


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ibly reduces deafference during asynchronous multisensory integration.
2 ion of everyday life events relies mostly on multisensory integration.
3 ks between neural and performance metrics of multisensory integration.
4  superior colliculus (SC) neurons capable of multisensory integration.
5 t inter-area synchronization is important in multisensory integration.
6 e modulation of self-face recognition during multisensory integration.
7 s with areas Tpt and TPO, which are sites of multisensory integration.
8 sting that it is an anatomical substrate for multisensory integration.
9 volved in memory of a volatile that requires multisensory integration.
10  frames is therefore a critical component of multisensory integration.
11 s, feature extraction in sensory systems and multisensory integration.
12 ance the experience of body ownership during multisensory integration.
13 ularly interested in cellular computation of multisensory integration.
14 r diverse feature domains (e.g., motion) and multisensory integration.
15 t biomechanical constraints are processed in multisensory integration.
16 ive attention that is triggered by bottom-up multisensory integration.
17 rt for a divisive normalization mechanism in multisensory integration.
18 rately approach neuronal operations of human multisensory integration.
19  specialist, is a classic model for studying multisensory integration.
20  same neural mechanisms that are involved in multisensory integration.
21 rship illusions on the temporal dimension of multisensory integration.
22  which one of the neural mechanisms enabling multisensory integration.
23 ility and higher-level processes involved in multisensory integration.
24  structures and is thought to play a role in multisensory integration.
25 traints encoded in the body schema influence multisensory integration.
26 a plastic brain representation emerging from multisensory integration.
27 ant pathophysiological processes involved in multisensory integration.
28 of this model to analyze the complexities of multisensory integration.
29 een cross-modal inputs, an important cue for multisensory integration.
30 resent a novel, two-step metric for defining multisensory integration.
31  surround suppression, visual attention, and multisensory integration.
32 emporal and spatial congruence principles of multisensory integration.
33 uity is solved by tracking head tilt through multisensory integration.
34 ions and synchrony act as prominent cues for multisensory integration [2-4], but the neural mechanism
35 dy part other than the hand, suggesting that multisensory integration according to basic spatial and
36 this is explained by a 'moveable window' for multisensory integration and by a 'temporal ventriloquis
37 These areas appear to be specialized for the multisensory integration and coordinate transformations
38  that a similar network can learn to perform multisensory integration and coordinate transformations
39  but also temporal delays to perform optimal multisensory integration and feedback control in real-ti
40                                              Multisensory integration and interaction occur when bimo
41 s (SC) is a midbrain structure important for multisensory integration and sensorimotor transformation
42 observations are discussed in the context of multisensory integration and spatial, temporal predictio
43 essential for SC output neurons to engage in multisensory integration and to support normal orientati
44  the significance of preserved abilities for multisensory integration and top-down processing in mini
45 omotor congruence is sufficient for inducing multisensory integration, and importantly, if biomechani
46 hat also has substantial predictive power in multisensory integration, and provides a single computat
47 ensory neurons, the share of neurons showing multisensory integration, and the magnitude of multisens
48                                         Once multisensory integration appeared in a given neuron, its
49 tive process by which the neural products of multisensory integration are achieved is poorly understo
50 ea that the behavioral products derived from multisensory integration are not attributable to simple
51 nvolved in the detection of disease cues and multisensory integration are vital parts.
52                             We observed that multisensory integration areas exhibited enhanced functi
53  results tend to support earlier concepts of multisensory integration as relatively late and centered
54 We have used the C. elegans model to examine multisensory integration at the interneuron level to bet
55 nsively before decision making, with altered multisensory integration being associated with disorders
56 n the psychological and neural mechanisms of multisensory integration between different sensory modal
57              We investigated the dynamics of multisensory integration between vision and touch using
58 mmunological conditions where alterations of multisensory integration, body representation and dysfun
59 al sulcus (STS) is a critical brain area for multisensory integration, but little is known about its
60 ry displacement), indicating facilitation of multisensory integration by motoric visuomotor congruenc
61 ational account of the important features of multisensory integration by neurons.
