


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  excluding residues with high variability in multiple sequence alignments).
2 lignment tool for membrane proteins based on multiple sequence alignment.
3  terms, including for example an interactive multiple sequence alignment.
4 s and starting from a (typically very large) multiple sequence alignment.
5 on events and relies on a fixed, precomputed multiple sequence alignment.
6  of members, without the need for an initial multiple sequence alignment.
7 vailable software, and it does not require a multiple sequence alignment.
8 of sequences limits the application of local multiple sequence alignment.
9 ach protein sequence in order to improve the multiple sequence alignment.
10 th the local and global quality of the input multiple sequence alignment.
11  speed of BLAST and avoids the complexity of multiple sequence alignment.
12 maximum likelihood methods from good quality multiple sequence alignments.
13 tention in recent years as an alternative to multiple sequence alignments.
14 d solely on correlated mutations detected in multiple sequence alignments.
15 es and at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa for multiple sequence alignments.
16  WYSIWYG editing, analysis and annotation of multiple sequence alignments.
17  to create new sequence- and structure-based multiple sequence alignments.
18 ral methods for the evolutionary analysis of multiple sequence alignments.
19 e constraints to construct consistency-based multiple sequence alignments.
20 equences, graphical secondary structures and multiple sequence alignments.
21 r RNA secondary structure conformations from multiple sequence alignments.
22 e groups of related targets based on complex multiple sequence alignments.
23 ific symbol compositions between two sets of multiple sequence alignments.
24 ive web-based viewer to display pre-computed multiple sequence alignments.
25 y other built-in tools that can help analyze multiple sequence alignments.
26 te Cro proteins through manual inspection of multiple sequence alignments.
27 cation of the SCA, a statistical analysis of multiple sequence alignments.
28 be exploited to improve the quality of large multiple sequence alignments.
29 ities of TurboFold by additionally providing multiple sequence alignments.
30 ighly conserved sites, and rely heavily upon multiple sequence alignments.
31 that it performs as well as methods based on multiple sequence alignments.
32 ce databases and to create potentially large multiple sequence alignments.
33 c profile, the list of member proteins and a multiple sequence alignment, a statistical summary and g
34 r ATGC-COGs (Clusters of Orthologous Genes), multiple sequence alignments, a set of 'index' orthologs
35 o the divergence of functional lineages in a multiple sequence alignment-a model for how sector prope
36     While most of the recent improvements in multiple sequence alignment accuracy are due to better u
37 nted a thorough quality control procedure on multiple sequence alignments, aiming to provide minimum
38 sidues forming the IC pockets, together with multiple sequence alignments, allowed us to propose a fu
39 ven a set of sequences SARA-Coffee outputs a multiple sequence alignment along with a reliability ind
40                                              Multiple sequence alignment, although dominantly used by
41                                              Multiple sequence alignment analysis suggested that RIP1
42 P domains were detected in these proteins by multiple sequence alignment analysis.
43                     The net result is both a multiple sequence alignment and a hierarchical clusterin
44 ts, in which each family is represented by a multiple sequence alignment and a profile hidden Markov
45 , non-protein-coding RNAs, transcribed RNAs, multiple sequence alignment and evolutionarily constrain
46 sualization tools include Quality Screening, Multiple Sequence Alignment and Features and Annotations
47 our additional B2 elements we generated a B2 multiple sequence alignment and identified a shared, deg
48 ng only statistical information encoded in a multiple sequence alignment and no tertiary structure in
49 llows the user to submit a query sequence or multiple sequence alignment and perform the search in a
50 ein sequence, gathers homologs, constructs a multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree and fi
51 rent methods that are available are based on multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree constr
52 existing software for sensitive and accurate multiple sequence alignment and profile-profile comparis
53 omatically collects homologues, infers their multiple sequence alignment and reconstructs a phylogene
54 , error correction of sequencing reads, fast multiple sequence alignment and repeat detection.
55              A combination of the concept of multiple sequence alignment and the 1-dimensional molecu
56 models for annotating structured features in multiple sequence alignments and analyzing the evolution
57 protein domains and families, represented as multiple sequence alignments and as profile hidden Marko
58  three-dimensional structural information or multiple sequence alignments and can even predict small
59 ing pleas for methods to assess whole-genome multiple sequence alignments and compare the alignments
60 ion of RNA sequence families, represented by multiple sequence alignments and covariance models (CMs)
61 ved Domain Database (CDD) is a collection of multiple sequence alignments and derived database search
62 from image recognition databases and protein multiple sequence alignments and discuss possible interp
63 r-friendly webpages are available, including multiple sequence alignments and HMM profiles for each V
64                          The construction of multiple sequence alignments and inference of huge phylo
65 nhanced with a new search system, customized multiple sequence alignments and manipulation of protein
66   As in previous versions, eggNOGv4 provides multiple sequence alignments and maximum-likelihood tree
67 omology between protein sequences, rely upon multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees of l
68 ence protein sequences can be analysed using multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees.
