or nitrenoid) into a C-H
189 y evaluating the free energies for replacing monovalent Na(+) with H3O(+) in various model selectivit
190 ding aggregation kinetics in the presence of monovalent (Na(+)) and divalent cations (Ca(2+)) show th
191 -exchange metadynamics) to study and compare monovalent (Na(+), K(+)) ion permeation in the open-acti
192            The N-terminal-binding or class 1 monovalent nanobodies possessed potencies in the single-
193                     Two classes of selective monovalent nanobodies were identified, and detailed epit
194 t, the extracellular loop-binding or class 2 monovalent nanobodies were of lower potency but were mor
195  avid binding by fusing multiple (different) monovalent Nanobody building blocks via linker sequences
196 ultivalent ureidopyrimidinone monomers and a monovalent naphthyridine molecule which acts as an end-c
197 s revealed that CB[7]6 is among the tightest monovalent non-covalent complexes ever reported in water
198 ty of the bivalent configuration against the monovalent one is controlled by c = h/p, where h is the
199                     Against serotype 1, both monovalent OPV (median 32.1%, 95% CI 26.1-38.1) and biva
200 lso model the trade-offs of use vs nonuse of monovalent OPV (mOPV) for outbreak response considering
201      The interference caused by bivalent and monovalent OPV formulations, which will be increasingly
202 adesh, were randomized to receive 3 doses of monovalent OPV type 1 or bivalent OPV types 1 and 3 at e
203 -specific IgA were measured in stool after a monovalent OPV type 2 challenge at 18 weeks of age.
204 pe 2 and faecal shedding for 4 weeks after a monovalent OPV type 2 challenge at age 28 weeks.
205 ulovirus and administered intramuscularly as monovalent or bivalent vaccines with CpG and alum.
206 ivalent metal ions and the presence of other monovalent or divalent metal ions do not affect its dete
207 ations from study participants receiving the monovalent or tetravalent live attenuated DENV vaccine (
208 niomethyltrifluoroborate (AmBF3) to generate monovalent or trivalent enzyme inhibitors.
209 ontrolled study, adults were challenged with monovalent oral poliovirus type 1 vaccine (mOPV1) and su
210                   Despite intensified use of monovalent oral poliovirus type 1 vaccine and improved c
211 hromycin on the immunogenicity of serotype-3 monovalent oral poliovirus vaccine given to healthy infa
212 nce daily for 3 days, followed by serotype-3 monovalent oral poliovirus vaccine on day 14.
213 e performed a randomized controlled trial of monovalent oral rotavirus vaccine (RV1).
214 esponses to trivalent seasonal influenza and monovalent pandemic H1N1 vaccination, we sequenced gene
215                                   FR104 is a monovalent pegylated Fab' Ab, antagonist of CD28, under
216                                   FR104 is a monovalent, PEGylated-humanized Fab' Ab fragment against
217  for Disease Control and Prevention-provided monovalent polyclonal botulinum antitoxins raised agains
218 kine platelet-derived growth factor) and two monovalent proteins (a Fab fragment and the transcriptio
219 orrelation forces play a central role in the monovalent Rb(+) distribution and a combination of ion-c
220 ceptin/rGel conjugate, and the corresponding monovalent recombinant immunotoxins in two orientations,
221                                              Monovalent recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV)
222  assess the safety and immunogenicity of the monovalent, recombinant, chimpanzee adenovirus type-3 ve
223  and transcription factor-binding sites than monovalent regions.
224 sits for intussusception within 7 days after monovalent rotavirus vaccination from April 2008 through
225           We further compared the risk after monovalent rotavirus vaccination with the risk in a conc
226 onfirmed intussusception within 7 days after monovalent rotavirus vaccination, as compared with the r
227 ll increase in risk of intussusception after monovalent rotavirus vaccination.
228    During the study period, 207,955 doses of monovalent rotavirus vaccine (including 115,908 first do
229 rus vaccine (OPV) is known to interfere with monovalent rotavirus vaccine (RV1) immunogenicity.
230  and later schedule on the immunogenicity of monovalent rotavirus vaccine (RV1) in a developing count
231 among the first African nations to introduce monovalent rotavirus vaccine (RV1) into its childhood im
232                       We sought to determine monovalent rotavirus vaccine cost-effectiveness in Malaw
233                                            A monovalent rotavirus vaccine remains effective against a
234                              Togo introduced monovalent rotavirus vaccine starting 19 June 2014.
235 ion after the administration of two doses of monovalent rotavirus vaccine was estimated to be 5.3 per
236                                  In Bolivia, monovalent rotavirus vaccine was introduced in 2008 and
237                                          The monovalent rotavirus vaccine was introduced in Tanzania
238                                              Monovalent rotavirus vaccine was introduced in the routi
239  of intussusception among children receiving monovalent rotavirus vaccine with historical background
240 icensure study of more than 200,000 doses of monovalent rotavirus vaccine, we observed a significant
241 ntirotavirus antibodies on immunogenicity of monovalent RV vaccine (RV1).
