


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ls, demonstrating that the crypt contained a multipotent stem cell.
2 s (GEPs), including those of the presumptive multipotent stem cell.
3 rypts, that has been proposed to contain the multipotent stem cell.
4 rived from the adult mouse small intestine's multipotent stem cell.
5  DGCR8 to reprogram adult somatic cells into multipotent stem cells.
6 em cells and may play similar roles in other multipotent stem cells.
7 s robust identification and isolation of the multipotent stem cells.
8  broadly permissive chromatin established in multipotent stem cells.
9  for ASC expansion provide a large number of multipotent stem cells.
10 g been proposed to depend on the activity of multipotent stem cells.
11 n in vitro model of SMC differentiation from multipotent stem cells.
12 which has recently been suggested to contain multipotent stem cells.
13  embryonic day 7.5 with a lack of detectable multipotent stem cells.
14 urons and glia are often derived from common multipotent stem cells.
15 nferring mitotic responsiveness to EGF among multipotent stem cells.
16 ulates multiple committed progenitors and/or multipotent stem cells.
17 n under some circumstances and may represent multipotent stem cells.
18 ferentiation of white adipose tissue-derived multipotent stem cells (ADMSCs) into lipid-accumulating,
19                                       Hence, multipotent stem cells alter their properties over time
20 ts of the mouse stomach are descended from a multipotent stem cell and undergo an orderly migration-a
21 s, which contain a heterogeneous mix of both multipotent stem cells and more restricted progenitor po
22               A challenge has been to obtain multipotent stem cells and/or progenitors that can gener
23 throughout adult life due to the presence of multipotent stem cells and/or unipotent progenitor cells
24 testinal crypts contain more than one active multipotent stem cell, and that these cells can be retai
25 the origins and behaviors of pluripotent and multipotent stem cells, and their therapeutic potential.
26     Epidermal lineage commitment occurs when multipotent stem cells are specified to three lineages:
27 opulation of granule-free cells included the multipotent stem cell as well as committed precursors of
28 mary epithelial cell hierarchy contains both multipotent stem cell as well as lineage-limited duct an
29 differentiation of human bone marrow-derived multipotent stem cells (bmMSC) over periods of up to sev
30  of the follicle outer root sheath (ORS) and multipotent stem cells (bulge), the compartments which n
31 We traced the origin of these cells to basal multipotent stem cells capable of generating both GABAer
32 arts receiving equal volumes of saline or BM multipotent stem cells delivered in the same manner, the
33                We investigated whether these multipotent stem cells derived from bone marrow could be
34  four principal cell types deriving from one multipotent stem cell: enterocytes, goblet, enteroendocr
35 ompanies the IL-3-mediated commitment of the multipotent, stem cell factor (SCF)-dependent EML cell l
36            Although our data argue against a multipotent stem cell for smooth and striated muscle cel
37 sible, autologous source of undifferentiated multipotent stem cells for therapeutic application.
38  to defects in the proliferative capacity of multipotent stem cells found in the bulge.
39                                     In skin, multipotent stem cells generate the keratinocytes of the
40 on, these clonally expanded human BM-derived multipotent stem cells (hBMSCs) do not appear to belong
41                                    Recently, multipotent stem cells in Drosophila malpighian tubules
42 hat when normal SG homeostasis is perturbed, multipotent stem cells in the bulge can be mobilized to
43 ition by causing proliferation of quiescent, multipotent stem cells in the hair follicle bulge region
44 gle miRNA that can efficiently differentiate multipotent stem cells into a specific lineage or regula
45 e of soluble cues directs differentiation of multipotent stem cells into discrete populations of spec
46  directed differentiation of pluripotent and multipotent stem cells into mesodiencephalic dopaminergi
47 uring the development and differentiation of multipotent stem cells into specialised cell types remai
48 gnals and early molecular events that commit multipotent stem cells into the adipocyte lineage are no
49  that KLF2 does not affect the commitment of multipotent stem cells into the preadipocytic lineage bu
50                  Terminal differentiation of multipotent stem cells is achieved through a coordinated
51 n the present study we tested the ability of multipotent stem cells isolated from adult muscle to sur
52                     Our results suggest that multipotent stem cells isolated from adult muscle, which
53                               Pluripotent or multipotent stem cells isolated from human embryos or ad
54  readily attainable source of proliferating, multipotent stem cells, its potential for use in regener
55                        The neural crest is a multipotent stem cell-like population that is induced du
56             The vertebrate body forms from a multipotent stem cell-like progenitor population that pr
57       Neural crest cells are a population of multipotent stem cell-like progenitors that arise at the
58     The neural crest (NC) is a population of multipotent stem cell-like progenitors that arise at the
59                        The neural crest is a multipotent, stem cell-like population that migrates ext
60  prevent neurons from dedifferentiating to a multipotent, stem cell-like state.
