


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 pathway of differentiation that is unique to muscle spindles.
2 MNs (gamma-MNs), which selectively innervate muscle spindles.
3 bout the same amount of phase advance as the muscle spindles.
4 ia correlated with postnatal degeneration of muscle spindles.
5 roprioceptive properties similar to those of muscle spindles.
6  to be regulated by factors originating from muscle spindles.
7 nals from periodontal ligaments and masseter muscle spindles.
8 sition can affect signalling from paraspinal muscle spindles.
9 dentified intrafusal fibres in the dissected muscle spindles.
10 ed in intramuscular nerve branches to single muscle spindles.
11 lbumin (Pv+) proprioceptor axons innervating muscle spindles.
12 sive intrafusal bag fibers within individual muscle spindles.
13 to the formation of morphologically abnormal muscle spindles.
14 peared normal, Egr3-deficient animals lacked muscle spindles, a finding that is consistent with their
15                       To investigate whether muscle spindle activation might be responsible for the r
16                                              Muscle spindle afferent (MSA) neurons can show rapid and
17         Stained mesencephalic trigeminal jaw-muscle spindle afferent axon collaterals and boutons wer
18 lyze the synaptic interactions of identified muscle spindle afferent axon terminals in the spinal cor
19                      Two days later, 1-5 jaw-muscle spindle afferent axons located in the mesencephal
20                                          Jaw-muscle spindle afferent axons were then intracellularly
21 lularly stained mesencephalic trigeminal jaw-muscle spindle afferent boutons and trigeminal premotor
22 structure of 243 intracellularly stained jaw-muscle spindle afferent boutons located within the trige
23 ty of boutons were S type, a few labeled jaw-muscle spindle afferent boutons possessed a long, narrow
24  The alpha3 isoform was also observed within muscle spindle afferent neurons in dorsal root ganglia w
25            The intracellular response of jaw-muscle spindle afferent neurons was then characterized d
26  during midbrain stimulation with changes in muscle spindle afferent responses to muscle stretch.
27 uring locomotion we recorded Ia and group II muscle spindle afferent responses to sinusoidal stretch
28 xosomatic assemblage, implying that some jaw-muscle spindle afferent synapses with trigeminal motoneu
29 alpha/beta-LTM cutaneous and 0/9 Aalpha/beta-muscle spindle afferent units.
30 % of cutaneous LTM Aalpha/beta-units, but no muscle spindle afferent units.
31                Thus, multiple disynaptic jaw-muscle spindle afferent-motoneuron circuits exist.
32  to re-assess the coupling between secondary muscle spindle afferents (group II muscle afferents) and
33                                              Muscle spindle afferents (Ia fibers) grow ventrally thro
34                                          Jaw muscle spindle afferents (JMSA) in the mesencephalic tri
35         Neuronal microcircuits involving jaw-muscle spindle afferents and jaw-elevator motoneurons we
36 he formation of synaptic connections between muscle spindle afferents and spinal motor neurons are be
37 l horn interneurons with input from group II muscle spindle afferents are components of networks invo
38           Here we show that signals in human muscle spindle afferents during unconstrained wrist and
39 cordings have been made from multiple single muscle spindle afferents from medial gastrocnemius (MG)
40    Recordings have been made from 127 single muscle spindle afferents from the longissimus lumborum m
41                Of the Aalpha/beta-LTM units, muscle spindle afferents had the fastest CV and AP kinet
42                     The activity patterns of muscle spindle afferents in jaw-closer muscles were stud
43    Single unit recordings were obtained from muscle spindle afferents in the L6 dorsal roots of 30 Ne
44  connections and monosynaptic projections of muscle spindle afferents of individual heads of the long
45 made from gamma (gamma) motor axons and from muscle spindle afferents of the medial gastrocnemius (MG
46         The amplitude sensitivity of all jaw muscle spindle afferents was assessed by calculating the
47 te exists for recurrent feedback between jaw-muscle spindle afferents within Vme.
48 nsity in neuronal subgroupswere respectively:muscle spindle afferents(MSAs):-4.6 nA,-33 pA pF(-1); cu
49 ession of NKAalpha3 in gamma-motoneurons and muscle spindle afferents, which may affect excitability
50 us had central projections characteristic of muscle spindle afferents.
51 silateral ventrolateral funiculus (VLF)] and muscle spindle afferents.
52  a profound effect on the firing patterns of muscle spindle afferents.
53 ic stretch reflex, elicited by bypassing the muscle spindle and directly stimulating the afferent ner
54 se mice demonstrated that sensory endings of muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs as well as the c
55 ensory endings of proprioceptors innervating muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs in mice.
56  elimination of proprioceptive feedback from muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs.
57 rn ErbB2 conditional knockout mice that lack muscle spindles and grow up to exhibit dysfunctional pro
58 n in satellite cells, although expression in muscle spindles and reactivation of the locus in myonucl
59 gamma-MNs innervate intrafusal fibers of the muscle spindle, and regulate sensitivity of the muscle s
60 olely to the phase advance introduced by the muscle spindles, and show that a major additional contri
61  to assess its similarity to that of the rat muscle spindle annulospiral ending we have described pre
62 es, the instantaneous firing rates (IFRs) of muscle spindles are associated with characteristics of s
63                                              Muscle spindles are commonly considered as stretch recep
64                                           As muscle spindles are involved in the sensation of positio
65                                              Muscle spindles are skeletal muscle sensory organs that
66               Muscle stretch proprioceptors (muscle spindles) are required for stretch reflexes and l
67 ry mechanosensory afferents, using adult rat muscle spindles as a model system.
