


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 solution mapping of expression patterns post-mortem.
2 udden death medication-free individuals post mortem.
3  histology used to identify NK-92 cells post-mortem.
4 s of ALS patients carrying mutations at post-mortem.
5  population level from extracted skulls post-mortem.
6 followed autopsied cohort who underwent ante-mortem (11)C-Pittsburgh compound B imaging; using the la
7                  Tissues were collected post mortem (2012-2016), and histopathological images were ob
8 heimer's disease (AD) mouse model and a post-mortem AD case, confirming known plaque constituents and
9 f 5hmC in DNA from prefrontal cortex of post-mortem AD patients, and RNA-Seq to correlate changes in
10     Here we address this issue by using post-mortem adult human brain and spinal cord samples origina
11 filamin were shown to break down during post mortem ageing of meat.
12 i and their degradation products during post mortem ageing were investigated by gel electrophoresis a
13 the potential to be applied to identify post-mortem aging of chicken meat samples.
14 were also declined with the increase of post-mortem aging showing the presence of ample tenderness of
15  1-overexpressing mice as well as human post-mortem ALS spinal cord-derived astrocytes induce motor n
16                  Previous evidence from post-mortem Alzheimer disease (AD) brains and drug (especiall
17 ssay and in vitro autoradiography using post-mortem Alzheimer's disease brain tissue.
18 ing Pittsburgh compound-B thresholds to post-mortem amyloid burden are lacking.
19                        When compared to post-mortem amyloid burden, low proposed thresholds were more
20                    In the 35 cases with ante-mortem amyloid imaging, a transition between Thal amyloi
21 ice, which we further corroborated with post-mortem analyses in these animals as well as in human bra
22 egularly consume alcohol (ethanol), and post-mortem analyses of opioid overdose deaths have revealed
23 DCX-associated lissencephaly comes from post-mortem analyses of patient's brains, mainly since animal
24                                         Post-mortem analysis has revealed reduced levels of the prote
25 le impact have hitherto been limited to post-mortem analysis of impacted specimens, which does not pr
26                                   Gross post-mortem and histological findings were indistinguishable
27 ferent psychiatric disorders, including post-mortem and in-vivo studies in humans and experimental st
28 ge of studies using diverse designs and post-mortem and in-vivo techniques show impairments of the se
29                                    Both post-mortem and neuroimaging studies have identified abnormal
30                                         Post-mortem and neuroimaging studies suggest that the seroton
31                   Taken together, these post-mortem and preclinical findings identify TG2 as a critic
32                                         Post mortem and real-time tissue distribution studies did not
33 nt both at Day 14 in vivo and at Day 28 post-mortem) and marked and long-lasting sensorimotor deficit
34 tent with and expand upon findings from post-mortem, animal and cerebrospinal fluid studies, and sugg
35     Taphonomic processes affecting bone post mortem are important in forensic, archaeological and pal
36 xperimentally produced faults, observed post-mortem, are sealed by fluid-bearing micro-pseudotachylyt
37 g a validated consensus approach to the post-mortem assessment and scoring of cerebrovascular disease
38 are no generally accepted protocols for post-mortem assessment in cases of suspected vascular cogniti
39  validation of the criteria, by blinded post-mortem assessment of brain tissue from 113 individuals (
40 antly enriched for genes upregulated in post-mortem autistic brain, including astrocyte and microglia
41                                     The post-mortem autoradiographic data showed that 18F-AV-1451 str
42                                   Using post-mortem badger body weight records from 15 878 individual
43                                         Post mortem biochemical staging of Alzheimer's disease is cur
44                                         Post-mortem blood was tested by serology.
45  SCIENTIFIC COMMENTARY ON THIS ARTICLE: Post-mortem Braak staging of neurofibrillary tau tangle topog
46  has gained indirect support from human post-mortem brain analyses and genetic studies, little is kno
47                                         Post-mortem brain analyses and some genetic studies have repo
48                        Six patients had post-mortem brain analysis available for assessment of neurop
49 informed by both direct analysis of the post-mortem brain and by study of the biological consequences
50 ing samples from four independent human post-mortem brain cohorts.
51 reliable method of diagnosis other than post-mortem brain examination.