242                 Concerns exist about whether monovalent (RV1) and pentavalent (RV5) rotavirus vaccine
243 ainst rotavirus in Guatemala, where both the monovalent (RV1; 2-dose series) and pentavalent (RV5; 3-
244 e seek to determine the crystal structure of monovalent SA at 1.7-A resolution.
245                The structural information of monovalent SA will be valuable for its applications acro
246                                A SA variant, monovalent SA, was developed with a single and high affi
247        For low-to-moderate concentrations of monovalent salt (up to approximately 150 mM), our result
248                       High concentrations of monovalent salt can induce the solubilization or crystal
249 otonic dependence of the binding affinity on monovalent salt concentration in the presence of force.
250  unfolding is a nonmonotonic function of the monovalent salt concentration of the solution, contrary
251 e-stranded DNA as a function of sequence and monovalent salt concentration to examine the effects of
252 K over a range of mechanical forces (fs) and monovalent salt concentrations (Cs).
253 ations in the electrolyte, NPs pairs at high monovalent salt concentrations interact via remarkably s
254 d or unoriented long-fragment DNA bundles in monovalent salt solutions as first order, with a small b
255 ow the two melting processes at 5 mM and 1 M monovalent salt.
256               The phase transition occurs as monovalent salts are used to modify the ionic strength f
257 effect of trehalose to alter the activity of monovalent salts in aqueous solution.
258 lates the phase diagram of DNA solutions for monovalent salts to that for polyvalent salts and sheds
259                            Using a series of monovalent salts, we find, surprisingly, that the extent
260 own to bind selectively to the dockerin of a monovalent scaffoldin (ScaG), thus enabling formation of
261 nzymes either directly or through additional monovalent scaffoldins (ScaC and ScaD).
262                          Most viroporins are monovalent selective cation channels, with few showing t
263 fouling strategies, together with the use of monovalent selective membranes, is recommended to mainta
264                                              Monovalent-selective Neosepta CMS is known to block diva
265 lter residue Gln973 is essential in defining monovalent selectivity.
266 ty filter may be an important determinant of monovalent selectivity.
267                                              Monovalent shells have a single radial defect, which is
268  implementation of the method in the case of monovalent (single binding site) Pproxy and monovalent a
269                                Surprisingly, monovalent sodium or ammonium ions, positioned in the pr
270 on on MWCNTs through bridging effects, while monovalent sodium reduced SRHA adsorption.
271        The additional cation used was either monovalent (sodium) or divalent (M(2+)).
272  and green fluorescent protein, we show that monovalent Strep-Tactin is generally applicable to prote
273                                    We expect monovalent Strep-Tactin to be a reliable anchoring tool
274  of the interaction between Strep-tag II and monovalent Strep-Tactin were characterized.
275 te tag proved a more powerful way to isolate monovalent streptavidin, for ultra-stable labeling witho
276 play equal enzymatic activities on a soluble monovalent substrate and similar substrate specificities
277  responses of human subjects vaccinated with monovalent subunit A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine.
278 g hemagglutination inhibition (HI) data with monovalent swine antisera and antigenic cartography to e
279           Glycoconjugates containing stable, monovalent synthetic oligosaccharide analogs of ST-5 CPS
280 ith the binding of one (multivalent) or two (monovalent) target molecules to these elements opens the
281 se events and have reasoned that designing a monovalent targeting strategy could circumvent the infla
282           Tumor uptake was 2-fold higher for monovalent tracers ( approximately 0.60 percentage injec
283                            This is the first monovalent transition metal dependent RNA-cleaving DNAzy
284  had received a median of 3 bOPV doses and 2 monovalent type 1 OPV (mOPV1) doses through campaigns an
285            The provision of several doses of monovalent type 1 oral poliovirus vaccine (mOPV1) and bi
286 roprojection array, the Nanopatch, delivered monovalent type 2 IPV (IPV2) vaccine to the skin.
287 all infants were challenged with one dose of monovalent type 2 OPV (mOPV2).
288                            After April 2016, monovalent type 2 OPV will be available for type 2 outbr
289 valent OPV (bOPV) and IPV and challenge with monovalent type 2 OPV, and stools samples were collected
290 on after a polio vaccination campaign with a monovalent type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2).
291   Infants in all groups were challenged with monovalent type 2 vaccine (mOPV2) at 18 weeks (groups 1,
292            We assessed the immunogenicity of monovalent type-1 oral poliovirus vaccine (mOPV1) given
293 structural (NS) proteins were observed after monovalent vaccination, T cell responses following tetra
294                                              Monovalent vaccine administered between October 2009 and
295  for H1N1; VE was 73% (61-81; I(2)=31.4) for monovalent vaccine against H1N1pdm09.
296 , a pentavalent vaccine) and Rotarix (RV1, a monovalent vaccine).
297 mmunization with DENV1-4 VLPs as individual, monovalent vaccines elicited strong neutralization activ
298 rum antibodies recognized both the H1 and H3 monovalent vaccines.
299 MRV (MMRV group), or (2) MMR at dose one and monovalent varicella vaccine at dose two (MMR+V group),
300                Immunisation is possible with monovalent varicella vaccine or a combined measles-mumps

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