


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , the magnitude of which is dependent on the multiplicity of infection.
2  between 6 and 24 h postinfection with a low multiplicity of infection.
3 fection in the absence of ICP0 at the chosen multiplicity of infection.
4  copy is dependent on both the cell type and multiplicity of infection.
5 nomes was unimpaired at either a low or high multiplicity of infection.
6 the findings of a virus yield assay at a low multiplicity of infection.
7 gering of the lytic cycle, especially at low multiplicity of infection.
8 ven after 3 h of infection at a dose of 1000 multiplicity of infection.
9 id inclusion of citrate and the use of a low multiplicity of infection.
10 total protein of the cells, depending on the multiplicity of infection.
11 nclusions per cell varying directly with the multiplicity of infection.
12 t 10 to 15 h postinfection, depending on the multiplicity of infection.
13 cay by day 35 with kinetics dependent on the multiplicity of infection.
14  particularly attenuated when grown at a low multiplicity of infection.
15 f wild-type or inlA mutant Listeria at a 1:1 multiplicity of infection.
16 ly yielded no infection at a relatively high multiplicity of infection.
17 were added to RPE and THP-1 cells with a 5:1 multiplicity of infection.
18 sages in cell culture of the virus at a high multiplicity of infection.
19 F and exhibits a replication defect at a low multiplicity of infection.
20 with CJ2-gD2 and wild-type HSV-2 at the same multiplicity of infection.
21 tent of the relief being highly dependent on multiplicity of infection.
22 -type (wt) HSV-1 was highly dependent on the multiplicity of infection.
23 ble to infection-induced cell death at a low multiplicity of infection.
24 rug-resistant bacterial colonies at very low multiplicity of infections.
25 d in PML(-/-) infected at low, but not high, multiplicities of infection.
26 roduct required for viral replication at low multiplicities of infection.
27  in controlling viral gene expression at low multiplicities of infection.
28 s well as the wild type at both low and high multiplicities of infection.
29 us or Salmonella serovar Dublin at different multiplicities of infection.
30 ith enhanced responses at low, but not high, multiplicities of infection.
31 h and protein synthesis, particularly at low multiplicities of infection.
32 decrease in SIV replication, even after high multiplicities of infection.
33 in cells lacking DNA-PKcs, especially at low multiplicities of infection.
34 nitiation of DNA synthesis especially at low multiplicities of infection.
35  ability to initiate lytic infections at low multiplicities of infection.
36 uired for efficient viral replication at low multiplicities of infection.
37 rtant for efficient viral replication at low multiplicities of infection.
38 1-47 and gKDelta31-117 mutant virions at low multiplicities of infection.
39 cted with Mtb strains H(37)Ra and H(37)Rv at multiplicities of infection 0.1 and 1.
40 ng strain), or RSV (A/2001/2-20 strain) with multiplicity of infection 0.01 to 1.
41 h greater progeny production of Sy2 at a low multiplicity of infection (0.01) in tissue culture, but
42 th cytomegalovirus (CMV) strain AD169 at low multiplicity of infection (0.03) and harvesting the cell
43 ar stomatitis virus (VSV) replication at low multiplicity of infection (0.1 pfu/cell).
44 culum was increased at the time of exposure (multiplicity of infection = 0.05), the inhibitory effect
45  number detected in Huh-7.5/JFH-1 coculture (multiplicity of infection: 0.01) at an effector:target r
46 3-transduced lung cancer cell lines at a low multiplicity of infection (1 MOI).
47 s (> 52 h postinjection), high vector doses (multiplicity of infection, 1.5) led to a decrease of FIA
48 ro with live M. tuberculosis H37Ra or H37Rv (multiplicity of infection, 1:1) or cultured with lipopol
49 (10 ng/muL), and heat-killed whole bacteria (multiplicity of infection, 1:100) for 16 hours with or w
50  Increasing the titer of adenoviral vectors (multiplicity of infection 10-1000) led to a dose-depende
51 kin-4, interleukin-10), although a very high multiplicity of infection (10,000 infectious units/islet
52 versity (pi = 2.4 x 10(-4)), moderately high multiplicity of infection (2.7), and low linkage disequi
53   Infection of hematopoietic cells at modest multiplicities of infection (20-40) required special con
54 ges before or after Schu 4 or LVS challenge (multiplicity of infection, 20:1) had significantly reduc
55        Incubation of Ad.PKG-infected RPaSMC (multiplicity of infection = 200) with 8-Br-cGMP decrease
56               Human MSC viability was 96.7% (multiplicity of infection, 250).
57 ide range simply by changing the baculovirus multiplicity of infection; 3) HBV replication is readily
58 mpared with those infected with Ad-CMV/hNIS (multiplicity of infection = 30).
