


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  associated cardiometabolic dysfunction in a murine model.
2  painful conditions evaluated in CCI and STZ murine model.
3  hematopoietic progenitors in detail using a murine model.
4 ur finding in a clinical cohort as well as a murine model.
5  XCL1 (hXCL1) and hXCL2 fusion vaccines in a murine model.
6 erum, urine, salivary glands, and feces in a murine model.
7 vivo and improved functional outcomes in the murine model.
8 or treatment responders were compared in the murine model.
9 ers of activated genital CD4(+) T cells in a murine model.
10 linked to BTK-dependent fungal immunity in a murine model.
11  interactions with IgE and food allergy in a murine model.
12 nd in vivo via tail vein injection in a 24-h murine model.
13 noclonal antibodies (MAbs) was tested in the murine model.
14 nc deficiency were probed independently in a murine model.
15 d in nonobese asthma patients and in the OVA murine model.
16 AA progression and rupture was assessed in a murine model.
17 ctive signal in the MRSA-infected lungs in a murine model.
18 umab was further investigated in a humanized murine model.
19 rus highly susceptible to circulating IFN in murine models.
20  introduced in this article agrees well with murine models.
21 g cancer cells and inhibited tumor growth in murine models.
22 he ovalbumin (OVA) and house dust mite (HDM) murine models.
23 ) ameliorated aGVHD and improved survival in murine models.
24 rounding the nucleus pulposus, especially in murine models.
25 e molecular pathway linking PKB and Cbl-b in murine models.
26  in both adaptive and innate immune-mediated murine models.
27 , as well as 2 relevant (auto-) inflammatory murine models.
28 m, is fully counteracted by inflammasomes in murine models.
29 miRNAs were differentially regulated in both murine models.
30  across different diseases and corresponding murine models.
31 onstructs showed efficient immunogenicity in murine models.
32  risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in murine models.
33 rapy for PAH using patient-derived cells and murine models.
34  DSAs did not affect islet graft survival in murine models.
35 s fumigatus-induced allergic inflammation in murine models.
36 nd airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) in acute murine models.
37 tures of the asthmatic responses to IL-13 in murine models.
38 delling, and impaired repair of the heart in murine models, all of which may influence AF through div
39  visualized thrombus formation in an in vivo murine model and an endothelialized microfluidic system
40 epatitis-hepatocellular carcinoma (NASH-HCC) murine model and compared results for both sexes.
41 ment of the condition in clinically relevant murine models and approaches to correct vitamin D defici
42 protection against diet-induced steatosis in murine models and extends lifespan of Caenorhabditis ele
43  research in the field has been conducted in murine models and human THP-1 cells, which may not refle
44 lignant progression of gliomas in transgenic murine models and is associated with high-grade tumors i
45 xpressed in reactive cholangiocytes, in both murine models and patients with PSC.
46  by studying day/night metabolic pathways in murine models and samples from pregnant women with norma
47 ensis have been documented in both human and murine models, and correlated to disease severity.
48 he nature of the adaptive immune response in murine models are yet to be elucidated.
49                                However, most murine models based on single gene mutations fail to rec
50 ed in primary thyrocytes from a bitransgenic murine model (Bi-Tg) of thyroid-specific PBF and PTTG ov
51              PAR-2 activation was blocked in murine model by administering SAM11 before each sensitiz
52 -dependent differences in BA profiles in the murine model can be correlated to the differential BA pr
53 fibrosis compared to WT mice in two separate murine models: CCl4 and bile duct ligation.
54  acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in a murine model, characterized by increased proliferation o
55 ygous conditional inactivation of Setd2 in a murine model decreased the latency of MLL-AF9-induced le
56                                           In murine models, diets high in fat, especially saturated a
57                                      Our new murine model effectively demonstrates functional dissect
58                                      The new murine model enabled the identification of a distinctive
59 f how such NPs are distributed in an in vivo murine model, following MN-mediated delivery.
