


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uanidine side chain could substitute for the monovalent cation.
2  remarkably on the type and concentration of monovalent cation.
3 e requirement for a divalent metal ion and a monovalent cation.
4 ons but is sensitive to the concentration of monovalent cation.
5 ibition was abolished in the presence of the monovalent cation.
6 ween proton binding and counterion-condensed monovalent cation.
7 p to approximately 4-5 times compared to the monovalent cations.
8  characterized by a profuse membrane leak to monovalent cations.
9 energies in buffers containing magnesium and monovalent cations.
10 es exhibit an AMFE in mixtures of Ca(2+) and monovalent cations.
11 tics of binding selectivity of Ca(2+) versus monovalent cations.
12  effect of the pi system on divalent than on monovalent cations.
13 s depend on the type and/or concentration of monovalent cations.
14 tors and enzymes allosterically activated by monovalent cations.
15  in the presence of higher concentrations of monovalent cations.
16 ) was also of a similar magnitude to that of monovalent cations.
17 counter-ions in the superficial gel layer to monovalent cations.
18 ts selectivity for Ca2+ versus other di- and monovalent cations.
19 s anomalous compared to those of other small monovalent cations.
20 ry contacts is inhibited by divalent but not monovalent cations.
21 nsductants and a reduction in conductance of monovalent cations.
22 aracteristically low passive permeability to monovalent cations.
23 alcium, irrespective of the concentration of monovalent cations.
24 he channel, reducing the flow principally of monovalent cations.
25 s-357 to MTSEA inactivation was increased by monovalent cations.
26 a high pH optimum (pH 8-9) and inhibition by monovalent cations.
27 els in lipid bilayers and were selective for monovalent cations.
28 n the presence of moderate concentrations of monovalent cations.
29 ases to separate the hydrogen ion from other monovalent cations.
30 e shikimate-3-phosphate (S3P) and activating monovalent cations.
31 servation that this peptide is selective for monovalent cations.
32  regulated by external and internal permeant monovalent cations.
33 ly at low concentrations than did any of the monovalent cations.
34 rd currents and prevents outward currents of monovalent cations.
35 lent cations, and have limited dependence on monovalent cations.
36 layers, making them selectively permeable to monovalent cations.
37  lysyl amines (3.2%), polyamines (5.8%), and monovalent cations (40%); and (iii) 11% of lysyl amines,
38  is selective toward the ionic radius of the monovalent cation, accepting those larger than Na(+).
39 ) (Glu-189) is unprecedented in the realm of monovalent cation-activated enzymes.
40                                              Monovalent-cation-activated enzymes are abundantly repre
41  whereas the other sites could play roles in monovalent cation activation.
42          The allosteric ligand and different monovalent cations affected the equilibrium between the
43 site within the NaK selectivity filter where monovalent cations also bind, providing a structural bas
44 raphic and kinetic results suggest that both monovalent cations and a salt bridge between alpha subun
45 k conductance (g(L)) of SCs was permeable to monovalent cations and anions and was largely inhibited
46 ged residues in L6/7 are involved in binding monovalent cations and cation antagonists.
47 nducts Zn(2+), Mg(2+), and Ca(2+) as well as monovalent cations and contains a functional serine/thre
48 e pattern of competition is the same for all monovalent cations and depends on the cation's ability t
49           We examine the interaction between monovalent cations and DNA using several different assay
50           E69D/K256R TPL is not activated by monovalent cations and does not show PLP fluorescence.
51  of HydF shows that activity can be gated by monovalent cations and further suggests that GTPase acti
52                        lpLSD is activated by monovalent cations and inhibited by monovalent anions.
53 nanopore sensing method for the detection of monovalent cations and liquid explosive components and t
54 f the transport cycle with high affinity for monovalent cations and low affinity for substrates.
55 oli 23 S rRNA with four base substitutions), monovalent cations and Mg(2+) compete in stabilizing the
56              Physiological concentrations of monovalent cations and Mg(2+) failed to bind to the doma
57        TRPM5 channels are nonselective among monovalent cations and not detectably permeable to dival
58  inward rectification to being selective for monovalent cations and outwardly rectifying.
59 Kd approximately 1.6 mM) compared with other monovalent cations and relevant, considering lithium dos
60 on (NSC) channel, which was nonselective for monovalent cations and weakly voltage dependent.