52                  Two patients underwent post-mortem brain examination.
53 and demonstrate its upregulation in the post-mortem brain from 15q11-13 duplication patients for the
54 ry and proteomics approach by comparing post-mortem brain material from schizophrenia patients and co
55  the immune system in a large sample of post-mortem brain of patients with schizophrenia: RNA sequenc
56 measure metabolites and metals in seven post-mortem brain regions of nine AD patients and nine contro
57 on Consortium involving 12 human frozen post-mortem brain regions.
58 ent stem cell-derived motor neurons and post-mortem brain samples from ALS patients.
59 ese to a series of fibroblast lines and post-mortem brain samples from individuals with either adult-
60 HTT and its oligomeric intermediates in post-mortem brain samples from patients with Huntington's dis
61 e DNA methylation was quantified in 262 post-mortem brain samples, representing tissue from four brai
62 amine mRNA expression of parvalbumin on post-mortem brain sections.
63                             A series of post-mortem brain tissue and in vitro experiments suggested S
64 ures of correlated gene expression in a post mortem brain tissue data set.
65           Neuropathological analysis of post-mortem brain tissue demonstrated that pIRE1alpha is expr
66 ha-synuclein with PSEN1 was detected in post-mortem brain tissue from cognitively normal cases and wa
67                 In a blinded study with post-mortem brain tissue from patients with Parkinson's disea
68 t aggregates, which are also present in post-mortem brain tissue from patients.
69                             We examined post-mortem brain tissue from six patients with lacunar infar
70 S) and chemometrics for the analysis of post-mortem brain tissue from subjects with Alzheimer's disea
71 udinal retrospective study, we analysed post-mortem brain tissue of all individuals with an Alzheimer
72  been employed to biochemically profile post-mortem brain tissue, and the novel methods described and
73  though, as with any method for imaging post mortem brain tissue, care should be taken when interpret
74 nducted whole transcriptome analysis of post-mortem brain tissues (cingulate cortex) from SCZ, BPD an
75                                         Post-mortem brain tissues from post-stroke dementia and post-
76 e neuronal and glial DNA fractions from post-mortem brain tissues.
77 changes observed in human schizophrenia post mortem brain tissues.
78 ine the tau PTM landscape present in AD post-mortem brain.
79 m an independent (Oxford, UK) cohort of post-mortem brains (n = 74), we confirmed the significant cor
80 RIM33 in the human prefrontal cortex of post-mortem brains between subjects with and those without au
81  of GFAP and AQP4 immunoreactivities in post-mortem brains from adult baboons with cerebral hypoperfu
82 r cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of post-mortem brains from HD individuals, particularly in those
83 icroRNA (miRNA) expression profiling in post-mortem brains from individuals with ASD and controls and
84                             We analysed post-mortem brains obtained from a cohort of 85 subjects with
85               VDAC1 is overexpressed in post-mortem brains of Alzheimer disease (AD) patients.
86 cal, limbic and subcortical areas, from post-mortem brains of familial Alzheimer's disease (n = 10; a
87       Alcohol-dependent rats as well as post-mortem brains of human alcoholics and controls were anal
88 nhanced production of which is found in post-mortem brains of Parkinson disease patients.
89 lysis of three independent data sets of post-mortem brains revealed signs of increased methylation in
90 ired to form the aggregates observed in post-mortem brains.
91 weeks of age, inflammation was assessed post-mortem by determining colon length and histological inju
92  that were analyzed for prion infection post-mortem by immunohistochemistry (IHC).
93                        It is defined at post-mortem by the loss of dopamine neurons in the substantia
94 mical experiments to detect epitopes in post-mortem CADASIL brains (n=8), control brains, and cells o
95 LEC), limbus, cornea and conjunctiva of post-mortem cadaver eyes with laser microdissection (LMD) tec
96        In 136 human forensic corpses, a post-mortem cardiac MR examination was carried out prior to f
97                                 In this post-mortem case series, we investigated several features of
98                                  In the ante-mortem case-control study, by contrast, plasma-glucose a
99 -glucose and plasma-copper levels in an ante-mortem case-control study.
100  the cortex of R6/2 mice and HD patient post-mortem caudate tissue compared with controls.
