


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  network t-SNARE Sed5p, also functioned as a multicopy suppressor.
2 f Los1p in pre-tRNA splicing, we sought los1 multicopy suppressors.
3 tibodies, we found that the presence of this multicopy suppressor allowed the processing-defective La
4 Analysis of the suppression spectrum of this multicopy suppressor and peptide sequencing of the suppr
5  Proteus mirabilis, tatA was identified as a multicopy suppressor and restored extracellular signal p
6                                      Using a multicopy suppressor assay to identify genes that suppre
7 ESS1 in transcription by studying one of its multicopy suppressors, BYE1.
8                     Msc1 was identified as a multicopy suppressor capable of facilitating survival in
9                                 It acts as a multicopy suppressor for dnaJ mutations and functions in
10  Escherichia coli, is known to function as a multicopy suppressor for dnaJ mutations and to bind nons
11 e recently observed that KsgA functions as a multicopy suppressor for the cold-sensitive cell growth
12 isiae ZDS1 and ZDS2 genes were identified as multicopy suppressors in distinct genetic screens but we
13                                      Through multicopy suppressor mutagenesis, we have identified a n
14    RbfA, a 30S ribosome-binding factor, is a multicopy suppressor of a cold-sensitive C23U mutation o
15 complex), which was originally isolated as a multicopy suppressor of a cytochrome b mRNA translation
16 s cerevisiae was isolated independently as a multicopy suppressor of a dominant negative mutation in
17 ity, high-capacity glucose transporter, as a multicopy suppressor of a gsf2 mutation.
18 he dksA gene was independently isolated as a multicopy suppressor of a mukB mutation, which is requir
19                                    MSI1 is a multicopy suppressor of a mutation in the IRA1 gene invo
20 as found with a yeast gene, RTS1, encoding a multicopy suppressor of a rox3 mutant.
21  encodes a putative Hsp90 co-chaperone, as a multicopy suppressor of a temperature-sensitive allele (
22 Sec20p, and SEC22 acts as an allele-specific multicopy suppressor of a temperature-sensitive ufe1 mut
23          CAK1 was previously identified as a multicopy suppressor of a weakened smk1 mutant and shown
24 pressor of yeast cbf5-1) was identified as a multicopy suppressor of cbf5-1 and subsequently was foun
25                     SCD5 was identified as a multicopy suppressor of clathrin HC-deficient yeast.
26             SYS1, originally discovered as a multicopy suppressor of defects caused by the absence of
27 dksA (dnaK suppressor) gene, which is also a multicopy suppressor of defects in the heat shock genes
28 richia coli msbA gene, first identified as a multicopy suppressor of htrB mutations, has been propose
29 ste 12 (Su(z)12), Extra Sex Combs (ESC), and Multicopy Suppressor of IRA 1 (MSI1), and functions in m
30                    SLY41 was identified as a multicopy suppressor of loss of Ypt1, a Rab GTPase essen
31  and the isolation and characterization of a multicopy suppressor of mdp1 mutations.
32                     We identified CDC37 as a multicopy suppressor of mps1-1 temperature-sensitive gro
33 ally, the STM1 gene has been identified as a multicopy suppressor of mutations in several genes invol
34 accharomyces pombe mex67 gene (spmex67) as a multicopy suppressor of rae1-167 nup184-1 synthetic leth
35  of the Rab GTPase YPT6, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of ric1Delta.
36           SUR7 was originally described as a multicopy suppressor of rvs167, whose product is an acti
37     The transcription factors Msn2 and Msn4 (multicopy suppressor of SNF1 mutation proteins 2 and 4)
38 p1 and the proteasome is mediated by Sts1, a multicopy suppressor of srp1-49.
39     We isolated a novel gene, alp16(+), as a multicopy suppressor of temperature-sensitive alp6-719 m
40              The ZDS1 gene was isolated as a multicopy suppressor of the cdc28-1N plasmid loss defect
41 t gene, designated SLF1, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of the cup14 mutation.
42 des C, C, and A to the 3' end of tRNAs, is a multicopy suppressor of the defect in tRNA nuclear expor
43  isolated the transcription factor MBP1 as a multicopy suppressor of the growth and alpha-factor resp
44  signal transduction.) AKR1 could serve as a multicopy suppressor of the lethality caused by either l
45 clear distribution gene in A. nidulans and a multicopy suppressor of the LIS1 homolog, NUDF.