61 cleave faster in divalent metal ions than in monovalent cations, and a variety of divalent metal ions
62 zymes self-cleaved in high concentrations of monovalent cations, and an active site cytosine was requ
63 cy Mg(2+)-selective channel, fully excluding monovalent cations, and Ca(2+), whereas in absence of Mg
64 ) values of 0.01-0.1%), are not activated by monovalent cations, and do not exhibit fluorescence emis
65 of cooperative association dependent on GTP, monovalent cations, and Mg(2+).
66 ish Ca2+ influx, increase current carried by monovalent cations, and render the channel permeable to
67             VICs showed no selectivity among monovalent cations, and their gating was found to be vol
68 r that contains a metal cluster and obligate monovalent cations, and they adopt a structural arrangem
69 redict function to export substrates using a monovalent cation antiport mechanism.
70                         Enzymes activated by monovalent cations are abundantly represented in plants
71 ctivation by monovalent cations, even though monovalent cations are capable of binding, indicating th
72      For reasons outlined earlier, localized monovalent cations are neither expected nor found.Ultra-
73 t cations are required for activity, whereas monovalent cations are not.
74 els seem to be nonselective cation channels; monovalent cations are the major carriers of current, bu
75 erizing eukaryotic MIPS enzymes that require monovalent cations as cofactors than for characterizing
76  that PFL-AE binds a catalytically essential monovalent cation at its active site, yet another parall
77 us surface charge much more effectively than monovalent cations at pH above pH(iep).
78 etermining substrate specificity and binding monovalent cations at the active site.
79 ly that PMCA is inherently selective against monovalent cations because guanidine and tetramethylguan
80  ligand to the bound cation, is important in monovalent cation binding and activation.
81 ow that the function of Lys-256 in TPL is in monovalent cation binding and activation.
82  mutant TPLs to probe the role of Lys-256 in monovalent cation binding and activation.
83  DNA-dependent cooperativity are linked to a monovalent cation binding event and that this binding is
84 tracts with different sequences suggest that monovalent cation binding may be coupled with a conforma
85  cesium and potassium ions were examined and monovalent cation binding positions identified.
86                                              Monovalent cation binding reduces the effective charge o
87 binding, indicating that the geometry of the monovalent cation binding site is critical for activatio
88 structure analysis has demonstrated that the monovalent cation binding site is located at the interfa
89                    Lys-256 is located in the monovalent cation binding site of TPL, where it forms a
90         Three or more water molecules in the monovalent cation binding site result in flexibility in
91                         In addition, several monovalent cation binding sites are identified, and a me
92                                    Potential monovalent cation binding sites within the arrowhead and
93 re, including the number and location of the monovalent cation binding sites.
94                                              Monovalent cation binding to random-sequence dsDNA would
95 ous report where 205Tl NMR was used to study monovalent cation binding to this G-quadruplex.
96           The Ala and Asn mutations abrogate monovalent cation binding, whereas the Ser and Glu mutat
97 tivity and allosteric regulation mediated by monovalent cation binding.
98 t alpha- and beta-parvalbumins have distinct monovalent cation-binding properties.
99 lding of structural elements that includes a monovalent cation-binding site and salt-bridging interac
100                               A well-defined monovalent cation-binding site is observed following sig
101                 We could not identify stable monovalent cation-binding sites in the low salt arrowhea
102 lex structures made of stacked guanines with monovalent cations bound at a central cavity.
103  conducted primarily ( approximately 80%) by monovalent cations but not Ca(2+) .
104 2 was demonstrated to conduct K(+) and other monovalent cations, but exclude Na(+); this conductivity
105      Subsequent removal of all extracellular monovalent cations, by N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) subst
106 nonmethylated structures suggests that small monovalent cations can fill and vacate this central cavi
107                     Here we demonstrate that monovalent cations can localize around B-DNA in geometri
108         These findings support the idea that monovalent cations can partially substitute for divalent
109 uaporin-1 (AQP1) functions as a nonselective monovalent cation channel activated by intracellular cGM
110 al solid-state NMR data from gramicidin A, a monovalent cation channel in lipid bilayers.