101 bing fibre-Purkinje cell synapses using post-mortem cerebellar tissue of essential tremor cases and c
102 stinguishing ante-mortem pathology from post-mortem change has been a major constraint in diagnosing
103  NMR technique has been used to monitor post-mortem changes in salmon (Salmo salar) fillets upon stor
104        PSE was induced by incubation of post-mortem chicken carcasses at 37 degrees C for 200min.
105 h, but data on the role of nonselective post-mortem CIED (pacemaker or defibrillator) analysis in thi
106                                         Post-mortem CIED analysis was clinically useful in assisting
107 were all cataloged in the Johns Hopkins Post-mortem CIED Registry.
108 amyloid phase to Braak tangle stage and ante-mortem clinical characteristics in a large autopsy cohor
109 s (n = 3618) was selected regardless of ante-mortem clinical diagnosis and neuropathologic co-morbidi
110 e necessary specificity for an accurate ante mortem clinical diagnosis of CBD.
111  softening was consistent, regardless of pre-mortem clinical findings including severity of IOP eleva
112 ics of Alzheimer's disease patients, the pre-mortem clinical status was driven by Braak tangle stage.
113                                         Post mortem, cochlear gain disappeared.
114                          In age-matched post-mortem cohorts of Alzheimer's disease (n = 49), vascular
115 his definitive, multi-centre study uses post-mortem confirmed cases as the gold standard to: (i) asse
116 we show that Gomafu is downregulated in post-mortem cortical gray matter from the superior temporal g
117 ion found an independent association of ante mortem CSF phosphorylated tau levels with postmortem cer
118 ar regression tested the association of ante mortem CSF tau levels with postmortem tau pathology adju
119                       Implementation of post-mortem CT (PMCT), enhanced with targeted coronary angiog
120                                Standard post-mortem CT methods were used to assess rib end morphology
121 en scanned the skeleton with whole-body post-mortem CT.
122 NA templates and is limited by the fast post-mortem cytosine deamination rates of methylated epiallel
123 osine to thymine mismatches, typical of post-mortem damage.
124 imilar to profiles obtained from mature post-mortem DaNs.
125     Growing clinical, neuro-imaging and post-mortem data have implicated the cerebellum as playing an
126                        Extrapolation of post-mortem data predicts that a approximately 30% decline of
127 gnal and increased the concordance with post-mortem data sets.
128 asive, sensitive, and specific test for ante-mortem detection of infected animals.
129  73.3% (95%CI: 61.9, 82.9%) relative to post-mortem detection.
130 ats, and results of the TMA analysis of post mortem diagenesis in bone are discussed, and implication
131 f these 64 athletes, 47 had a confirmed post-mortem diagnosis; the most common were hypertrophic card
132 significance (P<0.05) in an independent post-mortem DLPFC data set (182 schizophrenia and 212 control
133 encing on neuronal nuclei isolated from post-mortem dlPFC of cocaine addicts and healthy controls.
134 ith DNA metabarcoding and assessment of post-mortem DNA damage allowed us to authenticate ancient DNA
135 DNA metabarcoding and the assessment of post-mortem DNA damage.
136 lates the entire molecular process from post-mortem DNA fragmentation and DNA damage to experimental
137  in a wide variety of tissue types from post-mortem donors.
138 y of tissues in a large number of human post-mortem donors.
139                                  In the post-mortem dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), we found
140 comparison with a grain map obtained by post-mortem electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD).
141         All subjects underwent detailed post-mortem evaluation, including histological analysis by an
142                                         Post-mortem evaluations of healthy grafted tissue in such cas
143                   Based on accumulating post-mortem evidence of abnormalities in Purkinje cell biolog
144 d not have post-mortem examination, but post-mortem examination provided data that were otherwise una
145 reactors to the skin test with positive post-mortem examination results (phenotype 1); ii) positive r
146 reactors to the skin test regardless of post-mortem examination results (phenotype 2) and iii) as in
147 eactors to the skin tests with positive post-mortem examination results (phenotype 3).
148            As a group, subjects who had post-mortem examination were not significantly different from
149     In foxes with no evidence of ICH on post-mortem examination, 29 of 154 (18.8%) red foxes had inap
150 ifferent from patients who did not have post-mortem examination, but post-mortem examination provided
151 ances and neurodegenerative features on post-mortem examination.
152 ree subjects who additionally underwent post-mortem examination.
