


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  ciliary structure and function and impaired mucociliary clearance.
2 Nase reduces airflow obstruction or improves mucociliary clearance.
3 B48 and HCoV-OC43, altered cilia beating and mucociliary clearance.
4 s ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and speeds up mucociliary clearance.
5 es with improved airway hydration status and mucociliary clearance.
6 defects in ciliogenesis and complete loss of mucociliary clearance.
7 x1) channels to release ATP, which regulates mucociliary clearance.
8  across the lung mucosal barrier, as well as mucociliary clearance.
9  as well as airway surface liquid volume and mucociliary clearance.
10  respiratory dysfunction caused by defective mucociliary clearance.
11 tional motility that is essential for proper mucociliary clearance.
12 ated with altered mucus rheology and reduced mucociliary clearance.
13 tributes to CF lung disease by impairment of mucociliary clearance.
14 n of bronchial lymphoid tissue and decreased mucociliary clearance.
15   Thus, gliding may be necessary to overcome mucociliary clearance.
16 tory agents, and new approaches that improve mucociliary clearance.
17 e production to increase ciliary beating and mucociliary clearance.
18 logical changes consistent with insufficient mucociliary clearance.
19 ysical forces such as coughing, sneezing and mucociliary clearance.
20 retory epithelial cells that are involved in mucociliary clearance.
21 ce liquid (ASL) volume and the efficiency of mucociliary clearance.
22       Recently, we demonstrated that reduced mucociliary clearance, a characteristic feature of asthm
23  the well-described physical barrier and the mucociliary clearance, a variety of systems, including t
24       It is hypothesized that alterations in mucociliary clearance, abnormalities in the sinonasal ep
25 cells promotes purinergic receptor-regulated mucociliary clearance activities necessary for innate lu
26 vironment, diminished cough reflex, impaired mucociliary clearance, altered alveolar macrophage funct
27 ne regulates epithelial functions supporting mucociliary clearance, an important airway defense mecha
28 lammatory cell recruitment, mucus secretion, mucociliary clearance and airway surface liquid composit
29 nnate immune activity has been attributed to mucociliary clearance and antimicrobial polypeptides of
30  fibrosis (CF) is characterized by defective mucociliary clearance and chronic airway infection by a
31 t NO production, resulting in stimulation of mucociliary clearance and direct antibacterial effects.
32 l and nasopharyngeal gland deficits, reduced mucociliary clearance and impaired auditory tube gating
33 o clinical consequences on respiratory-tract mucociliary clearance and lung function, fertility, and
34  include loss of lysozyme secretion, reduced mucociliary clearance and overgrowth of nasal commensal
35 ier in the airway in order to overcome rapid mucociliary clearance and reach the underlying epitheliu
36 cerebrospinal fluid flow, sensory reception, mucociliary clearance and renal physiology indicate that
37 p uniquely allows dynamic in vivo imaging of mucociliary clearance and steady-state immune cell behav
38 opment of fetal and neonatal lung, affecting mucociliary clearance and Th1 responses.
39 ability, stimulate mucus secretion, decrease mucociliary clearance, and appear capable of recruiting
40 CFTR) protein function on airway physiology, mucociliary clearance, and establishment of Pseudomonas
41 mechanisms including antimicrobial peptides, mucociliary clearance, and phagocytic cells.
42 ration, causing mucus dehydration, decreased mucociliary clearance, and recurrent acute bacterial inf
43 of LABA/LAMA combinations on hyperinflation, mucociliary clearance, and symptom severity may all cont
44 on, excessive mucus production with impaired mucociliary clearance, and symptom severity.
45 tion and suggests therapeutic improvement of mucociliary clearance as a novel treatment strategy for
46                         These data show that mucociliary clearance associated with mild chronic bronc
47                                    Defective mucociliary clearance associated with the absence of the
48 d the structure of motile cilia and impaired mucociliary clearance, barrier function, and epithelial
49 easured tracheal mucus velocity, a marker of mucociliary clearance, before and for 8 hours after anti
50                         Substudies evaluated mucociliary clearance, beta-adrenergic sweat secretion r
51  characterized by abnormal ion transport and mucociliary clearance, but TGF-beta1 is also associated
52 particular, epithelial mucins facilitate the mucociliary clearance by physically trapping inhaled mic
53 particular, epithelial mucins facilitate the mucociliary clearance by physically trapping the inhaled
54                                 The rates of mucociliary clearance by pretreatment with amiloride and
55 ay mucus to mediate the critical function of mucociliary clearance, cleansing the airways of inhaled
56                                     Impaired mucociliary clearance contributes to the pathophysiology
57 onic obstructive pulmonary disease and other mucociliary clearance defects.
58                                    Effective mucociliary clearance depends on adequate airway hydrati
59 an Multicilin that cause a severe congenital mucociliary clearance disorder due to reduced generation
60 on of multiple motile cilia (RGMC) is a rare mucociliary clearance disorder.
61 lial cell dysfunction, cilia shortening, and mucociliary clearance disruption.