61 sitive abl PTK in a growth factor dependent, multipotent stem cell line (FDCP-Mix) in which growth is
62 myeloid progenitor cell line (EPRO) with the multipotent stem cell line from which it was derived (EM
63 er gene expression, and differentiation of a multipotent stem cell line.
64 vital for the differentiation of ES cells to multipotent stem cells, little is known regarding the ro
65                           Differentiation of multipotent stem cells occurs through the highly coordin
66                        Adipocytes arise from multipotent stem cells of mesodermal origin, which also
67 c factor (CNTF) acts instructively to switch multipotent stem cells of the CNS to an astrocytic fate.
68  keratinocytes in the same way as it affects multipotent stem cells of the skin.
69 m cells that do not necessarily overlap with multipotent stem cells of the tissue of origin.
70                        T-IPs did not include multipotent stem cells or molecular evidence of T cell-r
71  number of DiI-labeled, clonally expanded BM multipotent stem cells, or the same volume of phosphate-
72  Modern clonality studies have confirmed the multipotent stem-cell origin of the neoplastic process i
73 ion in times of stress with maintenance of a multipotent stem cell pool over decades of life.
74      Our study provides evidence that single multipotent stem cells positioned throughout the mature
75                                          The multipotent stem cells proliferate or differentiate into
76 anatomical site that contains a reservoir of multipotent stem cells (SCs) that can maintain normal ti
77 at exfoliated human deciduous tooth contains multipotent stem cells [stem cells from human exfoliated
78 trated that these undifferentiated cells are multipotent stem cells, suggesting that local signaling
79 rise via a hierarchical scheme starting with multipotent stem cells that become increasingly restrict
80   Muscle side population (SP) cells are rare multipotent stem cells that can participate in myogenesi
81 e neural crest is an embryonic population of multipotent stem cells that form numerous defining featu
82                                              Multipotent stem cells that generate both neurons and gl
83 opoietic stem cells (HSCs) are self-renewing multipotent stem cells that generate mature blood lineag
84 human colorectal epithelium is maintained by multipotent stem cells that give rise to absorptive, muc
85 ne neural progenitor cells (NPCs), which are multipotent stem cells that give rise to cells in the ce
86 C-MSCs), originating in Wharton's jelly, are multipotent stem cells that home to damaged tissues and
87 ugh Nestin is widely considered a marker for multipotent stem cells, these Nestin-expressing progenit
88 ineage of the main olfactory epithelium-from multipotent stem cells through neuronal progenitors to m
89  and mesodermal tissue type specification of multipotent stem cells throughout the formation of the e
90 s requires the commitment of pluripotent and multipotent stem cells to distinct differentiation pathw
91 f the repopulating ability and plasticity of multipotent stem cells to regenerate lost or diseased ti
92 he RPESC as an accessible, human CNS-derived multipotent stem cell, useful for the study of fate choi
93 racterize the generation of glial cells from multipotent stem cells we have cultured neuroepithelial
94 pported recombination in all of their active multipotent stem cells were located adjacent to "control
95 cretory cells clonally dedifferentiated into multipotent stem cells when they were cultured ex vivo w
96                                              Multipotent stem cells, which normally gave rise to neur
97                    The mesenchymal cell is a multipotent stem cell with the capacity to give rise to
98                                              Multipotent stem cells with neural crest-like properties

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