153 tre for Epilepsy: 122 had comprehensive post-mortem examination.
154                                         Post-mortem examinations in three patients confirmed neurodev
155  all cases, circumstantial evidence and post-mortem examinations indicated drowning to be the most li
156  were determined in faecal samples from post mortem examinations performed on 42 males, including cir
157 d neuronal loss in two patients who had post-mortem examinations.
158                                  At 48h post-mortem, export quality loins were aged at -1.7 degrees C
159 on, but contrast with known patterns of post-mortem Fe mineralization.
160 Additionally, pancreas samples obtained post mortem from a separate cohort of 21 children/adolescents
161 mic analysis of 2,693 samples collected post mortem from lung and extrapulmonary biopsies of 44 subje
162 ytokine production by splenocytes taken post mortem from patients who died of sepsis is profoundly su
163 eneration in AD, or whole blood obtained pre-mortem from the same individuals.
164                            By analyzing post-mortem gene expression data from the Allen Brain Atlas,
165  clinical utility and combined yield of post-mortem genetic testing (molecular autopsy) in cases of S
166                           Evidence from post-mortem, genetic, neuroimaging, and non-human animal rese
167                           Here, through post-mortem genome-wide transcriptome analysis of the largest
168 ER stress markers was observed in human post-mortem glaucomatous TM tissues.
169 psy-cases to confirm our findings of an ante-mortem GM and WM dissociation in the neuroimaging cohort
170 d HTT protein in peripheral tissues and post-mortem HD brain tissue, as well as in tissues from HD an
171 n of increased type I IFN signalling in post-mortem hippocampal brain sections from patients with SLE
172 ed the global gene expression data from post-mortem hippocampal tissue of 25 old (age >/= 60 yrs) and
173 constructed from ultra-high resolution, post-mortem hippocampal tissue was used to label seven hippoc
174      The present study is a preliminary post-mortem histological analysis of the effects of CR on bra
175 ance imaging have been validated versus post-mortem histology in humans.
176 imate model remains to be studied using post-mortem histopathologic techniques.
177 st time and in contrast to the previous post mortem HRTEM observations, a sharp (010) phase boundary
178 els of active p38 MAPK were detected in post-mortem human ALS-FUS brain tissues.
179 egeneration and support earlier work in post-mortem human brain that suggested loss of calcium buffer
180 lycoprotein to proteolipid protein 1 in post-mortem human brain tissue correlates with the degree of
181 pecifically labeled pathological tau in post-mortem human brain tissue from Pick disease, progressive
182                                Finally, post-mortem human brain tissues of alpha-Syn(G51D) cases were
183 the life span of various AD mice and in post-mortem human brain.
184  affecting gene regulation in cells and post-mortem human brain.
185 terized animal model of depression, and post-mortem human brains.
186 ional borders across species, including post-mortem human brains.
187 ngle mouse cortical cells and to frozen post-mortem human cortical nuclei, matching the performance o
188 opsin-expressing ganglion cells in four post mortem human donor retinas.
189 natomical investigations in animals and post-mortem humans have established that cerebro-cerebellar c
190 en, but not cerebral cortex samples, of post-mortem Huntington's disease patients when compared to co
191 raphy to identify epileptic animals and post-mortem immunohistochemistry to confirm blood-brain barri
192 ascertain the burden of tuberculosis at post mortem in medical inpatients at a tertiary care hospital
193          We then identified GbbLCV-1 in post-mortem infant lung tissues demonstrating histopathologic
194 beta proteoforms did not correlate with post-mortem interval, suggesting they are not artefacts.
195 al sources, such as sequencing date and post-mortem interval, we also identified several biological s
196 addressed the consent process, pre- and post mortem interventions, the determination of death, provis
197 mMRI should be considered as a feasible post-mortem investigation technique for the deceased patient
198 njunction with other minimally invasive post-mortem investigations (minimally invasive autopsy), for
199                    The gold standard of post-mortem investigations should include both PMCT and invas
200 y of PMCTA as a first-line technique in post-mortem investigations.
201 in tissue correlates with the degree of ante-mortem ischaemia.
202 nal cell bodies, in accordance with the post-mortem literature.