59 ithin 48 h of exposure to an exceedingly low multiplicity of infection (5 x 10(-4)), 50% of ES cell-d
60 1 infectivity reduced 4 logs and high-input (multiplicity of infection = 5.0) replication completely
61            In contrast, AdHIF-1alpha-no-TAD (multiplicity of infection 50) ablated the anoxic resista
62 ction with an ICP0 mutant was greater at low multiplicity of infection, a condition in which ICP0 mut
63 ble but growth impaired at both high and low multiplicities of infection and exhibits a kinetic defec
64 y of gene transfer increased with increasing multiplicities of infection and incubation time, with 45
65 e-dependent relationships between the vector multiplicities of infection and the efficiencies of lacZ
66 is necessary for productive infection at low multiplicities of infection and therefore likely to be i
67 A mutant had normal growth properties at low multiplicities of infection and was more effective than
68 ental outcome is determined by the choice of multiplicity of infection and cell type and by whether c
69 -to-cell contact and increased together with multiplicity of infection and HCV protein levels.
70 required a threshold level of SipA linked to multiplicity of infection and may be a limiting factor c
71                  When inoculated at the same multiplicity of infection and observed 24-48 h after inf
72 d by using the 6-h standard, because the low multiplicity of infection and short culture time did not
73 man (Ad.hHGF) adenoviral HGF (Ad.HGF) at low multiplicity of infection and studied in vitro.
74 rabbit kidney cells were infected with a low multiplicity of infection and the same RT-PCR detection
75 luorescent and viable SA increased at higher multiplicity of infection and when SA presented to PMN h
76  the effect of different aspects: perfusion, multiplicity of infection, and temporal patterns of infe
77                          The models identify multiplicity of infection as a key factor.
78 thelial cells were infected with HPV31b at a multiplicity of infection as low as 1 to 10 viral genome
79  transduced by the bsAb-complexed Ad.FLAG at multiplicities of infection between 20 and 100 active pa
80 derived DC are permissive to Ad infection at multiplicity of infection between 100 and 500 and occurs
81 cells infected with Ad-hACE2-eGFP (10 to 100 multiplicities of infection), but not Ad-eGFP (100 multi
82 caused apoptosis of MPhis at a wide range of multiplicity of infection, but smaller inocula resulted
83 on severely attenuated viral growth at a low multiplicity of infection by modestly reducing viral DNA
84 ll parasitemic individuals were assessed for multiplicity of infections by nPCR and gametocyte carria
85                            In contrast, high multiplicity of infection conditions caused a host cell
86 lls (MECs) were infected with HHV-8 at a low multiplicity of infection, considerable latent replicati
87 n was pathogen specific, heat sensitive, and multiplicity of infection dependent and required chlamyd
88 of HSV-1(vCPc0) beta or gamma genes was also multiplicity of infection dependent.
89  restriction was cell type dependent but not multiplicity of infection dependent.
90 oxia/SD-induced apoptosis at 24 h in an moi (multiplicity of infection)-dependent manner.
91 al gene expression in rabbit skin cells in a multiplicity of infection-dependent fashion.
92 or viral gene expression in a cell type- and multiplicity of infection-dependent fashion.
93  replication in cells silenced for BAG3 in a multiplicity of infection-dependent manner.
94 uclear translocation in a time-dependent and multiplicity-of-infection-dependent manner as determined
95                                       At low multiplicities of infection, dl1520 had an apparent p53-
96                                    At higher multiplicities of infection, dl1520 viral replication wa
97 o with varicella-zoster virus (VZV) at a low multiplicity of infection does not result in a cytopathi
98               Finally, we show that at a low multiplicity of infection, either UL97 or UL21a can part
99 henicol treatment of macrophages infected at multiplicities of infection exceeding 10,000 prevented c
100 licities of infection), but not Ad-eGFP (100 multiplicities of infection), exhibit dose-dependent ACE
101                       Retesting at a defined multiplicity of infection followed by in vitro growth an
102  on the C. pneumoniae strain examined at low multiplicities of infection following 24 h of incubation
103 led or UV-inactivated C. pneumoniae at a low multiplicity of infection for 24 to 72 h stimulated both
104 is within 48 h after exposure to low titers (multiplicity of infection > 0.07) of an African lineage
105 city observed with smooth strains at extreme multiplicities of infection (>1,000).