60                 Development of a preclinical murine model for LS allowed testing of potential treatme
61 ponses and the allergen epitopes involved, a murine model for Phl p 1 was established.
62 mmary, we have established immunocompromised murine models for influenza B virus infection that will
63      Here, we developed an immunocompromised murine models for influenza B virus infection, which we
64               In an LPS-induced inflamed ear murine model, HA-treated MSC demonstrated a significantl
65                         Studies performed in murine models have identified some transcriptional deter
66        Studies conducted in RTT patients and murine models have shown altered expression of N-methyl-
67 fection and disease using a well-established murine model in which HSV-1 reactivation was induced fro
68                     Using a well-established murine model, in which HSV-1 reactivation in latently in
69                              We used several murine models, including BDCA-2-diphtheria toxin recepto
70   However, evidence from an autoinflammatory murine model indicates that IL-18, the other cytokine tr
71 ficient to initiate thyroid tumorigenesis in murine models, indicating that additional genetic altera
72      Given that the best characterized MPS-I murine model is an immunocompetent mouse, we here develo
73 ployed an inducible transgenic "pulse-chase" murine model (K5Tta x TRE-H2BGFP) to localize, purify, a
74             Activation of pulmonary ILC2s in murine models lacking T and B cells induces eosinophilia
75                                         In a murine model, liver-conditional deletion of 1 Gata4 alle
76  inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in a murine model of A. actinomycetemcomitans-induced periodo
77 nhibition of OVA-induced AHR in an Ag-driven murine model of AAD.
78                                         In a murine model of acute social defeat stress, Asb1 gene ex
79                                         In a murine model of acute viral infection, TET2 loss promote
80 ost immunity mechanisms and amyloidosis in a murine model of AD.
81 distribution of (111)In-DTPA-anti-PD-L1 in a murine model of aggressive melanoma.
82                                      Using a murine model of airway inflammation, we found that aller
83           Their offspring were analyzed in a murine model of allergic airway inflammation.
84 on DC subsets in the lung and lymph nodes in murine model of allergic airway inflammation.
85                                         In a murine model of allergic asthma, glycolysis was induced
86  TH2-biased responses and IgE formation in a murine model of allergic asthma.
87 rocytes in a number of settings, including a murine model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (SOD1G93A)
88                                         In a murine model of ASIT for allergic asthmatic inflammation
89 n has a reduced virulence in an experimental murine model of aspergillosis.
90 min (OVA)-induced allergic inflammation in a murine model of asthma.
91 5-overexpressing mice in an allergen-induced murine model of asthma.
92 re, we investigated the activity of IVM in a murine model of atopic dermatitis (AD) induced by repeat
93 ), we have analyzed the role of Gal-3 in the murine model of autoimmune cholangitis.
94                                          The murine model of BA, employing rhesus rotavirus (RRV), pa
95 cyte interaction is also seen in vivo in the murine model of BA, where inoculation of mice with TRTRV
96 o infection both in vitro and in vivo in the murine model of BA.
97                                         In a murine model of basal-like breast cancer, we demonstrate
98        One inhibitor displayed efficacy in a murine model of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis similar
99                      A previous study used a murine model of Bordetella pertussis infection to demons
100 E autoantibodies and skin blistering in this murine model of BP.
101 ole of CYP24A1 on malignant progression of a murine model of Braf(V600E) -induced papillary thyroid c
102 eposition and increased serum C3 levels in a murine model of C3 glomerulopathy.
103 lphaAnalogue was effective over 5 weeks in a murine model of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure.
104  this study, we expanded these findings to a murine model of catheter-associated UTI (CAUTI), delinea
105 ry supplement, and AHR precursor ligand in a murine model of CDI.
106 and MisS (CpxA) to gonococcal infection in a murine model of cervicovaginal colonization and identifi
107                            Furthermore, in a murine model of chemotherapy-induced translocation, ExPE
108  investigated the contribution of TRPC5 in a murine model of cholestasis.
