


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hwash; and 3) group III, chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash.
2 dine gluconate is more effective than herbal mouthwash.
3 vided a 30-second oral rinse and gargle with mouthwash.
4 oral cavity through the use of an antiseptic mouthwash.
5  cola, and three types of alcohol-containing mouthwashes.
6 a suitable model for the biologic testing of mouthwashes.
7 t alternative for the biologic assessment of mouthwashes.
8 ssigned to three groups: 1) group I, placebo mouthwash; 2) group II, TRP mouthwash; and 3) group III,
9                 Sera and saliva collected in mouthwash and Merocel sponges at day 1 and month 7 were
10  personal care products such as toothpastes, mouthwashes and soaps.
11  agents, 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate, honey mouthwash, and saline, against six oral bacteria at conc
12 ning 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate, an herbal mouthwash, and water in reducing the levels of viable ba
13 receive 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate, herbal mouthwash, and water, respectively, as a preprocedural r
14 group I, placebo mouthwash; 2) group II, TRP mouthwash; and 3) group III, chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwa
15                                         1 in mouthwash by molecular absorption spectrometry and to th
16 s comparable with that of CHX mouthwash, TRP mouthwash can be considered a potential therapeutic agen
17 ant difference in tissue viability among the mouthwashes, cola, and negative control groups.
18  on age, sex, race/ethnicity, and time since mouthwash collection.
19 ning treatments, loose teeth, and the use of mouthwash, combined with demographic and risk factor cov
20                       Commercially available mouthwashes contain a variety of active ingredients that
21                 After 8 weeks, dexamethasone mouthwash could be continued for up to eight additional
22  the presence of MCPyV DNA in 1 of 12 normal mouthwash DNAs.
23 authors show that, under the hypothesis that mouthwash does not increase the risk of oropharyngeal ca
24 r in the biofilm compared with diffusion and mouthwashing exposures.
25  or 0.1% phosphate-buffered chlorine dioxide mouthwash for 1 minute.
26 s and were advised to use 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash for 1 week before being allocated to two group
27       We aimed to assess dexamethasone-based mouthwash for prevention of stomatitis in patients with
28 east cancer who were not given dexamethasone mouthwash for prevention of stomatitis).
29 ed as an active component in chewing gums or mouthwashes for both caries and gingivitis prevention.
30 igned to evaluate efficacy of triphala (TRP) mouthwash in reduction of plaque and gingivitis.
31 e and enables in vitro tests of disinfectant mouthwashes in simulated clinical use.
32                                    Undiluted mouthwashes induced near-complete cell death 24 hours af
33 iseptic formulations, including toothpastes, mouthwashes, lozenges, throat and nasal sprays, and as b
34 suggested that the use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes may increase the risk of oropharyngeal cance
35 e as nanocluster fillers, in nanocomposites, mouthwashes, medicines, and biomimetic dental materials.
36 e the biologic effects of alcohol-containing mouthwashes on an engineered human oral mucosal model.
37 stigate the effect of commercially available mouthwashes on the survival and migratory capacity of hu
38 method on HPV genomic DNA detection in Scope mouthwash oral rinse samples and the reproducibility of
39 and its association with 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash reduced peri-implant mucositis.
40  Dilutions of 15% to 20% for both CHX and EO mouthwashes resulted in 50% cell death.
41     Concentrations of 10% of both EO and CHX mouthwashes retained most of their antibacterial capacit
42                                              Mouthwash rinses yield a higher quality and quantity of
43 re collected from 29 participants, by use of mouthwash rinses, and were split into equal aliquots, wi
44  Of these, 136 patients (53%) had at least 1 mouthwashing sample that yielded Candida species other t
45 ng 16S rRNA gene sequencing in prediagnostic mouthwash samples from n = 81/160 EAC and n = 25/50 ESCC
46 nts, cancer free at baseline, with available mouthwash samples in 2 prospective cohort studies: (1) t
47                                              Mouthwash samples, obtained from a subset of patients, s
48 h serum levels (for HPV-16, rho was 0.90 for mouthwash specimens and 0.92 for sponge specimens; for H
49  at month 7 (HPV-16 was detected in 93.2% of mouthwash specimens and 95.7% of sponge specimens; HPV-1
50                       The alcohol-containing mouthwashes tested in this study do not cause significan
51 sts were treated with commercially available mouthwashes that contained either chlorhexidine (CHX) or
52             Young adults used a 5% or 10% TA mouthwash three times daily during OHR for 1 week.
53 vity of ONYX-015 administered topically as a mouthwash to patients with clinically apparent and histo
54 n gingivitis was comparable with that of CHX mouthwash, TRP mouthwash can be considered a potential t
55 eathing, oral care (brushing teeth and using mouthwash twice daily), understanding (patient and famil
56 re instructed to rinse with their respective mouthwash twice daily.
57                 Their use is associated with mouthwash use.
58 sult in a spuriously elevated odds ratio for mouthwash use.
59 at least one confirmed dose of dexamethasone mouthwash) versus historical controls from the BOLERO-2
60 terial counts were done, and the MIC of each mouthwash was determined.
61                                          TRP mouthwash was found to decrease inflammatory parameters
62                                         Each mouthwash was tested over a range of concentrations for
63 on, a 30-s diffusive transport and simulated mouthwash were also performed.
64 t looking right, and use of dental floss and mouthwash were obtained during in-home interviews and va
65  and to the determination of eight metals in mouthwash, wine, cola, nitric acid, and water by ICP OES

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