203         This study aimed to investigate post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging (pmMRI) for the assess
204                                         Post-mortem material was examined from two patients with MS-A
205 pe receptors has been conducted only on post-mortem material, with no differences in methamphetamine
206 ncing of the viral genome directly from post-mortem material.
207 tal pelvis injury was probably received post mortem, meaning that the most likely injuries to have ca
208 r findings demonstrate the potential of post-mortem measurement of myelin proteins and mediators of v
209 low, cracking in TiN was suppressed and post mortem measurements indicated a reduction in layer thick
210 troscopy measurements were performed in post-mortem mice brains using a flexible probe with an embedd
211  and 83 areas previously reported using post-mortem microscopy or other specialized study-specific ap
212       Monte Carlo simulations estimated post-mortem migration of Anisakis from viscera to flesh incre
213                                         Post-mortem MRI is a potential diagnostic alternative to conv
214 ges, researchers are often skeptical of post mortem MRI scans because of uncertainty about whether th
215 orough comparative study of in vivo and post mortem MRI scans in healthy male Wistar rats at three ag
216 mucosal-associated invariant T cells in post-mortem multiple sclerosis brain white matter active lesi
217 nections between the redox imbalance in post-mortem muscle, early protein oxidation and the onset of
218 essed in Hfe(-/-) x Tfr2(mut) brain and post-mortem NBIA basal ganglia.
219 he primary motor cortices isolated from post-mortem normal control subjects, patients with familial A
220  examined genome-wide RNA expression in post-mortem nucleus accumbens from donors (N=26) with known l
221 xpression in chronic brain lesions from post-mortem of patients with progressive multiple sclerosis t
222   Clinical blood and plasma samples and post mortem oral swabs submitted to the Liberian Institute fo
223                          Distinguishing ante-mortem pathology from post-mortem change has been a majo
224 ctional distribution of tau reported in post-mortem pathology studies, in that the most commonly affe
225  prominent in end-stage SMA mice and in post-mortem patient spinal cords.
226 n the substantia nigra pars compacta of post-mortem PD brains as compared with age-matched controls.
227 nd that TG2 levels are increased in the post-mortem PFC of depressed suicide subjects relative to mat
228 s, we conducted a systematic search for post-mortem, pharmacological, functional magnetic resonance a
229  of the method is first demonstrated on post-mortem porcine tissue.
230 perties of the peptides released during post-mortem proteolysis of myofibrillar proteins.
231                               Alongside post-mortem Pt determination in the tissues, the biodistribut
232 ine and human WNV neuroinvasive disease post-mortem samples exhibit loss of hippocampal CA3 presynapt
233 d or untargeted xenobiotic screening of post-mortem samples is normally conducted.
234 ses revealed that liver, lung and heart post-mortem samples were marked by tissue abnormalities, such
235            Evidence obtained from human post-mortem samples, of both variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseas
236 acquired, followed by perfusion and two post mortem scans at two different MRI facilities.
237 trate the validity and utility of using post mortem scans in volumetric neurobiological studies.
238                            In contrast, post mortem scans offer improved image quality and increased
239 age quality is dramatically improved in post mortem scans.
240 atomical structures between in vivo and post mortem scans.
241                               We review post-mortem, serum-biomarker, CSF-biomarker, and neuroimaging
242 trends revealed from experimentation on post-mortem skin are then used to identify the parameters for
243 at contains up to 3.5% ISF in 3.1s from post-mortem skin.
244 in each individual, and related this to ante-mortem sleep fragmentation.
245 ans can be acquired from either live or post mortem specimens.
246 emonstrate S-acylation of SOD1 in human post-mortem spinal cord homogenates from ALS and non-ALS subj
247 ur sequential respiratory samples and a post-mortem spleen sample of a woman presenting with bronchie
248 eolysis of myofibrillar proteins during post-mortem storage, may be an indicator of the textural qual
249                            The impact of pre-mortem stress and the subsequent effect on flesh quality
250 a growing convergence between hiPSC and post-mortem studies as both approaches expand to larger cohor
251                                         Post mortem studies demonstrated that loss of RAB39B resulted
252                                         Post-mortem studies have not identified an association betwee
253            Structural brain imaging and post-mortem studies in individuals with ataxia-telangiectasia
254 sorder and new in vivo neuroimaging and post-mortem studies makes it timely to review this theory.