106          After enrollment, mixed infections (multiplicity of infection, >1) were only present in the
107           These results suggest that, at low multiplicities of infection, ICP0 blocks CoREST-mediated
108 ood allelic discrimination and detected high multiplicities of infection in 63 P. vivax infections in
109 (Ad-ZTA), whose level of expression at a low multiplicity of infection in normal human diploid fibrob
110 eporter gene was dose dependent and at a low multiplicity of infection increased progressively over t
111 ious studies, using the stated cell type and multiplicities of infection, indicated that the original
112                                     At a low multiplicity of infection, induction of autophagy by RNa
113 ses to better immune control if a sufficient multiplicity of infection is attained in vivo, but this
114                                          The multiplicity of infection is determined by the rate of n
115                                       At low multiplicities of infection, it was difficult to detect
116 ild-type infections generally occur at a low multiplicity of infection, it is unlikely that these del
117 hages with Mycobacterium tuberculosis at low multiplicities of infection leads 48-72 h after the infe
118   However, infection of these cells at a low multiplicity of infection leads to no discernible cytopa
119 though transduction of fibroblasts at higher multiplicities of infection led to a marked reduction of
120                                       At low multiplicity of infection (m.o.i.), delivery of influenz
121 the M. tuberculosis strain, time course, and multiplicity of infection, may have predominant features
122 nuated strains of pathogenic mycobacteria at multiplicities of infection (MOI) < or = 10 triggers TNF
123  Ad5 at high (1.0), low (0.1), or zero (0.0) multiplicities of infection (MOI) and harvested at diffe
124 ells infected with poliovirus at low or high multiplicities of infection (MOI) and measured viral gen
125  of these genes was significantly greater at multiplicities of infection (MOI) of 10 PFU/cell or grea
126  with HRV or UV-irradiated HRV at increasing multiplicities of infection (MOI) without or with IFN-be
127 ls of viral components, particularly for low multiplicities of infection (MOI), where few virus parti
128  a growth defect on swine macrophages at low multiplicities of infection (MOI), yielding 0.1 to 1.0%
129 -1 is critical for IE gene expression at low multiplicities of infection (moi).
130 t transcription and viral replication at low multiplicities of infection (MOI).
131 ed kinetically over a wide range of starting multiplicities of infection (MOI; from 0.02 to 20,000 ba
132 ) using a single addition of vector at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI = 5).
133                                  After a low multiplicity of infection (MOI) (0.01 PFU/cell), recombi
134 pheral blood neutrophils incubated with RSV (multiplicity of infection (MOI) = 10) induced IL-8, macr
135 ations, along with estimates of the cellular multiplicity of infection (MOI) and MOI model selection,
136 e distal enhancer replicate normally at high multiplicity of infection (MOI) but replicate poorly at
137  has not been previously shown how the viral multiplicity of infection (MOI) can affect IFN induction
138                                              Multiplicity of infection (MOI) can be an indicator of i
139                 The data indicate that a low multiplicity of infection (MOI) challenge (MOI = 0.1) re
140 t diversity has been defined in terms of the multiplicity of infection (MOI) derived by PCR-based gen
141 fected with Ad.RSV.SERCA2a for 48 hours at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) from 0.1 to 10.0 pfu/cel
142 rotavirus (RRV) is serially passaged at high multiplicity of infection (MOI) in cells permitting high
143 ls of MIE promoter activity at a high or low multiplicity of infection (MOI) in human foreskin fibrob
144                  However, infection at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI) in the presence of acycl
145 wide range of virus inoculum, ranging from a multiplicity of infection (moi) of 0.0005 to 0.05, with
146  on the dose of vector, ranging from 4% at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.1 to 99% at an MOI
147 l progeny production as much as 50-fold at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.5 and 80-fold at an
148                                         At a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 1 at 24 h postinfecti
149                                         At a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 1, viruses containing
150        The highest IL-8 secretion was at the multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 1,000:1 in bacterial
151 h more permissive to infection with SV5 at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10 PFU/cell compared
152 ned from healthy individuals and primed at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10(2) with different
153 evident only at ~72 hpi at the corresponding multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10.