62 fried and Dolan extends our understanding of multisensory integration by showing that facilitation of
63                                   Studies of multisensory integration by single neurons have traditio
64                     We propose that flexible multisensory integration can be explained by a combinati
65 bit substantial covariance, and consequently multisensory integration can yield more substantial erro
66 visive normalization, acting at the stage of multisensory integration, can account for many of the em
67          Furthermore, once a neuron acquired multisensory integration capabilities at the exposure si
68 ge, the potential for acquiring or modifying multisensory integration capabilities extends well into
69                               Development of multisensory integration capabilities in superior collic
70                                          The multisensory integration capabilities of neurons in the
71                                          The multisensory integration capabilities of superior collic
72 by noise-rearing can develop visual-auditory multisensory integration capabilities rapidly when perio
73 he normal developmental period for acquiring multisensory integration capabilities.
74 t in the requirements for the development of multisensory integration capabilities.
75 is less well understood but is essential for multisensory integration, coordination between brain reg
76 ject oddity procedure that detects selective multisensory integration deficits in a rat model of schi
77                 Bayesian models propose that multisensory integration depends on both sensory evidenc
78 T Intersensory timing is a crucial aspect of multisensory integration, determining whether and how in
79                             Its capacity for multisensory integration develops in cats 1-4 months aft
80                                         This multisensory integration effect required a simultaneous
81 ng debate in neuroscience is to which extent multisensory integration emerges already in primary sens
82 found to rapidly initiate the development of multisensory integration, even more rapidly than expecte
83                      In the auditory system, multisensory integration first occurs in the cochlear nu
84                     We review recent work on multisensory integration, focusing on experiments that b
85 o suggest that DDD cells are not involved in multisensory integration for heading perception.
86 rtion of these neurons capable of adult-like multisensory integration, gradually increased.
87                         Our understanding of multisensory integration has advanced because of recent
88                                      Altered multisensory integration has been reported in autism; ho
89 hat accounts for these empirical features of multisensory integration has not been established.
90 ed from traditional physiological studies of multisensory integration have been difficult to reconcil
91 layed maturation of multisensory neurons and multisensory integration in AES suggests that the higher
92  also motivated recent theories of defective multisensory integration in ASD.
93 n widespread theories of impaired global and multisensory integration in ASD.
94 zation of the SC and for the neural basis of multisensory integration in general.
95                              We investigated multisensory integration in human superior temporal sulc
96 tisensory object oddity (MSO) task to assess multisensory integration in ketamine-treated rats, a wel
97       These relationships suggest a role for multisensory integration in migraine.
98                                 Nonetheless, multisensory integration in obesity has been scantily in
99 ide the first comprehensive investigation of multisensory integration in obesity.
100                       Procedures to evaluate multisensory integration in rodent models are lacking.
101 the cortical influences that are crucial for multisensory integration in superior colliculus (SC) out
102 to investigate audio-haptic coordination and multisensory integration in the auditory cortex.
103 ances our understanding of the mechanisms of multisensory integration in the brain.
104 ntly, present a novel framework for indexing multisensory integration in the context of continuous sp
105 at training leads to two distinct effects on multisensory integration in the form of (i) a specific n
106 tent with a nicotinic-GABAergic mechanism of multisensory integration in the prefrontal cortex, resul
107                           This suggests that multisensory integration in the premotor cortex provides
108                      Because the location of multisensory integration in the STS varies from subject
109  was functionally connected to core areas of multisensory integration in the superior temporal sulcus
110 igned to investigate the temporal profile of multisensory integration in this model system.
111 sciousness, consistent with an inhibition of multisensory integration in this network.