255  oscillations, are reduced in number in post mortem studies of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, an
256                                         Post-mortem studies of the anterior insula showed that the re
257                           Findings from post-mortem studies of the brain and from genomic and in-vivo
258 respect to neurodegeneration after TBI, post-mortem studies on the long-term neuropathology after inj
259                                         Post-mortem studies revealed (i) micrencephaly without polymi
260           Recent genetic, molecular and post-mortem studies suggest impaired dopamine (DA)-D2 recepto
261 tion by bringing together findings from post-mortem studies, non-invasive imaging (including studies
262 est reduction of Purkinje cells in some post-mortem studies, Purkinje cell axonal swellings (torpedoe
263 y animal models and confirmed by recent post mortem studies.
264                                  In the post-mortem study we found that tyrosine hydroxylase staining
265                                    In a post-mortem study, a semi-quantitative analysis of tyrosine h
266 luation of Advanced Cancer Environment) post-mortem study.
267 d immunohistochemical analysis of human post-mortem substantia nigra from Parkinson's disease suggest
268 of sepsis had unresolved septic foci at post mortem, suggesting that patients were unable to eradicat
269                                      At post-mortem, surprisingly, the total number of N-methyl D-asp
270       Voxel-based morphometry, based on ante-mortem T1-weighted MRI, was used to identify cross-secti
271 rdial infarction and hypointensities on post-mortem T2-weighted images as a possible method for visua
272    Through a combination of in vivo and post-mortem techniques, we aimed to characterize vascular bra
273 on method, with donor age </= 88 years, post-mortem time </= 63 h, overall preservation time </= 14 d
274 re mean aged 67.4 +/- 12.5 years with a post-mortem time of 20.7 +/- 14.7 h and ECD of 2641.0 +/- 362
275  donor tissue parameters included age), post-mortem time, overall preservation time, preservation tim
276                                         Post-mortem tissue analyses showed autolysis and retention of
277                                         Post-mortem tissue analysis indicates BBB damage in Alzheimer
278                               First, in post-mortem tissue CYFIP2 expression was reduced by approxima
279 clear membrane markers, probably due to post-mortem tissue delay and fixation.
280 nsitive and disease-related proteins in post-mortem tissue from Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementi
281 18F-AV-1451 autoradiographic binding in post-mortem tissue from patients with Alzheimer's disease, pr
282 ucted in nigral dopaminergic cells from post-mortem tissue from patients with schizophrenia (n = 12),
283 ptor subunits have been observed in the post-mortem tissue of autistic individuals [8, 9], and GABAer
284 lpha-synuclein in amyloid aggregates in post-mortem tissue of patients with sporadic Parkinson diseas
285 ject is designed to serve as a data and post-mortem tissue resource to the research community.
286  of multiple sclerosis lesions in human post-mortem tissue revealed high levels of endothelin recepto
287 lored the composition of Lewy bodies in post-mortem tissue using electron microscopy and immunogold l
288 he PET images matched ligand binding in post-mortem tissue, and histological markers of dopaminergic
289      WSB1 is in Lewy bodies in human PD post-mortem tissue.
290 vo specimens, biopsy samples, and fixed post-mortem tissue.
291 ed using cytochrome-oxidase staining of post-mortem tissue.
292 lting from partial RNA fragmentation in post-mortem tissues has a marked impact on global expression
293 ties reported in RPE cells studied from post-mortem tissues of affected m.3243A > G mutation carriers
294                             Analysis of post-mortem tissues reveals reduced axonal dystrophy in spina
295 A samples, such as those collected from post-mortem tissues, can result in distinct expression profil
296 ucoma, primary human TM cells and human post-mortem TM tissues, we show that increased ECM accumulati
297 in the brains of schizophrenic patients post mortem was observed compared to age-matched controls.
298  both magnetic resonance imaging and at post-mortem) was evident in one patient.
299 ar junction of 15 week-old C57BL/6 mice post mortem, we show the bone cortical porosity simultaneousl
300 e validation study, we did pre-autopsy, post-mortem, whole-body MRI at 1.5 T in an unselected populat
301        A subset of older adults present post mortem with Alzheimer disease (AD) pathologic features b
302 l differentiation of protein aggregates post-mortem would be advantageous for the insight into the pr

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