


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ing full analgesic potency, does not promote morphine dependence.
2 pamine immediately prior to the induction of morphine dependence.
3 is known about the role of AMPA receptors in morphine dependence.
4 ety and autoreceptor function only following morphine dependence.
5  other gelatinase, MMP-2, is not involved in morphine dependence.
6 her methadone, an opioid often used to treat morphine dependence, also exhibited 5-HT(3) receptor ant
7             We compared the effects of acute morphine dependence and social isolation in non-anxious
8                                              Morphine dependence and withdrawal result in profound ne
9 he roles of D1 receptors, CREB, and GluR1 in morphine dependence are not well understood.
10 eptor antagonists than is the development of morphine dependence as assessed by naloxone-precipitated
11 hat orexin knock-out mice develop attenuated morphine dependence, as indicated by a less severe antag
12       Furthermore, oxytocin neurones develop morphine dependence by a mechanism which is distinct fro
13 h) attenuated the development of acute (3 h) morphine dependence (i.e., decreased naloxone-precipitat
14  the cAMP response element (CRE), we induced morphine dependence in CRE-LacZ transgenic mice and perf
15 chemical methods in NAc tissue, we show that morphine dependence increases cell surface expression of
16                                              Morphine dependence is associated with long-term adaptiv
17                                              Morphine dependence is characterized by somatic and moti
18  acid (EAA) receptor antagonists to modulate morphine dependence is controversial, and very little is
19 l MMP-9 may contribute to the development of morphine dependence primarily through neuronal activatio
20                        We use a rat model of morphine dependence to show that GluA1 subunits of AMPA
21                            In a rat model of morphine dependence, we previously identified increased
22 e facilitated morphine tolerance and reduced morphine dependence without affecting morphine reward.

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