69 es the wealth of information associated with multiple sequence alignments and presents them in an int
70                                        Here, multiple sequence alignments and secondary structure pre
71 s pipeline results in significantly improved multiple sequence alignments and SNP identifications whe
72 ionships are captured in phylogenetic trees, multiple sequence alignments and statistical models (hid
73 erate gold standard alignments for improving multiple sequence alignments and transferring functional
74                                      Through multiple-sequence alignment and statistical testing of e
75 subgenomes in existing databases, performs a multiple sequence alignment, and design primers based on
76                     From these observations, multiple sequence alignment, and homology modeling, we c
77                  The method takes as input a multiple sequence alignment, and outputs an accurate pos
78  database searching by hidden Markov models, multiple sequence alignment, and phylogenetic tree infer
79 ive cysteine ligands were identified using a multiple sequence alignment, and substitution of just on
80 us criteria and methods available to perform multiple sequence alignments, and among these, the minim
81 mic intervals, utilities for manipulation of multiple sequence alignments, and molecular evolution al
82 etic trees can be produced in the absence of multiple sequence alignments, and we propose that these
83 nce-design constraints derived from antibody multiple-sequence alignments, and (ii) during backbone d
84                                              Multiple sequence alignments are a fundamental tool for
85                                              Multiple sequence alignments are essential in computatio
86                                              Multiple sequence alignments are essential in homology i
87                                     Accurate multiple sequence alignments are essential in protein st
88 olutionary constraint derived from mammalian multiple sequence alignments are strongly predictive of
89   We introduce ProfileGrids that represent a multiple sequence alignment as a matrix color-coded acco
90  detection of biological phenomena rely on a multiple sequence alignment as input.
91                           This approach uses multiple-sequence alignments, atomic-resolution structur
92 ns, a practical tool for progressive protein multiple sequence alignment based on probabilistic consi
93 nce realignment tool that can refine a given multiple sequence alignment based on suboptimal alignmen
94 d specificity up to 85%), as compared with a multiple sequence alignment-based method (sensitivity 57
95                                      Various multiple sequence alignment-based methods have been prop
96 ross selections of genomes and finally build multiple sequence alignments between Protein Data Bank (
97                                     Based on multiple-sequence alignments between permease orthologs,
98 searches of NCBI and local databases, create multiple sequence alignments, build phylogenetic trees,
99 generate suboptimal alignments from an input multiple sequence alignment by a probabilistic sampling
100 nts a new algorithm, REFINER, that refines a multiple sequence alignment by iterative realignment of
101 n the set of bioactive compounds much like a multiple sequence alignment can isolate critical motifs
102 it is mere common sense that inaccuracies in multiple sequence alignments can have detrimental effect
103          However, it is known that automatic multiple sequence alignments can often be improved by ma
104                                              Multiple sequence alignment combined with comparative st
105 t sequencing reads, ortholog identification, multiple sequence alignment, concatenation, phylogenetic
106                                              Multiple sequence alignment, conformational clustering a
107 aches for inferring covariation signals from multiple sequence alignments, considers a broad range of
108 zation and analysis JavaScript component for Multiple Sequence Alignment data of any size.
109  writing different sequence file formats and multiple sequence alignments, dealing with 3D macro mole
110 milarity search (e.g. FASTA and NCBI BLAST), multiple sequence alignment (e.g. Clustal Omega and MUSC
111      We report a method based on analysis of multiple sequence alignments, embodied in our program Ja
112           Genome assembly, repeat detection, multiple sequence alignment, error detection and many ot
113 A D2-D10 expansion segments to hypothesize a multiple sequence alignment for major lineages of the hy
114     From the resulting sequences, we built a multiple sequence alignment for this domain family, whic
115 ect to create large, diverse and informative multiple sequence alignments for a test set of 1656 know
116 dure that uses a genetic algorithm to search multiple sequence alignments for evidence of recombinati
117 Probalign computes maximal expected accuracy multiple sequence alignments from partition function pos
118 cleotide polymorphism (SNP) prediction using multiple sequence alignments from re-sequencing data.
