


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ated pair dolphin morbillivirus and porpoise morbillivirus.
2 for the high cell-to-cell fusion activity of morbilliviruses.
3 e, a sequence relatively conserved among the morbilliviruses.
4 most closely related to members of the genus Morbillivirus and infect cells through a pH-independent
5                        Rinderpest virus is a morbillivirus and is the causative agent of a widespread
6  antibodies against the related pair dolphin morbillivirus and porpoise morbillivirus.
7                        Rinderpest virus is a morbillivirus and the causative agent of an important di
8 help in the design of new inhibitors against morbilliviruses and provide additional knowledge concern
9 ggest that, in detail, polymerase binding in morbilliviruses and rubulaviruses differs significantly.
10     The trimeric fusion (F) glycoproteins of morbilliviruses are activated by furin cleavage of the p
11              Thus, the H proteins of the two morbilliviruses are interchangeable and fully functional
12 ycans attached to fusion (F) proteins of the morbilliviruses canine distemper virus and measles virus
13                                              Morbilliviruses cause many diseases of medical and veter
14                          Membrane fusion for morbillivirus cell entry relies on critical interactions
15                                     Cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) is considered one of the most impor
16 cies in closely related members of the genus Morbillivirus, currently referred to as Unclassified Mor
17 mper virus and a wild-type strain of dolphin morbillivirus failed to downregulate CD46.
18               Measles virus, a member of the Morbillivirus family, infects millions of people each ye
19                             The L protein of morbilliviruses (family Paramyxoviridae) was reported to
20 easles virus (MV) is the type species of the Morbillivirus genus and its RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
21                            H-proteins of the morbillivirus genus consist of a stalk ectodomain suppor
22 g ferrets and dogs, and is the member of the Morbillivirus genus most easily amenable to experimentat
23        Measles virus, a paramyxovirus of the Morbillivirus genus, is responsible for an acute childho
24                       Paramyxoviruses of the morbillivirus genus, such as measles, are highly contagi
25 o-cell fusion activity characteristic of the morbillivirus genus.
26                           The P genes of all morbilliviruses give rise to two proteins in addition to
27                               The individual Morbillivirus glycans have similar functional properties
28 tein, we then predicted the locations of the Morbillivirus glycans: the glycan at position 36 is loca
29                                     However, morbillivirus glycoproteins first assemble intracellular
30 se data and very recently published data for morbillivirus H and henipavirus G proteins, we extend ou
31                                          All morbillivirus H-protein heads appear to be connected to
32 , we devised a strategy based on analysis of morbillivirus H-protein sequences, iterative cycles of m
33                     Our data reveal that the morbillivirus H-stalk domain is composed of four tightly
34  the central region (residues 91-115) of the morbillivirus H-stalk; a sub-domain that also encompasse
35  available tissues to detect the presence of morbillivirus, herpesvirus, West Nile virus, Toxoplasma
36          The immunosuppressive properties of morbilliviruses including measles and canine distemper v
37 of ferrets is quite similar to that of other Morbillivirus infections, including measles, this model
38                          To understand how a morbillivirus invades the host and causes immunosuppress
39 a new nested-PCR method for the detection of morbillivirus is described here.
40                       Sequence alignments of morbillivirus L polymerases have demonstrated the existe
41  observed with envelope glycoproteins of the morbilliviruses Measles virus and Canine distemper virus
42 nidentified mechanism that may contribute to morbillivirus pathogenesis where H-specific IgG antibodi
43 culation with vaccine strains of the related morbillivirus, peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV).
44 ented here increases the number of confirmed morbillivirus-positive cases within the Canarian archipe
45 tion molecule (SLAM, CD150) is the universal morbillivirus receptor.
46 is research will impact our understanding of morbillivirus-related immunosuppression as well as the a
47 e, currently referred to as the unclassified morbillivirus-related viruses (UMRVs).
48 roteins derived from virulent and attenuated morbillivirus strains and was independent of the nature
49 s caused by PPR virus, a member of the genus Morbillivirus that includes the viruses that cause rinde
50 odel will be useful in testing new candidate Morbillivirus vaccines.
51 mally that SLAM recognition is necessary for morbillivirus virulence.
52    Canine distemper virus (CDV) is an animal morbillivirus with a worldwide circulation that infects
53                       Measles virus (MeV), a morbillivirus within the paramyxovirus family, expresses

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