112 gnals reaching the brain [7-9] but also, via multisensory integration, increases coherence of cogniti
113           These canonical operations subsume multisensory integration into a fundamental set of princ
114 robiologists have traditionally assumed that multisensory integration is a higher order process that
115                                              Multisensory integration is a powerful mechanism for con
116                                     Atypical multisensory integration is an understudied cognitive sy
117                    These data reveal that SC multisensory integration is dependent on the cooperative
118 cotectal projections in the abrupt gating of multisensory integration is discussed.
119                                              Multisensory integration is disrupted in patients with s
120                                              Multisensory integration is essential for the expression
121                           This suggests that multisensory integration is flexible and context depende
122 urons show that this "temporal principle" of multisensory integration is more nuanced than previously
123 he large-scale cortical network underpinning multisensory integration is reorganized due to expertise
124              A dramatic illustration of this multisensory integration is the McGurk effect, an illusi
125      A compelling example of auditory-visual multisensory integration is the McGurk effect, in which
126  or extrinsic factors.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Multisensory integration is the process by which the bra
127                                              Multisensory integration is ubiquitous, facilitating per
128 nsory processing streams, which implies that multisensory integration may be a low-level rather than
129                                              Multisensory integration may explain some of this abilit
130 ies have investigated the neural sites where multisensory integration may occur.
131           They are interpreted in terms of a multisensory integration mechanism that increases the st
132                 We compared the emergence of multisensory integration (MSI) in the IC of behaviorally
133                                              Multisensory integration (MSI) is the process that allow
134      Here we directly compared the effect of multisensory integration (MSI) on reaction time across t
135 n from different sources, a process known as multisensory integration (MSI).
136                    For example, the need for multisensory integration necessitates vestibular represe
137 ggest that the prolonged period during which multisensory integration normally appears is due to deve
138                                   Therefore, multisensory integration not only improves the precision
139                         In background noise, multisensory integration occurred at much lower frequenc
140                Results indicated significant multisensory integration occurred in central/post-centra
141         These data provide a rare example of multisensory integration occurring at the level of the s
142 n mechanism operating in brain regions where multisensory integration occurs.
143 ern of these adjustments are consistent with multisensory integration of all information regarding mo
144 ains to the level of processing at which the multisensory integration of featural information, such a
145 icating that V6 is unlikely to contribute to multisensory integration of heading signals, unlike othe
146                                              Multisensory integration of somatosensory, visual, audit
147  and depression may be a general property of multisensory integration operating at different levels o
148 ision-making, context-dependent integration, multisensory integration, parametric working memory, and
149 d be used as a reliable measure for studying multisensory integration processing in humans.
150                                           In multisensory integration, processing in one sensory moda
151 ions suggest that acquiring the rudiments of multisensory integration requires little more than expos
152  principles, including timescale invariance, multisensory integration, rhythmical structure, and atte
153 ount for many of the empirical principles of multisensory integration shown by single neurons, such a
154 more accurate functional topography of human multisensory integration.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The bimo
155 s, as well as the higher-order properties of multisensory integration, such as the dependency of mult
156                Development and validation of multisensory integration tasks for animal models is esse
157 e growing realization that the same rules of multisensory integration that have been thoroughly explo
158  enhancements and spatial characteristics of multisensory integration that were indistinguishable fro
159 viding a constraint for developing models of multisensory integration, the relationship between respo
160  in the brain includes three key operations: multisensory integration-the task of combining cues into
161 g a well established behavioral correlate of multisensory integration: the redundant target effect (R
162  known function of LEC in working memory and multisensory integration, these results suggest it may s
163  here that acute pain can also be reduced by multisensory integration through self-touch, which provi
164 science understanding of the rules governing multisensory integration to the design of better product
165              Between 180-220 ms, significant multisensory integration was evident in central/post-cen
166  The development of multisensory neurons and multisensory integration was examined in the deep layers
167 temporal sulcus (STS) is a critical site for multisensory integration, we hypothesized that activity
168 ltisensory integration, and the magnitude of multisensory integration were all found to differ by lay
169 of visual-somatosensory co-activation (i.e., multisensory integration), while younger adults demonstr
170                            As noted earlier, multisensory integration yielded SC responses that were

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