109  T cell responses and virus replication in a murine model of chronic HIV infection.
110                        Taking advantage of a murine model of chronic immune activation, we demonstrat
111 g heterotrophic cardiac transplantation in a murine model of chronic rejection.
112                              In the Emu-Tcl1 murine model of CLL, we identified gene expression signa
113 ate the therapeutic potential of CN-105 in a murine model of closed head injury.
114 nflammatory pathology in the IL-10-deficient murine model of colitis relative to mice fed a low salt
115 d metabolic pathways in a chemically induced murine model of colitis.
116 uated mice of various Slco2a1 genotypes in a murine model of colon cancer, the adenomatous polyposis
117 n regulating gut inflammatory responses in a murine model of colonic inflammation.
118                                    Using the murine model of Con A-induced immune-mediated hepatitis,
119 ndependent cohort of 71 patients, an in vivo murine model of COPD, and primary human bronchial epithe
120 choalveolar lavage (BAL) and an experimental murine model of COPD.
121                     In the caerulein-induced murine model of CP, administration of ruxolitinib for on
122 of ILC2 and adaptive TH2 cell responses in a murine model of DEP-enhanced allergic airway inflammatio
123 mproves glucose homeostasis in a preclinical murine model of diet-induced obesity and insulin resista
124 rmed our results in vivo by treating the mdx murine model of DMD with repeated i.m. injections of PDG
125 rum longus muscles in dystrophic mdx mice, a murine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
126    Reintroduction of commensal bacteria in a murine model of enterococcal colonization of the gut can
127 tant protect against allergic reactions in a murine model of fish allergy.
128 F) and stem cell factor (SCF) in a humanized murine model of Friedreich's ataxia.
129 or the genesis of herpetic neuralgia using a murine model of Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 (HSV-1) infe
130 ent of antiangiogenic treatment effects in a murine model of human colon cancer.
131                     Preclinical studies in a murine model of human non-Hodgkin's lymphoma showed canc
132 d investigated the requirement for CCL7 in a murine model of IgE-mediated allergic conjunctivitis.
133 cessfully inhibit P. aeruginosa infection in murine model of implant-associated infection.
134                                In the BALB/c murine model of infection these strains replicated in bo
135        Importantly, we determined that, in a murine model of infection, S Typhimurium lacking both l-
136 entify genes that contribute to fitness in a murine model of infection.
137 significantly attenuated in virulence in the murine model of infection.
138 ost defenses during bacterial pneumonia in a murine model of infection.
139                                      Using a murine model of inflammation-induced tumorigenesis, we t
140                                      Using a murine model of influenza A virus (IAV) infection and a
141                                We employed a murine model of influenza infection to identify these me
142  protein (VLP; 2% protein) in an established murine model of influenza vaccination.
143                                      Using a murine model of intradermal MRSA infection, the therapeu
144 s CAFs that promote tumor cell invasion in a murine model of Kras(G12D)-driven lung adenocarcinoma (K
145 ole in inflammation and bone resorption in a murine model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced periodo
146 ole in inflammation and bone resorption in a murine model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced periodo
147 tion would reduce hepatocellular injury in a murine model of liver warm hepatic IR.
148  investigate the detailed role of CXCR7 in a murine model of LPS inhalation.
149                                         In a murine model of lung adenocarcinoma, ASM deficiency redu
150                                Notably, in a murine model of lung cancer, coadministration of a PI3Kd
151 nase-A (LDH-A) to tumor formation in a K-Ras murine model of lung carcinoma.
152 s in the progression of disease in the NZB/W murine model of lupus.
153                                         In a murine model of lymphoid-specific EZH2 deficiency we fou
154                            We investigated a murine model of major histocompatibility complex-matched
155  compounds are orally efficacious in a 4 day murine model of malaria disease burden.