46                We report here that SGS1 is a multicopy suppressor of the methyl methanesulphonate (MM
47 he pleiotropic drug resistance network, as a multicopy suppressor of the mitochondrial import defects
48  growth arrest identified the RAS2 gene as a multicopy suppressor of the PPS1p overexpression arrest.
49                      We have characterized a multicopy suppressor of the processing-defective porins
50 e identified a truncated allele of dam1 as a multicopy suppressor of the sensitivity of cdc13-117 (cy
51 NA processing and degradation pathways, is a multicopy suppressor of the synthetic lethality and of t
52          DksA was originally identified as a multicopy suppressor of the temperature sensitivity caus
53 ified the ribosome binding protein Stm1 as a multicopy suppressor of the temperature sensitivity of t
54 dentical to Cdm1, previously identified as a multicopy suppressor of the temperature-sensitive cdc1-P
55              The ZDS2 gene was isolated as a multicopy suppressor of the temperature-sensitive growth
56                          SecA functions as a multicopy suppressor of the temperature-sensitive phenot
57 ized open reading frame YER074W-A as a novel multicopy suppressor of the thermosensitive yip1-4 strai
58  strains, the ability of CDC42 to serve as a multicopy suppressor of the Ts- growth defect of deltabe
59 tudies confirm that LeMSI1 can function as a multicopy suppressor of the yeast ira1 mutant phenotype.
60                      A genetic selection for multicopy suppressors of a frameshift mutation has shown
61                                 A screen for multicopy suppressors of a hop2-ts allele identified the
62                              We screened for multicopy suppressors of a mutation in the nudF gene.
63 gene identified through a genetic screen for multicopy suppressors of a mutation in USO1, which suppr
64               PTP2 and PTP3 were isolated as multicopy suppressors of a severe growth defect due to h
65 ons are linked to CDC42, we screened for (i) multicopy suppressors of a Ts- cdc42 mutant, (ii) mutant
66 ta9 fatty acid desaturase of yeast, OLE1, as multicopy suppressors of an mga2Delta spt23 temperature-
67                    We performed a screen for multicopy suppressors of arp2-7 and identified SYP1, an
68                                        Seven multicopy suppressors of bck2Delta swi6-ts mutants were
69 ial proteins (e.g. MTCO3) were identified as multicopy suppressors of cdc13-1, suggesting the involve
70 gh three independent genome-wide screens for multicopy suppressors of each of the three Vpr activitie
71   We have identified OXA1 and TIM17 as novel multicopy suppressors of mtDNA instability in ilv5 cells
72 protein kinase C (Pkc1p), were identified as multicopy suppressors of sth1-3ts cells.
73                       We have isolated three multicopy suppressors of the conditional lethal phenotyp
74 iated with Cpr7, a search was undertaken for multicopy suppressors of the cpr7Delta slow-growth pheno
75 aromyces cerevisiae genes, BMH1 and BMH2, as multicopy suppressors of the growth-inhibitory phenotype
76  Two genes, atf1+ and atf21+, were cloned as multicopy suppressors of the spc1- mating defect.
77 otential targets for Cln3/CDK, we identified multicopy suppressors of the temperature sensitivity of
78                                 Selection of multicopy suppressors of the temperature-sensitive pheno
79 dentify functional partners, we screened for multicopy suppressors of the temperature-sensitive ydj1-
80 D23 and DDI1 were identified in a screen for multicopy suppressors of the temperature-sensitivity of
81                                              Multicopy suppressors of these insertions led to identif
82                              A screening for multicopy suppressors of these Vpr activities in fission
83 re we identify several HAL genes that act as multicopy suppressors of this sensitivity and are connec
84 rone system and its targets, we searched for multicopy suppressors of various temperature-sensitive m
85 ratory defect of C129/U1 is rescuable by two multicopy suppressors, SCO1 and SCO2.
86                                            A multicopy suppressor screen for genes capable of returni
87                               We conducted a multicopy suppressor screen for genes that suppress the
88                                            A multicopy suppressor screen revealed six genes, the over
89 tory developed a screen that identified five multicopy suppressors that can rescue lethal strains of
90 ia coli porin regulation was discovered from multicopy suppressors that permitted growth of cells exp
91 ture-sensitive ess1 mutants and identify six multicopy suppressors that rescue their mitotic-lethal p
92                                 A screen for multicopy suppressors yielded plasmids carrying the RSC6

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