68 might be adaptive for precise calibration of muscle spindles as sense organs.
69 ons at Ia/II proprioceptive nerve endings in muscle spindles before the symptomatic phase of the dise
70      Egr3 was highly expressed in developing muscle spindles, but not in Ia afferent neurons or their
71                   We therefore conclude that muscle spindles can act as "forward sensory models": the
72                   In some cases the ensemble muscle spindle data encoded the instantaneous trajectory
73  was remarkably well encoded in the ensemble muscle spindle data.
74 splay an early-onset sensory neuropathy with muscle spindle deficiency.
75 ed Egr3-null mutant mice (Egr3-/-), in which muscle spindles degenerate progressively after birth.
76  rat somatic neurons is determined by target-muscle spindle-derived factors.
77 viously unknown dependence of gamma-MNs on a muscle spindle-derived, GDNF-independent signal during t
78  and uncovered an essential role for EGR3 in muscle-spindle development.
79                            The initiation of muscle spindle differentiation requires neuregulin 1, de
80 he vertebra was repositioned identically and muscle spindle discharge at rest and to movement was com
81                      At the molecular level, muscle spindle fibers express a unique subset of myosin
82  expression is required for the formation of muscle spindle fibers, sensory organs that are distinct
83 e, there are history-dependent transients of muscle spindle firing that are not uniquely related to m
84 ive elimination of neurotrophin 3 (NT3) from muscle spindles had no effect on the amplitude of affere
85            Group Ia/II sensory feedback from muscle spindles has a predominant influence in patternin
86 n particular, we demonstrate that, as in the muscle spindle: (i) FM1-43 labels the sensory terminals
87                                          The muscle spindle Ia afferent system, however, is sharply f
88 ocal inhibition mediated by length sensitive muscle spindle Ia afferents and Ia interneurones.
89  the entire time course of transient IFRs in muscle spindle Ia afferents during stretch (i.e., length
90 are discussed in relationship to the role of muscle spindle Ia afferents in focal dystonia.
91 vibratory stimulus (a selective stimulus for muscle spindle Ia afferents).
92  of a steady monosynaptic input generated by muscle spindle Ia afferents.
93             Monosynaptic connections between muscle spindle (Ia) afferents and motoneurons (MNs), the
94 e cross-bridge dynamics in history-dependent muscle spindle IFRs in passive muscle lengthening condit
95 cle spindle, and regulate sensitivity of the muscle spindle in response to stretch.
96                                              Muscle spindles in Egr3-/- mice do not express NT3.
97 erents was correlated with a degeneration of muscle spindles in skeletal muscle.
98 in afferent and efferent neurons innervating muscle spindles in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) o
99 sms involved in establishing and maintaining muscle spindle innervation and function are still poorly
100 c mouse models are related to alterations in muscle spindle innervation.
101 ted with the equatorial and polar regions of muscle spindle intrafusal fibers.
102 ensory neurons innervating stretch-sensitive muscle spindles make monosynaptic excitatory connections
103 ngth and velocity, nor reproduced by current muscle spindle models.
104 elongation, can modulate the efficacy of the muscle spindle-motoneurone connection both after periphe
105 ng (SA) hairy and glabrous units, n = 2; and muscle spindle (MS) units n = 17).
106 et the specification of MNs and induction of muscle spindles occurs normally.
107  computer modelling study was carried out on muscle spindles of the cat tenuissimus muscle to examine
108         Ia afferents induce the formation of muscle spindles prenatally and maintain them postnatally
109 on the amplitude and velocity sensitivity of muscle spindle primary afferent neurons in the trigemina
110                    Recordings were made from muscle spindle primary afferents from medial gastrocnemi
111                          We demonstrate that muscle spindle primary afferents in passive muscle fire
112 ir role in mechanosensory function using the muscle spindle primary endings of rat Ia afferents as a
113                                              Muscle spindle proprioceptive receptors play a primary r
114 dult Egr3-deficient mice are ataxic and lack muscle spindle proprioceptors that normally develop at t
115              Large sensory axons innervating muscle spindles provide feedback for balance and gait an
116        Finally, neurotrophin 3 released from muscle spindles regulates the strength of sensory-motor
117                       Thus, NT3 derived from muscle spindles regulates the synaptic connectivity betw
118 of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) that supply muscle spindles require target-derived factors for survi
119 ompatible with monosynaptic coupling between muscle spindle secondaries and gamma-motoneurones.
120                                 We collected muscle spindle spike trains across a variety of muscle s
121                                   Vertebrate muscle spindle stretch receptors are important for limb
122 hat Myf5 is also constitutively expressed in muscle spindles-stretch-sensitive mechanoreceptors, whil
123 ce brightly labels hair cells, Merkel cells, muscle spindles, taste buds, enteric neurons, and primar
124 tional indexes and a significant increase in muscle spindles that remained associated with axons.
125 s of primary and secondary endings of single muscle spindles to activation of gamma-motoneurones by n
126 og kg(-1)) had no effect on the responses of muscle spindles to tendon stretch and to succinylcholine
127                        All glabrous skin and muscle spindle units and in hairy skin slowly adapting a
128 ed of proprioceptive sensory neurons and the muscle spindle, which is embedded in the muscle tissue a
129 , including nerve fibers, nerve bundles, and muscle spindles, which are stretch-sensitive mechanorece
130 neuronal models and for the discharge of the muscle spindle, without their significance for the moton

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