156 pes in determining therapeutic response in a murine model of mBC resistance to the antiangiogenic tyr
157 MEKi treatment in an autochthonous imageable murine model of melanoma from initial response to therap
158 se in an inducible RAF-driven, autochthonous murine model of melanoma incorporating a fluorescent rep
159                                         In a murine model of metastatic-like melanoma, engraftment wa
160                                    We used a murine model of MS, experimental autoimmune encephalomye
161 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a murine model of MS, thus implicating both homologs as co
162 d 4, which has proven activity in an in vivo murine model of Mtb infection.
163 velopment of the paralysis associated with a murine model of multiple sclerosis, experimental autoimm
164                                      Using a murine model of multiple sclerosis, experimental autoimm
165 iments in mice and conferred protection in a murine model of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
166 hCMP), which was subsequently evaluated in a murine model of myocardial infarction.
167 f complement activation in heart muscle in a murine model of myocardial IRI.
168 hibited potent cardioprotective effects in a murine model of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (MI/R) i
169 s hypothesis, pNaKtide was administered to a murine model of NASH: the C57Bl6 mouse fed a "western" d
170                                      Using a murine model of neutrophil-dominant allergic airway dise
171 on in CKD developed in a clinically relevant murine model of nonischemic hypertrophic CHF, transverse
172                                            A murine model of NPC1 disease (Npc1-/-) displays a rapidl
173 s to surveil the distal small intestine in a murine model of NSAID enteropathy.
174  tumour samples, patient-derived xenografts, murine model of NSCLC, NSCLC cell lines and The Cancer G
175 vasion, inflammation, and fungal burden in a murine model of oropharyngeal candidiasis.
176 of lentiviral vector (LV)-mediated GT in the murine model of OS (Rag2(R229Q/R229Q)) in correcting imm
177 celecoxib as a COX-2 specific inhibitor in a murine model of OSA bearing Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC1)
178                                  This unique murine model of PAH-like plexiform/obliterative arteriop
179 ed tissue ischemia for up to 24 hours in the murine model of peripheral artery disease, and doubled m
180             In this study, we used a hypoxic murine model of PH in combination with FACS to quantify
181 nce factor expression and pathogenicity in a murine model of pneumonia.
182 with early unilateral nephrectomy (Unx) as a murine model of progressive DN and treated mice with tau
183                                      Using a murine model of psoriasis induced by TLR7 agonist imiqui
184                                      Using a murine model of radiation-induced proctitis, the prophyl
185 reen of up- and down-regulated proteins in a murine model of RD to identify potential targetable cand
186 Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, the murine model of S Typhi, in which various ECM genes were
187 ony counts in heart, liver, and kidneys in a murine model of S. aureus sepsis.
188 y imaging (MSI) to analyse MLN tissue from a murine model of S. Typhimurium infection.
189 nhibition of the SHH and CXCR4 pathways in a murine model of SHH-subtype medulloblastoma exerts poten
190                         Here, we report in a murine model of skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) that
191 s therapeutically effective in a preclinical murine model of steatosis-associated liver cancer.
192                                    We used a murine model of systemic infection to test the virulence
193 impaired the virulence of P. aeruginosa in a murine model of systemic infection.
194 r retinal GCL loss in CZS, consistent with a murine model of the disease and suggestive of in utero d
195 pancreatic cancer by deleting this gene in a murine model of the disease expressing oncogenic Kras (K
196               In this study, we utilized the murine model of thermal injury to examine the contributi
197 in a controlled cortical impact (CCI) injury murine model of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
198   We revisited this hypothesis using the NOD murine model of type 1 diabetes.
199 unable to successfully cause infections in a murine model of virulence.
200                                           In murine models of A. baumannii pneumonia, RAGE signaling
201 ypothesis, we used Il22bp-deficient mice and murine models of acute liver damage induced by ischemia
202 tes with disease severity in two established murine models of acute pancreatitis induced by either ce
203 and improving stem cell function in multiple murine models of aging.
