コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 al myocarditis, in particular of that due to mumps virus.
2 measuring serological responses to wild-type mumps virus.
3 d have reduced efficacy against heterologous mumps viruses.
4 copy of the genome of a Jeryl Lynn strain of mumps virus (15,384 nucleotides) was assembled from cDNA
9 mber of cellular genes compared to wild-type mumps virus and increases cell death in infected cells,
15 luate the antigenic relationship between bat mumps virus (BMV) and the JL5 vaccine strain of mumps vi
18 er paramyxoviruses in the genus Rubulavirus, mumps virus catalyzes the proteasomal degradation of cel
20 associated with the presence of antibody to mumps virus, data from the 1999-2004 National Health and
21 e-adjusted seroprevalence of IgG antibody to mumps virus during 1999-2004 was 90.0% (95% CI, 88.8%-91
23 of the L protein, did not prevent rescue of mumps virus, even though an amino acid alignment for the
26 me cDNA was demonstrated by amplification of mumps virus from transfected-cell cultures and by subseq
29 ramyxovirus pathogens include measles virus, mumps virus, human respiratory syncytial virus, and the
31 n of immunoglobulin M-specific antibodies to mumps virus in acute-phase serum samples, the isolation
33 acute-phase serum samples, the isolation of mumps virus in cell culture, or by detection of the RNA
35 primers, indicating that the persistence of mumps virus in the myocardium may be related to the sele
36 tly assesses the neurovirulence potential of mumps viruses in humans and is robust and reproducible.
37 indered analysis of the neuropathogenesis of mumps virus infection and the identification of molecula
38 al fibroelastosis associated with persistent mumps virus infection by vaccination supports the notion
39 r neuropathological and clinical outcomes of mumps virus infection of the neonatal rat brain demonstr
40 his report we show, for the first time, that mumps virus infection of the neonatal rat leads to devel
44 pinal fluid (CSF) samples and in extracts of mumps virus isolates from patients with various clinical
46 hown that clinical isolate-based recombinant mumps viruses lacking expression of either the V protein
49 myxoviruses parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) and mumps virus, M-NP interaction also contributes to effici
50 virus, Nipah virus, varicella-zoster virus, mumps virus, measles virus, lyssavirus, herpes simplex v
52 ic and neurovirulent properties of wild-type mumps viruses, most national regulatory organizations re
54 Here we report that while PIV2, PIV5, and mumps virus (MuV) are sensitive to IFIT1, nonrubulavirus
57 otype F has been the predominant genotype of mumps virus (MuV) in the last 20 years in mainland China
67 with high phylogenetic relatedness to human mumps virus (MuV) was identified recently at the nucleic
71 luenza virus 3 (HPIV3), measles virus (MeV), mumps virus (MuV), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
72 esults were obtained for the closely related mumps virus (MuV), except that MuV particles derived fro
73 RNA-mediated signaling; these are encoded by mumps virus (MuV), human parainfluenza virus 2 (hPIV2),
76 ps virus (BMV) and the JL5 vaccine strain of mumps virus (MuVJL5), we rescued a chimeric virus bearin
80 effective safety test with which to measure mumps virus neurovirulence has also hindered analysis of
84 oteins of the paramyxoviruses measles virus, mumps virus, Newcastle disease virus, human parainfluenz
85 shown systemic efficacy: vaccinia, measles, mumps, viruses, Newcastle disease virus, and reovirus.
86 that interactions between this region of the mumps virus NP and its polymerase leads to exposure of t
88 together with support plasmids which express mumps virus NP, P, and L proteins under control of the T
90 samples were seropositive for measles virus, mumps virus, or rubella virus antibodies, and there were
91 ast 50 amino acids of both measles virus and mumps virus P (measles virus P, 457 to 507; mumps virus
92 mumps virus P (measles virus P, 457 to 507; mumps virus P, 343 to 391) by themselves constitute the
95 important viruses, including measles virus, mumps virus, parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytia
97 STAT3 are independently targeted by a single mumps virus protein, called V, that assembles STAT-direc
98 mon respiratory viruses (HPIV-2, -3, and -4, mumps virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and influenza
99 scribe the generation of a novel recombinant mumps virus (rMuV) expressing HIV-1 Gag (rMuVgag) and me
102 predict genes for 12 viruses: measles virus, mumps virus, rubella virus, respiratory syncytial virus,
103 ype 6, varicellazoster virus, measles virus, mumps virus, rubella virus, the picornavirus group, infl
104 ble EIA kits were used to evaluate wild-type mumps virus serological responses in human serum samples
105 of sequence relationships, with examples for mumps virus SH gene cDNA and prion protein sequences.
108 A*26-Cw*12-B*38 was associated with both mumps virus-specific humoral (P=.007) and cell-mediated
109 The study also allowed characterization of mumps virus strains from Argentina as part of a new subg
110 accine viruses, raising concern that certain mumps virus strains may escape vaccine-induced immunity.
113 and highly neurovirulent (88-1961 wild type) mumps virus strains were passaged in human neural cells
119 ue cytokine and oncogene evasion property of mumps virus that provides a molecular basis for its obse
121 interferon-activated STAT1 or STAT2 protein, mumps virus V protein is unique in its ability to also t
123 that a single amino acid substitution in the mumps virus V protein, E95D, results in defective STAT3
124 stigate genetic variation in live attenuated mumps virus vaccine by using both MAPREC and a platform
126 ples to neutralize the genotype A Jeryl Lynn mumps virus vaccine strain and a genotype G wild-type vi
127 potentially neurovirulent, live, attenuated mumps virus vaccines stems largely from the lack of an a
128 bserved in monkeys inoculated with wild type mumps virus versus vaccine strains, although differences
130 adoption of widespread vaccination programs, mumps virus was the leading cause of virus-induced centr
133 iated N protein (N-RNA) for both measles and mumps viruses with proteins produced in a bacterial expr
134 lent cellular immune responses to measles or mumps viruses, with or without passive antibodies when i
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