62                                              Mucociliary clearance, driven by the engine of ciliary b
63 ed UTP and amiloride in combination improved mucociliary clearance from the peripheral airways of the
64 stal axis to meet local functional needs for mucociliary clearance, hydration, host defense, and gas
65 volume of airway surface liquid, we measured mucociliary clearance in 16 normal subjects after inhala
66 ar ATP and its metabolite adenosine regulate mucociliary clearance in airway epithelia.
67                                              Mucociliary clearance in conducting airways, reduction o
68 r agonist, is effective at acutely enhancing mucociliary clearance in healthy, nonsmoking adults.
69                                 The impaired mucociliary clearance in individuals with Cystic Fibrosi
70                                              Mucociliary clearance in mammalian respiratory airways d
71 let cell metaplasia and diminishes efficient mucociliary clearance in mice with AAD, resulting in inc
72 There is no evidence for a primary defect in mucociliary clearance in most patients with CRS.
73 iquid are associated with increased rates of mucociliary clearance in normal subjects.
74 he rheology of airway secretions and enhance mucociliary clearance in patients with CF.
75 se) reduces airflow obstruction and improves mucociliary clearance in patients with cystic fibrosis (
76  (CFTR), which regulates anion transport and mucociliary clearance in the airways.
77  experience demonstrates that restoration of mucociliary clearance in the lungs after transplantation
78 ted information on its actions on the airway mucociliary clearance in vivo.
79 pertension (in Liddle syndrome) and impaired mucociliary clearance (in cystic fibrosis).
80 nce and tracheal mucus velocity, a marker of mucociliary clearance, in allergic and nonallergic sheep
81 n tracheal mucus velocity (TMV), a marker of mucociliary clearance, in sheep and (2) if the ET-1-indu
82                                              Mucociliary clearance is composed of three components (i
83                                              Mucociliary clearance is determined by ciliary activity
84                                              Mucociliary clearance is one of the major lines of defen
85                                              Mucociliary clearance is one of the major lines of defen
86 icate that the antigen-induced impairment of mucociliary clearance is partly dependent on increased e
87 motile cilia and flagella govern respiratory mucociliary clearance, laterality determination and the
88 es within the airway surface liquid regulate mucociliary clearance (MCC) activities, the primary inna
89 ondrial iron loading, showed impaired airway mucociliary clearance (MCC) and higher pulmonary inflamm
90 drial dysfunction, airspace enlargement, and mucociliary clearance (MCC) disruption during CS exposur
91 AC6 inhibitor were protected from CS-induced mucociliary clearance (MCC) disruption.
92 tides are among the most potent mediators of mucociliary clearance (MCC) in human lungs.
93                                              Mucociliary clearance (MCC) in subjects with CB was nega
94                                              Mucociliary clearance (MCC) is a critical host innate de
95                                              Mucociliary clearance (MCC) is a major airway host defen
96                                              Mucociliary clearance (MCC) is the primary physical airw
97                        The efficiency of the mucociliary clearance (MCC) process that removes noxious
98 us barrier traps and eliminates them through mucociliary clearance (MCC).
99 port to adjust ASL volume to maintain proper mucociliary clearance (MCC).
100  nearly sterile lower respiratory tract when mucociliary clearance mechanisms are functioning effecti
101  Rimantadine had no effect on nasal patency, mucociliary clearance, nasal signs, or on symptoms and s
102 ects of inhaled vehicle and UTP/amiloride on mucociliary clearance of [99mTc] iron oxide particles fr
103      Mucin MUC5AC plays an important role in mucociliary clearance of bacterial pathogens.
104 a chloride channel that is essential for the mucociliary clearance of respiratory pathogens in humans
105 me, effects that would be proposed to reduce mucociliary clearance of respiratory pathogens.
106                                              Mucociliary clearance of whole and peripheral lung was i
107  cycle in the propagation of purine-mediated mucociliary clearance on human airway epithelial surface
108 ollowing inhalation of 99mTc aerosol, or for mucociliary clearance or the rate of clearance of the ra
109                  Significant improvements in mucociliary clearance (P < 0.001), gastrointestinal pH (
110 mately 1.4% per minute) approached the rapid mucociliary clearance rates (approximately 2.0% per minu
111        Pretreatment with amiloride increased mucociliary clearance rates (approximately twofold) afte
112                                Subsequently, mucociliary clearance rates were measured by gamma scint
113 mbrane nucleotide-release coordinates airway mucociliary clearance responses (mucin and salt, water s
114 tion of Splunc1 in mouse airways affects the mucociliary clearance, resulting in decreased innate imm
115 ss mucin production, however, overwhelms the mucociliary clearance, resulting in defective mucosal de
116 from human airway epithelial cells regulates mucociliary clearance through cell surface nucleotide re
117 an inherited disorder that leads to impaired mucociliary clearance, to repeated chest infections, and
118                                              Mucociliary clearance was measured using gamma scintigra
119                       A 2.5-fold increase in mucociliary clearance was seen in response to UTP alone
120                                              Mucociliary clearance was slowed 4 hours postchallenge i
121 onstriction is associated with impairment of mucociliary clearance with a time course that is consist
122 rosolized UTP +/- amiloride clearly enhances mucociliary clearance without acute adverse effects in n
123                  To test the hypothesis that mucociliary clearance would increase after inhalation of

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