204 miR-155 in ILC2 expansion using experimental murine models of allergic airway inflammation.
205 ients and primary human nasal cells and used murine models of allergic asthma, as well as primary mou
206 by nebulization of NSC23766 prevented AHR in murine models of allergic asthma.
207                  Here, we demonstrate, using murine models of allogeneic BMT, that type 2 innate lymp
208                                Here, we used murine models of AMD to examine the contribution of CFH
209 ith RP805, a commonly used pan-MMP tracer in murine models of aneurysm.
210 2-mediated airway inflammation in OVA or HDM murine models of asthma.
211 h17 responses and Th17-mediated pathology in murine models of autoimmunity and infection.
212 atment strategy against this clonal group in murine models of bacteremia that recapitulate clinical i
213 e, we show using genetic fate tracing in two murine models of BMF that Gli1(+) mesenchymal stromal ce
214          This compound attained 5/5 cures in murine models of both early and late stage human African
215 a significant reduction in MRSA burden using murine models of both skin colonization and intradermal
216  antibody DTA-1 has demonstrated efficacy in murine models of cancer primarily by attenuation of Treg
217        Here we show that RB loss in multiple murine models of cancer produces a prometastatic phenoty
218 ry cytokine TNFalpha in a set of established murine models of cancer.
219                                              Murine models of cecal ligation and puncture and intratr
220                                  We examined murine models of colitis on either a high salt diet (HSD
221 xidase genes provided a fitness advantage in murine models of colitis.
222                                           In murine models of dengue and Ebola infection, sunitinib/e
223  miRNAs in plasma samples from two different murine models of experimental asthma (ovalbumin and hous
224                                           In murine models of glioma, we demonstrated that oleandrin
225 e of the JCI, Ni and colleagues used several murine models of GVHD to evaluate the effect of CD4+ T c
226                       Using lineage tracing, murine models of heart calcification and in vivo transpl
227 reverse cardiovascular disease in 2 distinct murine models of hypertension and heart failure in vivo.
228                                           In murine models of infection, Lpn infection is self-limite
229  GAS does not result in virulence defects in murine models of infection, suggesting that CpsY functio
230 cells, protects cartilage and bone damage in murine models of inflammatory and rheumatoid arthritis.
231 C dictates that ES-62 exhibits protection in murine models of inflammatory disease and hence a librar
232                                           In murine models of inflammatory pain, 2,6-DTBP reduced inf
233 ecrotizing tissues and whole limbs using two murine models of injury-induced ischaemia.
234 cally relevant, but immunologically distinct murine models of IPA on days 2 and 3 post inoculation wh
235                             We found that in murine models of LGMD 2B and 2C, daily prednisone dosing
236            We translated our findings to two murine models of lung cancer, including orthotopic human
237 the therapeutic efficacy of SR20 against two murine models of lung cancer.
238 argeting of CD44v6 abrogates fibrogenesis in murine models of lung injury.
239                A hallmark of autoimmunity in murine models of lupus is the formation of germinal cent
240  strong adjuvant effects to anti-CD20 mAb in murine models of lymphoma.
241  into tumors as well as tumor progression in murine models of melanoma and mammary cancer.
242 e at secondary sites affects tumor spread in murine models of metastatic PDAC.
243 l1 in endothelium and hematopoietic cells in murine models of microvascular and macrovascular injury.
244 e in postnatal neurodevelopment, we examined murine models of MPS IIIA, which lack the enzyme sulfami
245                     METHODS AND In different murine models of myocardial ischemia, myeloperoxidase de
246                               Transplantable murine models of ovarian high grade serous carcinoma (HG
247                                              Murine models of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) t
248     Here, we utilized two well-characterized murine models of radiation pneumonitis/fibrosis to compa
249 genes in cells and tissues from patients and murine models of renal cell carcinoma, pancreatic ductal
250 umin (OVA) and house dust mite extract (HDM) murine models of respiratory inflammation.