154 dependent fashion, reaching 280 +/- 43% at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10.0 plaque forming u
155 ematopoietic precursor cells infected with a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 100 of AdGFP show tha
156 transfer into K562 cells with AAV-tNGFR at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 13 infectious units (
157                  Macrophages infected with a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 25:1 developed chroma
158 that most N18 cells were infected by TE at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 50 to 500 and by 633
159                     After infection with 100 multiplicity of infection (MOI) of AdCat, cellular catal
160 st in the gastric mucosa, and because a high multiplicity of infection (MOI) of H. pylori is needed t
161 ntaneous gene targeting are dependent on the multiplicity of infection (MOI) of rAAV.
162 rus infection in vitro and the effect of the multiplicity of infection (MOI) on costimulatory ligand
163  that viruses can be transmitted at a higher multiplicity of infection (MOI) that, in vitro, results
164 015 to 3.0 for AAV, varying depending on the multiplicity of infection (MOI) used for transduction, a
165 ed depending on the cell line tested and the multiplicity of infection (MOI) used.
166 other approach, +LMN myocytes were infected (multiplicity of infection (MOI), 100; 24 h) with replica
167 phage-adapted chlamydiae correlates with the multiplicity of infection (MOI), and optimal chlamydial
168 f blood-stage parasites affects the observed multiplicity of infection (MOI), as well as the relation
169 efficiency than the wild-type virus at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI), but it grew similarly w
170 IE promoter-dependent transcription at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI), but this increase is no
171 conclude that the frequently used measure of multiplicity of infection (MOI), computed as the ratio o
172 ne, we investigated the relationship between multiplicity of infection (MOI), gene expression, and un
173 chieved at a concentration of 2, 10, and 100 multiplicity of infection (MOI), respectively.
174 ection with ICP0-null HSV-1 mutants at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI), so that individual plaq
175  are infected with the mutant virus at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI), there is a marked delay
176 ate in noncomplementing cells, even at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI), though a reduction in t
177 ly more slowly than wild-type virus at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI).
178 er than that of the wild-type virus at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI).
179 creased amounts of trehalose with increasing multiplicity of infection (MOI).
180 ICP22 mRNA, and this was most notable at low multiplicity of infection (MOI).
181 tomas, we screened 12 parvoviruses at a high multiplicity of infection (MOI).
182 ication after infection at a relatively high multiplicity of infection (MOI).
183 saged at an escalating scale by using a high multiplicity of infection (MOI).
184 ntegration efficiency as a function of viral multiplicity of infection (MOI); efficiency of site-spec
185 seasonal influenza A (H1N1) viruses at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI; 0.0001 PFU/cell) or with
186 le resistance, even to high titers of virus (multiplicity of infection [MOI] of 100).
187 ated and stimulated with live C. pneumoniae (multiplicity of infection [MOI], 5), UVCP (MOI, 5), or c
188 s and perfused human anterior segments using multiplicities of infection (MOIs) 25 or 50.
189 73.Stop) to replicate in cell culture at low multiplicities of infection (MOIs) and found that 73.Sto
190 ARM N and wild-type populations at different multiplicities of infection (MOIs) and initial ratios of
191  were passaged in Vero cells at high and low multiplicities of infection (MOIs) for 11 generations an
192  typhi invasion of INT407 cells at different multiplicities of infection (MOIs) have revealed a stric
193  control neutrophils (without antibiotic) at multiplicities of infection (MOIs) of 30 and 90 bacteria
194 thic effect was observed with macrophages at multiplicities of infection (MOIs) of as low as 20 and w
195 olated rat islets infected with AdCTLA4Ig at multiplicities of infection (MOIs) ranging from 0.1 to 1
196 ght (0-1,000 J/m(2)) and infected at various multiplicities of infection (MOIs) with rAAV containing
197 is dispensable for virus replication at high multiplicities of infection (MOIs), analyses of plaque m
198 to monitor the killing of C. albicans at low multiplicities of infection (MOIs).
199 nd UV-inactivated C. pneumoniae cultures (at multiplicities of infection [MOIs] of 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0
200  must be grown to a low cell density and the multiplicity of infection must be low.
201 and 0.5% survival of LNCaP cells was seen at multiplicities of infection of 2, 10, and 25, respective
202                   In contrast, the identical multiplicities of infection of Ad5-hTERT-E1 had no effec
203          Infection of HPMECs with increasing multiplicities of infection of an adenovirus encoding fo
204 lated neutrophils were infected with varying multiplicities of infection of both viruses, and opsonop
205 ffective concentration (EC50) ranging from a multiplicity of infection of 0.01 to 0.1.