119                                              Multiple sequence alignments from the venom gland transc
120 tistical inference of phylogenetic trees and multiple sequence alignments from unaligned molecular se
121        The latter can be calculated from the multiple sequence alignments generated by PSI-BLAST.
122 nce models (CMs) from structurally annotated multiple sequence alignments given as input.
123                                              Multiple sequence alignment has proven to be a powerful
124 most common amino acid in each position of a multiple sequence alignment, has proven to be an efficie
125                                              Multiple sequence alignments have become one of the most
126                                              Multiple sequence alignments have been constructed acros
127 der of sequence alignment in the progressive multiple sequence alignment heuristic.
128 ase catalogs protein-family quality metrics, multiple sequence alignments, hidden Markov models, and
129                             A previous Dbf4p multiple sequence alignment identified a conserved appro
130  positional correlation analysis for protein multiple sequence alignment in order to identify structu
131 en given to the problem of creating reliable multiple sequence alignments in a model incorporating su
132 hat analyzes correlated mutation patterns in multiple sequence alignments in order to predict disulfi
133                                              Multiple sequence alignments indicate that a surface on
134 ructure suggests these are noncatalytic, and multiple-sequence alignments indicate that they are uniq
135                                              Multiple-sequence alignment indicates the active site Ly
136 t can inter-residue contact predictions from multiple sequence alignments, information which is ortho
137                                              Multiple sequence alignment is a basic part of much biol
138                                              Multiple sequence alignment is a cornerstone of comparat
139                                              Multiple sequence alignment is a difficult computational
140                                              Multiple sequence alignment is a fundamental task in bio
141   Evolutionary conservation estimated from a multiple sequence alignment is a powerful indicator of t
142                                              Multiple sequence alignment is an essential part of bioi
143                                              Multiple sequence alignment is an important tool to unde
144                                            A multiple sequence alignment is obtained from these proba
145                However, accurate large-scale multiple sequence alignment is very difficult, especiall
146          Evolutionary information encoded in multiple sequence alignments is known to greatly improve
147 h to describe couplings between columns in a multiple sequence alignment it is possible to significan
148  Given either a single protein sequence or a multiple sequence alignment, Jpred derives alignment pro
149 ions, including analyses at the whole genome multiple sequence alignment level.
150                            We present UPP, a multiple sequence alignment method that uses a new machi
151  is much faster than the widely acknowledged multiple sequence alignment method.
152 e generally more accurate than other leading multiple sequence alignment methods (i.e. Probcons, MAFF
153 p between fast clustering methods and slower multiple sequence alignment methods and provides a seaml
154                                  Traditional multiple sequence alignment methods disregard the phylog
155                                 We propose a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) algorithm and compare
156 le regions of rRNA genes than do traditional multiple sequence alignment (MSA) approaches.
157                           Accurate tools for multiple sequence alignment (MSA) are essential for comp
158 y areas of bioinformatics is to use a single multiple sequence alignment (MSA) as the basis for vario
159                 We characterize pairwise and multiple sequence alignment (MSA) errors by comparing tr
160 ee reconstruction requires construction of a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) from sequences.
161 siblast PSSMs are built from the query-based multiple sequence alignment (MSA) implied by the pairwis
162                                              Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a core method in bi
163                                        While multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a potent tool to de
164                                              Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a prominent method
165                               A challenge in multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is that the alignment
166        JABAWS:MSA provides services for five multiple sequence alignment (MSA) methods (Probcons, T-c
167 in sequence profiles, which are derived from multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of sequence homologs i
168 lated format and in the form of an annotated multiple sequence alignment (MSA) that may be edited int
169 chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler for protein multiple sequence alignment (MSA) that, as implemented i
170 ions remain due to the requirement for large multiple sequence alignments (MSA) and the fact that, in
171 etermine protein structure and function from Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSA) are emerging as power
172 cus on proteins that have large good-quality multiple sequence alignments (MSA) because the power of
173 nt Space Termination) algorithm for creating multiple sequence alignments (MSA).
174 erver for simultaneous estimation of protein multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) and phylogenetic tre
175 st commonly used method for visualization of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) and sequence motifs.
176 entire length of a gene are ideally used for multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) and the subsequent i
177                                              Multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are a prerequisite f
178                                              Multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are at the heart of
179                                     Although multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are essential for a
180                                              Multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are usually scored u
181 ensional (3D) structures to high-quality RNA multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) from diverse biologi
182                            The generation of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) is a crucial step fo
183                            Reconstruction of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) is a crucial step in
184 ing rational and systematic information from multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) is becoming increasi
185 arison of evolutionary patterns reflected in multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) of protein families.