111        BIB expressed in Xenopus oocytes is a monovalent cation channel modulated by tyrosine kinase s
112                                          The monovalent cation channel transient receptor potential m
113   We report here that TRP-ML1 is a lysosomal monovalent cation channel.
114  This transport protein may be a nonspecific monovalent cation channel.
115 ples of voltage-modulated, Ca(2+)-activated, monovalent cation channels (VCAMs).
116 nce, which forms (dimeric) bilayer-spanning, monovalent cation channels in biological membranes and s
117 PB1-F2-treated membranes became permeable to monovalent cations, chloride, and to a lesser extent, di
118                                          (4) Monovalent cation concentration affects RNA stability in
119 tion proved to be principally dependent upon monovalent cation concentration and MutL concentration.
120 on its unhydrated ionic radius, and at a low monovalent cation concentration and saturating Mg(2+), t
121 cal tweezers, we have measured the effect of monovalent cation concentration and species on the foldi
122 tion for DNA condensation on temperature and monovalent cation concentration followed the electrostat
123 rgy increased linearly with the logarithm of monovalent cation concentration for several cations, suc
124 e of DNA A-tracts is gradually lost when the monovalent cation concentration is increased to approxim
125 centrations within the reported intranuclear monovalent cation concentration range, and are partly co
126 rase, has long been known to be sensitive to monovalent cation concentrations and pH.
127 xes stabilized by stacked G-G-G-G tetrads in monovalent cation-containing solution.
128 unit in the absence or presence of different monovalent cations (Cs(+), Na(+), and GuH(+)) and of an
129 t that shear stress indirectly activates the monovalent cation current carried by transient receptor
130 ions with a larger conductance, however this monovalent cation current inactivates rapidly by an unkn
131 ed only CRAC but did not affect a whole-cell monovalent cation current mediated by TRPM7 channels.
132                         Apparent blockage of monovalent cation currents by the permeating blocker Ca(
133 al K(+) gradients, are able to conduct large monovalent cation currents when extracellular ionic cond
134  may or may not interact preferentially with monovalent cations, depending on the relative number of
135                 The stabilizing ability of a monovalent cation depends on its unhydrated ionic radius
136 ific for Na, because chloride salts of other monovalent cations did not dissipate the pH gradient.
137 e in the presence of molar concentrations of monovalent cations, divalent cations such as Mg(2+) are
138 valent cations associate preferentially over monovalent cations; e.g., with Na+ in 4-fold excess of M
139 en ECl and the calculated Vrev for elemental monovalent cations (ECat), indicating that more than one
140                   Phosphorylation required a monovalent cation, either Cu(I) or Ag(I).
141 ntry by depolarization induced by activating monovalent cation entry channels.
142  (14C)-citrate anion, as well as the organic monovalent cation, ethidium, but not its divalent analog
143 w basal activity and only weak activation by monovalent cations, even though monovalent cations are c
144 sequencing (1.5-5 mM magnesium and 20-100 mM monovalent cations) fall within this range.
145 ionally wide filter but is only permeable to monovalent cations; filter residue Gln973 is essential i
146 s) suggest that it likely represents outward monovalent cation flux through CatSper channels.
147 for activity of 55-60 degrees C and requires monovalent cations for both optimal activity and stabili
148 e guanine rich sequence, d(G4T4G4), requires monovalent cations for formation of the G-quadruplex, d(
149 ter membrane, whereas LPS in the presence of monovalent cations forms highly mobile negatively-charge
150 ine-metal/H(+) antiporter that also exhibits monovalent cation/H(+) antiport activity and a net K(+)
151 und that rat brain synaptic vesicles express monovalent cation/H(+) exchange activity that converts D
152 otypic profile of the null mutant of Nhel, a monovalent cation/H(+)exchanger.
153 ed and characterized Vnx1p, a novel vacuolar monovalent cation/H+ antiporter encoded by the open read
154 ity: (i) PFL-AE in the absence of any simple monovalent cations has little-no activity; and (ii) amon
155                The movement of intracellular monovalent cations has previously been shown to play a c
156 pressor-OR1 complex requires the presence of monovalent cations; however, repressor-OR3 complex forma
157         It appears that partially dehydrated monovalent cations, hydrated divalent cations, and polya
158 uffer scenarios: (i) buffers containing only monovalent cations; (ii) buffers containing multivalent
159 pontaneous induction varied with the type of monovalent cation in the medium.