206 days after exposure to all HIV-1 clades at a multiplicity of infection of 0.01.
207                 On the other hand, G207 at a multiplicity of infection of 0.1 was able to purge bone
208 endent manner and showed 100% cytolysis at a multiplicity of infection of 0.1.
209  a near-maximal gene transfer rate of 30% at multiplicity of infection of 0.4 with prolonged cold isc
210 ing 1x10(9) plaque-forming units of Ad-LacZ (multiplicity of infection of 0.4), transduction rate in
211 ctosidase (Ad-LacZ) or E2F-1 (Ad-E2F-1) at a multiplicity of infection of 1 in vitro.
212 pe p53 gene, showed near complete lysis at a multiplicity of infection of 1.
213 on 5-40 h after infection of 9L cells with a multiplicity of infection of 1.5.
214             This response required a minimum multiplicity of infection of 10 and was not prevented by
215 e-positive after adenovirus infection with a multiplicity of infection of 10 for 60 minutes.
216                            Furthermore, at a multiplicity of infection of 10, extraordinary sensitivi
217    The parietal cells were transduced with a multiplicity of infection of 100 of the adenoviral vecto
218    Transduction of the parietal cells with a multiplicity of infection of 100 of the adenoviral vecto
219   Infection of cultured rat aortic SMCs at a multiplicity of infection of 100 with AdCMV.hTIMP-2 resu
220 m C57BL/6 mice were infected with KA274 at a multiplicity of infection of 100, and transplanted into
221 rs after infection with AdCat or AdmCat at a multiplicity of infection of 100, intracellular catalase
222                                         At a multiplicity of infection of 100, the wild-type P. gingi
223  5, which efficiently transduced islets at a multiplicity of infection of 100.
224 tion of 50, and a 71% decrease observed at a multiplicity of infection of 100.
225 r a control viral vector (Ad5 delta E1) at a multiplicity of infection of 100.
226  heat-killed virulent M. tuberculosis H37Rv (multiplicity of infection of 1:100).
227 immature DCs with the lentiviral vector at a multiplicity of infection of 20 resulted in stable gene
228 f Cos1 cells with plaque-purified virus at a multiplicity of infection of 20-40 induced high expressi
229 miRNAs was modulated 3 h postinfection (at a multiplicity of infection of 25).
230  fluorescent protein) or Ad.betagal.GFP at a multiplicity of infection of 250 for 48 hours.
231  fluorescent protein (EGFP), or AdLMP2B at a multiplicity of infection of 250.
232 ry adapted) and TR (a clinical strain), at a multiplicity of infection of 3.
233  Adv-TGF-beta-R (4T1+Adv-TGF-beta-R) using a multiplicity of infection of 300.
234 re infected with C. pneumoniae (TW-183) at a multiplicity of infection of 3:1, and at 2 h postinfecti
235 ecin or to infection with influenza A virus (multiplicity of infection of 5).
236             The data show that an adenoviral multiplicity of infection of 50 transduces 100% of cultu
237 dependent, with a 49% decrease observed at a multiplicity of infection of 50, and a 71% decrease obse
238 2 gene transfer were obtained in IEC using a multiplicity of infection of 50.
239             Infection of tumor cells with 30 multiplicity of infection of AdCIFN-beta (but not contro
240                Cells infected with 10 or 100 multiplicity of infection of AdCIFN-beta, an adenoviral
241 after a 15-min exposure to H. ducreyi, and a multiplicity of infection of approximately 1 CFU per mac
242                               HIT-LZ vector (multiplicity of infection of approximately 10) instilled
243 erence, we infected the cells with EPEC at a multiplicity of infection of approximately 100:1 for 30
244 wo BmNPVs increased only marginally when the multiplicity of infection of each virus was increased 10
245 RNA levels when cells were stimulated with a multiplicity of infection of greater than 1 virulent M.
246 s has been optimized for incubation time and multiplicity of infection of invasive E.coli with HeLa c
247  ERK1/2 induction was observed even with low multiplicity of infection of live and UV-inactivated KSH
248 cle seed stocks could be amplified after low multiplicity of infection of PCLs, again without generat
249 pression of FFHA and GFP consistent with the multiplicity of infection of the adenovirus.