186 e by identifying correlated mutations within multiple sequence alignments (MSAs), most commonly throu
187 niclust50, Uniclust30 and three databases of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs), Uniboost10, Uniboos
188 ments (PWAs) and some typical types of local multiple sequence alignments (MSAs), we numerically comp
189 ng Analysis (DCA) of correlated mutations in multiple sequence alignments (MSAs).
190 at exploits the information in large diverse multiple sequence alignments (MSAs).
191 ment construction based on the comparison of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs).
192                                              Multiple sequence alignment of 143 RodZ sequences from s
193 f whole-genome (genic + nongenic) sequences, multiple sequence alignment of a few selected genes is n
194 stinguishing consensus topology generated by multiple sequence alignment of a group of neurons reveal
195 oes not require subgroup definition, takes a multiple sequence alignment of a protein family as the o
196                                              Multiple sequence alignment of AdRSZ21 with putative ort
197               From functional analyses and a multiple sequence alignment of CmtR paralogs, M. tubercu
198                          We also performed a multiple sequence alignment of confirmed replicators on
199 imine cross-link by electrophoresis, MS, and multiple sequence alignment of de novo transcriptome and
200                                            A multiple sequence alignment of diverse ROK family member
201 conserved domain identified in this study by multiple sequence alignment of DYX1C1 proteins recovered
202 utagenesis strategy for Lfng was guided by a multiple sequence alignment of Fringe proteins and solut
203 ethods to extract amino acid contacts from a multiple sequence alignment of homologues of the curli s
204                                              Multiple sequence alignment of more than 60 members of t
205                          Global pairwise and multiple sequence alignment of neurite topologies enable
206                                   Based on a multiple sequence alignment of PduX homologues and other
207 rganisms, biologists need accurate tools for multiple sequence alignment of protein families.
208                                              Multiple sequence alignment of several HCMV IE86 homolog
209 ation of the structure in conjunction with a multiple sequence alignment of the clip domains from dif
210                                              Multiple sequence alignment of the helicase-related regi
211 tron structures; (iii) graphical analysis of multiple sequence alignments of amino acid and coding nu
212 tion of elements under selective pressure in multiple sequence alignments of closely related genomes,
213 patterns of amino acid coevolution in large, multiple sequence alignments of cognate kinase-regulator
214                                              Multiple sequence alignments of each orthologous intron
215                                              Multiple sequence alignments of evolutionarily distant p
216 ies of prokaryotic complexes for which large multiple sequence alignments of homologous sequences can
217 e datasets from various sources and generate multiple sequence alignments of identified clusters.
218 nation of this structure in conjunction with multiple sequence alignments of MPT64 homologs identifie
219                                        Using multiple sequence alignments of protein domains in the h
220 n Database (CDD) consists of a collection of multiple sequence alignments of protein domains that are
221 tion and coevolution profiles extracted from multiple sequence alignments of protein families with th
222                                     Accurate multiple sequence alignments of proteins are very import
223 ormative features that can be extracted from multiple sequence alignments of putative homologous gene
224 n to the final predicted 3D structure: three multiple sequence alignments of putative homologs using
225                                       If two multiple sequence alignments of related proteins are inp
226 n our tests, it discerned clustalw-generated multiple sequence alignments of signal recognition parti
227                                              Multiple sequence alignments of the CPSGs with sequences
228                                Comprehensive multiple sequence alignments of the multisubunit DNA-dep
229 d a comparative, annotated, structure-based, multiple-sequence alignment of R2 subunits, identified a
230                                              Multiple-sequence alignment of the members of the (R)-hy
231                                            A multiple-sequence alignment of this family with Hsp100 p
232                                              Multiple-sequence alignments of A19 homologs indicated c
233  which is an incremental method for building multiple sequence alignments one match at a time.
234 tadata-driven statistical sequence analysis, multiple sequence alignment, phylogenetic tree construct
235 th a host of other analysis features such as multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetic analyses and
236  gene annotations, homologous gene families, multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetic trees, and co
237 otein sequences, protein family assignments, multiple sequence alignments, phylogenies and functional
238              Each family is represented by a multiple sequence alignment, predicted secondary structu
239  Queried with a protein sequence it returns: multiple sequence alignments, predicted aspects of struc
240 ts computational counterpart is known as the multiple sequence alignment problem.