160 ltivalent inorganic cations are present with monovalent cations in a buffer solution, and we found th
161 to serine proteases and enzymes activated by monovalent cations in general.
162 lent cations play a more important role than monovalent cations in stabilizing the MB stem hybrids an
163 ged Tris buffer ions will compete with other monovalent cations in Tris-buffered solutions.
164 nexin40 gap junction channel is permeable to monovalent cations including tetramethylammonium and tet
165          The allosteric ligand and different monovalent cations, including GuH(+), which also acts as
166 ve in the presence of high concentrations of monovalent cations, including Na(+), but the mechanism b
167 crystallized in the presence of a variety of monovalent cations, including Na(+), Cs(+), and dimethyl
168                           The time-course of monovalent cation-induced folding of the L-21 Sca1 Tetra
169 ons have raised the idea of the intrusion of monovalent cations into the minor groove spine of hydrat
170 ic calculations showed that a fully hydrated monovalent cation is electrostatically stabilized at the
171 ts, suggesting that the activation of TPL by monovalent cations is a slow process.
172                    Preincubation of TPL with monovalent cations is necessary to observe the rate acce
173 llular space and that the diffusion of small monovalent cations is not affected by CSPGs in the norma
174                         Enzyme activation by monovalent cations is widely documented in plants and th
175 n(2+), and is additionally stimulated by the monovalent cation K(+).
176  proximal promoter (kit2) in the presence of monovalent cations K+ and Na+.
177 dent upon the presence of ATP, Mg(2+), and a monovalent cation (K(+), Rb(+), NH(4)(+)), and produced
178    The permeability ratio for LY relative to monovalent cation (K+) ranged from 0.0025 for Cx40 to 0.
179         GerO and GerQ were able to transport monovalent cations (K(+) and/or Na(+)) in Escherichia co
180 e of divalent cations (Ca(2+) and Ba(2+)) as monovalent cations (K(+)), but a viroporin defective mut
181 or Zn2+) for catalysis, but a diverse set of monovalent cations (K+, Tl+, Rb+, or NH(4)(+)) will furt
182 L) from Citrobacter freundii is dependent on monovalent cations, K(+) or NH(4)(+), for high activity.
183 ype RhAG in Xenopus laevis oocytes induced a monovalent cation leak; expression of the mutant RhAG pr
184 or Ca(2+) over Na(+), but nonselective among monovalent cations (Li(+), Na(+), and K(+)).
185                                        Other monovalent cations (Li(+), Na(+), etc.) display similar
186                               The effects of monovalent cations (Li(+), Na(+), K(+), Rb(+), Cs(+), an
187  Metal-free DGD and DGD complexes with seven monovalent cations (Li(+), Na(+), K(+), Rb(+), Cs(+), NH
188 ies of the RNA or a change in the pattern of monovalent cation/Mg(2+) competition.
189 lding of structural elements that includes a monovalent cation (MVC) binding site and salt bridging i
190                                          The monovalent cation (MVC) site of the tryptophan synthase
191                                    Two bound monovalent cations (MVCs) of unknown function have been
192 e, consistent with activation of a vesicular monovalent cation Na(+)(K(+))/H(+) exchanger.
193 s found to modulate influx and efflux of the monovalent cations Na+ and K+.
194 d Mg(2+)) were more than 31-fold of that for monovalent cation (Na(+) and K(+)).
195 strongly depend on the cation employed, with monovalent cations (Na(+) and K(+)) leading to the highe
196  = Mn2+ > Ca2+), but was not affected by the monovalent cations, Na+ and K+.
197                                          The monovalent cations of Na(+), K(+), Rb(+), and Cs(+) deri
198 t metals such as Ca(2+), Mg(2+), and Zn(2+), monovalent cations often function as efficient and selec
199  spurs, consistent with the known effects of monovalent cations on G-quadruplex stability.
200          In this work, we show the effect of monovalent cations on the kinetic parameters of Pfk-2 to
201 tions there is at least one binding site for monovalent cations on the RNA, the site is specifically
202          The lack of a significant effect of monovalent cations on the stability of E98D and E98S ind
203 ike many other TRP channels, is permeable to monovalent cations only.