251 cally activated to promote carcinogenesis in murine models of SCC.
252                                           In murine models of sepsis, conditions that promoted cell h
253 a, inflammatory markers, and survival in two murine models of sepsis.
254 ers a microbe-mediated survival advantage in murine models of sepsis.
255 ckle vaso-occlusion and acute lung injury in murine models of sickle cell disease.
256         Using this approach with a number of murine models of slowed aging shows that, compared to co
257                                           In murine models of small-cell and non-small cell lung canc
258  CgoX activation reduces bacterial burden in murine models of SSTI.
259                                          Two murine models of synucleinopathy (a Gaucher-related synu
260 tibodies and germinal centers in spontaneous murine models of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
261 ic manner in human MDS samples as well as in murine models of the disease.
262 ltiple aspects of psoriasis in two different murine models of the disease.
263 ogy remains unclear, with opposing trials in murine models of the disease.
264                         Our studies in young murine models of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and car
265 abrogated experimental renal inflammation in murine models of unilateral ureteral obstruction, antime
266 itopes determining CD8(+) T cell immunity in murine models of ZIKV infection.
267 on of KLF15 In three independent proteinuric murine models, podocyte-specific loss of Klf15 abrogated
268          Consequently, GLIS3 deficiency in a murine model prevented the development of goiter as well
269 lly, we showed that deletion of Arhgef1 in a murine model prevents Ang II-induced integrin activation
270                            Both patients and murine models revealed an impaired epidermal structure,
271                         Numerous findings in murine models suggest a predominantly protumoral role fo
272 apy-resistant tumors in vitro and in vivo in murine model systems of melanoma, triple-negative breast
273 nd here we demonstrate in an immunocompetent murine model that colon tumors expressing LIGHT stimulat
274                                      Using a murine model that mimics human infection, we show that l
275                                We found in a murine model that MMc caused exposure to the noninherite
276 t iNKTs are significantly reduced in a cGVHD murine model that recapitulates several aspects of autoi
277 in the brains of HD patients as well as in a murine model that recapitulates the polyQ pathology of H
278                        We demonstrate in the murine model that such abnormal resting SR Ca(2+) leak r
279                                      Using a murine model that supports extensive skin infection with
280                          Several preclinical murine models that mimic the human condition have been d
281 hough the efficacy was less than 100% in the murine model, the established safety profile of this pro
282                                           In murine models, the absence of hepatic mTORC1 reduced cir
283 ntrast to recent data from a nonquantitative murine model, there was little evidence for clonal succe
284  transcriptional profiling of microglia in a murine model to determine the phenotype of microglia dur
285                     In this study, we used a murine model to examine lymphocyte subsets that ultimate
286 could be reproduced in the two different SCD murine models to ascertain the underlying mechanisms of
287        However, to the best of our knowledge murine models to study the biologic effects of various a
288 ne treatments between males and females in a murine model via histologic and expression analyses.
289                            In addition, this murine model was exposed to allergens (ovalbumin or hous
290                                         In 2 murine models we found a long-lasting preventive effect
291                                      Using a murine model, we confirmed that radiation leads to decre
292               By developing a new transgenic murine model, we demonstrate that signaling through the
293 onse between human inflammatory diseases and murine models, we developed KERIS: kaleidoscope of gene
294                                Using genetic murine models, we found that proximal tubule-specific de
295  2 independent lineage-tracing strategies in murine models, we show that cells originating from the W
296 nificantly increases fibrosis in a bleomycin murine model, whereas FIEL1 knockdown attenuates fibroti
297                                         In a murine model with unilateral ureteric obstruction, pretr
298                             We used cell and murine models with gain- and loss-of-function experiment
299 ury and functional impairment after MI using murine models with permanent left anterior descending co
300 logy and of functional performance in the PD murine model, with delayed disease progression.

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