250 AQP4 expression at 72 h after infection at a multiplicity-of-infection of 5.
251 Phage were evolved by serial transfer at low multiplicity of infection on rapidly dividing bacteria t
252          In head-to-head infections at fixed multiplicities of infection, one SA13/JFH1orig mutant te
253          We observed that even at a very low multiplicity of infection, only 70% of the input virus s
254               Inhibition occurs even at high multiplicities of infection or at ratios of CTL to CD4 c
255 en this mutant virus was delivered at a high multiplicity of infection or in the presence of the cell
256  bone marrow-derived in vitro cultures, high multiplicity of infection or the use of opsonized bacter
257                                     (v) High-multiplicity-of-infection passage of TR339 on BHK cell c
258 se, protease, and other targets at different multiplicities of infection permitted the accurate deter
259 when cells were infected at a relatively low multiplicity of infection, presumably due to the compoun
260 xpressing the human CAR cDNA (AdCAR) at high multiplicity of infection, primary fibroblasts were conv
261 rated by serial passage of the virus at high multiplicities of infection, provide important insight i
262 the same promoters during viral infection at multiplicities of infection ranging from 0.1 to 5.0 PFU/
263 nfection with our recombinant virus at a low multiplicity of infection resulted in a substantial decr
264 npermissive phenotype is most evident at low multiplicities of infection, results in reduced accumula
265 iated gene targeting increases with time and multiplicity of infection, similar to AAV-mediated gene
266 was used to infect vertebrate cells at a low multiplicity of infection, single fluorescent cells resu
267 ion with a control Ad vector (Ad-LacZ) at 50 multiplicity of infection slightly increased CD40 and CD
268 g-passaged populations was reduced at higher multiplicities of infection, suggesting the presence of
269 ion only when the cells were infected at low multiplicity of infection, suggesting a defect in spread
270                        These viruses, at low multiplicities of infection, synthesize wild-type levels
271  and human embryonic lung (HEL) cells at all multiplicities of infection tested and was capable of es
272 harper decrease in viability with increasing multiplicities of infection than do cells treated with A
273 d normalized by the PreS1*-MOI, which is the multiplicity of infection that reflects the number of Pr
274 tudied in the RNA phage phi6 at high and low multiplicities of infection (that is, at high and low ra
275                                    At a high multiplicity of infection, the IE1 deletion mutant is co
276 irus propagation, such as time of infection, multiplicity of infection, the length of replication cyc
277                                    At a high multiplicity of infection, the UL21a deletion virus synt
278 hybrid viruses could be applied at very high multiplicities of infection to increase transduction rat
279       Using HeLa cells and conditions of low multiplicity of infection to favor use of the most avid
280                          When applied at low multiplicity of infection to the apical surface of diffe
281 e marrow-derived murine macrophages at a low multiplicity of infection under conditions in which the
282 e and irradiated M. leprae, as a function of multiplicity of infection under permissive (33 degrees C
283 e of one strain (W3) in Vero cells at a high multiplicity of infection, under conditions of competiti
284 ession levels obtained were dependent on the multiplicity of infection used and the incubation time a
285                                       At low multiplicities of infection, viral gene expression in ra
286 ssays detected HDV replication even when the multiplicity of infection was 0.2 GE/cell.
287  12 months and at sick visits were assessed; multiplicity of infection was evaluated by PCR that targ
288 assortants, suggesting that a uniformly high multiplicity of infection was not achieved in vivo.
289 on normal mouse fibroblasts even when a high multiplicity of infection was used.
290                                     At a low multiplicity of infection, we observed only a small perc
291                  High fungal:epithelial cell multiplicities of infection were able to rescue the cell
292 was detected in dl-L-infected mouse cells as multiplicities of infection were increased and approache
293  COS-7 monkey kidney cells, but higher viral multiplicities of infection were required.
294                               In contrast to multiplicity of infection, which is based on titer and i
295                               In contrast to multiplicity of infection, which is based on titer and i
296                                       At low multiplicities of infection, wild-type virus yields are
297 y infected cell is concordant with the input multiplicity of infection, with each structure containin
298  lysis or latency, depending on the cellular multiplicity of infection within a broad class of gene r
299 yping demonstrated a significant decrease in multiplicity of infection within the first 2 days in bot
300 days of growth following adsorption at a low multiplicity of infection, yields of T3C84-MA and T3C84

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