204  variables, including alpha-subunit ligands, monovalent cations, organic solvents, pH, and temperatur
205                                              Monovalent cations, osmotic strength, Mg2+ and Ca2+ did
206 have limited Ca(2+) permeability relative to monovalent cation permeability and/or that Ca(2+) influx
207 channels has two distinct sites that control monovalent cation permeation (Val(2548)) and Ca(2+) sele
208 cellular loop of CRACM1 (D110/112A) enhances monovalent cation permeation, suggesting that these resi
209 ffect the allosteric interactions, including monovalent cations, pH, alpha-site and beta-site ligands
210                                              Monovalent cations play an important role in many biolog
211 rate for DAT; however, when converted to the monovalent cation PQ(+) by either a reducing agent or NA
212 whereas the Ser and Glu mutations change the monovalent cation preference from Na(+) to the smaller c
213 ns were less when K+ rather than Na+ was the monovalent cation present.
214                            For these smaller monovalent cations, pressure-induced volume expansion do
215                                              Monovalent cation proton antiporter-3 (Mrp) family antip
216 Na(+) sensitivity that accompany loss of the monovalent cation/proton activity of TetL.
217                               Electroneutral monovalent cation/proton antiport across the chloroplast
218 y also provide new perspectives on two large monovalent cation/proton antiporter families, the NhaC a
219 domain of plant CHX is remarkably similar to monovalent cation/proton antiporter-2 (CPA2) proteins, e
220                                          The monovalent cation/proton antiporters encoded by these di
221  of the catalytic properties of 12 predicted monovalent cation/proton antiporters in the genome of th
222 or K(+) for H(+) from outside the cell, i.e. monovalent cation/proton antiporters.
223         High concentrations (>100 mM) of all monovalent cations result in inhibition of wild-type TPL
224 re is a (calculated) net release of a single monovalent cation/RNA molecule when tertiary structure i
225                                          The monovalent cation selective channel formed by a dimer of
226  illustrating the opening and closing of the monovalent cation selective gramicidin A channel through
227 Upon continuous stimulation, the pore of the monovalent cation-selective P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) expand
228 bility to cations with a diameter >4 A, high monovalent cation selectivity, and the absence of either
229 ar mechanism of activation and the origin of monovalent cation selectivity.
230 y beta-toxin across the BLMs exhibited ideal monovalent cation selectivity.
231 ations reproduced the experimentally derived monovalent cation selectivity.
232 ee solution at physiologic concentrations of monovalent cation, significantly stronger than previousl
233  the upshift is modulated by the presence of monovalent cations since in the presence of Na(+) and Li
234                                         This monovalent cation site controls enzyme activity: (i) PFL
235 f G-G-G-G tetrad-aligned DNA quadruplexes in monovalent cation solution is dependent on the direction
236 xes stabilized by stacked G*G*G*G tetrads in monovalent cation solution.
237 stabilization of tertiary structure is still monovalent-cation specific and ionic-radius dependent, b
238 so affect significantly and unexpectedly the monovalent cation specificity of the enzyme.
239                                          The monovalent cation specificity of these enzymes remains e
240 single amino acid substitution can alter the monovalent cation specificity of thrombin from Na(+) (As
241 ng region of the channel, they do not affect monovalent cation specificity, but are known to alter ca
242 se at a range of temperatures, buffer pH and monovalent cation strength.
243  including Na(+), but the mechanism by which monovalent cations substitute for divalent cations in ha
244 in the currents, and the effects of external monovalent cation substitutions and removal of internal
245 ents that are carried by normally impermeant monovalent cations such as Cs(+) or K(+).
246 ligonucleotide, even in the absence of added monovalent cations such as K(+) or Na(+).
247  guanine quartet are typically stabilized by monovalent cations such as K(+), Na(+), or NH(+)(3).
248 + for catalytic activity and is activated by monovalent cations such as K+ and ammonium.
249 channels in TAL: a cldn10b-based channel for monovalent cations such as Na(+) and a spatially distinc
250                                  It conducts monovalent cations such as Na+ and K+ without significan
251 ical standpoint is possible, particularly by monovalent cations such as NH4(+), or K(+).