241 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using multiple sequence alignments produced from expressed seq
242 ely related genomes requires (1) an accurate multiple sequence alignment program and (2) a method to
243                                              Multiple sequence alignment programs are an invaluable t
244                                              Multiple sequence alignment programs tend to reach maxim
245 ignificance of structured RNA predicted from multiple sequence alignments relies on the existence of
246 eals that constructing accurate whole-genome multiple sequence alignments remains a significant chall
247 onal QR factorization of numerically encoded multiple sequence alignments, removes redundancy from th
248 nserved across eubacterial phyla, we created multiple sequence alignments representing 10 of these me
249                                       From a multiple sequence alignment, residues in surface-affixin
250                                            A multiple sequence alignment revealed that MXPyV is a clo
251                                  Analysis of multiple sequence alignments revealed that residues equi
252                                              Multiple-sequence alignment revealed two groups of EAL d
253 sharing the same domain architecture, MUSCLE multiple sequence alignment, SATCHMO simultaneous alignm
254                      The RNA 3D Structure-to-Multiple Sequence Alignment Server (R3D-2-MSA) is a new
255                                              Multiple sequence alignments show that residues in the d
256                                              Multiple sequence alignments showing conserved residues
257                                            A multiple sequence alignment shows that these three cruci
258 mentary information includes sample lists of multiple sequence alignment software and sample screensh
259           Using profile searches followed by multiple sequence alignment, structure prediction and do
260                    This includes methods for multiple sequence alignment, substitution model selectio
261              Additional information includes multiple sequence alignments, tab-separated files of fun
262  conformations for each modelled loop, and a multiple sequence alignment that incorporates the query
263     A-Bruijn Alignment (ABA) is a method for multiple sequence alignment that represents an alignment
264 cadherins to identify conserved positions in multiple sequence alignments that appear to be crucial d
265 inder) identifies regions of conservation in multiple sequence alignments that can serve as diagnosti
266 ing analysis (SCA) is a method for analyzing multiple sequence alignments that was used to identify g
267                                      Given a multiple sequence alignment, the model uses Dirichlet mi
268 return alignments of query sequences against multiple sequence alignments; the redesign of the web pa
269 ics simulations, elastic network theory, and multiple sequence alignment to analyze the system.
270  used statistical analysis of the CFTR-ABCC4 multiple sequence alignment to identify the specific dom
271 ific score matrices (PSSMs) are derived from multiple sequence alignments to aid in the recognition o
272 n theory, Bayesian statistics, and PSI-BLAST multiple sequence alignments to predict the secondary st
273       MSAProbs is a state-of-the-art protein multiple sequence alignment tool based on hidden Markov
274                              BCL::Align is a multiple sequence alignment tool that utilizes the dynam
275 the nucleosomal DNA is weak, and traditional multiple sequence alignment tools fail to yield meaningf
276 tron density and contact map visualizations, multiple sequence alignment tools for template-based mod
277 vices such as BLAST, FASTA, InterProScan and multiple sequence alignment tools such as ClustalW, T-Co
278  is able to improve the results from various multiple sequence alignment tools.
279 n updated human genome browser, a 44-species multiple sequence alignment track, improved variation an
280 expected accuracy optimization criterion for multiple sequence alignment uses pairwise posterior prob
281                We have created comprehensive multiple sequence alignments using all available sequenc
282 c trees generated from structurally informed multiple sequence alignments using both domain structura
283  annotation program JoY, formats a submitted multiple-sequence alignment using three-dimensional (3D)
284 imation of insertion and deletion rates from multiple sequence alignments, using EM, under the single
285  to the sequence download options, and a new multiple sequence alignment viewer has been incorporated
286 group, a unique structure-based algorithm of multiple sequences alignment was developed.
287 for predicting protein functional sites from multiple sequences alignments was compared to 14 conserv
288                                        Using multiple sequence alignment, we conclude that similar fo
289 per, by analyzing amino acid covariance in a multiple sequence alignment, we have identified an energ
290 y interchanging specific sequence pairs in a multiple sequence alignment, we show that the functional
291 as evolutionary information derived from the multiple sequence alignment were used as predictors.
292                                              Multiple sequence alignments were performed using MUSCLE
293 ferent models of amino acid substitution and multiple sequence alignment which is an NP-hard problem
294                                              Multiple sequence alignment, which is of fundamental imp
295 ccepted phylogenetic approaches are based on multiple sequence alignments, which analyze shared gene
296 el (HMM) to infer changes in phylogeny along multiple sequence alignments while accounting for rate h
297                                 By combining multiple sequence alignments with a previously determine
298 nted in SVG format with options to view full multiple sequence alignments with and without gaps and i
299 ser-friendly interface for manual editing of multiple sequence alignments with functions for input, e
300 r protein structure comparison, pairwise and multiple sequence alignments, working with DNA and prote

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