


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oplasmic membrane-bound microcolonies called morulae.
2 e were made by fusing wild-type and Arf(-/-) morulae.
3 ophilum to develop into microcolonies called morulae.
4 raploid (wild-type) and diploid (Dsp mutant) morulae.
5 ts of dogs, forming basophilic intracellular morulae.
6  be generated by aggregation with tetraploid morulae.
7 ae or in the host cell cytoplasm adjacent to morulae.
8 etraploid (wild type) and diploid (c-Met-/-) morulae allows development of c-Met mutant animals to te
9 La cells and with E. chaffeensis dense-cored morulae and areas adjacent to morulae in the host cytopl
10  ZO-1alpha+ at the perinuclear sites in late morulae and at the newly assembled cell junctions.
11 ryo and segregates to the outer cells of the morulae and blastocyst.
12 ty as the total cell number in the resulting morulae and blastocysts positively correlated with the z
13 bryos after the 8-cell stage and persists in morulae and blastocysts, where nuclear macroH2A is prese
14 analysis (for the detection of intracellular morulae) and on serologic tests, both of which have reco
15 CDGA, bacterial proliferation was inhibited, morulae became less compact, and the intracellular movem
16 chaffeensis matures into an infectious form, morulae become loose to allow bacteria to exit from host
17 , was first seen as perinuclear foci in late morulae before assembling at the tight junction.
18 stocysts and by the classical aggregation of morulae between wild-type and NR1-/- embryos.
19 rate that perlecan mRNA expression is low in morulae, but increases in Day 4 blastocysts, attaining m
20 s lineage decision is specified in compacted morulae by cell polarization and adhesion acting on the
21  of intracellular Ca2+ levels was induced in morulae by exposure to ethanol or ionomycin.
22      Examination of gene expression in day 6 morulae by microarray revealed expression of 16 WNT gene
23 a markedly elevated HGE bacteria burden with morulae concentration of 282 +/- 48 cells/microliter on
24 ably found on extracellular morula fibers in morulae containing dense-cored organisms.
25                    Absolute concentration of morulae containing neutrophils in blood was 122 +/- 22 c
26 solated inclusions induced dispersion of the morulae, degradation of an inclusion matrix protein TRP1
27                     Consequently, Tead4(-/-) morulae do not produce trophoblast stem cells, trophecto
28                                              Morulae exposed to the calmodulin inhibitor W-7 exhibite
29 ferences, we created chimeras by aggregating morulae from the strains C57BL/6 and DBA/2.
30 cal presentation, respectively; detection of morulae in blood smears was similarly insensitive (22% p
31 ibody test is used to detect fluorescence of morulae in Ehrlichia-infected equine neutrophils or HL-6
32 hocytes in peripheral blood, and presence of morulae in neutrophils.
33 ma phagocytophilum because of the finding of morulae in peripheral blood neutrophils were studied for
34 The diagnoses were made by finding ehrlichia morulae in peripheral blood neutrophils.
35  eight blastomeres compact to form polarized morulae in preimplantation mouse development.
36  percent of the patients tested demonstrated morulae in the cytoplasm of peripheral blood neutrophils
37 is dense-cored morulae and areas adjacent to morulae in the host cytoplasm.
38  by formation of bacterial aggregates called morulae inside membrane-bound inclusions.
39 ute-phase blood smear to detect neutrophilic morulae is currently the quickest and most practical scr
40 re non-specific, intraleukocytic inclusions (morulae) may not be seen, and the serologic results are
41 on of a blood sample from subject 1 revealed morulae morphologically resembling either E. canis, E. c
42 sults demonstrate that Ca2+ release in mouse morulae occurs predominantly through the inositol 1,4,5-
43  days 5 and 10, and there was a reduction in morulae on day 17.
44              LC3 colocalized with ehrlichial morulae on days 1, 2, and 3 postinfection, and increased
45  introducing Gata4(-/-) ES cells into ROSA26 morulae or blastocysts.
46 apoptosis as hatched blastocysts, but not as morulae or blastocysts.
47 host targets localized to the E. chaffeensis morulae or in the host cell cytoplasm adjacent to morula
48 al blood smears for presence of neutrophilic morulae, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of acu
49 us cell-cell contact of ;inner' cells of the morulae seemingly precludes formation of the subcortical
50                                           In morulae, the MOEP19 domain was found at the apex of oute
51  bacterium that survives within neutrophils: morulae (vacuoles containing HGE organisms) are evident
52                 Intracytoplasmic rickettsial morulae were detected on peripheral smear and bone marro
53                                              Morulae were identified in neutrophils from two patients
54                                 Granulocytic morulae were present in peripheral blood and spleen smea
55 ion were positive in 9 of 12 patients (75%); morulae were seen in 3 of 12 patients (25%); and the age
56 chia chaffeensis and by the demonstration of morulae within peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

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