252                                 By contrast, monovalent cations such as sodium and potassium mainly r
253  the enzyme is not able to translocate other monovalent cations, such as potassium or rubidium.
254 ference interaction site (3D-RISM) model for monovalent cations surrounding DNA and RNA helices, and
255                          Selectivity against monovalent cations takes place via Mg(2+) binding at a h
256 eability to Na+, K+ and Cs+, but the organic monovalent cations tetraethylammonium and N-methyl-D-glu
257 he value predicted from the behaviour of the monovalent cation tetramethylammonium (TMA), a commonly
258                        (d) The nature of the monovalent cation that is present in excess is a key det
259        The presence of a regulatory site for monovalent cations that affects the conformation of the
260                                              Monovalent cations that have been shown previously to st
261 s protonated and the effect is overcome by a monovalent cation, the enzyme residue may be a neutral a
262 acter freundii is activated about 30-fold by monovalent cations, the most effective being K(+), NH(4)
263  I(HA) and I(DA) could be carried by several monovalent cations; the sizes of currents in descending
264        As NMDARs are permeable to Ca(2+) and monovalent cations, they could alter release directly by
265 protein, which is key to allowing passage of monovalent cations through the protein shell using B-por
266 trends in hairpin stability measured for the monovalent cation titrations with reasonable accuracy, b
267 activation entails two steps: binding of the monovalent cation to its allosteric site and transductio
268                The binding of five different monovalent cations to DNA oligomers containing A-tracts,
269 r cells for the dis-regulation of balance of monovalent cations to induce cell death at mildly acidic
270 has been developed to measure the binding of monovalent cations to random sequence, double-stranded (
271 tivation gate of the channel, using a set of monovalent cations together with Shaker mutants that mod
272 irst, we employed subsequent replacements of monovalent cations transiently captured within Syt1 Ca(2
273 t at residue 11 are responsible for altering monovalent cation transport.
274            Together, these data suggest that monovalent cation transporters play some role in C. perf
275                               In particular, monovalent cation transporters such as non-selective ion
276 s two proteins, GerO and GerQ, homologous to monovalent cation transporters suggested to have roles i
277                                     Changing monovalent cation type alters the ability of repressor t
278  to surface site ratio that is indicative of monovalent cations ((UO(2))(3)(OH)(5)(+), (UO(2))(4)(OH)
279 h selectivity ratios of over 100 and conduct monovalent cations up to 5 times more rapidly than dival
280             Each A-tract appears to bind one monovalent cation upon saturation of the binding site(s)
281 ivalent cations are preferentially lost over monovalent cations upon A.C protonation, providing exper
282  at least one tri- or divalent cation or two monovalent cations upon ligation.
283                                The effect of monovalent cations upon RNA chain length was: Li(+) > Na
284 ay in which the protein shell interacts with monovalent cations, we have performed molecular dynamics
285 ty and selectivity for divalent cations over monovalent cations were dispensable for touch-evoked act
286 o the cytoplasm and disrupt balance of other monovalent cations, which induces cell apoptosis.
287 se G-quadruplex structures in the absence of monovalent cations, which is a unique characteristic amo
288  Mg(2+) ions, whereas the third site binds a monovalent cation with high affinity.
289 )) are cation-size-dependent, K(+) being the monovalent cation with the optimal size for catalytic ac
290                       The interaction of the monovalent cation with wild type (WT) yeast pyruvate kin
291 been used to characterize the interaction of monovalent cations with 26-basepair DNA oligomers contai
292 lar divalent cations it becomes permeable to monovalent cations with a larger conductance, however th
293 8 is a crucial residue in the interaction of monovalent cations with FTHFS.
294 , this current shows a high permeability for monovalent cations with no apparent permeability for ani
295 markedly alters preferential interactions of monovalent cations with the B( *) conformation.
296      Here we have studied the interaction of monovalent cations with the cavity of the KcsA K(+) chan
297 le to Cl(-), was nearly equally permeable to monovalent cations, with permeabilities relative to K(+)
298 % of -NH(2) groups of polyamines, and 80% of monovalent cations within the lyophilized T4 capsid are
299                    Hence although binding of monovalent cations within the minor groove of A -tracts
300 d perovskite solar-cell absorbers APbX3 (A = monovalent cation; X = Br or I).

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