


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ii is an important human pathogen due to its multi-drug resistance.
2  metabolism, stress responses, virulence and multi-drug resistance.
3 major contributor to the spread of bacterial multi-drug resistance.
4 tions in topoII have been linked to atypical multi-drug resistance.
5 tant diseases, including cystic fibrosis and multi-drug resistance.
6 report that expression of an exogenous human multi-drug resistance 1 (MDR1) gene enables dramatic ex
7 genes such as CYP (cytochrome)3A4 and MDR-1 (multi-drug resistance-1), that are involved in this proc
8 bacteria increased colon inflammation in the multi-drug resistance 1a-deficient (Mdr1a (-/-) ) mouse
9 of DHM, which induces apoptosis and reverses multi-drug resistance against ovarian cancer cells throu
10 ydrophobic compounds have important roles in multi-drug resistance and can cause a number of diseases
11 Horizontal transfer of mobile DNA conferring multi-drug resistance and expression of a new superantig
12 formulate and analyse a stochastic model for multi-drug resistance and investigate the dependence of
13                                     Lowering multi-drug resistance and involving influx transportatio
14 rculosis Beijing genotype is associated with multi-drug resistance and is emerging.
15 . cruzi, demonstrate that this can result in multi-drug resistance, and indicate that vigilance will
16 xplaining the elevated rates of triazole and multi-drug resistance associated with C. glabrata.
17 ths due to bacteria and reduce the spread of multi-drug-resistance, but cannot be regularly performed
18 de the development of asymptomatic shedding, multi-drug resistance during prolonged antiviral therapy
19  and we found evidence of the persistence of multi-drug resistance following export from East Asia.
20 ression of drug resistance proteins, such as multi-drug resistance gene-1 P-glycoprotein (MDR1) and m
21 n of the message of MDR1, a gene involved in multi-drug resistance in cancer cells.
22  a major role in both intrinsic and acquired multi-drug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria.
23 also applies to antibiotics that may lead to multi-drug resistance in pathogenic bacteria, aptamer-ba
24      In a previous study, we discovered that multi-drug resistance is common in bacteria isolated fro
25                           High prevalence of multi-drug-resistance makes it dangerous and difficult t
26 tibiotic resistance remarkably rapidly, with multi drug-resistance (MDR) rates exceeding 60%.
27 1) protease to develop mutations that confer multi-drug resistance (MDR) has been a major obstacle in
28 s of world, the extremely high prevalence of multi-drug resistance (MDR) in nematodes of sheep and go
29                                              Multi-drug resistance (MDR) is a phenomenon by which tum
30 es due to the lack of tumor-selectivity, the multi-drug resistance (MDR) to free chemotherapeutic dru
31                                 In contrast, multi-drug resistance (MDR), resistance to traditional f
32 motherapy because of its tendency to develop multi-drug resistance (MDR), whose various underlying me
33 essful chemotherapy is intrinsic or acquired multi-drug resistance (MDR).
34                                    The human multi-drug resistance membrane transporter, P-glycoprote
35 s like WhiB7, which account for the observed multi-drug resistance phenotypes.
36 l pfcrt alleles that could contribute to new multi-drug resistance phenotypes.
37 oli O157:H7, as well as the broad host range multi-drug resistance plasmid pB10 from an unknown host.
38 e expression of the ABC transporter proteins multi-drug resistance protein-1 (MDR1, ABCB1, P-glycopro
39 otic polyspecific metabolite transporter and multi-drug resistance pumps.
40  the processes of metastasis, development of multi-drug resistance, the 'Warburg effect', angiogenesi
41 Kit and stably express P-glycoprotein (P-gp)/multi-drug resistance type 1 (MDR1).
42 target-specific ARGs to ARGs associated with multi-drug resistance was seen across influents and effl
43          Polyamine transport alterations and multi-drug resistance were eliminated as causes of the r
44 onstrate that the Bcl-2 oncoprotein produces multi-drug resistance when assessed in primary lymphomas

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